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09-10 投稿



expatriate 发音

英:[?eks?p?tri?t]  美:[,?ks'petr??t]

英:  美:

expatriate 中文意思翻译




expatriate 网络释义

vt. 使移居国外;流放,放逐;使放弃国籍vi. 移居国外;放弃原国籍n. 被流放者;移居国外者adj. 移居国外的;被流放的

expatriate 词性/词形变化,expatriate变形

动词过去式: expatriated |动词过去分词: expatriated |动词现在分词: expatriating |动词第三人称单数: expatriates |名词: expatriation |

expatriate 短语词组

1、expatriate salesman ─── 外籍推销员

2、expatriate enclave ─── 外籍人士飞地

3、expatriate worker ─── 外籍工人

4、expatriate factor ─── [法] 脱离国籍因素

5、expatriate entitlement ─── 外籍人士实体

6、expatriate labour ─── 外籍劳工

7、expatriate staff ─── 离国服务的工作人员

8、expatriate premium ─── [经] 外雇人员奖金

expatriate 同义词

tax exile | pilgrim | colonial |emigrant | expat | refugee | migrate | deportee | deport | dispossess | exile | transport

expatriate 反义词


expatriate 相似词语短语

1、expatriating ─── v.移居国外,定居国外;流放,放逐;n.移居国外者,侨民;被流放者;adj.移居国外的;被流放国外的

2、to expatriate ─── 移居国外

3、expatriates ─── n.外派人员(expatriate复数);移居海外的人;亡命国外者;v.使出国流亡;使移民国外(expatriate的三单形式)

4、expatriated ─── v.移居国外,定居国外;流放,放逐;使放弃国籍(expatriate的过去式和过去分词)

5、repatriate ─── v.遣返;n.被遣返回国者

6、expatiated ─── vi.详述;细说;漫游

7、expatiates ─── vi.详述;细说;漫游

8、expatiate ─── vi.详述;细说;漫游

9、patriate ─── v.控制自治国的权力

expatriate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The objective is to provide new expatriate managers in China with the knowledge and skills needed to adapt to a difficult and uncertain environment. ─── 其目的是提供新的外籍中国与所需的知识和技能的管理人员适应困难和不确定的环境。

2、expatriate housing compounds ─── 外国居民区

3、expatriate personnel ─── 外雇人员

4、In just a few years, Japan has also lost its status as the favoured regional base for expatriate companies in Asia. ─── 短短几年内,日本也不再是在亚洲地区开办海外分公司的上佳之选。

5、JOHN BARLOW, a British expatriate in Galicia, the rain-swept region of the Spanish north-west that gave birth to Franco, has an odd ambition: to eat every bit of a pig, from its tail to its snout. ─── 加西亚位处西班牙西北部,这里时常降雨,同时也是弗朗哥的出生地。流亡于此的英国人约翰.巴罗有一个古怪的雄心壮志:吃遍猪的每一个部位,从尾巴到鼻子。

6、For Westerners in China, the establishment of an effective team of managers means attracting -- and retaining both expatriate and local management talent. ─── 对于在中国的西方人来说,建立一支有效的管理人员队伍意味着要同时吸引并留住来自海外的管理人才和本地的管理人才。

7、An Approach for the Evaluation and Selection of Expatriate Managers Based on the Multiple-IQs ─── 基子多元智商的外派经理评价指标与选择方法

8、After several years of development, City Grand Property has become one of the largest, expatriate oriented Real Estate Agencies in Shanghai. ─── 经过了几年的发展,已经迅速成为上海较有规模的涉外高端房产中介之一。

9、In this increasingly global business world, many corporations are finding the subject of "managing cultural differences", an area of priority for their diverse expatriate staff. ─── 在今天这个日益环球化的商业环境,妥善处理来自不同国家员工的“文化差异”,已经成为许多公司优先考虑的问题。

10、"Many of the over 6,000 expatriate employees are posted in countries where English is not necessarily the first language." ─── 其中,超过6000个外籍职员被分派到一些不以英文为第一语文的国家工作。

11、Cost of Supporting Expatriate Staff ─── 外籍员工的生活成本

12、Our special areas are BIW development, Interior and exterior modules, Manufacture engineering, transmission technologies and expatriate services. ─── 我公司在车身开发、内外饰模块工程设计、工业化和工装设计、变速器技术及专家服务领域上有着雄厚的实力和丰富的经验。

13、The writer is an expatriate artist living in Singapore. ─── 作者是旅居新加坡的艺术工作者。

14、The result can often be rising resentment against expatriate Chinese communities. ─── 如此一来,反对侨居华人团体的情绪日益上涨。

15、He is content to remain an expatriate the rest of his life. ─── 他满足于馀生流亡于国外。

16、Their situation is in many ways like that of a Western expatriate, but there are glaring differences. ─── 他们的处境在很多方面有点像在中国的外籍人士,但又有明显的差异。

17、Local reports say she has been having an adulterous affair with an Indian expatriate man. ─── 当地报道说她和一位印度籍男士有通奸行为。

18、Either the novel with White ethnic main characters or the "raceless" novel appears, at least as an experiment, in the careers of the best-known expatriate African American writers. ─── 至少作为一个实验,在那些移居国外的著名非裔美国作家的职业生涯中都出现了无论是以白人为主要人物的小说,还是“无种族”的小说。

19、She worked harder than most of my wealthy expatriate students. ─── 她学习用功,比我教的大部分有钱的侨民子弟都要用功。

20、expatriate factor ─── [法] 脱离国籍因素

21、expatriate salesman ─── 国外推销员

22、German-Jewish expatriate, suspecting that Klement might be Eichmann, had led investigaors to him in a working-class district on the outskirts of Buenos Aires. ─── 一个被德国驱逐的犹太人怀疑克里门特就是艾希曼,他带领调查人员来到克里门特居住地,布宜诺斯艾利斯郊外一处工人居住区。

23、Ceibs plans to attract students from across Africa to its Accra base, with classes taught in English to attract both African and Africa-based expatriate students. ─── 中欧国际工商学院阿克拉分校计划吸引非洲各地的学员,以其英语授课的方式吸引非洲本土及移民学员。

24、Followed by exploring status quo of expatriated HR in Taiwan enterprises through empirical study.Finally explored how the expatriate HRME influences performance of an expatriate. ─── 再经由实证研究,探讨目前企业界外派人力资源管理现况,并运用本研究发展之外派人力资源管理效能量表,探讨其管理效能对外派人员海外绩效的影响;

25、They believe buses are only fit for Indian expatriate workers, or local schoolboys, who are too young to drive. ─── 他们认为只有收入微薄的印度工人,或当地那些年龄太小还不能开车的男生才会以公交车代步。

26、The expatriate managers are willing to spend time on planning and operation in the establishment ─── 所指派外方经理愿花时间于本企业的规划、运作

27、(The writer is an expatriate artist living in Singapore.) ─── ·作者是旅居本地的艺术工作者。 叶琦保译。

28、The Effect of Match or Mismatch between Individual and Organization Expectations on Expatriate Performance ─── 外派人员与组织的期望匹配模式对绩效的影响

29、The writer, an expatriate living in Singapore, has studied and worked in the US. ─── 作者曾在美国读书和工作,目前旅居新加坡。

30、virtually no member of the middle class , which includes just about all expatriate workers , is without at least one all - night guard. ─── 确切地讲,包括在海外工作的人在内的中层阶级都会有至少一个通宵保安。

31、The CAMP evaluation by Malagasy and expatriate reviewers was clear on this subject. ─── 对于饲养单独一只扁尾蛛网龟的合理饲养箱比例应相当于2英尺*3英尺。

32、(The author is an expatriate artist living in Singapore.) ─── ·作者是旅居本地的艺术工作者。

33、expatriate workers ─── 在国外工作的人

34、expatriate premium ─── [经] 外雇人员奖金

35、Chinese Course for Expatriate staff ─── 外籍员工中文培训

36、Handling expatriate China visa related issues including residence permits, visas on arrival, etc. ─── 处理出入境的相关事项,包括居留权和签证等事物.

37、I am expatriate staying at Beijing for almost a year.I had a nightmare and felt very disappointed with the services at UBC coffee, Woman Street, Beijing. ─── 我是一名居住在北京的外籍人士.我对于北京女人街的"上岛咖啡"感到彻底的失望.

38、expatriate and local (employee category) ─── 外雇人员和当地人员(职工职类)

39、India has drawn heavily on its expatriate population, particularly the 1m who live in America, to kickstart its entrepreneurial economy. ─── 印度政府大力鼓动海外侨民参与到创新经济的启动中,尤其是上百万侨居美国的印度人。

40、Over the years, Regalia has developed unique expertise in serviced residence operations, property investments and consulting services, targeted mainly at the expatriate community. ─── 成立于1996年的御庭房地产管理有限公司(御庭)是香港中兴集团旗下的子公司。

41、Neuroticism is negatively related to expatriate adjustment; spousal support is positively related to expatriate adjustment. ─── 一、神经质人格倾向会对海外适应性造成负向影响;配偶支持会对海外适应性造成正向影响;

42、The role of other orientation on the relationship between institutional distance and expatriate adjustment By: Ramsey, Jase R. ─── 他人定向对制度差异与外派人员适应性之间关系的影响。

43、For many organizations that have several expatriates at the same overseas location, local support groups have developed to help the entire family of a newly arriving expatriate. ─── 对有很多外籍人士同在一个海外国家的许多组织,当地支援小组已经有能力帮助一个新来的外籍人士的一家。

44、Preliminary Research on Selection and Training of Taiwanese Expatriate Managers Assigned to Mainland China: The Application of CIT. ─── 台商派驻大陆人员跨文化训练模式初探:重要事例法与社会学习理论之应用。

45、Expatriate relocation service provided for multinational companies ─── 为跨国企业的外籍员工提供安家服务

46、Job involvement has mediator effect between expatriate adjustment and job satisfaction. ─── 五、工作投入在海外适应性与工作满意度之间有中介效果。

47、expatriate labour ─── 出国劳工,外籍工人

48、We are building a professional, high-standard realty consultant team to serve both our local and expatriate clients. ─── 世联行在以国际化、科学化的经营管理理念打造一个高质量、专业化的置业服务团队,超越客户期望。

49、Position 1(expatriate)BD Manager-ShanghaiResponsibilitiesManage and develop respective customer accounts to achieve reve...... ... ─── 公司名称:上海方尔达企业管理有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-8-4

50、In Bolivia, Tzu Chi volunteers help a Taiwanese expatriate rediscover health and family warmth. ─── 在玻利维亚,慈济志工帮助一位台湾华侨,重拾健康和家庭之爱。

51、expatriate enclave ─── 外国经济特区

52、Create a community for expatriate Macintosh users; participate actively in activities with foreign Macintosh user group. ─── 五、为外国苹果用户提供社区,多多参加涉外苹果用户组织活动。

53、Danfoss APAC R &D center has been set up in Anshan factory, and an expatriate Technical Controller has been appointed to lead Anshan R &D team to develop world leading products for the global market. ─── 公司设有丹佛斯集团在亚太地区的研发中心,由外方派驻的技术总监带领研发人员针对全球市场开发具有世界先进水平的产品。

54、He has taught ESL to grades two, five and six Chinese-students and English Liberal Arts to expatriate students from grades one to three. ─── 他曾经给中国五六年级学生上过英语课程,同时还给国外的一年级到三年级学生上过英语语言艺术课程。

55、expatriate officer ─── 外籍雇员

56、Since the storm, 21 expatriate Red Cross and Red Crescent aid workers have joined the team. ─── 21名(缅甸)移居国外的红十字会与红新月会救援工作者也加入了救援队伍。

57、expatriate official ─── 外籍官员

58、Similarly, MNCs should stress allowances and incentive bonuses for the expatriation to increase expatriate willingness. ─── 同时,愈重视津贴组合,并提供激励性奖金,亦可提高派外意愿。

59、3.The effect of expatriate’s extraversion on expatriate adjustment is significantly positive. ─── 3. 派外人员外向性对派外调适程度有显著正向影响。

60、Inside this 'jungle like plantation lives a German expatriate and raises fish with his Thai family. ─── 在这里生活,就犹如德国人移居国外和他的泰国家人在丛林里靠养鱼为生。

61、expatriate terms ─── 外籍雇员条款

62、Firms are finding that they cannot replace expensive expatriate staff with cheaper local hires ("localise" in the jargon) as quickly as they hoped. ─── 企业发现他们无法在按照他们的意愿快速的用廉价的本地雇员代替昂贵的移居国外的雇员。

63、expatriate officer allowance ─── 外籍雇员津贴

64、The expatriate vote could help determine who wins in November. ─── 侨居者们的投票有助于决定谁在11月获胜。

65、The American community in Hong Kong - the largest expatriate business group in the SAR - underlines the fact that Hong Kong is America's closest business partner in Asia. ─── 在香港居住的美国人,是香港特区内最大的外国商业社群,突显出香港是美国在亚洲区内最密切的商业伙伴。

66、expatriate civil servant ─── 外籍服务员

67、British expatriate who works in the capital and wished to remain anonymous, said the economic effects of the unrest are clearly visible. ─── 一位不愿透露姓名的派驻麦纳麦的英国雇员说,动乱对经济造成的影响是显而易见的。

68、Expatriate staff directly employed on the Works ─── 工程直接雇用的外籍人员;

69、In addition, the governments of countries of origin have become more proactive in encouraging the return of their citizens and strengthening ties with their expatriate communities ─── 另外,移出过政府也变得更加鼓励其公民的回国和加强与移民所在国的联系。主动

70、He is talking something about expatriate. ─── 他正在谈论移居国外的事。

71、He is talking about something that he will expatriate in. ─── 他正在谈论移居国外的事.

72、a national of a particular country residing abroad; an alien; an expatriate ─── 侨民

73、Payroll & Individual Income Tax ("IIT") arrangement for expatriate ─── 2、外籍个人所得税代理

74、Permanent Expatriate English Language Teachers Scheme ─── 外籍英语教师永久计划

75、Sunhome Real Estate focuses on providing professional Residential Relocation Service to the expatriate community. ─── 中涛房产致力于为外籍人士提供专业的居住安家服务。

76、expatriate Britons in Spain ─── 居住在西班牙的英国人

77、Many people, Chinese and expatriate, did just that. ─── 中国人还是外国人,许多人都在这么做。

78、Quality of Life for Expatriate Staff ─── 外籍员工生活质量

79、tax expatriate ─── 出国逃税者

80、(The writer, an expatriate living in Singapore, has studied and worked in the US. ─── ·作者曾在美国读书和工作,目前旅居新加坡。

81、Guangdong International Volunteer Expatriate Service ─── 广东国际义工服务团体

82、Are you an expatriate (in)New Zealand? ─── 你是不是从其他国家移民到新西兰的?

83、Main Responsibilities: - Expatriate Administration: - provide information on: documents needed for Z visa, vaccination, medication, city infor... ─── 公司性质:外商独资公司规模:1000-9999人经验要求:5-10年最低学历:本科/学士及同等学历职位月薪:1000-50000元/月

84、They said the manager of its striking Guangzhou plant was a Japanese expatriate. ─── 他们称,发生罢工的广州工厂经理是一位日本人。

85、The Company will switch your home country health insurance program to Cigna International Expatriate Benefits program, the premium for which will be covered by the Company at 100%. ─── 我老公外派协议中关于国际保险的条款,保险费100%公司出,赔付比例没写,不过他在美国是100%赔付,来中国应该一样吧。

86、expatriate status ─── 外籍雇员身分

87、214 what is the expatriate movement ? ─── 什么是去过者运动?

88、expatriate worker ─── 外籍工人

89、Chinese College Students'Styles in Handling Conflicts with Their Expatriate English Language Teachers ─── 中国大学生与外教发生冲突时所采取的解决方式

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