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09-14 投稿



longlived 发音

英:[[l??'l?vd]]  美:[[l??'l?vd]]

英:  美:

longlived 中文意思翻译



longlived 相似词语短语

1、longleaves ─── 长叶

2、long-limbed ─── 长肢

3、long-listed ─── (适合某一工作、职位等的申请者)初选名单

4、long lived ─── 长寿的;长久的;使用期长的

5、longhaired ─── 长毛的

6、longline ─── n.多钩长线

7、longlines ─── n.多钩长线

8、long-lived ─── 长寿的;长久的;使用期长的

9、longliner ─── 延绳钓渔船

longlived 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The root of wisdom is to fear the Lord: and the branches thereof are longlived. ─── 敬畏上主是智慧的根源,她的枝干可得久存。

2、In addition, nominal " old longlived person " , " new beauty " the sex of emulsioni paint alkali resistance of two brands is unqualified, be able to bear or endure rinse sex extreme difference. ─── 此外,标称“老寿星”、“新漂亮”两个品牌的乳胶漆耐碱性不合格,耐洗刷性极差。

3、" the son listens finish, admiring path, "No wonder my grandfather is old longlived person, eat green food as a child, why don't you eat to me? ─── 儿子听毕,羡慕道,“怪不得我爷爷是老寿星,从小就吃绿色食品,你为什么不给我吃呢?

4、Before early, the deer of a pair of celestial being beside old longlived person of the sky loves each other and conceived pregnant, this is infringe day, behoove puts to death. ─── 很早以前,天上的老寿星身边的一对仙鹿相爱并怀了孕,这是违犯天条的,理应处死。

5、The inherent difficulties of experimenting on very large longlived organisms motivates the development of a model research system for forest trees. ─── 林木植物特有的多年生习性使其生物学研究相对困难, 因此需要寻找一种适用于遗传学及分子生物学方法做精细分析的模式植物。

6、Talk with respect to modelling, moon cake of glazed face moon cake, lacy moon cake and Sun Wu sky, old longlived person. ─── 就造型而论,又有光面月饼、花边月饼和孙悟空、老寿星月饼等。

7、Yes, it is nice to see them all growing up. We're a longlived family. ─── 是的,看到他们都长大成人,真叫人感到高兴哪。我们是长寿家庭呢。

8、Objective To study the effect of dexamethasone on degradation of longlived protein in myotubes and to elucidate its possible mechanism. ─── 目的研究地塞米松对体外培养的骨骼肌肌管内长寿命蛋白降解的影响及其可能的作用机制。

9、Methodologies for evaluating civil engineering projects, which typically are large-scale, longlived projects involving many economic, financial, social, and environmental factors. ─── 本课程研究评估土木工程项目的各类方法。

10、Surely I agree that PC is a very longlived platform and we have the must to exploit it! ─── 毫无疑问,我同意PC是一个非常长寿的平台并且我们有义务去发展它!

11、Honour thy father and thy mother, that thou mayest be longlived upon the land which the Lord thy God will give thee. ─── 应孝敬你的父亲和你的母亲,好使你在上主你的天主赐给你的地方,延年益寿。

12、Honour thy father and thy mother, that thou mayest be longlived upon the land which the Lord thy God will give thee. ─── 应孝敬你的父亲和你的母亲,好使你在上主你的天主赐给你的地方,延年益寿。

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