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09-10 投稿



iguanodon 发音

英:[?'gwɑ?n?d?n]  美:[?'gwɑn?'dɑn]

英:  美:

iguanodon 中文意思翻译



iguanodon 网络释义

n. 禽龙(恐龙的一种)

iguanodon 短语词组

1、genus Iguanodon ─── [网络] Iguanodon

iguanodon 词性/词形变化,iguanodon变形


iguanodon 相似词语短语

1、iguanodons ─── n.禽龙(恐龙的一种)

2、iguanids ─── n.美洲鬛蜥科

3、iguanodont ─── 禽龙

4、pteranodon ─── n.翼龙,无齿翼龙属;蝙蝠龙

5、guanidin ─── 胍

6、ciguatoxin ─── n.雪卡毒素

7、iguanian ─── 鬣蜥

8、iguanid ─── n.鬣蜥

9、biguanides ─── n.双胍类;双胍类药物(biguanide的复数形式)

iguanodon 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The iguanodon had tough skin and looked like a giant lizard. ─── 禽龙皮肤坚硬,就像一只大蜥蜴。

2、Habitat - When and where Iguanodon lived? ─── 禽龙生活在什么时候?住哪儿?

3、Iguanodon lived everywhere in the world. ─── 禽龙的足迹遍布世界。

4、Another dinosaur that lived at the same time was Iguanodon. ─── 其它生活在这个时期的恐龙有禽龙。

5、Example: the hadrosaurs, iguanodon etc. ─── 例如:鸭嘴龙、禽龙等。

6、The term "dinosaurs" was invented by Sir Richard Owen in 1842 to describe these "fearfully great rep- tiles", specifically Megalosaurus, Iguanodon and Hylaeosaurus, the only three dinosaurs known at the time. ─── “恐龙”这一名词是由理查得·欧文在1842年首先使用的,用来描述这种“可怕的巨型爬虫类”,特指斑龙、禽龙和热带雨林龙,这是那时仅知的三种恐龙。

7、The name of one kind of dinosaurs was iguanodon. ─── 其中有一种叫做禽龙。

8、Widespread group including duck-billed dinosaurs and their early relatives (hadrosaurs; trachodon; iguanodon). ─── 分布较广的一个种群;包含鸭嘴恐龙;和它们的早期亲戚(鸭嘴龙、粗齿龙和禽龙)。

9、Description - What Iguanodon looked like? ─── 禽龙长的什么样?

10、Yes, the Iguanodon has a very powerful tail. ─── 是的,禽龙有一条非常有力的尾巴。

11、The Iguanodon lived in groups. They were sort of smart. They could run on two legs or walk on four legs. They could run fast. ─── 禽龙成群生活。它们有点聪明。它们跑步时用两条腿,走路用四条腿,禽龙能跑得很快。

12、Behavior - How Iguanodon acted? ─── 禽龙的行为举止什么样?

13、Discusses what is know about the physical characteristics, behavior, and habitat of the spike-thumbed Iguanodon. ─── 图书性质:全价/非现货图书(想了解什么是非现货图书,请点击这里)

14、Other dinosaurs that lived at the same time were Stegosaurus and Iguanodon. ─── 其它生活在这个时期的恐龙有剑龙和禽龙。

15、Journey back in time 65 million years, when dinosaurs roamed the earth and meet Aladar, an iguanodon accidentally separated from his own species while still inside the egg. ─── 故事发生于六千五百万年前恐龙统领地球的时代,禽龙阿拉达未出世已经与家族失散,幸好牠在善良的狐猴部族中孵化及长大,当中包括俏皮的辛尼及富同情心的比奥。

16、Habitat - When and where Iguanodon lived? ─── 禽龙生活在什么时候?住哪儿?

17、The iguanodon looked like a giant lizard.It had tough skin.The iguanodon's skin must have felt like leather! ─── 他看上去就像一个巨型蜥蜴,他有着坚硬的皮肤,摸上去大概像皮革一样。

18、Yes, he is an Iguanodon. ─── 是的,他是一只禽龙。

19、The iguanodon had tough skin and looked like a giant lizard. ─── 禽龙皮肤坚硬,就像一只大蜥蜴。

20、The Iguanodon was about 30 feet long and 16 feet tall.It weighed up to 10,000 pounds. ─── 禽龙有30英尺长,16英尺高,体重达到1万磅。

21、Prey/Predator - What Iguanodon ate and what ate it? ─── 禽龙吃什么?/谁吃禽龙?

22、Behavior - How Iguanodon acted? ─── 禽龙的行为举止什么样?

23、Iguanodon was a plant eater. Other meat eating dinosaurs would kill the Iguanodon to eat it. ─── 禽龙是草食动物。其它食肉恐龙会捕食禽龙。

24、Behavior - How Iguanodon acted? ─── 行为举止什么样?

25、Any of various large dinosaurs of the genus Iguanodon, of the Jurassic Period and Cretaceous Period. ─── 禽龙属于侏罗纪和白垩纪的禽龙属中的任意一种大型恐龙

26、Aladag is an Iguanodon, living in a paradise-like island. ─── 阿拉达是一头禽龙,生活在一个世外桃源般的小岛上。

27、Another dinosaur that lived at that time was Iguanodon. ─── 其它生活在这个时候的恐龙有禽龙。

28、The Iguanodon lived in groups. They were sort of smart. They could run on two legs or walk on four legs. They could run fast. ─── 禽龙成群生活。它们有点聪明。它们跑步时用两条腿,走路用四条腿,禽龙能跑得很快。

29、Other dinosaurs that lived at the same time were Stegosaurus and Iguanodon. ─── 其它生活在这个时期的恐龙有剑龙和禽龙。

30、Yes, the Iguanodon has a very powerful tail. He can use ─── 是的,禽龙有一条非常有力的尾巴。当他受到

31、Only a few teeth have ever been found, which were described as similar to those of Iguanodon. ─── 刃齿龙只有一些牙齿被发现,这些牙齿与禽龙的牙齿相似。

32、Another dinosaur that lived at the same time was Iguanodon. ─── 其它生活在这个时期的恐龙有禽龙。

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