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09-14 投稿



emptiness 发音

英:[?emptin?s]  美:[?emptin?s]

英:  美:

emptiness 中文意思翻译



emptiness 同义词

worthlessness | bareness | nothing | vanity | hollowness | aimlessness | vacuum | sparseness | stupidity | vacuity | futility | absence |vacancy | void | starvation | desolation | blankness | barrenness

emptiness 词性/词形变化,emptiness变形


emptiness 短语词组

1、emptiness problem ─── [计] 空集问题

emptiness 反义词


emptiness 相似词语短语

1、smuttiness ─── n.猥亵;淫秽

2、emptins ─── n.酵子,起子

3、matiness ─── n.友好,和善

4、temptingness ─── 诱惑

5、emptiest ─── 空的(empty的最高级)

6、reastiness ─── 真实性

7、heartiness ─── n.热心;诚实

8、empties ─── n.空瓶,空玻璃杯;v.倒空(empty的第三人称单数)

9、feistiness ─── 易怒;活跃;精力充沛(feisty的名词)

emptiness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Soon after he discovers that his ambition does not fill the emptiness that he has inside and realizes he needs In Jung. ─── 之后不久,他发现,他的野心并没有填补空虚,他已实现了内和他需要在重。

2、But the emptiness of the story," Hero", shows serious commercial crisis behind the halo of Zhang's films. ─── 但是,该片故事情节的单薄空泛又显露出张艺谋电影光环背后隐藏着严重的商业危机。

3、Do not be over-confident and careless. Your circumstances may change quickly and the emptiness of your bragging will be exposed. ─── 切勿过度自信大意.否则世事变迁,很快便是你暴露之时.

4、Loneliness up ahead,emptiness behind , Where do I go? ─── 寂寞在前,空虚在后.我该去往何处?

5、She came to Willey Water. It was almost full again, after its period of emptiness. ─── 她来到了威利湖畔,经过一段干涸时期,威利湖又水溢堤岸了。

6、What characterizes almost all Hollywood pictures is their inner emptiness. ─── 几乎所有的好莱坞影片都有一个特征--内容空洞。

7、In its swelling pride the bubble doubts the truth of the sea, and laughs and bursts into emptiness. ─── 在膨胀的自傲中,水泡怀疑大海的真理,它大笑起来,便碎裂成一团虚无。

8、I feel an emptiness in my heart. ─── 也添满不了我内心的空虚。

9、Emptiness, hopelessness, fear , fury: almost everyone endures the agony of romantic rejection at some point in their lives. ─── 几乎每个人在医生中的某个阶段经历过爱恋被拒绝的痛苦:空虚、绝望、恐惧和狂怒。

10、He becomes all outher show and inward emptiness; dull, callous, and indifferent. ─── 一旦循规蹈矩,一旦人为亦为,呆滞就笼罩着灵魂中的一切灵敏的神经和官能,灵魂变得徒有其表,其中空空,迟钝,木然,冷漠。

11、Don't you forget about me, only emptiness remains. ─── 如今你走了,留下的只有一片空白。

12、It seemed to me that a melancholy emptiness permeated their little corner. ─── 在我看来,一种忧郁的空虚弥漫于他们那小小的角落。

13、The suffering, emptiness, and impermanence of the world manifest the truth. ─── 世有苦空无常,故有真理示现。

14、And the emptiness you felt,Will disappear.... ─── 你感觉到的空虚,将会消散....

15、Hurrying in the world of emptiness, I keep reminding myself "I'm almost there"... ─── 匆匆奔走于空虚的世界中,我一直都在提醒自己“马上就到了。。。”

16、In its swelling pride the bubble doubtes the truth of the sea ,and laughs and bursts into emptiness. ─── 在膨胀的骄傲中,泡沫怀疑海洋的真理,狂笑一声,就爆裂消失于无形。

17、You are nothing but emptiness-zero, this zero trying to become something is the battle of mind. ─── 你什么都不是,只是空无-零。这个零总试图成为什么,这就是头脑所有的挣扎。

18、"I am ashamed of my emptiness," said the Word to the Work. ─── "言语"对"工作"说:"我羞愧于我的空虚".

19、Nietzsche ruined the light and created the total emptiness in the inner world of him and his followers. ─── 尼采破坏了光明并且在他和追随者内在创造出真空。

20、He cleared his mind of fear and looked around at the scene before him, awed by the expanse of emptiness. ─── 他摒弃恐惧,打量着眼前的景象,震憾于无边无际的空旷。

21、When we entered the eaves and saw the pale white walls and strange statues, we all felt our mind were lost in a sweep of emptiness. ─── 今天我走进这几个洞窟,对着惨白的墙壁、惨白的怪像,脑中也是一片惨白。

22、Have you ever felt some kind of emptiness inside . ─── 你是否也曾经感到心中有种空虚.

23、For the next billion years, it will keep trying new forms, erupting in whatever crevice or emptiness it can find. ─── 下个十亿年,它会不断尝试新造型,并在所有能找到的缝隙或空地勃发成长。

24、Grace's silence and the remorseless emptiness of the spaces they had crossed made Annie feel suddenly, terribly alone. ─── 克蕾丝的沉默和这一路上一处处空荡荡的景物,突然间让安妮感到寂寞得吓人。

25、There was an aching emptiness in her heart. ─── 她的内心有一种隐隐作痛的空虚感。

26、What emptiness do you gaze upon! Do you not feel a thrill passing through the air with the notes of the far-away song floating from the other shore? ─── 你凝望着何等空虚!你没感觉到吗?一阵惊喜,随着彼岸遥远的歌声,划破天空飘了过来。

27、You see, we think that the fresh air of the downs and the very emptiness of the landscape will do our friend good. ─── 你知道我们认为小山上的新鲜空气和一片开阔的景色对我们的朋友是有益处的。

28、Lonely sail, distant shadow, Vanish in blue emptiness; all I see is the great.river, Flowing into the far horizon. ─── 孤帆远影碧空尽,唯见长江天际流。

29、But if the stomach feel emptiness , creative might be goes wrong , for that , I'm excluded . ─── 可是肚子空虚的话,创意是会有可能走火入魔的,这样,我也不要。

30、Like the ancient Chinese masters, Master Au conveys an atmosphere of emptiness and spirituality via the simplicity or subtlety of the background. ─── 和古代绘画大师一样,欧大师的画作通过简单或微妙的背景透出一种空灵的气氛。

31、And the emptiness you felt . ─── 你感觉到的空虚 .

32、But under the shiny veneer ran a deep vein of dark emptiness. Jack smiled, but it never seemed to reach his eyes, and he rarely laughed. ─── 但光鲜亮丽的表面下涌动的是黑暗和空虚。杰克很少开怀大笑,微笑时,笑意也从来都在眼睛下方戛然而止。

33、And with his Irishman's sense of the tragic, she also knew he felt something about such emptiness. ─── 她也知道,凭他的爱尔兰人对悲剧和敏感性,他已感觉出一些这种空虚。

34、She was swept with a wave of revulsion for the emptiness of her life. Like other girls in her position, she began to bemoan her fate. ─── 她突然感觉到这种生存的单调,心里有点难过,像那些与她同类的少女一样,开始悲叹起自己的命运来。

35、According to Taoism, "Tao" was the essence of nothingness, the root of all creation, the source of divinities, the emptiness of the universe. ─── 其“道”即是虚无之系,造化之根,神明之本,天地之无,而“道”又生出宇宙,宇宙再生出元气,元气才构成天地、阴阳、四时,由此而化生万物。

36、In this emptiness, existentialism comes into being, that's why it always talks about meaninglessness: "life is meaningless. ─── 在这真空中,存在主义诞生了,那就是为什么它总是谈无意义:"生活没有意义。"

37、Were you to break me, Viconia, you might find nothing but the chill emptiness of the grave within. ─── 如果你想调教我,维康妮亚,你会发现我的墓穴里除了寒风之外别无他物。

38、silence and emptiness of the house did not scare her. ─── 房子的空寂并未使她感到害怕。

39、But that didn't explain the emptiness inside him that grew bigger as the surrey grew smaller in the distance. ─── 不用说,他内心的空虚越来越大,马车在前方变得越来越小。

40、He leaves only pure emptiness behind. ─── 他最后留下的只有纯净的空无。

41、His ising unlike is the idiocy for losing her heading, also being unlike is the passivism for seeing through the emptiness of the world. ─── 他不像是失去理智的白痴,也不像是看破红尘的消极主义者。

42、And shine their emptiness down on my bed. ─── 在我床上方闪耀着它们的落寞。

43、The passing of time brought a sense of emptiness. ─── 时光的流逝带来了空虚的感觉。

44、The boredom and emptiness of a WoW-empty world was one of the reasons for this. ─── 魔兽世界久不开服给玩家们带来的空虚和无聊就是造成这种现象的原因之一。

45、He stared out at the vast emptiness that was the sea. ─── 他放眼向辽阔无际的海洋望去。

46、It is only when we realize our nothingness, our emptiness, that God can fill us with himself. ─── 只有当我们认识到我们的无能,我们的虚无的时候,上帝才能将他把我们注满。

47、Loneliness up ahead, emptiness behind Where do I go? ─── 孤独去吃,空虚背后,我从哪里去呢?

48、He uses Mahayana theory to criticize Hinayana in his earlier times.He appreciates Madhyamika very much, but regret its trend to Emptiness. ─── 他早年以大乘义理破斥小乘教说,极力称赞空宗之手段、气魄,又为空宗终归空寂而深感可惜。

49、Angelo, you have no soul, so how can you understand the emptiness that seeks a soul-mate? ─── 安吉洛,你根本就没有灵魂,所以你哪能体会到寻找心灵伴侣的空虚感受。

50、Silence instead of it;Time enshrouds it;Emptiness holds it;Tear blurs it... ─── 喜欢一样东西,就要学会欣赏它,珍惜它,使它更弥足珍贵。

51、But , with the number of flights increasing each year , this emptiness no longer exists . ─── 但是,每年不断增加的航班数量,使得这种无知的想法不再存在。

52、Most think it nonsense to get to know things far away from our daily life, whereas we constantly dispute the erasion of emptiness. ─── 大多数人都认为日常生活之外的知识是花里胡哨的东西。然而,我们也在不停地抗拒着我们的无知。

53、Trying hard to fill the emptiness, the piece is gone, left the puzzle undone. Ain't that the way it is ? ─── 努力去填补生命的空白,岁月的碎片飘散,留给你未解的疑惑.这难道就是人生道路?

54、The dialogue that focuses on the Buddhist theory of emptiness and quantum theory of modern physics offers us a good example to realize this phenomenon. ─── 以佛教的空性论与现代物理学的量子理论为中心展开的佛教与现代科学之间的对话,为认识这一现象提供了很好的例证。

55、Human history is nothing but war, famine, failure, hatred, jealously, and emptiness. ─── 人类的历史就是战争,失败,饥荒,憎恨,嫉妒,以至虚无。

56、But his laugh was the only one left in the village: it fell upon a hollow and mournful vacancy and emptiness. ─── 不过,全镇子里也只有他还能笑得出来:这笑声所到之处,尽是空旷而凄凉的荒漠。

57、However, Confucianism has said "nothing" mere "state", for its part, the emptiness of the other two said to be differentiated from the other patterns. ─── 但是,就儒家所言“虚无”仅仅是“境界上的”而论,它的虚无之说是与其它两家的相区别的另一形态。

58、It is easy to perceive the contrast between their material prosperity and the emptiness of their lives. ─── 他们物质富足,但生活空虚,这一差别是容易察觉的。

59、Only a feeling of emptiness any value have become nothingness. ─── 只剩下一种虚无的感觉时,任何价值都变得虚无。

60、Only the huge emptiness remains, an unappeasable greed. ─── 不快乐又怎么会自由呢?

61、All space-directions are void.; Everything is emptiness. ─── 四大皆空。

62、Only the rocket will enable him to overcome the gravity of the earth and to reach the vast emptiness of space. ─── 只有火箭才能使它克服地球引力,到达广漠无垠的空间。

63、But we yell our lungs out for the unbearableness of emptiness and hollow, then how much does invisibility weigh? ─── 也许我总放眼望去,关注的是远处的事物,而忽视了眼前的很多美景和细节,心中有些小小遗憾。

64、And the emptiness you felt will disappear. ─── 你感到的空虚将会消失.

65、Standing at the Berlin Wall in 1987, he looked over to the east and, struck by its drabness and emptiness, knew that the system behind it was evil. ─── 1987年站在柏林墙边,里根凝视着东方,那个空洞而乏味的地方,他相信在这墙后是一个邪恶的世界。

66、He sits here between his ears and hears true emptiness. ─── 商务版《形而上学导论》译为:他,端坐在这里,两耳之间,倾听着真正的空寂。

67、Fame is emptiness, because there have been greater men than he. ─── 名望是空中楼阁,因为还有比他更伟大的人。

68、Claims that “our workers are our most valuable assets” are too often platitudes, the emptiness of which is now being revealed. ─── 宣称“我们公司最大的财富是员工”很多时候已是陈词滥调,其空洞内涵正被揭示。

69、She did not find that the emptiness and conceit of the one put her at all out of charity with the modesty and worth of the other. ─── 她根本不觉得其中一个的空洞与虚伪剥夺了她对另外那一位的朴实与真挚所怀的喜爱。

70、The one without second is emptiness, the other one makes it true. ─── 举世无双只是虚无,并蒂齐放才让它真实。

71、Why all this emptiness despite our wealth? ─── 为什么财富带来了空虚?

72、A black-and-white print evokes feelings of emptiness, desolation, and strong moods in a place often associated with the complete opposite. ─── 一张黑白照片通常在一定情况下会激发完全相反的空虚感,凄凉感以及强烈的情绪。

73、Because of, can unload the emptiness and the loneliness here. ─── 因为在这里可以卸下空虚和孤单。

74、The emptiness here sent shivers down my spine. ─── 这里的空寂让我感到脊背一阵颤栗。

75、Have you ever felt some kind of emptiness inside. ─── 你是否曾经觉得心里很空虚?

76、Emptiness is the door to truth, it is the means, the end and the achievement. ─── 五、空就是进入真理的门,空就是手段、目的、和达成。

77、For it is his to fill your need, but not your emptiness. ─── 因为他是满足你的需求,而不是来填补你的空虚。

78、The six fu-organs are usually in a state of the alternations between emptiness and fullness. ─── 六腑常处于更实更虚之中,传化物而不藏。

79、Leon:Granting my beloved's wish. that is all I can do to prove my love to Sara. Eternity without her would be nothing but emptiness. ─── 利:守护我爱人的愿望...这是我所能做的仅有的能证明我对萨拉的爱的事情...没有她的永生.......将会是实际上的一无所有.......除了......空虚..........

80、Wang Zongyue said in his Taiji treatise: "Taiji is born from emptiness, it is the pivot of movement, the mother of yinyang". ─── 其套路动作有严格的方向性和具体的“形体”要求,按规范要求修炼,是修道之基。渠道畅通,气血在经络内运行,内劲方可传递!

81、What will fill this emptiness inside of me? ─── 什么能填补我深处的空虚?

82、This space left intentionally blank. Please fill it with something that improves upon emptiness. ─── 以下空白,填上点好东西。

83、Man had overcome the emptiness of this land. ─── 人已经驱走了这片土地的空旷。

84、Lonely sail, distant shadow, Vanish in blue emptiness; all I see is the great river, Flowing into the far horizon. ─── 孤帆远影碧空尽,唯见长江天际流。

85、So that each preposition can stay out the emptiness to go to fill up by reader. ─── 各介词可以留出空白以便让读者去填入。

86、But at end of every glittering, Godless path is emptiness, hunger, and pain. ─── 但在每一条光芒闪烁却无神的小路的尽头,只有空虚、饥饿和苦痛。

87、His transcendence to Guo's Peripatecism is unseparated with his idea "Form itself is emptiness". ─── 他对向郭逍遥论的超越,和他的“即色是空”的思想是分不开的。

88、Ji Zhaozhao sophomore girls at her because finally discovered how life is the University of emptiness and boredom. ─── 女生大二时急著找男朋友是因为终于发现了大学生活是多麽的空虚和无聊。

89、His emptiness made him looked down upon. ─── 他的无知让他被人看不起。

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