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09-14 投稿



reflector 发音

英:[r?'flekt?]  美:[r?'fl?kt?]

英:  美:

reflector 中文意思翻译



reflector 词性/词形变化,reflector变形


reflector 短语词组

1、corner reflector antenna ─── [电] 角形反射器天线

2、dental reflector ─── [医] 口腔镜

3、circular paraboloid reflector ─── [电] 圆形抛物线体反射器

4、coded passive reflector antenna ─── [电] 电码无功反射器天线

5、orange peel paraboloid reflector ─── [电] 橘皮状抛物线体反射器

6、corner reflector ─── [电] 角形反射器

7、cylindrical reflector ─── [电] 圆柱反射体

8、paraboloid reflector ─── [网络] 抛物线体反射器;抛物面反射镜

9、mail reflector ─── [计] 邮件转发程序

10、passive reflector ─── [电] 无源反射器

11、Newtonian reflector ─── [网络] 牛顿反射望远镜;牛顿式;式天文望远镜

12、lamp reflector ─── [电] 反射灯

13、parabolic reflector ─── 抛物面反射器, ─── 抛物面镜

14、mirror reflector ─── [计] 镜象反射器

15、quasi-hypobolic reflector ─── [电] 近似双曲形反射器

16、beam reflector antenna system ─── [电] 指向反射天线系

17、grating reflector ─── [电] 光栅瓣

18、antenna reflector ─── [电] 天线反射器

19、off-axis reflector ─── [网络] 离轴反射器

reflector 相似词语短语

1、reflectors ─── n.[光]反射镜;反光片;[光]反射体(reflector的复数)

2、elector ─── n.选举人;有选举权的人;总统选举人

3、inflector ─── n.弯曲物(如肌肉等)

4、reflection ─── n.反射;沉思;映象

5、defector ─── n.背叛者;逃兵;叛离者

6、reflecters ─── 反射镜

7、deflector ─── n.导向装置;偏针仪,导流板

8、reflecter ─── 反射器

9、effector ─── n.[生理]效应器;[遗]效应物;操纵装置

reflector 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Which of the following is a reference reflector that is not dependent on beam angle? ─── 下列哪种参考反射体与声束角度无关?

2、Reflector is made by imported safe aluminum from Germany and is high in reflectivity. ─── 反射器材料采用进口德国安铝,反射效率更高。

3、Today's LEDs have reflector cups and focusing optics to focus and collimate their output. ─── 今天的LED让反射杯和焦点的光学来焦点和校准他们的输出。

4、With a rugged ceramic body and seal construction, along with an internal reflector, Cermax Xenon lamps are a safe and compact alternative to conventional quartz lamps. ─── 与普通的石英灯相比,Cermax氙灯具有粗糙的陶瓷体及密封结构,并装有内置反光灯,是一种更安全的产品!

5、If the plate is one that contains the image of a summonable monster, you will receive a soul reflector infused with the information from your soul plate. ─── 如果底片中包含可召唤怪物的映像,你就会得到一个充入了来自灵魂底片的信息的灵魂反射器.

6、DO pause for 10 seconds or when entering the reflector before talking. ─── 在连接上互连网中继前暂停10秒钟后开始呼叫。

7、Moreover, the radiation field of the distorted reflector antenna is calculated by the physical optics method. ─── 在此基础上,通过使用物理光学法直接计算出变形反射面天线辐射场。

8、Experiments have demonstrated the largest output ratio of mono-mode of Ruby lasers can be got if resonant reflector and F-P etalon are correctly matched. ─── 实验证明谐振反射器与F-P标准具在匹配条件下选模可以使红宝石激光器有较大的单频输出几率。

9、The sensitivity of RPR-FORS was as a function of the resonator coupler transmittance and the coupling ratio, the resonator transmittance and the reflector reflectivity. ─── 分析了无源环形谐振腔中定向耦合器的透过率、环形谐振腔的透过率与测量灵敏度的关系。

10、A light with a reflector and lens mounted on the front of a locomotive, an automobile, or another vehicle. ─── 前灯一种安装在火车机车、汽车或其它车辆前部的配有反射镜和透镜的灯

11、It's very significant to use the wiggled character of seismic reflector to distinguish the gas hydrates and underlying free gases in the strata. ─── 地震反射波形特征对判断地层中是否存在天然气水合物及其下伏游离气层具有重要指示意义。

12、As a commercial company, we need to charge at least a nominal amount to keep . NET Reflector up-to-date and relevant. ─── 作为一家商业公司,我们需要至少在名义上收取一些费用,以保持.NETReflector的更新和地位。

13、He broke the reflector of his car the first time he drove. ─── 他第一次开车,就把汽车的反光镜给碰坏了。

14、Photo reflector, NPN transistor output. ─── 功能描述: Opto interrupter module.

15、In addition to a geophysical BSR (bottom simulator reflector) method, drilling for samples at the bottom of the sea can directly find convincing proof of gas hydra... ─── 在微型钻井过程中,对几种不同性质的钻井液对水合物分解特性的影响进行了对比分析,研究结果对海底天然气水合物钻探取样具有重要的参考价值。

16、For example, you can search for "rear reflector" using the proximity operator NEAR by typing in the text box: "rear" NEAR "reflector". ─── 例如,可以使用邻近运算符NEAR搜索“rear reflector”,方法是在文本框中键入"rear"NEAR"reflector"。

17、Attribute distinguishes the overall relative priority of the SOAP extension reflector. ─── 属性都区分SOAP扩展发送程序的整体相对优先级。

18、SWS and a resonant reflector of the BWO are designed by use of linear theory of RBWO and code SUPERFISH respectively. ─── 利用线性理论 [1]设计了返波管的慢波结构 ,应用 SUPERFISH软件设计了谐振反射器。

19、Allowances are made for the effects of multiple reflections on the reflector and laser rod, Xe flashlamp emission spectrum and absorption spectrum of Nd doped laser glass. ─── 在本文的模型中正确考虑了光线在反射器和激光棒上的多次反射,氙灯的辐射光谱以及钕玻璃的吸收光谱。

20、The Repti Basking Spot Lamps have a unique patented double reflector that focuses 35% more heat and light into a tight beam. ─── 商品描述:独特专利的双重反射器聚集超过35%的光和热.最适合需日晒的日间活动爬虫使用。

21、Inspired by a Guns N Roses record, Reflector was founded in 1997 and now consists of bassist Tian Jianhua, guitarist Li Peng, and drummer Ye Jingying. ─── 在一张枪花专辑的启蒙下,反光镜于1997年由贝斯手田建华、吉他手李鹏和鼓手叶景滢组建。

22、Because it can perfect co-work with reflector cup and offer the well mixed facular and angle. ─── 因其比较完美的与反光杯配合,达到均匀的光斑和角度。

23、Base on the applications of reflector matrix and merit function matrix, we develop the diffenent design method from traditional method. ─── 其中,优化函数矩阵可以非常完整且明确地描述物在经过一连串任意的平坦边界成像后其像位变化。

24、Chinese installed the first survey beacon on Everest, a red reflector visible through a theodolite for ten miles, as a reference point. ─── 中国在珠穆朗玛峰上安装了第一个测量信标,这是一个红色的反射器,可作为参考点,通过经纬仪可以在10英里外看到。

25、Polygon reflector makes the light even concentrate and smooth. ─── 多棱镜反光杯,使光线更集中,均匀。

26、The radar scattering characteristics are tested in some azimuths for the energetic mini corner reflector sample in a microwave room. ─── 在微波暗室对动力型微型角反射器样品在几个方位角的雷达散射特性进行了测试。

27、Reflector, and light source, that is part of an integral beam headlighti ... ─── 光束发射器指一个包括透镜的不可分割的光学总成。

28、Well, welcome to New York. OK, just a second. [He takes out a reflector to have more light for his photographs. ] I'm almost ready here. ─── 那好,欢迎你们到纽约来。好,请稍候一下。[他取出反光板,好给照相加强亮度。]我马上就准备好了。

29、Almost any type of telescope will do (reflector or refractor). ─── 几乎所有类型的望远镜都可以(反射或折射等)。

30、If certain conditions are met, the attendant will take the skills from that plate and add them to the monster on your reflector! ─── 如果符合特定的条件,服务员将会把技能从底片中取出,然后将它们添加到你的反射器中的怪物身上。

31、A free reflector was designed to get uniform illumination on a specific planar. ─── 为在特定平面上得到均匀照明,设计了一种自由曲面反光器。

32、A light with a reflector and lens mounted on the front of a locomotive, an automobile, or another vehicle. ─── 前灯一种安装在火车机车、汽车或其它车辆前部的配有反射镜和透镜的灯

33、The inner surface is to be metalized as a reflector so the finish is of more importance than the composition. ─── 内表面要像反光镜一样的具有金属光泽,所以表面质量要比材质的成分更重要。

34、Reflector: light-reflecting device on the back of the snowmobile. ─── 反射:光反射装置在背部的雪橇。

35、The reflector adopts paraboluic mirror with chromium-platedfinish, high reflectivity and even illuminance in illuminated surface. ─── 反射罩采用抛物面形,并镀铬抛光,反射率高,受照面照度均匀。

36、Key factors that affect the precision of reflector are debated and optimized. ─── 对影响栅面精度的关键因素进行了讨论和优化。

37、Language is a reflector of a society to some extent. ─── 从某种程度上来说, 语言反映了社会。

38、Back in our kitchen, we constructed a primitive incubator from an empty fish aquarium, clamping a reflector light to its upper rim. ─── 回到厨房后,我们用空鱼缸做了个简陋的孵卵箱,上缘夹着一盏反射灯。

39、But traditional RCS computation method is only suit for the ideal dihedral corner reflector. ─── 但是传统的计算方法仅仅适用于理想二面角反射器。

40、Halogen lamp series, reflector lamp series, metal halide bulbs series, sealed beam PAR lamps, HID xenon lamp series. ─── 卤素灯系列,反光灯系列,金属卤素灯系列,真空PAR灯,HID疝气灯系列。

41、Imported matt-anodize alumimium reflector, mirror-anodize aluminum, or white-painted steel reflector. ─── 反射器用用进口高纯氧化铝;

42、If there is a ground reflector (semi-anechoic) the optimal height may have to be set. ─── 如果有最佳的高度可能必须被设定的一个土地的反射镜 (半-无回声的)。

43、A receiver and amplifier receive the radio waves from the sub reflector, and make these weak radio waves strong enough to be recorded and turned into electronic signals. ─── 接收器和放大器接收来自副反射器的无线电波,并使这些微弱的无线电波强大到足以被记录下来并转化成电子信号。

44、Cotton material, PU material, PVC material, Reflector Paper, Cutter blade, Handbag's Accessories, Button, Plastic Board, etc...... ─── 布料,色丁布,PU料,PVC料,反光纸,界刀片,手袋配件,钮带扣,饰扣,胶板,等等......

45、In the semiconductor laser, we fabricated the Fabry-Perot laser by optical waveguide reflector with one input and two inputs. ─── 半导体雷射方面,我们利用一单输入及双输入的光波导反射器来制作费比-普洛雷射。

46、A glass or plastic reflector designed to glow in the beam of a headlight, used on a vehicle as a safety device or set in rows along a highway as lane markers. ─── 反射装置在汽车前灯的照耀下闪光的玻璃或塑料制反射装置,用于汽车的安全设备或在高速公路上成列安置作为道路标志

47、Removes a specified SOAP extension reflector class from within the scope of the configuration file. ─── 从配置文件的范围内移除指定的SOAP扩展反射器类。

48、Respondents who were activist and reflector scored above the norm in their strength of learning styles, while students who were theorist and pragmatist scored below the norm. ─── 具体而言,本研究之目的有五:1.描述国小高年级学童学习风格的分布与强度情形。2.探讨问题解决能力与创造思考、批判思考及推理思考之关系。

49、The reflector adopts paraboluic mirror with chromium-platedfinish,high reflectivity and even illuminance in illuminated surface. ─── 反射罩采用抛物面形,并镀铬抛光,反射率高,受照面照度均匀。

50、The reflection involves only a point on the reflector. ─── 反射涉及到的只是反射面上的一个点。

51、A certain syndrome is reflected as a certain type of pulse, that is "pulse as reflector of disease". ─── 一定的症状反映在一定的脉诊上,就是说,脉搏是疾病的反映。

52、The design of an airborne off-set parabolic reflector antenna with low sidelobes is discussed. ─── 介绍了机载雷达低副瓣偏馈抛物面无线的设计。

53、Array-fed parabolic reflector and shaped reflector with a single feed are usually used to be contoured beam satellite antenna. ─── 卫星波束赋形天线普遍采用阵馈抛物反射面天线和单馈成形反射面天线。

54、The experimental study of an integrated collector storage (ICS) solar water heater with transparent honeycomb plate and boosting reflector is reported. ─── 作者对一种带透明蜂窝盖板和辅助反射面的整体式(ICS)太阳热水器进行了实验研究。

55、Halogen, MR16, MR11 spotlights and cold reflector lamps, such as lighting. ─── 卤素灯,MR16,MR11射灯及冷反光灯等照明灯具。

56、According to the structure characteristics of levitated globular reflector,a compact element-partition method is introduced. ─── 依据空飘球的结构特点,给出了分割元的简捷方法。

57、Mechanic analyses show that the optimized structure of the reflector is much lighter and stronger than the original design. ─── 力学分析表明,经过优化后的反射镜结构相比于原设计方案轻量化程度更高,静力学性能更好。

58、The basic configuration: Optical reflector,High-definition digital displays, Multimedia computers, Display 3D images document,and The structure of box. ─── 基本配置:光学反射镜、数字高清显示器、多媒体计算机、展品3D影像文件、箱体结构;

59、Advanced Reflector System generates more UV output than lamps with higher wattage and cures evenly around the entire nail. ─── 先进的反光系统产生比普通灯管更多的紫外输出和瓦数,可均衡光疗整个平面。

60、Reflector imported into Germany of high-purity aluminum, reflective reflector than the regular rate of 25%. ─── 反射器采用进口德国高纯度铝制成,反光率比普通反射器高25%。

61、Best of all, a fill light is easy to create: either a simple on-camera flash or a reflector is often sufficient. ─── 最重要的是,一个填充光很容易创造:不是一个简单的闪光或反射器指向通常是足够了。

62、He also recommends attaching some lips to two sides of the reflector, to reduce radiation from the rear lobes. ─── 同时为了减少背面突出部分的反射,他也推荐反射器的两边某些部分需要连接到。

63、It keep the advantages of omni-directional reflector and more adaptable than the S bend waveguide in the outputs of multimode interference splitters. ─── 发展出中空直角波导,除了保有原本中空全方向反射镜波导的特点,更可适用于取代弯曲波导以缩小元件的面积。

64、Reflector, and light source, that is part of an integral beam headlighting system and contributes only a portion of a headamp beam. ─── 反射器,光源,是一个完整头灯系统的一部分,只是发出头灯光束的一部分。

65、In terms of learning styles, the numbers of students who were activist, reflector, and theorist were almost the same, while pragmatist accounted for the smallest number. ─── 中文摘要本研究主旨在描述国小高年级学童在学习风格的分布及风格强度情形,再尝试比较不同年级、性别、学习风格学童,其科学问题解决能力之表现。

66、But before you can call your monster up for a Pankration battle, you must first submit the reflector for inspection. ─── 但是*在你叫出你的怪物来进行宠物对战之前,你必须先把反射器提交检验.

67、After emerging from the lamp reflector, the p-polarized light would pass through a half-wave retarder that would occupy half of the beam cross section. ─── 反射后的p偏振光将通过一个半波纠正器,将占用一半的光束截面。

68、Murphy's primary method will be something called "laser ranging."Light from a laser fired from the Earth could hit a reflector on the surface of the moonbounce back. ─── Murphy的基本方法将是"激光测距",从地球上发出的激光打射到设在月球表面的反射器上,反射回地球。

69、The injection molding technology of the load reflector made of PC. The quality problem often appeared and their solving methods are introduced. ─── 介绍聚磷酸酯公路路标反光镜片的注射成型工艺、常出现的质量问题及解决办法。

70、Reflector: Get the secret inside .NET assemblies. ─── 如何得到某集合的所有子集合?

71、It contains seven parts such as chimney itself,thimble,foundation support,the passage of air intake,dynamo of wind power,forcing house,reflector. ─── 它由烟囱主体、套管、基座、进风通道、风力发电机、温室,反射镜七大部分组成。

72、To some extent language is a reflector of a society to some extent. ─── 从某种程度上来说,语言反映了社会。

73、Light focused by the elliptic reflector is irradiated on plane regions except for subulate portion on the incidence face of the claviform lens. ─── 向棒形透镜的入射面上除了锥状部以外的平面区域射入利用椭圆形反射镜聚集的光。

74、The soil with relatively high moisture was represented as Non Lambert reflector,while the soil with low moisture was represented as Lambert reflector. ─── 多角度遥感中我们发现具有一定湿度的土壤表现为非朗伯体.而小于这个湿度时土壤则表现为朗伯体。

75、The data of NT62-2 seismic line of western Nankai Trough are reprocessed, and the character of the distribution of Bottom simulating reflector (BSR) is emphasized. ─── 对西南海海槽的NT6 2 - 2地震测线进行了重新处理 ,突出了天然气水合物似海底反射层 (BSR)的特征 .

76、The major scattering resource in top direction is radar antenna or infrared head, in side direction is dihedral reflector formed by missile wings, missile body and wings. ─── 其主要散射源在头向为雷达天线或红外导引头,在侧向为弹翼之间的二面角以及弹身、弹翼。

77、Reflector: High temperature processed, layers of alloy coating films. ─── 反射:高温处理后,合金涂层层薄膜。

78、Most antennas are made in the shape of a dish to collect and reflect the radio waves to the sub reflector, in the same way as a curved mirror focuses visible light to one point. ─── 大多数天线被制成碟形,用以收集和反射无线电波至亚反射器,就像曲面镜将可见光聚焦于一点一样。

79、Separate the reflector from the rear bumper . ─── 从保险杆分离反射镜。

80、Murphy is hoping that at least one out of every 30 million photons hits a reflector and bounces back toward Earth. ─── Murphy希望在每3千万光子中至少有一个能碰到反射器后回地球。

81、It mainly included: light source modeling, freeform reflector design and headlamp illuminating effect simulation. ─── 其主要内容包括光源建模、自由曲面反射器的设计和前照灯照明效果模拟三大部分。

82、As many of you know, our original intention was to maintain . NET Reflector as a free tool. ─── 你们大多数人都知道,我们的初衷是将.NETReflector作为一款免费工具进行维护。

83、The Reflector reflects enemy projectile weapons. You kick it away from you to turn it into an attack. ─── 反射盾反射对手的射击武器,你把他踢到对手的攻击中。

84、Small and portable, the luminometer uses a light reflector to produce excellent sensitivity within the entire six decades of dynamic range. ─── 小巧,携带方便的光度计使用一个光反射器在整个六级动态范围内产生很高的灵敏度。

85、With a solid-tube reflector, you need only check this once in a while. ─── 如果你的镜筒是整体化的,你只用隔一段时间检查一次就行了。

86、If the creature that caused Minion Reflector's ability to trigger has already left play by the time the ability resolves, you can still pay {2}. ─── 如果仆从映镜的异能结算时,触发此异能的生物已经离场,则你依旧可以支付{二}。

87、Pioneer to make the kickstand with reflector, it can improve the safety for rider at the side of bike. ─── 五、首创安装反光贴纸于支架上,提升骑乘者安全性。

88、In this situation, it would be far preferable to focus the radio energy on each user, much as the reflector in a flashlight focuses light into a beam. ─── 在这种情况下,最好能把无线电波集中发射给个别用户,就好像手电筒以反射镜把灯光聚集成束一样。

89、The optical system consists of glass reflector and divergent lens. ─── 光学系统包括用玻璃精制而成的反光镜和发散透镜。

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