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09-14 投稿



idiosyncrasies 发音

英:[??d???s??kr?siz]  美:[?dio??s?nkr??siz]

英:  美:

idiosyncrasies 中文意思翻译







idiosyncrasies 词性/词形变化,idiosyncrasies变形

名词复数: idiosyncrasies |形容词: idiosyncratic |副词: idiosyncratically |

idiosyncrasies 短语词组

1、idiosyncrasies meaning ─── 特质意义

idiosyncrasies 相似词语短语

1、idiodynamics ─── 意念控制

2、biosynthesis ─── n.生物合成

3、idiosyncratic style ─── 独特风格

4、idiosyncrasy ─── n.(个人独有的)气质,性格,习惯,癖好

5、idiosyncratic ─── adj.特质的;特殊的;异质的

6、idiocies ─── n.白痴;白痴的行为

7、idiosyncratical ─── 特殊的

8、idiosyncratically ─── 独特地

9、idiodynamic ─── adj.意念控制的

idiosyncrasies 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、On the Narration Idiosyncrasies of Chinese Classical Poesy ─── 论中国古典诗歌的叙述特质

2、The Gospel of St. John has more idiosyncrasies and is colored by theology of a strongly hellenic type ─── 《约翰福音》具有更多的特性,是被强烈的希腊式神学渲染了的。

3、pneumatic idiosyncrasies ─── 气动特性

4、The executive, speaking anonymously, gave great details on how the Madoff family ran the business, Bernie’s idiosyncrasies, and a host of other strange inside peeks. ─── 这个不愿意透露姓名的经理让人们近距离了解很多麦道夫家族企业的细节,伯纳德的怪癖,还有各种各样奇怪的事情。

5、Literary Language is marked by features of a given era and idiosyncrasies of a writer. ─── 摘要文学语言具有鲜明的时代特徵和个性特徵。

6、One of his idiosyncrasies is keeping pet snakes. ─── 他的癖性之一是养蛇玩赏。

7、2.The narration idiosyncrasies of Chinese classical poesy differing from the West poesies are mostly behave in paying attention to express in indicate based on Fu, Bi, Xing; ─── 摘要中国古典诗歌具有不同于西方诗歌的叙述特质,主要表现在:以赋、比、兴作为叙述基础,注重主观表达与客观效应统一;

8、You may recall a friend's habits, manners idiosyncrasies, and think of pleasant or unpleasant incidents in your relationship with that person, but the pictures which thought evokes are not love. ─── 你可能记得某一朋友的习惯,举止和气质,回想起与他在一起的愉快或不愉快的事情,但是思想唤起的那些画面并不是爱。

9、This example neatly demonstrates how elegantly we can design and implement using objects and classes, even if we have to cope with the idiosyncrasies of foreign libraries and class hierarchies. ─── 这个实例巧妙的展示我们能多么优美的使用对象和类,以及我们必须善于处理外部库和类层次。

10、Mahimacharan and Pratap Hazra were two devotees outstanding for their pretentiousness and idiosyncrasies. ─── 玛希玛切兰和帕拉塔普哈扎拉两位奉献者以自命不凡的特性而闻名。

11、Each market has its own idiosyncrasies. ─── 每个市场都有自己的特质。

12、"You know we have idiosyncrasies of Ronny [Turiaf] who's a little bit of a character.We have Sasha [Vujacic] who's our pampered player. ─── “你知道的,我们有有点个性的图里亚夫,有有点被纵容的沙沙。

13、Contrary to the model formulated by intergovernmentalists and confirming neo-functionalist conviction, decision-making in this area bears strong supranational idiosyncrasies. ─── 本文利用民主赤字严重的会员国间移民政策的协调说明,该理论模型与欧盟的实际运作并不相符。

14、Even as the difference in favorite vintage marks the separate idiosyncrasies of different periods and nationalities of Europe, so the Tea-ideals characterise the various moods of Oriental culture. ─── 即使对佳酿美酒的不同品味,也可用来用来区分欧洲各时代和各民族的不同风格。同样的,各种茶思想也是以东方文化的不同思想为特征的。

15、Anyway, speaking of her idiosyncrasies, after the menstrual flow was over, after she had rested properly and put a nice layer of fat around her belt, still she wouldn't come across. ─── 说来她的怪癖也真怪,待她的月经完了,休息好了,腰里也长了一圈膘,她仍不肯就范。

16、So I have to play without critical PvP AddOns like Afflicted or graphical idiosyncrasies like MetaHUD and fun stuff like ShaderMod. ─── 就在布什到访巴格达的前一天,美国国防部长盖茨告诉驻伊美军,他们的使命已经进入结束阶段。但是布什今天说,伊拉克战争仍然没有结束。

17、Mickey's programmers complain that they can't code around these idiosyncrasies without disrupting all the other finely tuned traits and skills Mickey has acquired. ─── 经过了多年的学习,他已经知道要避开各种障碍物和边缘,如果导演硬要他走出悬崖边缘,他会变得犹豫不决。

18、linguistic idiosyncrasies ─── 语言个性

19、The use of lowercase letters for capital letters was one of the idiosyncrasies of the poet e.e. cummings. ─── 用小写字母代替大写字母是诗人e.e.卡明斯特有的风格。

20、At a stroke, PDVSA lost almost all of its most experienced and best-qualified employees, with an irreplaceable understanding of the idiosyncrasies of its wells and fields. ─── PDVSA一下子失去了几乎所有最有经验和最为合格的员工,随之而去的是对油井油田的特性的了解,而这是难以替代的。

21、So I have to play without critical PvP AddOns like Afflicted or graphical idiosyncrasies like HUD and fun stuff like ShaderMod. ─── 男人渐渐支撑不住了,终于,他耗尽了最后一丝力气倒下了。失去知觉前,他想,女人的食物还够吗?还能撑住吗?醒来后,男人发现自己躺在救援队的帐篷里。

22、One of her little idiosyncrasies is always washing in cold water. ─── 她有个习惯,就是喜欢老在冷水里洗东西。

23、Underneath his genius,Einstein was an ordinary person, with human frailties and weaknesses, but also with charm, modesty,a wry sense of humor, and idiosyncrasies. ─── 同时,我们将在历史氛围中去理解爱因斯坦,也将在现实情境中去悄然接受爱因斯坦的精神感召。

24、American or Western idiosyncrasies ─── 美国或者西方的癖好

25、mode idiosyncrasies ─── 调制解调器特性

26、narration idiosyncrasies ─── 叙述特质

27、No one will know the idiosyncrasies of my office's technology as well as I will. ─── 谁也不会像我一样清楚我办公室的技术特性。

28、Each market has its own idiosyncrasies. ─── 每个市场都有自己的特质。

29、The idea of leaving behind those idiosyncrasies, those habits and those memories is understandably daunting. What will the new life be like? ─── 在想到离开这些习惯、生活方式还有这些回忆会有些令人气馁。但新生活会是怎样呢?

30、After all, as long as one is burdened with a person, one is exposed to its idiosyncrasies and habits. ─── 毕竟,当意识为个人所累,便曝露于個人的氣質習性。

31、Instead, it is the kind of profound affection that makes you smile at idiosyncrasies that anyone else would find pointless, or get the joke that nobody else will understand. ─── 相反,它是一种深切的 情爱,令你欣赏外人视若无睹的独特气质而秋波盈盈,领会他人没能听懂的笨拙笑话而前仰后伏。

32、This paper try to reduce the error of election prediction via "Joined Idiosyncrasies Adjusted Model" (JIA Model).JIA Model was operated by two stages. ─── 本文尝试从特质调整模型出发,用基础模型与延伸模型的两阶段操作方式,以对数迴归所模拟计算出的投票抉择机率,来进行1997年台北县长的选举预测。

33、In addition, users must spend even more time to master the idiosyncrasies of a particular site's organization, page layout and search engine, Web guru Jakob Nielsen notes. ─── 另外,网络专家加卡伯·尼尔森指出,用户甚至必须花更多的时间来掌握某个网站组织的特点(风格)、页面设置和搜索引擎。

34、Everyone has a few little idiosyncrasies. ─── 人人都有几个小癖好。

35、One of her little idiosyncrasies is always washing in cold water. ─── 她有个怪习惯,就是洗什么都爱用冷水。

36、It is to see them as unique individuals with all their idiosyncrasies, strengths, and weaknesses, their similarities and differences. ─── 是把他们看作独一无二的个体,一个有着自己的习性、长处、缺点,与我们有相同和不同之处的个体。

37、"They tell me that homosexuals are creative writers, dancers. If we want creative people, then we have to put up with their idiosyncrasies," Lee, 83, told Reuters on Tuesday. ─── 83岁的李光耀于星期二对路透社的记者说:“他们告诉我说同性恋者都是有创造力的作家,舞蹈家。如果我们想吸引这些人的话,那就必须得容忍他们的这种特性。”

38、The electronic search system reveals idiosyncrasies in the second edition that were not apparent before or did not matter. ─── 电子检索系统揭示出在第二版中的古怪特征,以前在印刷版中并不明显或者是无关紧要。

39、CHOPIN: NOCTURNES One of the idiosyncrasies of music history is the number of composers who flowered far from their native soil. ─── 肖邦:夜曲音乐历史的特质之一就是那些在远离本土也能够盛名远播的作曲家的数量。

40、Wearing a raincoat, even on a hot day, is one of her idiosyncrasies. ─── 即使在大热天也穿着雨衣是她的怪处之一。

41、Ol Doinyo Lengai's idiosyncrasies have puzzled scientists since the 1960s. ─── 从上世纪六十年代开始,伦盖伊火山的离奇之处就一直令科学家迷惑不解。

42、In addition,users must spend even more time to master the idiosyncrasies of a particular site's organization,page layout and search engine,Web guru Jakob Nielsen notes. ─── 另外,网络专家加卡伯·尼尔森指出,用户甚至必须花更多的时间来掌握某个网站组织的特点(风格)、页面设置和搜索引擎。

43、Critics have suggested that Maradona's vocal nature and many idiosyncrasies often shift attention away from his players and onto himself. ─── 批评者们指出马拉多纳直言不讳的天性和特质总是能将注意力从球员转移到自己的身上。

44、The adapter can then adjust rendered output for example, and handle any device-specific view state logic or device idiosyncrasies. ─── 然后该适配器便可调整呈现的输出,并处理任何特定于设备的视图状态逻辑或设备特性。

45、What causes a family's roots to sink into a particular place though? Is it the idiosyncrasies, the personal touches? ─── 那是什麽让一个家庭对某个地方如此根深蒂固?是习惯使然还是更私人的感情作祟呢?

46、As befits an inert object of obsession, the cheese has become a blank slate upon which admirers can express their passions and idiosyncrasies. ─── 与其他静止不动的迷人玩意儿一样,这块乳酪似乎化为一块白板,让仰慕者在上面抒发喜好,展现习癖。

47、rhetorical idiosyncrasies ─── 修辞个性

48、Personal idiosyncrasies that have been found to be surprisingly concordant among MZ twins separated in infancy and reared apart may be emergenic traits. ─── 婴儿时期分开并个别抚养的同卵双生儿,被发现在个人的特质上,具有惊奇的一致性,因而可能是遗传特征。

49、the separate idiosyncrasies of different periods and nationalities of Europe, so the Tea-ideals characterise the various moods of Oriental culture. ─── 茶和艺术一样,也有时代和流派之分。它的发展可大致分为三个主要阶段:煮茶,抹茶和泡茶。

50、One of her idiosyncrasies is keeping pet dog. ─── 她的癖好之一是养狗作为宠物。

51、Such idiosyncrasies may explain why women's language sounds much more“polite”than men's. ─── 这种独特的言语风格也许可以解释为什么女性的语言听上去比男性的语言“客气”的多。

52、The car has its little idiosyncrasies. ─── 这辆车有它的一些小小脾气。

53、I recommend that every CSS designer and DOM scripter read this. Understanding “layout” gives a huge insight into lots of other IE bugs and idiosyncrasies. ─── 本站所提供的摄影照片,插画,设计作品,如需使用,请与原作者联系。

54、They had similar idiosyncrasies: sobriety, fastidiousness, religious scrupulosity. ─── 他们独特的性格也一样:稳重、耐烦、具有严谨的宗教信仰。

55、Is MUJI a brand? MUJI does not translate trends or designer idiosyncrasies into products. ─── 无印是品牌吗?无印并不体现任何潮流或设计师的个人风格。

56、I adjusted to my husband's many idiosyncrasies. ─── 我适应了我丈夫的许多习性。

57、Moreover, in the chapter three, he offered the concepts and ideas which his work originates from, also described the arrangements of film plots and idiosyncrasies. ─── 第三章为创作理念说明,描述影片剧情设计及影片表现手法。

58、Hatoyama appears admirably unruffled by his wife's idiosyncrasies, saying: "I feel relieved when I get home. ─── 鸠山由纪夫令人敬佩地安于其妻的怪癖,他说:“我一回家就觉得轻松。

59、That culture expresses its idiosyncrasies in a way that is' culture-bound': cultural words, proverbs and of course idiomatic expressions, whose origin and use are intrinsically and uniquely bound to the culture concerned. ─── 那文化在表达自己的特点时明显带有地域色彩:例如方言,谚语及惯用语等,它们的起源和使用与对应的文化息息相关。

60、In middle management, however, there are still local idiosyncrasies, “For instance, a lot of Germans still put their photo on their CV,” she says. ─── 但对中层管理职位来说,简历仍颇具本土色彩。“譬如,很多德国人仍会把自己的照片贴在简历上。”

61、For example, known idiosyncrasies of different Web server software can quickly tell you what software a system runs, even if the software is modified to not report its version. ─── 例如,不同Web服务器软件的已知特性可以很快告诉您系统运行的是什么软件,即使该软件被修改成不报告其版本。

62、The financial markets with strong national idiosyncrasies have not undergone such transformation. ─── 而那些具有强烈国家特征的子市场还没有发生这种转型。

63、As you work more with JMX, however, you could notice a number of idiosyncrasies when using implicit MBean construction. ─── 不过,使用JMX时,在使用隐式MBean构造时会注意到一些特性。

64、I had come to love New Hampshire, to appreciate its idiosyncrasies, and to respect the seriousness of its voters, even those who chose someone else. ─── 我越来越喜欢新罕布什尔州,欣赏它的特有的风格,尊重那里选民的严肃态度,即便是那些没有投票支持我的人。

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