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09-10 投稿



headspring 发音

英:[?hed?spr??]  美:[?hed?spr??]

英:  美:

headspring 中文意思翻译



headspring 相似词语短语

1、bedspring ─── n.弹簧床面

2、leaf spring ─── 弹簧片,钢板弹簧

3、headring ─── n.头环

4、handspring ─── n.翻筋斗;前手翻腾越

5、headsprings ─── n.源泉;起源

6、headworking ─── n.劳心的工作;脑力劳动(headwork的变形)

7、handsprings ─── n.翻筋斗;前手翻腾越

8、heartstring ─── n.心弦;内心深处的感情

9、headstrong ─── adj.任性的;顽固的;刚愎的

headspring 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Don't be afraid to say "sorry". Pure-hearted excuse can win others' repect, largehearted bosom is the headspring of happy life. ─── 不要害怕说“对不起”。对别人真诚地致歉往往能赢得别人的尊重,磊落的胸怀是快乐人生的源泉。

2、Love is the motivity of the life.Love also could be the headspring of the world. ─── 仁爱可以是生命主体新新不已的动力,也可以是客观世界源源混混的源泉。

3、Key competitiveness of enterprise is headspring of enterprise competition. ─── 企业的核心竞争力是企业竞争的源泉。

4、It not only adds the prolific culture connotation to the West Lake tourism but also supplies a culture headspring of long standing for the achievement of economic values. ─── 西湖文学资源是西湖人文旅游资源的重要组成部分,它不仅为西湖的旅游业增添了丰厚的文化内涵,而且为其经济价值的实现提供了不竭的文化源泉。

5、Science and Technology Innovation is the Headspring and Power for the Urban Sustainable Development in the 21st Century ─── 科技创新是21世纪城市可持续发展的源泉和动力

6、Discussion on Vital Headspring in Cities Life Stage ─── 论城市生活舞台的生命力源泉

7、Some Thoughts on the Chinese Third Part Logistics Pursuing and Developing the Third Profit Headspring ─── 对我国物流业寻求发展第三方利润源的一些思考

8、Among them,the human-centered service is the core;the service efficiency is the basic requirement;the service innovation is the headspring; ─── 其中,人本服务是核心,服务效益是基本要求,服务创新是源泉,服务竞争是动力,服务公平是保障。

9、Marxist Labor Theory of Value refers to human labor in making goods as the only headspring of producing value and surplus value, and thereby reveals the economic cause for the antagonism of capitalists and employees. ─── 马克思的劳动价值论,把制造商品时所耗费的活劳动作为创造价值和剩余价值的惟一源泉,从而揭示了资本家与雇佣工人深刻对立的经济根源。

10、the third profit headspring ─── 第三利润源泉

11、The innovation is the headspring from which corporations obtain the competitive advantages and plentiful innovative benefits. ─── 摘要创新是企业获得优势的源泉,丰硕的创新成果孕育于企业的创新文化。

12、The opinion of seeing excellent quality as high value has become a new jumping-off point in nowdays market, moreover, quality improve process has been the headspring of success. ─── 摘要把卓越质量作为高价值的看法己成为当今市场竞争的新起点,而质量改进过程是其成功的源泉。

13、Innovation is the headspring of enterprises being increasing, and enterprises' innovation capability is organic integration of systematic innovation、technique innovation and managerial innovation. ─── 摘要创新是企业增长的源泉,企业的创新能力是制度创新、技术创新、管理创新的有机集成。

14、Nowadays, these four ambits are still one kind of c reative headspring of designers. ─── 这四层境界在今天仍是设计师创造力的源泉。

15、We designer must orientate products in more simple and direct ways,so can we annotate products' simple,true and inornate attribute much better,and help us to excitated infinite design headspring. ─── 设计师在设计之初只有用更加简单直接的方式来对产品进行定位,才能将产品其简约、朴素、真实的属性淋漓尽致地诠释,激发出无限的设计源泉。

16、A young kung fu performer practices a headspring in the Shaolin Temple's training hall. ─── 一位年轻的功夫表演者正在少林寺的训练大厅里练习头手翻。

17、The plan and surveillance of grave dangerous headspring is guarantee for city safety ─── 重大危险源安全规划与监控是城市安全的重要保障

18、Psychological Headspring Analysis of the Differences between Teaching Conception and Teaching Behavior and Its Coping Strategies ─── 教学观念与教学行为差异的心理源分析与对策

19、Water is the headspring of all life. ─── 水是一切生命的源泉。

20、The nature is a eternal innovative headspring for human, the research on bionics is a very hot question for discussion in international. ─── 大自然是人类创新的不竭源泉,国际上仿生学研究如火如荼。

21、innovation headspring ─── 创新源泉

22、Study on the grave dangerous headspring surveillance and urgent rescue construction ─── 论城市重大危险源监控与应急救援体系建设

23、Groundwater always is main water headspring of industry and living in the area, and reasonable exploitation of the groundwater has significance. ─── 地下水一直是该区工业生产、城镇居民生活及农村人畜用水的主要水源,其合理开发利用十分重要。

24、power headspring ─── 动力源泉

25、State headspring and civil living security ─── 国家起源与公民安全

26、On the Definition, Headspring and Cultivation of Corporation's Core competence ─── 企业核心竞争力的界定、源泉及培育

27、The Blend of Humanities and science: the Foundation and Headspring of Educational Creation ─── 人文与科学融合:教育创新的基础和源泉

28、With the advent of Knowledge Economy Age , hi-tech enterprises are becoming headspring of economic growing, which stand for the advanced science and creative technology. ─── 随着知识经济时代的到来,高新技术企业已经成为一个强有力的经济增长源泉,代表着先进科学与生产技术。

29、For home network industry, based on technology, contents acts as the headspring, application plays the role of power, and collaboration is the key. ─── 对于家庭网络业的发展来说,技术是基础,内容是源泉,应用是动力,协同是关键。

30、The independent, neutral and justness is the root of the credit service company existing , is also a headspring to win customer. ─── 独立性、中立性和公正性是信用服务公司的立身之本,也是创造客户的源泉。

31、Accidence study on cultivating system for persons with application ability on civil engineering knowledge taken construction materials as headspring ─── 以建筑材料为源泉的土木工程应用型人才培养体系研究之初步

32、headspring of the conception ─── 概念源泉

33、So we can say that the thoughts of free economy in modern China is one of the thinking headspring of economic reform in contemporary China. ─── 可以说,中国现代的“自由经济”思想也是当代中国经济改革的思想源泉之一。

34、14. The life world is the foundation of reality and headspring of significance for the education world. ─── 摘要生活世界是教育世界的现实基础和意义之源。

35、The first thing we shall do for our own career is making its headspring clear.That will help us establish the sense of pride and work diligently. ─── 我们应该为自己的事业做的第一件事情就是把事业的起源弄清楚,那将帮助我们建立自豪感并推动我们勤奋工作。

36、They represent abstruse hypostasis of Tao’s from distinct point of view in order to show us that Tao is the headspring of natural development. ─── ‘无’、‘有’都出自同一源头,却有着不同的特性和名字,它们从不同的方面深刻表现‘道’悠远而又悠远的本质,证明‘道’是宇宙自然运动、变化的源头。

37、The first thing we shall do for our own career is making its headspring clear. ─── 我们首先要为我们自己的事业所作的就是弄清楚护理的源头是什么。

38、Thus, the structural configuration offers luxuriant headspring to architecture creation. ─── 可见,结构形态为建筑形象的创新提供了丰富的源泉。

39、The excellent ethos is a soul pillar of a nation and is the power headspring of support the nation to unify and race solidify . ─── 优秀的民族精神是一个民族的灵魂支柱,是维系国家统一、民族团结的力量源泉。

40、6. With the advent of Knowledge Economy Age , hi-tech enterprises are becoming headspring of economic growing, which stand for the advanced science and creative technology. ─── 对于家庭网络业的发展来说,技术是基础,内容是源泉,应用是动力,协同是关键。收藏指正

41、Because all these would be the headspring of everybody's happiness. ─── 因为这将是所有人幸福的源泉。

42、The personal nature and capital nature of close corporation is headspring for its duration and development. ─── 有限责任公司人资两合性的特征是其经久不衰、蓬勃发展的源泉。

43、Through the analysis, I demonstrate that knowledge cannot form value without labor. Creative labor is the headspring of enterprise value. ─── 本文认为独立于劳动者之外的科学知识不形成价值,创造性劳动是企业价值的源泉。

44、Architectural Bionics is one of headspring of architectural innovation. ─── 建筑仿生是建筑创新的源泉之一。

45、At present, modern logistics has become a new economic hotpot.Logistics is the headspring of the profits. ─── 目前,现代物流己经成为一个新的经济热点,物流是企业的第三利润源泉。

46、Long-term employment is the premise of idiosyncratic human capital which is the headspring of key competitiveness of enterprise. ─── 摘要长期雇佣是异质型人力资本形成的前提,异质型人力资本是构建企业核心竞争力的源泉。

47、Now, drived by the trend of globalization and the management cost principle, the grads transfer of international economic has become the headspring of the regional economic. ─── 目前,受经济全球化趋势及营商成本法则驱使,国际经济的梯度转移已成为地区经济消长和经济律动的不竭动源。

48、"Innovation is the soul of a nation, the unexhausted power of the development of a nation and the headspring of the vital force of a party." ─── “创新是一个民族的灵魂,是一个国家兴旺发达的不竭动力,也是一个党永葆生机的源泉”。

49、This book are worthy of reading.The book published to prove that innovations are the energy and headspring of rhetoric development. ─── 它的出版证明,创新是修辞学发展的活力源泉。

50、Ancient Greece is the headspring of wisdom and philosophy. ─── 古希腊是智慧和哲学的源泉。

51、Moreover, it is also the headspring of these two studies.Imitating the true is the common aesthetic pursuit of these two studies and historical literature. ─── “拟真”是索隐红学、探佚红学和历史文学相同的美学追求。

52、In the time of knowledge economy, Human Resource has become the more important headspring of the value accrual than the goods and materials resource once again to both the innovation of knowledge and the use of high technology result. ─── 在知识经济时代,无论是知识的创新,还是高科技成果的应用,人力资源再次超越物资资源成为价值增值的主要源泉。

53、The program, called "Headspring of Angels," will raise funds from the public, said Liu Xuanguo, deputy secretary of the CRCF, at the launching ceremony. ─── CRCF副秘书长刘宣国在开幕式上说,这个名为“天使之源泉”的活动将从公众中募集基金。

54、The combination of multi-subject and uni-subject principle is an unexhausted headspring for title selection of Chinese Integrated Learning.IV. ─── 第三,开放性与学科性相结合是语文综合性学习选题的重要规则;

55、Pursuing excellence is our goal, quality is our forever faith, honest is the weapon to exploit the market, and creativity is the headspring for our development. ─── 追求卓越是我们的目标,品质是我们一直坚守的信念,诚信是我们开拓市场的利器,不断创新是我们发展的源泉。

56、However, modern nomocracy whose headspring comes from the community should be the concerted unity of governmental state and civic society. ─── 然而,现代法治应当是法治国家与法治社会的协调统一,法治的真正基础与源泉是社会,法治应当得到社会的回应。

57、Groundwater always is main water headspring of industry and living in this area, and the exploitation of this groundwater has significance. ─── 在地表水严重匾乏的干旱、半干旱地区,地下水一直是该区工业生产、城镇居民生活及农村人畜用水的主要水源,合理开发利用十分重要。

58、SACD is with the DVD- Audio two big and orotund headspring good and bad ─── SACD和DVD-Audio两大音源优劣

59、On the Worth Headspring of Production with Automatization ─── 试论生产自动化条件下的价值源泉

60、With the perpetual art exploitation, this special kind of film which will become the artists' richful headspring who are practicing the art creation. ─── 这种特殊类型电影,在艺术上的不断开拓,将会是艺术家们在历史的激流中进行艺术创作的丰富源泉。

61、"Breathe" is the headspring of sing, so correct breath is headspring of graceful sing. ─── “呼吸”是歌唱发声的源泉,正确的呼吸是优美歌唱的源泉。

62、Technological innovation is the power of Hi-tech Industry Development Zone and the headspring that hi-tech industries keep energy and Hi-tech Industry Development Zones increase in economy. ─── 技术创新是高新技术产业开发区发展的动力之所在,是高新技术产业保持活力和高新区经济持续增长的源泉。

63、The college education is both the vital vein in the development of the nation and the society and the motive headspring of the progresses of the society. ─── 高等院校教育是国家和社会发展的重要命脉,是社会进步的动力源泉。

64、The Reasons for Logistics as "The Third Profit Headspring" ─── 物流之为"第三利润源泉"的理由

65、The Reform and Innovation is the Strength Headspring of Trying for the Small Hospital Development ─── 改革创新是小医院谋求发展的力量源泉

66、Summing up Properly the Historic Experience is the Importemt Headspring of Promoting the Party Building ─── 科学地总结历史经验是推进党的事业发展的重要源泉

67、Abstract: The excellent ethos is a soul pillar of a nation and is the power headspring of support the nation to unify and race solidify. ─── 摘 要: 优秀的民族精神是一个民族的灵魂支柱,是维系国家统一、民族团结的力量源泉。

68、So we can say that the thoughts of free economy in modern China is one of the thinking headspring of economic reform in contemporary China. ─── 可以说,中国现代的“自由经济”思想也是当代中国经济改革的思想源泉之一。

69、Abstract: Human resource is the headspring to an enterprise which has continuous competition, and it is also the core resource to modem society. ─── 摘要人力资源是企业持续竞争之源,是现代社会核心资源之一。

70、Water is the headspring of life.Water-saving NANTAO Sanitary Ware will achieve the significance of Life Water Run Long for you. ─── 水是生命之源,节水型“NanTao”(南陶)牌卫生洁具将为您实现生命之水长流的意义。

71、Scoop out the Business Enterprise's Headspring of "The Third Profits"--The Strategy of Developing The Logistics of Our Business Enterprise ─── 挖掘企业的"第三利润源泉"--我国企业物流发展策略

72、In the knowledge-based economy age with human resource and knowledge capital at the core, the human capital has become the headspring of human wealth increase and economic progress. ─── 在当今以人力资源和知识资本为核心的知识经济时代,人力资本成为人类财富增长和经济进步的源泉。

73、Thus, the structural configuration offers luxuriant headspring to architecture creation. ─── 可见,结构形态为建筑形象的创新提供了丰富的源泉。

74、Customer loyalty is the headspring of obtaining profits and sustainable competitive advantage. ─── 摘要顾客忠诚是服务企业获取利润和持续竞争力的源泉。

75、the Knowledge is Headspring, the People is Ultimate, Create more value continuously! ─── 以知为源,以人为本,持续创造更多价值!

76、We also should exert ourselves in carrier, system, force headspring and circumstance of strengthening trade unions' energy at workplace. ─── 要着力在增强企业工会活力的载体、制度、力量源泉、外部环境上动脑筋,想办法。

77、headspring on floor ─── 地板上头手翻

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