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09-10 投稿


empyema 发音

英:[?empa??im?]  美:[?empa??i?m?]

英:  美:

empyema 中文意思翻译



empyema 词性/词形变化,empyema变形


empyema 短语词组

1、interlobar empyema ─── [医] ─── [肺]叶间脓胸

2、mastoid empyema ─── [医] 乳突积脓

3、encapsulated empyema ─── [医] 包围性脓胸

4、crypto-empyema ─── [医] 隐性积脓

5、empyema tube ─── [医] 脓胸管

6、empyema of the chest ─── [医] 脓胸

7、empyema gaseosum ─── [医] 气脓胸

8、empyema necessitatis ─── [医] 自溃性脓胸

9、latent empyema ─── [医] 潜伏性脓胸

10、empyema pleurae ─── [医] 脓性胸膜炎, 脓胸

11、loculated empyema ─── [医] 分房 ─── [性]脓胸

12、empyema of antrum ─── [医] 上颌窦积脓

13、empyema benignum ─── [医] 良性脓胸

14、empyema of pericardium ─── [医] 心包积脓, 脓性心包炎

15、articuli empyema ─── [医] 关节积脓, 急性脓性滑膜炎

16、empyema of gall-bladder ─── [医] 胆囊积脓

17、apical empyema ─── [医] 胸膜顶脓胸

18、maxillary empyema ─── [医] 上颌积脓

19、empyema-tube ─── [医] 脓胸引流管

empyema 相似词语短语

1、emphysema ─── n.[临床]气肿;肺气肿

2、empyeses ─── 用户

3、emblema ─── n.浮雕装饰;徽章系列

4、empyemas ─── n.积脓症

5、empyemata ─── n.积脓

6、empyreumata ─── 脓胸

7、empyemic ─── 脓胸

8、empyematous ─── 脓杆菌属

9、empyreuma ─── 焦臭;烧焦臭

empyema 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The complication of pulmonary atelectasis and pleural effusion was in 11 cases, pulmonary infection in 5 cases, empyema in 3 cases, bronchopleural fistula in 2 cases. ─── 术后并发肺不张、胸腔积液11例,肺部感染5例,脓胸伴切口感染3例,并发支气管胸膜瘘2例。

2、This case suggests that liver abscess should be listed in the differential diagnosis of right empyema, even in patients without obvious abdominal symptoms. ─── 此个案提醒我们,就算病患无任何明显腹部症状,肝脓疡破裂仍为右侧脓胸症之鑑别诊断之一。

3、empyema of pericardium ─── [医] 心包积脓, 脓性心包炎

4、acute suppurative empyema ─── 急性化脓性脓胸

5、Early Debridement and Suturing for Incision Infection Associated with Empyema after Thoracotomy ─── 早期清创缝合治疗开胸术后伤口感染并脓胸

6、empyema benignum ─── [医] 良性脓胸

7、The operative diseases include sponlanevus pneumothorax, pulmonary bulla, trauma hemothorax, empyema, pernicious hydrothorax, mediastina tumor, esophageal diseases and lung diseases, etc. ─── 手术疾病包括自发性气胸、肺大疱、外伤性血胸、脓胸、恶性胸水、纵隔肿瘤、食管和肺疾病等。

8、empyema tube ─── [医] 脓胸管

9、Acute empyema of frontal sinus ─── 急性额窦积脓

10、Methods 8 cases with complications were selected from 67 cases with tuberculous empyema as study targets and manifestations in their chest films and CT of complications were analyzed. ─── 方法从67例结核性脓胸病例中筛选出8例有并发症的病例作为研究对象,分析并发症的胸片和CT表现。

11、putrid empyema ─── [医] 腐败性脓胸

12、Acute empyema of sphenoidal sinus ─── 急性蝶窦积液

13、tuberculous empyema ─── [医] 结核性脓胸

14、encapsulated empyema ─── 包裹性脓胸, 包围性脓胸

15、loculated empyema ─── 分房性脓胸

16、Patients were excluded from the study if their final diagnosis was lung cancer, empyema, or tuberculomas. ─── 所有患者均做过放射线学的检查,其中也包括了肺功能的检查。

17、Tuberculous empyema with hemothorax is scarce in clinic, but it often does great harm to the patients. ─── 结核性脓胸合并血胸临床少见,常严重危及患者生命。

18、The main complications were as follows: pulmonary complications(16.8%), anastomotic leak(5.1%), chylothorax(1.0%)and empyema(0.7%). ─── 并发症死亡率为14.8%(23/155),因肺部并发症死亡者占43.4%(10/23),因吻合口瘘死亡者占21.7%(5/23)。

19、Methods All 23 cases with empyema accepted drainage tube which could be lavaged via chest wall and was released by the side groove of thoracic trocar to treat empyema. ─── 方法23例脓胸患者应用引流管侧释放套管针,经胸壁胸腔内置入可冲洗胸腔引流管治疗脓胸。

20、Due to the advance of magnetic resonance imaging techniques, we reported a 75 years old female with spinal subdural empyema. ─── 本文病例为一75岁女性,为子宫颈癌患者,因为高烧不退,白血球升高且下背疼痛来求诊。

21、We describe an unusual case of a lung abscess and empyema after an open appendectomy for a perforated appendix. ─── 摘要我们提出一个罕见于阑尾切除术后的病例一肺脓疡并脓胸。

22、Conclusion The CT and MR of cranial extradural empyema can w... ─── 4例颅内硬膜外积脓处硬膜明显增厚,均匀强化,局部骨板侵蚀破坏变薄或增生。

23、Discussion of the therapeutic method and curative time of children with pleural empyema ─── 小儿脓胸治疗方法及应用时机的探讨

24、empyema of antrum ─── [医] 上颌窦积脓

25、empyema of gall-bladder ─── [医] 胆囊积脓

26、New surgical procedures for chronic tuberculosis empyema ─── 慢性结核性脓胸外科手术新方法

27、latent empyema ─── 潜伏性脓胸

28、empyema pleurae ─── [医] 脓性胸膜炎, 脓胸

29、acute empyema ─── 急性脓胸

30、streptococcal empyema ─── [医] 链球菌性脓胸

31、articuli empyema ─── [医] 关节积脓, 急性脓性滑膜炎

32、Complications were consisted of pneumonia and pulmonary atelectasis(2 cases), simple empyema (1 case), thoracic region incisal infection (2 cases), transient bucking and hoarseness(4 cases). ─── 并发症:肺炎、肺不张2例,单纯脓胸1例,胸部切口感染2例,暂时性呛咳、声嘶4例。

33、The Experience of intervenient treatment of empyema by using pig-tail catheter ─── 猪尾导管介入治疗局限性脓胸

34、DISCUSSION The standand of diagnosis of chronic serious empyema, the indication and advantage of this approach, severals problems during and after operation were studied. ─── 总结了重症慢性脓胸的诊断标准、本术式的适应症、优点以及手术中和手术后应注意的几个问题。

35、empyema, encapsulated ─── 包裹性脓胸

36、To our knowledge, this is the first report of esophageal carcinoid tumor and adenocarcinoma arising from an esophageal diverticulum and complicated with empyema thoracis. ─── 据我们所知,此为第一例食道憩室合并食道类癌及腺癌和食道气管瘘口并发脓胸之个案,须加以鑑别诊断。

37、Purulent: numerous PMN's are present. Also called "empyema" in the pleural space. ─── 化脓:有大量嗜中性粒细胞,在胸膜腔积聚又称为积脓。

38、Keywords blowing hall breath method;decortication of lung;chronic empyema; ─── 吹气球法;胸膜纤维板剥脱术;慢性脓胸;

39、Objective To explore the clinical effect of thoracic close drainage on the treatment of chronic tuberculous empyema. ─── 探讨胸腔闭式引流在慢性结核性脓胸治疗中的应用价值。

40、Recurrent hypopyon or empyema of anterior chamber angle, and hyperaemia of optic papilla was found in 54 and 41 eyes, respectively. ─── 就诊时前房或房角积脓54只眼,视盘充血41只眼。

41、Acute empyema of ethmoidal sinus ─── 急性筛窦积液

42、We describe an unusual case of a lung abscess and empyema after an open appendectomy for a perforated appendix. ─── 我们提出一个罕见于阑尾切除术后的病例一肺脓疡并脓胸。

43、Clinical treatment of a case of canine womb empyema ─── 一例犬子宫蓄脓症的临床处理

44、postoperative empyema ─── 术后脓胸

45、The other 26 benign lesion cases include 12 tuberculosis cases, 8 empyema cases, 3 failed cases because of extensive pleura adhesions and 3 normal cases. ─── 26例良性病变中,结核12例,脓胸8例,3例因胸膜粘连广泛而失败,3例未见明显异常。

46、metapneumonic empyema ─── [医] 肺炎后脓胸

47、empyema of the chest ─── [医] 脓胸

48、Delayed Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute Empyema in 2 cases Caused by Hyperemesis ─── 剧烈呕吐导致急性脓胸2例延误诊治分析

49、The most common cause of empyema is broncho-pulmonary infection. ─── 摘要脓胸症最常见的原因为支气管及肺部感染。

50、Chronic tuberculous empyema ─── 慢性结核性脓胸

51、maxillary empyema ─── 上颌积脓

52、Focal central nervous system infections, as abscess and empyema, due to Salmonella species are unusual. ─── 局灶性中枢神经系统感染,脓肿,脓胸,由于沙门氏菌物种是不寻常的。

53、interlobar empyema ─── [医] [肺]叶间脓胸

54、Only few cases of spinal subdural empyema has been reported in the literature and the preoperative diagnosis is much less. ─── 摘要文献中只有少数脊椎下硬脑膜脓疡被报告,而手术前的诊断更少。

55、empyema apparatus ─── 抽脓器

56、In this case, blood filled the pleural cavity (hemothorax), but atelectasis could also result from filling the chest with air (pneumothorax), transudate (hydrothorax), lymph (chylothorax), or purulent exudate (empyema). ─── 但是肺不张也可由胸腔内充满气体(气胸)、漏出液(胸水)、淋巴(乳糜胸),或者脓性渗出物(脓胸)引起。

57、Empyema, Inflammation of accessory nasal sinus, Nasal catarrh, Masal closure, Ozena. ─── 流臭浓或脓涕, 臭鼻症及感冒流涕等症.

58、However, bacterial infections of lung can spread to the pleura to produce a purulent pleuritis.A collection of pus in the pleural space is known as empyema. ─── 然而,细菌感染传播到胸膜,并形成脓性胸膜炎,胸膜腔内脓液聚集形成脓胸。

59、A case of hypodermiasis with empyema ─── 皮下蝇蛆病合并脓胸一例

60、Acute empyema of maxillary sinus ─── 急性上颌窦积脓

61、empyema gaseosum ─── 气脓胸

62、empyema of maxillary sinus ─── 上颌窦积脓

63、No patients suffered from hypopyon or empyema of anterior chamber angle and hyperemia of optic papilla. ─── 所有患者均无前房或房角积脓,无视盘充血;

64、Keywords empyema;surgery;operative;pleura; ─── 关键词脓胸;手术;外科;胸膜;

65、Tuberculous empyema; Surgical resection; Explore. ─── 结核性脓胸;外科手术;探讨。

66、Empyema of mastoid ─── 乳突积脓

67、Chronic empyema ─── 慢性积脓

68、pulsating empyema ─── 搏动性脓胸

69、Keywords Urokinase Complicated paraneumonic effusion Empyema; ─── 尿激酶;复杂性肺炎旁积液;脓胸;

70、The patient was a 55 year old man with a history of alcoholism who had multiple refractory focal seizures in the setting of pulmonary empyema. ─── 患者是55岁男性,有酒精中毒史,在患肺脓肿时并发难治性局灶性癫痫。

71、detect the cure for empyema. ─── 探讨脓胸的治疗方法。

72、Lung abscess, empyema and subsequent bronchiectasis are relatively common complications. ─── 较常见的合并症有肺脓肿、脓胸及随后发生的支气管扩张症。

73、Important predisposing causes should be considered including diabetes mellitus and carcinoma of the bronchus. Complications include lung abscess, pleural effusion and empyema. ─── 应考虑重要的诱发因素,包括糖尿病及支气管癌。合并症有肺脓肿,胸腔积液及脓胸。

74、Comparative Study of Conventional Therapy and Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery for Empyema Thoracis in Children ─── 传统方法与胸腔镜处理小儿脓胸的比较分析

75、In lung abscess, percutaneous drainage can result in pleural seeding and possibly empyema. ─── 在肺脓疡,经皮引流可导致肋膜转移,并可能脓胸。

76、simple tuberculous empyema ─── 单纯性结核性脓胸

77、Uterine empyema ─── 宫腔积脓

78、total empyema ─── 全脓胸

79、multi-locular empyema ─── 多房性脓胸

80、empyema articuli ─── 关节积脓, 急性化脓性骨膜炎

81、CT features of four diffuse pleural diseases were analysed,they included:63 cases ofmesothelioma,metastatic disease,empyema and fibro-thorax(39 malignant and 24 benign). ─── 本文分析了恶性胸膜间皮瘤、胸膜转移瘤、脓胸、纤维胸等四种胸膜弥漫性疾病(共63例,其中恶性病变39例,良性病变24例)的CT 特征。

82、Rapid formation of empyema secondary to ruptured liver abscess is rare. ─── 因肝脓疡破裂后而迅速形成脓胸的情况并不多见。

83、localized empyema ─── 局限性脓胸

84、Surgical treatment of empyema in children ─── 小儿脓胸的外科治疗

85、Subdural empyema, ventriculitis and later brain abscess were detected by serial brain sonograms. ─── 一系列脑部超音波检查发现由住院的正常以至于后来发展出脑室炎及脑脓疡。

86、empyema necessitatis ─── [医] 自溃性脓胸

87、apical empyema ─── [医] 胸膜顶脓胸

88、Acute empyema of nasal sinus ─── 急性鼻窦积脓

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