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09-14 投稿



loco 发音

英:['l??k??]  美:['loko]

英:  美:

loco 中文意思翻译





loco 网络释义

n. 火车头;疯子;疯草病adj. 发疯的,发狂的vt. 使发疯;用疯草毒害n. (Loco)人名;(意)洛科

loco 短语词组

1、primo loco ─── [法] 第一位的

2、loco plant ─── [医] 洛苛草, 疯草(一种黄蓍属毒草)

3、go loco with rage ─── 气得发疯

4、accumulator loco ─── 蓄能器位置

5、loco weed ─── [医] 洛苛草, 疯草

6、loco- ─── 表示“从一处至另一处”之义

7、purple loco ─── [网络] 紫色的地方

8、congenital loco ─── 先天性loco

9、loco disease ─── [医] 洛苛草中毒

10、loco citato ─── 在上述引文中 [法] ─── 在上述引文中

11、loco sigilli ─── [经] 代蜡封

12、price loco ─── [经] 购买地点的价格, 当地价格

13、loco invoice ─── [经] 当地交货单

14、loco terms ─── [经] 当地交货条件

15、suo loco ─── [拉]处于本身的地位, 位置得当

16、loco price ─── [经] 当地交货价格

17、loco poisoning ─── [医] 洛苛草中毒

18、person in loco parentis ─── [法] 有父母身分和义务的人

19、in loco parentis ─── [法] 以代替父母的地位

loco 词性/词形变化,loco变形

动词过去式: locoed |名词复数: locos |动词过去分词: locoed |动词第三人称单数: locos |动词现在分词: locoing |

loco 相似词语短语

1、joco ─── n.(Joco)人名;(塞)约措

2、doco ─── abbr.纪录片(documentary);n.(Doco)(法)多科(人名)

3、loci ─── n.确切地点;抽象事物的中心;位点;轨迹(locus的复数)

4、loch ─── n.湖;海湾(狭长的);n.(Loch)人名;(法)洛克;(英、德、西、匈、捷)洛赫

5、loc. ─── abbr.通信线路(LinesofCommunication);地方;代码行;(俚)疯狂的;n.(Loc)人名;(塞)洛茨;(越)禄

6、lobo ─── n.北美北部产的灰色大狼(复数lobos);n.(Lobo)人名;(英、意)洛博;(西)洛沃

7、coco ─── n.椰子(果);椰子树(等于coconutpalm);脑袋;adj.椰子壳的纤维所制的;n.(Coco)人名;(英、西、意)科科;n.(Coco)《寻梦环游记》(一部3D动画电影)

8、loco- ─── n.火车头;疯子;疯草病;adj.发疯的,发狂的;vt.使发疯;用疯草毒害;n.(Loco)人名;(意)洛科

9、locos ─── abbr.硅的局部氧化(LocalOxidationofSilicon)

loco 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、For years, American courts upheld in loco parentis in cases such as Gott versus Berea College in nineteen thirteen. ─── 多年以来,在诸如一九一三年戈特对伯里亚学院的诉讼案例中,美国法庭一直支持“代替父母”。

2、loco citato ─── n. 从上述引文中

3、In loca loco parentis man meant that male and female college students usually had to leave live in subro building separate buildings. ─── 代替父母意味男的还是女的大学生经常要分开居住。

4、loco plant ─── [医] 洛苛草, 疯草(一种黄蓍属毒草)

5、in loco parentis ─── adv (Lat.) 代替父母

6、" In Loco Parentis loco parentis" is a latern Latin term mealing meaning " in the place of the a parent. ─── “代替父母”是一种拉丁文术语,意思为“以父母的立场”。

7、After that, it became harder and harder to defend in loco parentis|parentis. ─── 从此之后,为“代替父母”辩护变得越来越艰难了。

8、Who is that loco kid jumping up and down in the front seat? ─── 在前排座位上跳上跳下的那个小孩是谁?

9、Teachers at a boarding school are acting much more in loco parentis than at a day school. ─── 寄宿学校的教师比全日制学校的教师负有多得多的如父母般管教孩子的责任。

10、loco dolenti ─── (拉)用于痛处

11、Dual-gauge LOCO to start trials ─── 双轨距机车开始试运行

12、loco price ─── 当地交货价目

13、In loco parentis meant that male and female college students usually had to live in separate buildings.Women had to be back at their dorms by ten or eleven on school nights. ─── “代替父母”意味着,男女大学生通常必须居住在分离的建筑内,女生须在晚上十点或十一点返回宿舍。

14、I stand towards her in loco parentis. ─── 我对她代尽其父母亲的责任。

15、Interdictum quod in loco sacro religiosove ─── 将在圣地或安魂地进行的施工恢复原状之令状

16、congenital loco ─── 先天性紧闭

17、In loca loco parentis man meant that male and female college students usually had to leave live in subro building separate buildings. ─── 代替父母意味男的还是女的大学生经常要分开居住。

18、loco sigilli ─── [经] 代蜡封

19、It was based on the daily grind of subadministration loco dispatching, dicussed the scheme to implement the Locomotive dispathing Management System for the Subadministration by the technology of network and compunication. ─── 基于分局机车调度日常工作,探讨采用计算机网络与通信技术实现分局机车调度管理系统的设计方案。

20、From the cab of the little green wheezing loco, the driver waved.I waved back. ─── 司机从气喘吁吁的绿色火车头上向我们挥手致意,我也挥手回礼。

21、The Loco Star combines different kinds of electronic music with the classic idea of songs what creates their originality. ─── 我承认,一开始是被这张封面给勾引了的。

22、Luckily, Pitt's days spent donning a chicken costume for El Pollo Loco were numbered. ─── 庆幸的是,皮特为ElPolloLoco(一家炸鸡连锁店)装扮卡通鸡的日子屈指可数。

23、loco invoice ─── 当地交货单

24、Keywords rack loco;run;question;suggestion; ─── 关键词齿轨机车;运行;问题;建议;

25、US: On the road to LoCo approval what were some of the challenges the team faced and how did the team overcome them? ─── 美国队:在得到当地认可的过程中,团队都面临了哪些挑战,又是如何克服这些困难的?

26、( Sine loco(s.l. ─── )) 不知出版、发行地。

27、After visiting the depot, we walked along the track to see other steam engines and luckily we were invited to ride on a JS Steam loco for a distance. ─── 参观车库后,我们沿铁路走,去找寻其它的蒸汽机。幸运地,我们被邀请乘搭建设型蒸汽机车走了一段路。

28、There are four main kinds of foreign invoices. They are Loco invoice, F. O. B. invoice, C. I. F. invoice, and Franco invoice. ─── 对外的发票主要有四种,它们是:现场交货价发票、离岸价发票、起岸价发票、全部费用在内价发票。

29、sheep loco ─── n. 羊毒黄芪

30、Outline based on the early loco type, with typical Shay features. ─── 大纲的基础上早日买卖类型,谢伊的典型特征。

31、loco sopra citato ─── 在前面所引证的地方, 在前面提及的地方

32、According to Sally Olohan, head of student support services at Nottingham Trent University, "Unlike schools, universities do not act in loco parentis. ─── 据诺丁汉特伦特大学学生服务处负责人萨莉 - 奥洛汉说:“与中小学不同,大学生对家长的训斥往往充耳不闻。

33、Current Utilization Status of Shunting Loco in Fengtai West Station and Counter Measurements for Efficiency Improvement ─── 丰台西站调车机使用现状及提效对策

34、suo loco ─── [拉]处于本身的地位, 位置得当

35、In loco parentis meant that male and female college students usually had to live in seperate separate buildings. ─── 代替父母意思就是说男女大学生通常只能住在单独的建筑里。

36、Outline based on the early loco type, with typical Shay features. ─── 大纲的基础上早日买卖类型,谢伊的典型特征。

37、San Loco Falcon of Mal Tess: A beautiful statuette! ─── 中文意思: 一个美丽的小雕象!

38、sine loco, anno, velnomine ─── (拉)无地址、年龄或姓名

39、Ho un sacco di Segretario di legno massiccio sedie pieghevoli spiaggia loco. ─── 我司有大量折叠实木沙滩椅现货。

40、Que me vuelvo loco por ti. Que sin ti no puedo vivir. ─── 我为你疯狂,没有你已不可生存。

41、" In loco parentis" is a latern Latin term meaning " in a palce the place of a parent." It describes when someone else except accepts responsibility to act in the intrestes interests of the a child. ─── 代替父母是个拉丁习语,意思是父母所在的地方,它指其他人接受照顾孩子的责任。

42、So in loco parenties parentis no longer really applied. ─── 所以代替父母的观念不在被应用。

43、Aim was to produce a loco which would travel easily at 5 to 6 mph and thus be suitable for passenger hauling on Club tracks. ─── 目的是要产生一宗旅行很容易将在5至6英里到因此会拖上乘客合适的轨道。(Thatisreal,notscalespeed)。(这是真实的,而不是大规模的速度)。

44、primo loco ─── [法] 第一位的

45、The truck pivot bearing housing plate bolts to the side channels to allow easy removal of a truck without any other loco dismantling. ─── 卡车枢轴轴承箱板螺栓的一方渠道 , 让没有任何其他拆除洛科的卡车容易清除。

46、As a result, in local loco parentis has been replaced by what summer minister called some administrators call a partnership between the school and the family. ─── 因此,被有些管理者称为学校与家庭之间的一种合作替代了”代替父母“。

47、The SL #3 of former Keelung Coal Mine has been a sightseeing loco in Japan. Thanks to Mr. KeTel for this picture. ─── 保存于日本成田梦牧场之前五堵基隆煤矿的3号蒸汽机车,为罗须地人铁道协会所有,作为观光列车之牵引之用。

48、loco terms ─── [经] 当地交货条件

49、Be aware of the fact that many con artists use the name Loco London to cheat you into believing that you are dealing with legitimate operators. ─── 很多骗子利用本地伦敦金市的名义行骗,使人相信其公司合法经营,要加陪留神。

50、Taiwan Sugar Corporation(TSC) The loco coupling cars in TSC Sinying Factory. ─── 台湾糖业公司新营糖厂铁路(新营铁道文化园区)。

51、"Otro loco mas," said the barman and turned away. ─── "又是个神经病,"酒吧招待说过后,转过头去。

52、"There are four main kinds of foreign invoices. They are Loco invoice, F. O. B. invoice, C. I.F. invoice, and franco invoice." ─── 对外发票主要有四种,它们分别是现场交货价发票、离岸价发票、到岸价发票和全部费用在内的发票。

53、In local prentice man loco parentis meant that male and female collage college students usually had to live in thbtry separate buildings. ─── 代替父母意味著男女大学生通常必须住在分开的建筑里。

54、Click on the loco, and the drivers head appears. ─── 点击这个买卖,和司机的头部出现。

55、LRVs shall have automatic couplings at both driving ends, to permit coupling and trailing by other LRV and by loco or loco-tractor, using an adapter, in the event of any need for transport without its own driving power. ─── 在两端应有自动车钩以及适配器,以便于轻轨车在自身失去动力时被其它的轻轨车、机车或机车拖车连接和拖走。

56、in loco frigido ─── (拉)置于冷处

57、From the cab of the little green wheezing loco, the driver waved. I waved back. ─── 司机从气喘吁吁的绿色火车头上向我们挥手致意,我也挥手回礼。

58、person in loco parentis ─── [法] 有父母身分和义务的人

59、In loco parentis , man meant that male and female college students usually had to live in separant separate buildings. ─── “代替父母”认为女大学生和男大学生一般应该分开居住在男女生大楼内。

60、All exhibits must be clearly marked on the exhibit table, as well as on the registration form. Please ensure personally and in loco that each exhibit carries the correct label. ─── 所有的展览品一定要清楚地在展览桌子和登记表上作记号。请自己确定每个展览品有着正确的标签。

61、For years, American courts of held upheld in local parentice loco parentis in cases such as god Gott versus maria collage Berea College in 1913. ─── 多年来,美国法院在诸如1913年戈特和伯利亚学院之争的案件中多坚持“代替父母”原则。

62、price loco ─── [经] 购买地点的价格, 当地价格

63、" In loco parentis" is a Latin term meaning " in the place of a parent. ─── 代替父母是一种拉丁术语意思为站在父母的立场上。

64、in loco citato ─── (拉)引证的地方

65、The loco is essentially all my own design, based on information wherever I could find it, including your site which I found quite useful. ─── 的买卖基本上是我自己设计的基础上,信息,无论我能找到它,包括您的网站,我发现非常有用。

66、internal combustion loco(motive) ─── 内燃机车

67、Otro loco mas,"said the barman and turned away. ─── 又是个神经病,"酒吧招待说过后,转过头去。

68、So in loco parentis no longer really applied. ─── 因此,代替父母实际上已经不再使用了。

69、loco term ─── 当地交货条件

70、we had to punish this child in loco parentis. ─── 我们必须以家长的方式来惩罚这个孩子。

71、As a result, in loco parentis has been replaced by west administraters what some administrators call a partnership between the school and the family. ─── 作为结果,“代替父母”已经被一些管理者所说的学校和家庭之间的伙伴关系所取代。

72、Outline based on the early loco type, with typical Shay rivet patterns. ─── 大纲的基础上早日买卖型,带有典型的谢伊铆钉模式。

73、Contact:Martin Vincent We are an exporter of frozen fish.Our products include sea cucumbers,dogfish shark fin,arrowtooth flounder,mackerel,squid,loco,top shell,sardines,frozen lobster and scallops ─── 公司主要出口冷冻鱼类。产品包括:海参、角鲨鱼翅、箭牙鲆鱼、鲭鱼、鱿鱼、海螺、沙丁鱼、冷冻龙虾及扇贝。

74、Pochettino is not the only ex-Newell's Old Boys defender to have been affected by the man they call El Loco. ─── 波切蒂诺,不是唯一一个受到那个被称为”疯子“的男人的影响的纽维尔老男孩队的后卫。

75、Research of Key Manufacturing Technologies for Connecting Rods of Loco Diesel Engines ─── 内燃机车柴油机连杆关键制造技术的研究

76、loco primo citato ─── 在第一次引用文中

77、Discharging of compressed air through locomotive main reservoir after turning of the batteries. Loco 17. ─── 17号车断电后漏总风,检查已经不漏了。

78、The truck pivot bearing housing plate bolts to the side channels to allow easy removal of a truck without any other loco dismantling. ─── 卡车枢轴轴承箱板螺栓的一方渠道,让没有任何其他拆除洛科的卡车容易清除。

79、Work only with legitimate organizations that can prove their access to the Loco London market with the proper certificate. ─── 只应受雇于持有进入本地伦敦金市证书的合法组织。

80、The initial site of recurrence was determined in 28 patients (loco regional in 10 and distant in 18). ─── 28个病人取决于开始复发的位置(其中10例局部侵犯、18例远处转移)。

81、loco poisoning ─── [医] 洛苛草中毒

82、Three were related to object control (kicking, catching and overhand throwing), and four were focused on loco motor skills (hopping, side galloping, vertical jumping and sprinting). ─── 其中三种涉及对象控制(如踢球、接球和投球),另外四种涉及运动技能(如单脚跳、侧身跑、跳高和短跑)。

83、In loco parentis meant that male and female college students usually had to live in separate buildings. ─── 代替父母意味着男性和女性大学生需要住宿在分开的房子里。

84、plumb loco ─── adj. 十分疯狂的(非正式用语,loco是从一个意为"疯狂"的西班牙语词中来)

85、There are four main kinds of foreign invoices. They are Loco invoice,F. O. B. invoice,C. I. F. invoice,and Franco invoice. ─── 对外的发票主要有四种,它们是: 现场交货价发票、离岸价发票、起岸价发票、全部费用在内价发票。

86、"In loco parentis" is a Latin term meaning "in the place of a parent." It describes when someone else accepts responsibility to act in the interests of a child. ─── “代替父母”是拉丁语,意即“以父母的身份或地位”,表述的是由其它人承担起照顾孩子利益的责任。

87、For years, Amarican calls apilled American courts upheld in local prentice incases loco parentis in cases such as gad persons brea collage Gott versus Berea College in 1913s1913. ─── 多年以来,在比如1913年的戈特对伯利亚学院的案例中美国法院非常支持代替父母。

88、Members of Loco Star are full of passion known from alternative polish scene. ─── 我的确想听听东欧的地下音乐究竟是个什么样子。

89、Track Management Automation System in Guangzhou Loco Division ─── 广州机务段股道管理自动化系统的设计方案









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