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09-11 投稿



graphicness 发音


英:  美:

graphicness 中文意思翻译



graphicness 词性/词形变化,graphicness变形

副词: graphically |名词: graphicness |

graphicness 相似词语短语

1、franticness ─── 忙乱;发狂

2、graininess ─── n.粒状;多粒;木纹状的;微粒状态

3、grapiness ─── 石墨

4、graphics ─── n.(商业设计或插图中的)图形;图样,图案制图学;制图法;图表算法;(计算机程序中)图表

5、grassiness ─── n.草深;像草般;绿色

6、graphic novels ─── 漫画(艺术)小说,连环画小说

7、graphicalness ─── 图解

8、giganticness ─── 巨大

9、gravidness ─── 妊娠

graphicness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A book or bound collection of maps, sometimes with supplementary illustrations and graphic analyses. ─── 地图册,图表集将地图装订而成的书册,有时附有增补说明或图表分析

2、A graphic character is fixed length 2 bytes per character. ─── 图形化字符都采用固定长度,每字符2字节。

3、Strong typographical, motion graphic and interaction design skills. ─── 具有过硬的平面、动画及互动方面的设计能力。

4、Eye; The International Review of Graphic Design. ─── 国际平面设计。

5、A low-speed input device that converts graphic and pictorial data into binary, numeric inputs for a digital computer. ─── 一种低速输入设备,它将图形和图象数据转换成用于数字计算机的二进制数值输入。

6、Apart from technology, an excellent graphic designer should also be creative. ─── 一个优秀的平面设计师不仅需要技术,还需要创造力。

7、The following graphic is an example of the AP summary page. ─── 下图显示的就是AP汇总页的一个示例。

8、Fixed graphic bugs in minimap after loading. ─── 修正了一些读取完游戏之后的显示问题。

9、But sometimes a graphic can't be reduced or enlarged enough to fit your needs. ─── 但有时候,图形不能充分地缩小或放大,无法满足您的需要。

10、Graphic file in which image is made up of thousands of dotd(pixels). ─── 图象由数千个点(像素)组成。

11、You can have both a SmartArt graphic and an action button on the same slide. ─── 在同一张幻灯片上可以同时具有SmartArt图形和操作按钮。

12、You do not need to define hot spots to cover the graphic entirely. ─── 不需要定义覆盖整个图形的作用点。

13、The graphic record shows three waves arriving one after the other at short intervals. ─── 图形记录便显示了在短的间隙内先后到达的三种波。

14、An office machine that makes copies of printed or graphic matter. ─── 复印机一种办公机器设备,能复制印刷品或图表

15、Your graphic design business has worked out for you. ─── 你的电脑平面设计业务让你当上了自己的老板。

16、The northern European graphic character set. ─── 北欧图形字符集。

17、The southern European graphic character set. ─── 南欧图形字符集。

18、The graphic pictures would cover about half the cigarette packet's surface. ─── 到时,香烟包装盒将有一半位置被印上警戒图片。

19、A graphic work, irrespective of its artistic quality, is an artistic work. ─── 图画作品不论其艺术特质如何,它首先是艺术作品。

20、Domination ammo now has the correct graphic. ─── 主天使弹药将会显示正确的图形。

21、Alliance society, graphic designer of Shanghai Marsstart! ─── 上海麦仕达平面设计师联盟社!

22、WZL (24) is a graphic designer, who lives in Beijing. ─── 图形设计师,现居北京。

23、After the graphic disappears, the viewer carefully reads a text. ─── 在图像消失后,观众详细读到一段文字。

24、Use your mouse to point to one of these graphic buttons. ─── 使用鼠标指向一个图形按钮

25、Specimens of graphic art found among extant barbaric folk. ─── 在现存的野蛮人种中找到的图形艺术标本。

26、 双语使用场景

27、Oscar Pilch says, “I'm young graphic designer from south Poland. ─── 奥斯卡皮尔希说,“我年轻的平面设计师从南波兰。

28、Then I began to invent graphic stories without dia­logue. ─── 以后,我又想出画不带对话的图画故事。

29、A graphic or other representation of such a line. ─── 光谱线表示这种光线的图案或其它方法

30、The eastern European graphic character set. ─── 东欧图形字符集。

31、In the SmartArt graphic, click the shape that you want to move. ─── 单击要移动的形状。

32、GATF: Abbreviation for Graphic Arts Technical Foundation,Pittsburg, U.S.A. ─── 印刷技术基金会:英文是“印刷技术基金会”的缩写, 它在美国的匹兹堡市。

33、Click the SmartArt graphic that you want to add a shape to. ─── 单击要向其添加形状的SmartArt图形。

34、Base class providing generic properties for various kinds of graphic objects. ─── 为各种图形对象提供一般属性的基类。

35、Image graphic design software discussion forum. ─── 图像平面设计软件讨论区。

36、Graphic rendering speed is the bottleneck in VR. ─── 图形生成速度是虚拟现实的重要瓶颈。

37、Newton Graphic Science Magazine: the science of cellular messaging. ─── 2000年-牛顿图表科学杂志:细胞的传讯科学。

38、He was a man of many words and many graphic gestures. ─── 他是一个话多的人,还不停比划着生动的手势。

39、So I hung this very graphic quilt, which I brought in. ─── 于是我把这张我带来的图案很特别的被布悬挂起来;

40、Reserve space for the graphic on the page. ─── 在页面上为图形保留空间。

41、A graphic representation of the way a word is spoken, using phonetic symbols. ─── 发音法说明一个词该怎样读出的书面表达方法,常用音标表示

42、He got a job as a graphic designer right out of college. ─── 在刚毕业后他当过图表设计师。

43、A graphic character that represents an integer, one of the characters 0 to 9. ─── 一个表示整数的形象字符(即0到9中的任一个)。

44、"What graphic do you want to display in the logon dialog box? ─── "您想在登录对话框中显示什么图形?

45、NC-Programming technology is developing to graphic NCP. ─── 基于图形的数控编程是工艺编程的发展方向。

46、Shanghai Goss Graphic Systems Co., Ltd. ─── 上海高斯印刷设备有限公司。

47、Tongchuang Graphic Technology Development Co., Ltd. ─── 同创图文技术开发有限公司。

48、The same drive systems actuate robots, transfer lines, flight simulators, graphic plotters etc. ─── 同一类驱动系统驱动自动机械、传送带、飞行模拟器、图形标绘器等。

49、An output unit that directly produces a hard copy record of data on a removable medium, in the form of a two-dimensional graphic representation. ─── 一种输出设备,将数据以二维图形表示方式直接在可移动的介质上产生硬拷贝记录。

50、Which graphic did we know today? Can you tell me each part of the angle? ─── 五、课堂小结今天认识了什么图形?说说它各部分的名称,说一说角的大小与什么有关?

51、Senior conclusive proficiency in graphic of teacher training university. ─── 在师范大学就读期间熟练掌握高级绘画技巧。

52、New Century Graphic Designing Co., Ltd. ─── 创新世纪图文设计印刷有限公司。

53、The Turkish graphic character set. ─── 土耳其图形字符集。

54、A hand held controller used with microcomputers and video games to control the movement of the cursor or graphic display, on the screen. ─── 一种手握控制装置,同微机和电子游戏机联用,以控制光标或显示的图形在屏幕上的运动。

55、Oscar Pilch says, “I’m young graphic designer from south Poland. ─── 奥斯卡皮尔希 说, “我年轻的平面设计师从南波兰。

56、Creating the look, which is work usually done by graphic artists. ─── 创建外观,这通常是由图形设计人员负责的工作。

57、You can use the Image Web Part to add a picture or graphic to a Web Part Page. ─── 可以使用图像Web部件在Web部件页中添加图片或图形。

58、Practice clicking your mouse left button on the graphic buttons on this screen. ─── 在该屏幕的图形按钮上练习单击鼠标左键。

59、Graphic display of punch and die, store 50 sets of tools. ─── 刀模形状尺寸,以图形显示可储存50组刀模资料。

60、Figure 3 shows a graphic representation of a tri-level sync signal. ─── 图3给出了一个三电平的同步信号脉冲的图示。

61、Printing on paper allows to have extremely accurate graphic reproductions. ─── 升华墨在纸张上的印刷可以保证良好的定位精度。

62、A decision tree is a graphic model of a decision process. ─── 决策树是描述决策过程的一种图形。

63、Reduced the density of the graphic special effect displaying curses. ─── 减少了特殊效果显示时诅咒的帧密度。

64、GE 60 Dual Channel 1/3-Octave Graphic Equalizer . ─── 即是双通道1/3倍频图示均衡器.

65、She kept telling us about her operation, in the most graphic detail. ─── 她一直绘声绘色地给我们讲她手术的细节.

66、It also features a laser etched graphic over the upper. ─── 它也以在鞋帮的激光被铭刻的图表为特色。

68、She keep tell us about her operation, in the most graphic detail. ─── 她一直绘声绘色地给我们讲她手术的细节。

69、Fixed many interface overlapping graphic issues. ─── 修正许多界面与图像重叠错误。

70、You can animate almost any graphic image or text you put on the page. ─── 你几乎可以将任何放在页面上的图片或者文本动画化。

71、Saves graphic files in BMP, EPS, PCX, PNG or WMF formats. ─── 图形文件可以保存为BMP, EPS, PCX, PNG 或 WMF 格式。

72、The inner sole features a laces graphic. ─── 内在脚底以图表的鞋带为特色。

73、Add a graphic to the panel on the right side of the page. ─── 向位于页面右侧的面板上添加一个图形。

74、As much as possible, API graphic methods are used to speed up process. ─── 只要可能,可以用API图形方法来加速进程。

75、A term used with respect to graphic character to identify type or style("bold face","an OCR face"). ─── 一种关于图形字符的术语,用以确定其类型或字体,如黑体、光学字符体。

76、VDI is a low level graphic interface which is being developed as an ANSI. ─── VDI是正在开发中的一个低级图形接口的美国标准。

77、Graphic representation of computer circuitry. ─── 图示的计算机电路

78、He kept telling us about his operation, in the most graphic detail. ─── 他不停地向我们绘声绘色地讲述他动手术的详细情况。

79、Vintage cafe curtains in a graphic floral pattern add whimsy. ─── 古典风格的带有生动花纹的窗帘如锦上添花。

80、After scoring over my calmness in this graphic way he nodded wisely. ─── 他以如此形象逼真的动作吓了我以后,便狡黠地朝我点点头。

81、In Hemingway's novels there are graphic descriptions of battles. ─── 在海明威的小说中有 生动的战争场面的描写.

82、And just how graphic it was that thousands just perished in a flaming instant. ─── 以及数千人瞬间烟消灰灭的惊人画面。

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