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09-14 投稿



incensing 发音

英:[?n?sens??]  美:[?n?sens??]

英:  美:

incensing 中文意思翻译



incensing 词性/词形变化,incensing变形

动词现在分词: incensing |动词过去分词: incensed |动词第三人称单数: incenses |动词过去式: incensed |

incensing 相似词语短语

1、incenting ─── v.激励,鼓励(同incentivize)

2、incasing ─── v.把……装进箱子;包起,围住(同encase)

3、incanting ─── vt.念咒语;vi.念咒语

4、incepting ─── vt.开始;摄取;接收;vi.获得学位;就职

5、incising ─── v.切刻;雕饰;[建]刻痕(incise的ing形式)

6、-censing ─── v.用香熏焚香敬神,焚香(于神坛、神殿等)(cense的现在分词)

7、censing ─── v.用香熏焚香敬神,焚香(于神坛、神殿等)(cense的现在分词)

8、increasing ─── adj.越来越多的,渐增的;v.增加,加大(increase的ing形式)

9、inceding ─── 煽动

incensing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、According to the present condition about produce technology in incensing mosquito trade,the author designs a kind of equipment for spouting liquid medicine. ─── 针对目前蚊香行业生产工艺现状,设计研制一喷药设备。

2、Several players took to the field wearing green wrist bands in solidarity, incensing the regime and the coach. ─── 几名球员一起戴着绿色腕带上了球场,激怒了当局和教练。

3、Pictures of carnage from the dog eating festival made their way on to the internet, incensing thousands. ─── 狗肉节上的大屠杀图片流传至网络,引发群愤。

4、While all of these are serious issues, none of them is of sufficient gravity to risk incensing the Chinese people as a whole by protesting around Olympic events. ─── 虽然这些都是严重的事件,但这些事件还没有严重到要通过围绕奥运会进行抗议,从而冒险惹恼全体中国人的程度。

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