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dolorous 发音

英:[?do?l?r?s]  美:[?d?l?r?s]

英:  美:

dolorous 中文意思翻译



dolorous 网络释义

adj. 忧伤的;悲痛的

dolorous 词性/词形变化,dolorous变形

副词: dolorously |名词: dolorousness |

dolorous 短语词组

1、dolorous passion of christ pdf ─── 基督悲哀的激情

2、dolorous edd ─── 忧郁的edd

3、dolorous define ─── 悲哀的定义

4、dolorous stroke ─── 抑郁性中风

5、dolorous passion of christ ─── 基督悲哀的激情

6、dolorous definition ─── 悲哀的定义

7、dolorous strain ─── 忧郁株

8、dolorous passion ─── 悲伤的激情

dolorous 相似词语短语

1、sonorous ─── adj.响亮的;作响的;能发出响亮声音的

2、colostrous ─── 巨大的

3、dolorously ─── 忧伤地;悲痛地

4、odorous ─── adj.香的;有气味的;难闻的

5、-florous ─── 多花的

6、doloroso ─── adj.(演奏)感伤的;悲痛的;adv.感伤地

7、valorous ─── adj.勇敢的;勇武的

8、chlorous ─── adj.与氯化合的;亚氯酸的

9、decorous ─── adj.有礼貌的,高雅的;端正的

dolorous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. ─── Photo by 地下勇士城.

2、The pillow struck the wall and burst, scattering stuffing everywhere just as Dolorous Edd Tollett poked his head through the door. ─── 枕头打到墙上裂开,填料散得到处都是;这时忧郁的艾迪探头进来。

3、Miss at night is something called grief , mixed with slender happiless.To miss endlessly is to expect bitterly , so dolorous to miss you so happily . ─── 深夜的思念是一种淡淡的忧愁,夹杂着淡淡的甜蜜,无尽的想念一种苦涩的期待,想你是一种幸福的忧伤!

4、Sally stopped. Then IT uttered a dolorous phrase those we have to all understand. “My dog is dead,” IT say, as tears filled IT eyes. ─── 小莎莉停下脚步,悲伤地说:“我的狗死了。”这时,她眼里含满了泪水。她的话咱们都能理解。

5、Dur. dolor. ─── [医] 疼痛持续期间

6、dolor vagus ─── 游走痛

7、With the dolor we receive from the transient, we recreate a lot of wishes and joys, and this is also a kind of beauty. ─── 忧伤我们从瞬间接受,我们再创造很多愿望和喜悦,并且这也是一秀丽。

8、dolor dentium ─── [医] 牙痛

9、Maybe a little big dolorous,but it is ok,it will remind of our past wonderful days. ─── 或许些许淡淡的忧伤,带出我们点点的情感,让我们想起过去美妙的日子!

10、From hunger, cold, isolation, destitution. A dolorous bargain. A soul for a morsel of bread. Misery offers; society accepts. ─── 向饥寒、孤独、遗弃、贫困收买。令人痛心的买卖。一个人的灵魂交换一块面包。贫苦卖出,社会买进。

11、Puro Dolor by Son of Four. ─── 确实很好听,我也很喜欢。

12、Sally stopped. Then she uttered a dolorous phrase that we could all understand. “My dog is dead,” she said, as tears filled her eyes. ─── 小莎莉停下脚步,悲伤地说:“我的狗死了。”这时,她眼里含满了泪水。她的话我们都能理解。

13、voice of the mournful chanter called to dolorous prayer. ─── 的领唱人的声音向哀伤的祷告者呼唤。

14、Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. ─── coloneljack 发起了一个话题: Lorem Ipsum.

15、He used dolorous tone, chaotic style of painting showing extreme grief of our life. ─── 他以忧伤的色调,纷乱的笔触,表达出人生的最大悲痛。

16、2.Cuando me ponian la inyeccion no senti ningun dolor. ─── 当给我打针的时候,我一点也没感到疼。

17、Il suo dolor... o no ? ─── 你听的到,

18、si dolor urgeat ─── (拉)疼痛剧烈时

19、Dur. dolor ─── (=durantedolore) 疼痛持续时

20、se hace dulce el dolor,y nos gusta quedarnos. ─── 甜蜜转变成了痛苦,我们总希望能占据彼此.

21、1.The pillow struck the wall and burst, scattering stuffing everywhere just as Dolorous Edd Tollett poked his head through the door. ─── 枕头撞到墙上破裂开来,填料四处飞散,就在这时艾迪托雷特的脑袋从门口探了进来。

22、Not untill this time did I realize that such love is not so dolor, for it has no worldly involvement, no long-winded succession, no gingerbready samite, and no muddy water. ─── 这时候,也方才明白:原来这样的爱并不悲哀。没有尘世的牵拌,没有罗嗦的尾巴,没有俗艳的锦绣,也没有浑浊的泥汁。

23、Miller dolor ─── 悲哀

24、Therefore, the people there are always a joy dolor. ─── 所以,人也总是有欢乐也有忧愁。

25、auchhhhhhhhh, ke dolor de cabeza. ─── 心情: Desvelada 8 小时前发布。

26、'From this prison here of horror, whence I every hour tend nearer and nearer to destruction, I send you, Monsieur heretofore the Marquis, the assurance of my dolorous and unhappy service. ─── 我从这可怖的监狱里保证为你竭尽我悲惨不幸的绵薄之力,尽管我每一小时都在走向毁灭,前侯爵先生。

27、dur dolor ─── durante dolore {拉}痛时.疼痛持续期间

28、A dolorous bargain. ─── 令人痛心的买卖。

29、Scare alone and dolorous, but scare much more to plus toghter. ─── 害怕孤独与忧伤,但更害怕与别人叠加。

30、Dolorous guitar's tone is going on with the angry voice which pours out the past in the mist.There should be no wrath, and, the only remains should be equilibrium. ─── 忧伤的吉他伴随着这愤怒的声音诉说着如烟往事,不该有愤怒,只应留下的应是平静。

31、I suspect he had a long and dolorous heart-to-heart with a crocodile. ─── 我猜他和鳄鱼有着很长而忧伤的坦率交流。

32、The beautiful and dolorous memory. ─── 那些美好而忧伤的记忆。

33、dolor coxae ─── [医] 髋痛

34、Ah, dolor! Ah, terror! ─── 噢,多麽痛苦!噢,多惨啊!

35、With a broken-heart smile,he lifted a pair of dolorous eyes. ─── 带着伤心的微笑,他抬起了一双痛苦的眼睛。

36、Sorrow; grief; dolor. ─── 悲伤悲哀;悲伤;悲痛

37、I can only douney 100 dolor at the most. ─── 我充其量只能捐助100美元。

38、en el pecho tu dolor, ─── 埋藏在我的胸口,

39、My hearty friends,You take me in too dolorous a sense;For I spake to you for your comfort; ─── 我的好朋友们,你们误会了我的意思了,我本意是要安慰你们,叫你们用火把照亮这一个晚上。

40、Mr Carter's tone was dolorous, but there is an extraordinary lilt to Mr Obama's rhetoric which puts a bounce back into everyone's step. ─── 卡特的语调是忧伤的,而奥巴马的言辞给人的感觉是极其轻快的,给每一个人的前进步伐都带去了动力。

41、They vagabondize to distance.Song is their home.Dance is their family.The strong and dolorous zingaro bring the different music. ─── 漂泊千里,以歌为家,以舞为乡,强悍与忧伤并蓄的吉普赛人为我们带来了不一样的旋律。

42、They may possibly serve as footnotes to the work of some future historian, lightening a little the dolorous annals of the automobile. ─── 它们或许可以作为来某个历史学家著作的脚注,为悲哀的汽车编年史增加点轻松的趣事。

43、Sally stopped. Then she uttered a dolorous phrase that we could all understand. My dog is dead, she said, as tears filled her eyes. ─── 小莎莉停下脚步,悲伤地说:我的狗死了。这时,她眼里含满了泪水。她的话我们都能理解。

44、So, in the here, I hope all dolorous things are past, all happy things around you every day! ─── 所以,在这里,我希望所有忧伤的事都会过去,所有开心的事每天都会围绕着你!

45、Just then a solitary swan goose appeared, low and slow in its flight, sad and dolorous in its cry. ─── 更赢很自信的对魏王说:"我可以用弓声就把飞鸟给打下来。"魏王很怀疑。

46、Bright, dolorous, sonsy and memorable. ─── 明媚的,忧伤的,开朗的,难忘的。

47、Happiness is the dolorous tears, whisking from your cheek; ─── 幸福是忧伤中拂过腮边的泪;

48、The main reason is that its rhythm is bold and unconstrained, solemn and stirring.Its aria is dolorous and melting and its tune is loud and sonorous. ─── 它以其高亢的唱腔,丰富的曲牌,众多的剧目,迷倒了一代又一代的痴情观众。

49、“Probably me,” said Dolorous Edd, in a resigned tone. ─── “那个人可能是我”悲伤艾迪认命的说。

50、With a broken-hearted smile, he lifted a pair of dolorous eyes. ─── 带著伤心的微笑,他抬起了一双痛苦的眼睛。

51、Omnis quippe dolor venit ex amore: dolor itaque de temporalis alicuius amissione ex eiusdem venit temporalis amore. ─── (所有的痛苦都来自爱:为失去当前的善人善事而哀伤,这哀伤来自对这当前的善人善事的爱。

52、Her colorful but dolorous words bring some special feeling to me.I really like them, just as I like Mado's words.They are two different kinds of arts. ─── 在写文字的路上有你这样一位朋友陪伴我真的非常知足,我想我们会一起一直这样的走下去吧?

53、Mauris ut dolor quis massa luctus interdum.Mauris quis libero. ─── 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 ante.

54、a las flores quiere ocultar su amargo dolor. ─── 在花丛中,我希望把痛苦隐藏。

55、Now and again the hunter can hear a long-draw dolorous whine of some unseen coyote. ─── 猎人不时能听见某只看不见的小林狼发出的拖长的哀嚎。

56、dent dolor dentium ─── (拉)牙痛

57、Then she uttered a dolorous phrase that we could all understand. ─── 这时,她眼里含满了泪水。

58、I don't know what this love is, and it defies any description.This love fills my heart;I am happy, joyful and blest for a while, then I am dolorous, painful and sorry for another while; ─── 我不知道,不知道,不知道这是一种怎样的爱,我无法用言语来把它形容,这爱,就这样充满了我的整个心田;

59、Sally stopped. Then she uttered dolorous phrase that we could all understand. “My dog is dead,” she said, as tears filled her eyes. ─── 小莎莉停下脚步,沉痛地说:“我的狗死了。”这时,她眼里含满了泪水。她的话我们都能理解。

60、Grave damnum, gravis dolor, grave totum. ─── 沉重的堕落,沉重的悲哀,沉痛的一切。

61、Can not helpful but struggling and shirking I desire freedom but can't bear to see your dolorous eyes ─── 挣扎着逃避着无奈着渴望自由却不忍看到你忧伤的双眸

62、I admit that I am not the most miserable guy in the world,but can I have the right to feel depressed and dolorous? ─── 早上起来,没有想象中那么激动,曾经幻想过无数次高考完了的场景,无数次的兴奋到时候终于有人陪我玩了。

63、How I wish I had you near in this oh so dolorous life ─── 我多么希望在这悲伤的生命中有你作伴

64、She uttered a dolorous phrase ─── 悲伤的说

65、Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit,... ─── 学习网页设计的时候,有一段文字,经常看到。

66、I suspect he had a long and dolorous heart-to-heart with a crocodile. ─── 我猜他和鳄鱼有着很长而忧伤的坦率交流。

67、With a break-heart smile, he lift a pair of dolorous eyes. ─── 带著伤心的微笑,他抬起了一双痛苦的眼睛。

68、dolor capitis ─── [医] 头痛

69、The cardinal signs of inflammation are rubor (redness), calor (heat), tumor (swelling), dolor (pain), and loss of function. ─── 炎症的主要局部表现是红、肿、热、痛、功能障碍。

70、They had heard so very little of this; yet it was enough to build up wretched dolorous dreams upon, there in the shade of the night. ─── 关于这件事,她们知道的就是这样一点点;但是在夜色深沉的晚上,这件事已经足以使她们建立起痛苦和悲哀的遐想。

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