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09-10 投稿



dormer 发音


英:  美:

dormer 中文意思翻译



dormer 网络释义

n. 老虎窗;屋顶采光窗n. (Dormer)人名;(法)多尔梅;(英)多默

dormer 短语词组

1、flat roof dormer ─── 平屋顶老虎窗

2、gabled dormer window ─── 人字形老虎窗

3、Dormer's bat ─── 多默的球棒

4、dormer cheek ─── 多默的脸颊

5、Philip Dormer Stanhope ─── [网络] 切斯特菲尔德;斯坦霍普;坦厚甫

6、shingling dormer ─── 瓦状老虎窗

7、dormer window ─── 屋顶窗, 老虎窗

8、square dormer ( ─── 窗顶成水平面的)方屋顶 ─── 窗

9、decorated dormer ( ─── 窗顶等处有雕塑装饰)装饰 ─── 窗

10、shed dormer ─── 单坡老虎窗

dormer 词性/词形变化,dormer变形

过去式:dormered 名词复数形式:dormers

dormer 相似词语短语

1、deformer ─── n.变形器

2、dormers ─── n.老虎窗;屋顶采光窗;n.(Dormer)人名;(法)多尔梅;(英)多默

3、wormer ─── n.驱虫药

4、dorper ─── 村庄

5、dewormer ─── 驱虫药

6、dorter ─── n.(寺庙中的)卧室,寝室

7、ormer ─── n.鲍鱼(等于abalone)

8、former ─── adj.从前的,前者的;前任的;n.模型,样板;起形成作用的人;n.(Former)人名;(法)福尔梅;(德、捷)福尔默

9、dorser ─── 镀金

dormer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、square dormer ─── 方屋顶窗

2、surbased dormer ─── 扁圆顶屋顶窗

3、Those who survived the landing were mostly killed, after taking fire with the militia below the dormer for a night. ─── 幸存伞兵在楼顶与民兵隔着天窗枪战一宿,大部战死。

4、link dormer ─── 连接的老虎窗

5、mansard dormer window ─── 折线形屋顶窗复折屋顶窗

6、Windows, curtain wall, cellings, floors, partition walls, roof lighting, dormer of workshops, show window of shops. ─── 建筑物的窗、幕墙、天花板、地板、隔墙,屋顶采光、工业厂房的天窗、商店的橱窗;

7、The dormer window of the garret, through which the light fell, was precisely opposite the door, and illuminated the figure with a wan light. ─── 那间破屋子的天窗正对着房门,昏暗的光从上面透进来,照着姑娘的脸。

8、Villa area, regardless of size, are installed indoor elevator, and all villas have special rooms set up in some of the dormer outdoor cooking, do five face lighting fully meet the viewing needs. ─── 别墅面积无论大小,都安装了室内电梯,且所有别墅都在部分房间特别设置了飘出室外的天窗,做到五面采光,充分满足观星的需要。

9、you enter, a dormer rises up over the dining area to frame the view. ─── 步入别墅内部,餐厅顶端的天窗给了你完美的景色。

10、Building Atrium great transparent glass roof dormer can open arbitrary point conversion to try to evenly spread to all corners of sunlight. ─── 大楼中庭屋顶的巨大透明玻璃天窗,可任意变换开启角度,以尽量把阳光均匀地分散到各个角落。

11、If you would convince others ,you seem open to conviction yourself.(Philip Dormer Chesterfield, British statesman) ─── 要说服别人,先得说服自己。(英国政治家切斯特菲尔德.P.D.)

12、A round or oval dormer window. ─── 一圆形或椭圆形的装饰窗。

13、internal dormer ─── 内天窗

14、A dormer window. ─── 天窗,层顶窗

15、seeing neat front windows, little porches, little pribet hedges, and dormer windows for the attics. ─── 还看见洁净的窗前、小小的门廊、矮矮的树篱以及顶楼的天窗。

16、eyebrow dormer ─── 波形老虎窗

17、has a dormer roof joining both gable ends. ─── 天窗的斜屋顶连接着两边的山墙。

18、A dormer breaks the level roof. ─── 老虎窗破坏了房屋平顶的完整性。

19、Baixingtu denudation dormer ─── 白兴吐剥蚀天窗

20、gabled dormer ─── 三角形屋顶窗

21、Thousands of good, calm, bourgeois faces thronged the windows, the doors, the dormer windows ., the roofs, ─── 凝望着司法宫,凝望着嘈杂的人群,也就心满意足.了,

22、I know _disibledevent="4">If you would convince others ,you seem open to conviction yourself. (Philip Dormer Chesterfield, British statesman ─── 要说服别人,先得说服自己。(英国政治家切斯特菲尔德.P.D.

23、lean-to dormer ─── 单坡顶老虎窗

24、She likes sunshine, then in the sloping roofs, and the sun can design a free flow of dormer to the beautiful skylight, the skylight is admired around the auspicious motifs; ─── 她喜欢阳光,于是在斜屋顶下,设计了一个可以和阳光自由交流的天窗,为了天窗的美丽,天窗的四周是雕饰的吉祥图案;

25、If you would convince others ,you seem open to conviction yourself. (Philip Dormer Chesterfield, British statesman) ─── 要说服别人,先得说服自己。(英国政治家切斯特菲尔德)

26、roof dormer ─── 屋顶窗

27、Since the company established mainly act as Sweden SECO, and other products from Europe DORMER, Australia ANCA and Germany ZOLLER machines etc. ─── 公司以瑞典SECO刀具为主要代理产品,配套有DORMER等其他刀具产品,以及澳大利亚ANCA五坐标工具磨床、德国ZOLLER对刀仪等配套设备。

28、eye dormer ─── 人字形屋顶天窗

29、I copied out the first paragraph of Annie Dillard's "An American Childhood" on my bedroom's dormer wall. ─── 我在天窗墙上抄写了安妮·迪拉德的《一个美国童年》的第一段文字。

30、A round or oval dormer window. ─── 一圆形或椭圆形的装饰窗

31、decorated dormer ─── 装饰窗

32、external dormer ─── 老虎窗

33、Organ screens circular, trapezoidal, fan shape, and other special design, the general window for the top, dormer windows or access to better match the overall design style home. ─── 风琴帘有圆形、梯形、扇形等特殊形状的设计,一般用于顶窗、天窗或斜窗,更好地配合家居的整体设计风格。

34、Keywords Baixingtu denudation dormer;Yaojia formation;geology characteristic;favorable segment; ─── 白兴吐剥蚀天窗;姚家组;地质特征;有利地段;

35、shed dormer ─── 单坡老虎窗

36、For the second man: in a gloomy afternoon with pouring rain, his bleeding face looks down from the dormer window in the attic. ─── 下着暴雨的下午,在天窗上流着血的死者的脸从外面望下来。

37、all the light was furnishd by a dormer window of four panes, draped with spiders' webs. ─── 全部光线来自一扇有四块方玻璃的天窗,挂满了蜘蛛网。

38、gable dormer ─── 人字形老虎窗

39、dormer window ─── 屋顶窗老虎窗

40、hip dormer ─── 戗脊老虎窗

41、seeing neat front windows,little porches,little pribet hedges, and dormer windoes for the attics. ─── 还看见洁净的窗前、小小的门廊、矮矮的树篱以及顶楼的天窗。

42、To unauthorized violation town planning and land-use master plan, unauthorized occupation of land or farmland, "the dormer" of the building, not to be punished escrow, resolutely removed. ─── 对未经批准,违反村镇建设规划和土地利用总体规划,擅自占用土地或在耕地上“开天窗”建房的,不再以罚代管,坚决依法予以拆除。

43、If you would convince others ,you seem open to conviction yourself. (Philip Dormer Chesterfield, British statesman) ─── 要说服别人,先得说服自己。(英国政治家切斯特菲尔德。P.D.)

44、window dormer ─── 斜屋顶上的垂直窗

45、deck dormer ─── 平屋顶老虎窗

46、Three-storey houses with red-tiled roofs and dormer windows sit quietly on Aarstrasse, overlooking the river. ─── 红瓦顶、老虎窗的三层楼房静静地站在阿勒街上,俯视着河流。

47、Philip Dormer Chesterfield, British statesman ─── 英国政治家切斯特菲尔德。

48、dormer cheek ─── 屋顶窗侧壁

49、Those who survived the landing were mostly killed,after taking fire with the militia below the dormer for a night. ─── 幸存伞兵在楼顶与民兵隔着天窗枪战一宿,大部战死。

50、rampant dormer ─── 斜坡式屋顶窗

51、Nevertheless she went to a dormer window in the staircase and read the letter once more ─── 但当她走到楼梯上时又拿出那封信,凑近天窗,又念了一遍。

52、an oval or round dormer window. ─── 一种椭圆形或是圆形的凸肚窗。

53、hip dormer window ─── 有戗角的老虎窗

54、, with its great roof oddly pierced with dormer windows, dilapidated palisades, a little water amid poplar-trees, women, voices, laughter; ─── 但过分的梦想能使人灭顶下沉。于精神工作的人而让自己完全从思想掉入梦想,必遭不幸!

55、wagon-headed dormer ─── 筒形老虎窗

56、Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield to His Son ─── 切斯特菲尔德伯爵致儿子的信

57、A dormer breaks the level roof. ─── 老虎窗破坏了房屋平顶的完整性。

58、The dormer window that looks like Napoleon's helmets in a gabled extension brings you the elegance of Marshall mansion; ─── 在屋顶前坡设置的拿破仑头盔式老虎天窗,领略马歇尔公馆的儒雅风韵;

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