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rectal 发音

英:['rekt(?)l]  美:['r?ktl]

英:  美:

rectal 中文意思翻译



rectal 短语词组

1、rectal administration ─── [医] 直肠投药

2、rectal bougie ─── [医] 直肠探条

3、inferior rectal plexus ─── [医] 直肠下丛(神经)

4、rectal incontinence ─── [医] 直肠失禁

5、rectal neurosis ─── [医] 直肠神经机能病

6、rectal folds ─── [医] 直肠横襞

7、rectal papillae ─── [医] 直肠乳突

8、rectal alimentation ─── [医] 直肠营养法

9、rectal hernia ─── [医] 直肠疝

10、ano-rectal syndrome ─── [医] 肛门直肠综合症

11、rectal crises ─── [医] 直肠危象

12、rectal artery ─── [网络] 直肠动脉

13、rectal feeding ─── [医] 直肠营养法

14、rectal anesthesia ─── [医] 直肠麻醉

15、rectal lithotomy ─── [医] 经直肠切石术

16、rectal plate ─── [医] 直肠板

17、rectal instillation ─── [医] 直畅滴注法

18、rectal medication ─── [医] 直肠投药法

19、rectal injection ─── [医] 直肠注射

rectal 词性/词形变化,rectal变形

副词: rectally |

rectal 相似词语短语

1、rectally ─── adj.(与)直肠(有关)的

2、recoal ─── vt.使重新添煤;vi.重新添煤

3、recta ─── n.直肠(rectum的复数)

4、rictal ─── adj.露齿裂嘴的;嘴裂的

5、recitals ─── n.朗诵,吟诵;独奏会;背诵;独唱会

6、ectal ─── adj.外侧的;表面的;外表的

7、tectal ─── 覆盖的;覆盖层的

8、rectoral ─── 校长

9、recital ─── n.朗诵,吟诵;独奏会;背诵;独唱会

rectal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Methods A retrosp ective study was conducted on 87 consecutive patients who underwent double-stapl ed anterior resections for low rectal carcinoma. ─── 方法回顾分析87例低位直肠癌应用双吻合器行直肠前切除术的情况,总结经验教训。

2、Methods The surgical and needle specimens of 42 patients,including:primary liver cancer,gastric carcinoma,colic and rectal carcinoma,were tested by the ATP-TCA. ─── 方法取肝癌、胃癌、结肠癌、直肠癌共42例的手术、活检和穿刺标本应用体外药敏试验ATP-TCA法。

3、Methods:60 cases of OOC (rectal mucosal prolapse 45 cases, rectal mucosal prolapse with rectocele 10 cases and rectocele 5 cases respectively) were treated by PPH. ─── 方法:回顾分析了60例出口梗阻性排便障碍病例,其中直肠黏膜脱垂患者45例,直肠前突患者5例,直肠黏膜脱垂+直肠前突患者10例,均行PPH手术。

4、We report an unusual case of isolated rectal perforation in an initially hemodynamically stable patient with an open book fracture. ─── 本病例系罕见之「翻书型」骨盆骨折(骨盆骨折并不稳定性外展)伴随单独直肠穿孔;

5、Methods The clinical date of surgical treatment for low rectal cancer in 68 cases over 75 years old was retrospectively analyzed. ─── 方法回顾性分析75岁以上行手术治疗的68例低位直肠癌患者的临床资料。

6、Objective: to probe into the influence of out-hospital health education on living quality of rectal cancer patients after underwent colostomy. ─── 探讨院外健康教育对直肠癌结肠造口术后病人生活质量的影响。

7、Doctors say the main ways to find the disease early are recognizing the symptoms and getting a combination pelvic and rectal examination. ─── 医生说发现病情的主要方法是意识到症状的产生,然后做骨盆和直肠的综合检查。

8、Now, I'll do a rectal examination for you to take the prostatic secretion for microscopic examination. ─── 现在我给你做一个肛门检查,取点前列腺分泌液在显微镜下检查。

9、In fact, it is a combination of anastomat and rectal speculum. ─── 它实际上是直肠镜与吻合器的一种结合物。

10、Methods: Twenty cases of rectocele were treated with combined therapy of transrectal repair and rectal submucosal injection of sclerosing agent. ─── 方法:对20例直肠前突患者采用经直肠修补加直肠黏膜下消痔灵硬化剂注射。

11、Care must be taken not to damage the rectal mucosa. ─── 必须注意不要损伤直肠粘膜。

12、Methods: CT images were reviewed restrospecvtively in 115 cases of rectal carcinoma confirmed by biopsy, surgery and pathology. ─── 方法:回顾性分析经手术及肠镜病理证实的115例直肠癌病人的CT征象。

13、Objective To study the colonic motility, the anorectal manometry and rectal visceral perception in constipation predominant irritable bowel syndrome. ─── 摘要目的研究便秘型肠易激综合征患者结肠、直肠动力,直肠感觉功能。

14、Method Questionnaire method was used and 68 discharged rectal carcinoma patients were interviewed after colostomy. ─── 方法:对68例直肠癌结肠造口病人进行问卷调查采集资料。

15、Let me do a rectal examination for you. Oh, the cervix is open about 3cm. Your baby will be delivered today. ─── 我给您做个直肠检查。哦,宫口已经开了大约3指,您今天就要生了。

16、Chief complaint : Rectal cancer with pre-op CCRT was performed. Admission for surgery treatment. ─── 主诉:直肠癌开刀前执行同步放射及化学治疗。进入手术治疗。

17、The colonoscopic views of a smaller rectal adenocarcinoma, but still with an ulcerated surface, are shown below. ─── 乙状结肠镜可见一个较小的直肠腺癌,在其表面可见溃疡。

18、The liver metastasis models provide useful tools for the study of mechanism of metastasis and its treatment of human colo rectal cancer. ─── 本研究所建立的两株人结直肠癌裸鼠肝转移模型,转移模式与临床患者相似,为进一步研究人结直肠癌肝转移机制和抗转移治疗提供了理想的实验动物模型

19、Because of persistent rectal bleeding, she had received colostomy and polypectomy.Up to now, these two cases are followed up at our hospital in good condition. ─── 女孩之母亲于14岁时亦被诊断为皮杰氏症候羣,由于直肠出血亦接受手术治疗。

20、Endoscopic ultrasound miniprobe image showed a homogenous, hypoechoic rectal tumor invading into the muscularis propria layer. ─── 内视镜超音波检查发现此肿瘤侵犯到肌肉层且无淋巴结转移。

21、D: I'll do a rectal examination. Don't be afraid. Please undress and lie in a knee-chest position. ─── 我给你做一下直肠检查。不要紧张。请脱去裤子,跪着趴下。

22、sometimes used to facilitate rectal examination. ─── 有时用丁溴东莨菪碱来方便直肠检查。

23、If you were a proctologist, you'd think rectal cancer. ─── |如果你是个直肠科大夫, 你会想到直肠癌.

24、Twelve people (70.6%) had rectal cancer, and the onset age was young with an average of 42.9 years old. ─── 12例(70.6%)患者患有直肠癌,且发病年龄早(平均42.9岁),右半结肠癌多见。

25、Methods 43 patients of rectal carcinoma received lymphography (18 cases) or radionuclide imaging (25 cases) one week before operation. ─── 方法选择直肠癌术前病人43例于术前一周分别行淋巴管造影18例,放射性核素淋巴显像25例,将结果与术后病理学检查进行比较。

26、Methods There are TME(tatal mesorectal excision) and negative TME in rectal cancer operation. ─── 方法 采用直肠全系膜切除术和非直肠全系膜切除术治疗直肠癌。

27、The rectal temperature is standard , because it is in the cavity of the body and nearly the temperature of the blood. ─── 护士:直肠温度最准。因为它是在体腔内,接近血液温度。

28、Methods 46 cases who received reoperation for recurrence of rectal cancer after anterior resection were analyzed retrospectively. ─── 方法回顾性分析46例直肠癌前切除术后局部复发再手术患者的临床特点、治疗方法及防治措施。

29、Melman: Yeah, I wanted to give you something personal, you know that was my first rectal thermometer. ─── 但却遭到好友的质疑,伤心的马蒂因此就偷偷地独自出走了。

30、This paper reports a new circular retractor for anal, rectal, vaginal and urethral surgeries. ─── 制作一种用于肛管直肠、阴道、尿道手术的环形牵开器。

31、UICC staging and the expression of nm23 are considered as the independent parameters in predicting the metastasis and prognosis in rectal carcinoma. ─── UICC分期和nm23的表达可以作为判断直肠癌转移和预后的独立指标。

32、However, rectal absorption is often irregular and incomplete, and many drugs cause irritation of the rectal mucosa. ─── 但直肠的吸收常不规则,不完全,而且许多药物对直肠粘膜具有刺激性。

33、Biopsies do not imply cancer, however, removal of a colonic polyp is an important means of preventing colo-rectal cancer. ─── 做活组织检查不意味患有癌症,并且切除结肠息肉是预防结肠直肠肿瘤的有效方法。

34、However, rectal absorption is often irregular and incomplete, and many drugs cause irritation of the rectal mucosa. ─── 但直肠的吸收常不规则,不完全,而且许多药物对直肠粘膜具有刺激性。

35、Abstract Objective:To investigate the effects of linea parts resection during radical operation of ultralow rectal cancer and preserving anus. ─── 摘 要 目的:探讨部分齿线区切除在超低位直肠癌根治保肛术中的应用效果。

36、Methods:The cDNA microarray was used to detect the gene expression of 3 infants with anorectal malformation and normal rectal tissues of 3 infants without the malformation. ─── 方法:应用基因表达谱芯片技术对3例先天性肛门直肠畸形患儿的直肠末端组织和3例正常直肠末端组织的基因表达进行检测。

37、Objective: To analysis the reasons of misdiagnosis in rectal carcinoma patients. ─── 摘要目的:分析直肠癌的误诊原因,并提出减少误诊的需注意的问题。

38、Methods surgical specimens of 39 patients,including primary liver cancer,gastric carcinoma,colic and rectal carcinoma,were tested by the ATP-TCA. ─── 取肝癌、胃癌、直肠癌、结肠癌共39例患者的手术标本,应用ATP-TCA系统方法做药物敏感性试验。

39、Methods DST and low/ultralow/colo anal anastomoses were performed laparoscopically on 30 patients with low rectal cancer. ─── 方法 用 DST在腹腔镜下对 30例低位直肠癌患者实施低位 /超低位 /结 -肛吻合术。

40、Colorectal polyps are usually removed via colonoscope or local excision for a low rectal lesion. ─── 摘要结肠直肠息肉通常是经由大肠镜切除,或经由直肠做局部切除。

41、Approximate the rectal submucosa with a running suture using a 3-O chromic on a GI needle extending to the margin of the anal skin. ─── 使用GI针,用3-0铬制缝线连续缝合直肠粘膜下层,缝至肛门皮肤边缘。

42、Methods One hundred and sixty-two patients with low rectal cancer received rectomy with total mesorectal excision and the double stapling technique. ─── 方法:回顾性分析162例采用直肠全系膜切除、双吻合器行低位直肠癌前切除术患者的临床资料。

43、We presented a 46 years old woman with posterior wall RVF after the rectal cancer surgery. ─── 我们在此提出一位四十六岁女性,在经过直肠癌手术之后,发现有直肠阴道后壁瘘管。

44、Objective To investigate the expression of micro vessel density (MVD) in rectal carcinoma. ─── 摘要目的:探讨肿瘤微血管密度(MVD)在直肠癌组织中的表达特点。

45、IPAA was an ideal procedure to treat FAP, which is avoidable of remaining rectal cancerization, with satisfactory defecation function and quality of life. ─── 两组患者术后排便功能和术后生活质量相似,但回肠贮袋肛管吻合术可减少术后残留的直肠黏膜癌变机会,因而是较理想的手术方式。

46、There was an increase of rectal temperature of 2°F or more about 24 hours after exposure. ─── 感染后大约24小时直肠体温升高1.3℃以上。

47、We describe a 64-year-old male patient with a history of rectal adenocarcinoma who developed cutaneous metastases to upper lip one year after resection. ─── 我们报告一例64岁男性直肠癌病患,于手术切除一年后发生表皮转移至上嘴唇。

48、If the appendix lies deep in the pelvis one may detect tenderness only on rectal or pelvic examination and even then it may not be easily demonstrated. ─── 如阑尾位于骨盆深部,此时只能通过直肠或骨盆检查方可发现压痛,即使如此,压痛也不易发现。

49、Method The data of 43 patients with rectal leiomyosarcoma which underwent resection from 1974 to 2000 were reviewed retrospectively. ─── 方法自1974年1月至2000年1月对43例直肠平滑肌肉瘤临床治疗资料进行回顾性分析。

50、Methods 121 cases with mid or low rectal carcinoma who received mid or low anterion resection were retropectively analyzed. ─── 方法对已经行中低位前切除术的121例下段直肠癌患者作了回顾性分析。

51、However, many kinds of carcinomas, such as glioma, small cell lung cancer and rectal cancer have been mentioned to express low NCAM levels. ─── 在小细胞肺癌、神经胶质瘤、直肠癌中,NCAM的表达与肿瘤的生物学行为密切相关,但也有不一致的报道。

52、METHODS: Rectal cancer of 68 patients with enterostomy was evaluated with general condition, self-image and social support by questionnaire. ─── 方法:对直肠癌肠造口术后患者68例进行一般资料、自我形象和社会支持量表问卷调查。

53、Objective: To summarize the experience of application of exraperitoneal colostomy for low rectal carcinomas. ─── 摘要目的:总结腹膜外结肠造口在低位直肠癌手术中应用的体会。

54、Methods According to operation style, patients with rectal cancer were divided into Dixson group and Miles group. ─── 方法直肠癌患者行根治术后,根据术式的不同分组,即直肠癌前切除术(Dixson)组及Miles术组。

55、Methods 56 cases of rectal carcinoma underwent the same holistic nursing perioperatively. ─── 方法 56例行腹腔镜直肠癌根治术患者,均采用统一的整体护理。

56、The tympanic thermometer did not correlate well with the mercury rectal thermometer with a correlation coefficient of 0. 70. ─── 鼓室温度计没有相关性以及与汞,相关系数为0.70直肠温度计。

57、After 5 years, urinary, rectal, and sexual problems were slightly more frequent in the endocrine plus radiotherapy group. ─── 内分泌治疗合并放疗组患者5年后泌尿、直肠和性生活方面的问题略为频繁。

58、To discuss the methods of nursing following laparoscopic total mesorectal excision(TME)with low/ultra-low/colo-anal anastomoses for rectal cancer. ─── 探讨腹腔镜全直肠系膜切除 (TME)低位 /超低位 /结 -肛吻合术治疗下段直肠癌的护理方法。

59、Methods 176 children underwent bilateral iliopsoas to strengthen the muscles of pelvic floor and rectal suspension. ─── 方法176例全部采用双侧髂腰肌加强盆底肌直肠悬吊术治疗。

60、Methods The data of 33 reopreated patients with local recurrent rectal carcinoma were analysed retrospectively. ─── 方法回顾性分析再手术治疗的局部复发性直肠癌33例。

61、It is secure,reliable and practical to use EEA stapler under Dixon anus-protection operation on low rectal carcinoma. ─── 对低位直肠癌行Dixon保肛手术 ,采用双吻合器是安全可靠、省时、实用的

62、Both colon and rectal cancer have many commonalities and for that are commonly referred as 'colorectal cancer'. ─── 结肠和直肠癌有很多共同之处常统称为“结直肠癌”。

63、How often do you need the dreaded rectal exam? ─── 你得多经常去做直肠检查才行啊?

64、In rectal cancer, using this type of technique was an independent prognostic factor for disease-specific survival. ─── 在肾癌中,该项技术的使用是疾病特异性生存率的独立预测因子。

65、Adjuvant radiation and chemotherapy found to improve survival in rectal cancer. ─── 发现辅助放化疗可以改善结肠癌预后.

66、We have designed an endoscopic cutter, based on the characteristic of circular anastomat s cutting and anastomosisfunctions, the extensibility of rectal mucous membrane. ─── 利用管型肠吻合器可同时切割和吻合的技术原理及直肠粘膜具有较大的移动性,设计出一种切除器。

67、Objective To explore measures of prevention and cure of sphincter-preserving surgery of low rectal cancer using stapler for postoperative stomal leak. ─── 摘要目的探讨低位直肠癌应用吻合器保肛手术后吻合口漏的预防及治疗方法。

68、Objective: To analyse the value of CT in diagnosis and examing rectal carcinoma according to their CT imaging. ─── 摘要目的:通过直肠癌CT表现,分析其诊断及检查的价值。

69、Methods:Either trans abdominal or trans perineal draining of pelvic cavity was used in 298 patients with rectal cancer undergoing the Miles abdominoperineal amputation. ─── 方法:对298例直肠癌经腹会阴联合切除后采用经腹部腹膜外(经腹部组)或经会阴(经会阴组)的两种不同的盆腔引流方式进行比较。

70、Fournier's gangrene is a rare but often fatal manifestation of rectal cancer. ─── 摘要福尼耳坏疽在直肠癌病患很少见却经常致命。

71、Methods Eighty cases of rectal tumor receiving Miles operation were divided into two groups at random:an observation group and a control group, with each group having 40 patients. ─── 方法将80例行Miles术的直肠癌患者随机分为观察组与对照组各40例。

72、Of those with cancer, 779 had colon cancer and 459 had rectal cancer. ─── 的癌症患者中,779名患有结肠癌459名患有直肠癌。

73、The presacral veniplex had direct communication with rectal veniplex an... ─── 并通过骶椎体前穿通支与椎体静脉系相通。

74、The symptoms and signs include acute or chronic gastrointestinal bleeding, anemia, prolapsed rectal polyps, abdominal pain and diarrhea. ─── 临床表现以急性或慢性胃肠道出血,贫血,直肠息肉脱出,腹痛或腹泻。

75、The lengths 5, 6, 7 and 8 cm above anorectal line of these patients with rectal cancer were observed in 2, 3, 6 and 14 cases respectively. ─── 其中癌肿下界距肛缘距离5、6、7和8cm者分别为2、3、6和14例。

76、Abstract: Objective The aim of this paper is to study the value of preoperative lymphography and radionuclide imaging for rectal cancer patients. ─── 文摘:目的评价直肠癌病人术前淋巴管造影和放射性核素淋巴显像的临床价值。

77、Methods The MVD of the 31 rectal carcinoma and 5 rectal adenomas was examined by immunohistochemistry. ─── 方法:应用免疫组化法检测31例直肠癌,5例直肠腺瘤患者的MVD。

78、Method: Retrospective analysis was made on 16 cases of hemorrhage of presacral venous plexus in the radical treatment of rectal carcinoma. ─── 方法:回顾性总结分析16例直肠癌根治术发生骶前静脉丛大出血情况,采用明胶海绵、图钉按压或骨蜡嵌入、纱布绷带填塞等方法压迫止血。

79、Objective To assess the anal sphincteric function after intersphincteric resection for low rectal cancer by vectorial manometry. ─── 摘要目的应用直肠肛管向量测压技术评估低位直肠癌经内外括约肌间切除术后肛门括约肌功能。

80、Methods 26 cases of fistulization in left semicolon and rectal cancer with obstruction to were analyzed retrospectively. ─── 方法回顾性分析26例左半结肠、直肠癌致急性肠梗阻而行结肠造口术患者的临床资料。

81、Method The systematic,planned and focused health education was provided for 18 rectal carcinoma colostory patients. ─── 方法对18例直肠癌造口患者实施系统的、有计划的、有针对性的健康教育。

82、Objective To evaluate the significance of transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS) in staging rectal carcinoma be[ore operation. ─── 摘要目的评价腔内超声在直肠癌术前分期中的价值。

83、This article reviewed the development and current status of neoadjuvant therapy for rectal cancer. ─── 本文详细论述了直肠癌新辅助治疗的发展和现状。

84、In the past, Abdominal Perineal Resection (APR) with a permanent end-sigmoid colostomy was the major operating procedure for lower rectal cancer. ─── 摘要低位直肠癌的切除术,以往以腹部会阴切除术,并置一永久性人工肛门为主。

85、Contraindication during pregnancies and menstrual periods, rectal bleeding. Not to use in case of pixu (spleen deficient) . ─── 怀孕或月经期间,或直肠出血,或脾虚者忌用。

86、Application of EEA Stapler in Anus-protection Operation on Low Rectal Carcinoma. ─── 双吻合器在低位直肠癌根治术中的应用

87、To elucidate the clinical value of defunctioning transversostomy in preventing anastomotic leakage in the super-low anterior resection for rectal cancer. ─── 探讨预防性横结肠造口在直肠癌超低位前切除术中降低吻合口瘘发生率的临床价值。

88、The colonoscopic views of a smaller rectal adenocarcinoma, but still with an ulcerated surface, are shown here. ─── 小的直肠腺癌的结肠镜检图,表面有一溃烂。

89、Methods From October 1992 to January 2000, 63 cases with low rectal carcinoma received ultralow anterior resection were analyzed retrospectively. ─── 方法作者自1992年10月至2000年1月,对63例低位直肠癌施行超低位切除经肛门吻合术进行回顾性分析。

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