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09-14 投稿


disillusion 发音

英:[?d?s??lu??(?)n]  美:[?d?s??lu??n]

英:  美:

disillusion 中文意思翻译




disillusion 词性/词形变化,disillusion变形


disillusion 短语词组

1、disillusion wow ─── 幻灭哇

2、forgotten hill disillusion ─── 遗忘之山幻灭

3、disillusion song ─── 幻灭之歌

4、disillusion define ─── 幻灭定义

5、fathomless disillusion ─── 深不可测的幻灭

6、disillusion with ─── 幻灭

7、disillusion of hope ─── 希望破灭

8、disillusion law ─── 幻灭定律

9、disillusion defined ─── 幻灭定义

10、disillusion synonym ─── 幻灭同义词

11、disillusion wwi ─── 幻灭第一次世界大战

disillusion 习惯用语

1、be disillusioned with ─── 对...大失所望

disillusion 相似词语短语

1、disillusioned ─── adj.醒悟的;幻想破灭的;不抱幻想的;v.使幻想破灭(disillusion的过去分词);唤醒

2、to disillusion ─── 幻灭

3、disillusionist ─── 幻灭者

4、disillusionary ─── adj.令人失望的

5、disillusionize ─── vt.使…觉醒;使幻灭(等于disillusion)

6、disillusive ─── 令人失望

7、disillusionise ─── 幻灭

8、disillusioning ─── v.(使)醒悟(disillusion的现在分词);adj.幻想破灭的

9、disillusions ─── v.使醒悟,使不再抱幻想;n.幻灭,失望

disillusion 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Don't disillusion her by telling her the bad news. ─── 不要告诉她那个坏消息让她失望。

2、The Haskalah of Eastern Europe was the last dirge for Jewish people to melt into European society.The disillusion of it made more and more Jewish people turn to Zionism. ─── 东欧犹太启蒙运动是犹太人“融入”欧洲社会的最后一首挽歌,它的幻灭使更多的犹太人走向了犹太复国之路。

3、She still believe in santa claus and it will be cruel to disillusion her ─── 她仍然相信有圣诞老人,要是使她这一幻想破灭就於心不忍了

4、Qu Yuan: the Disillusion of Two - way Pursuing for the Divinity Character and Human Personality ─── 屈原:神格与人格双重追求的幻灭

5、I hate to disillusion him. ─── 我真不想使他的幻想破灭。

6、The whole life course of Jim is a disillusion course of a moral idealist’s ideal.But the writer let Jim lead a noble life in his whole life, and searched a different outlet for the moral life. ─── 吉姆的一生是道德理想主义者的理想幻灭过程,但作者却让吉姆一 生过上“高尚的生活”,为道德生活寻求了一种别样的出路。

7、” There was no mistaking the disillusion in her voice. ─── 她的声音中带着一丝醒悟。

8、She still believe in santa claus and it will is cruel to disillusion her. ─── 她仍然相信有圣诞老人, 要是使她这一幻想破灭就於心不忍了。

9、The other night dear as i lay sleeping, i dreamt that you were by my side, came disillusion when i awoke dear, you were gone and then i cried. ─── 亲爱的,那夜你来到我梦中,依偎在我身旁,但当我朦胧醒来,你却了无踪影,于是我伤心地痛哭起来。

10、She doesn't know her father was a gangleader, and I don't want to disillusion her. ─── 她不知道她的父亲曾是黑帮头子, 我也不愿意向她揭露她父亲的真面目。

11、Love is the child of illusion and the parent of disillusion; love is consolation in desolation; it is the sole medicine against death, for it is death's brother. ─── 爱情是幻想之子,、悟之母;爱情是孤寂中的慰藉;是抗拒死神的惟一良药,因为它是死神的兄弟。

12、1.to wake up to reality; to come to one's senses 2.disillusionment; awakening; disenchantment; disillusion ─── 醒悟

13、Not wanting to disillusion her, I replied, “It's looking better every day.” ─── 我不想让她的希望破灭,于是回答说:“看上去一天比一天好了。”

14、There is a whole world of anxiety and disillusion behind those bald employment figures. ─── 在那些光秃秃的就业数字背后是整个世界的焦虑和幻灭。

15、Such is the disillusion that almost 5.4% of those who voted spoiled their ballots, heeding a campaign by a network of middle-class activists. ─── 5.4%的投票人听从一场由中产阶级活动家领导的运动,搅浑他们的选举,这也是一种觉醒。

16、His loneliness and disillusion had been a cause of the incident in the hotel ─── 他的孤独和幻灭感是这次在饭店里出事的一个原因。

17、3)Love is the child of illusion and the parent of disillusion. ─── 爱因幻想而产生,而她自身又产生幻灭。(意译)

18、Disillusion voter want an alternative to the two main parties. ─── 失望的选民需要一个党派以取代这两个大党。

19、There is disillusion with established political parties. ─── 确立的政党有幻灭感。

20、She still believes in Santa Claus and it will be cruel to disillusion her . ─── 她仍然相信有圣诞老人,要是使她这一幻想破灭就於心不忍了。

21、The stark disillusion of such a sharp contrast was too much for Benerice to comprehend. ─── 这样一个使全部幻想消失的鲜明对比白丽莱茜实在弄不懂。

22、They have think that the vacation will be restful, but they are soon disillusion ─── 他们原以为假期里能好好休息,但过不多久便明白根本不是那回事

23、The reasons for the electoral rebellion of 2002 remain: unease over immigration and crime, disillusion with the political class, a faltering economy. ─── 2002年选举出现叛乱的原因仍然存在:对移民和犯罪问题的不安、政治阶级的醒悟、蹒跚而行的经济。

24、She still believes in Santa Claus and it would be cruel to disillusion her. ─── 她仍然相信有圣诞老人,要是使她这一幻想破灭就於心不忍了。

25、She still believes in Santa Claus and it will be cruel to disillusion her. ─── 她仍然相信有圣诞老人,要是使她这一幻想破灭就于心不忍了。

26、But if I do, ninety nine percent of these audience will going to very feel upset and disillusion with Buddhism so I always pretend I am not. ─── 不过一旦我做了,这些听众中的百分之九十九将会感到非常地难过,而从佛教中“醒悟”过来,所以,我总要假装我不能做。

27、Love is the son of the illusion and the parent of the disillusion. ─── 爱终究离不开现实。

28、Don't say anything to disillusion them. ─── 别给他们泼冷水。

29、It is hard to find a complete package.So disillusion. ─── 有时,我们反省,我哪里做的不好呢,为什么家人不来领我呢?

30、"Don't disillusion me," said Kath, chewing buttered toast more greedily than genteelly ─── “别给我浇冷水啊,”丝凯说,贪婪而不怎么温文地嚼着涂了黄油的烤面包。

31、They have thought that the vacation will be restful, but they are soon disillusion. ─── 他们原以为假期里能好好休息,但过不多久便明白根本不是那回事。

32、I hate to disillusion you,but your chances of winning are practically zero. ─── 我不忍心使你失望,但你取胜的机会实际上等于零。

33、The Disillusion of American Dream in the Death of Eden, Gatsby and Loman ─── 从伊登、盖茨比和洛曼之死透析美国梦幻灭的必然性

34、The Disillusion of Humanism--The Analysis of Love in Zhang Ai-ling's Writings. ─── 人本主义的幻灭--谈张爱玲小说创作中对爱的解析。

35、Mr Obama will need to manage the threat of disillusion among some of his more enthusiastic supporters with some care. ─── 奥巴马需要认真对待其狂热支持者由于幻想破灭而可能产生的威胁。

36、"She doesn't know her father was a gangleader, and I don't want to disillusion her." ─── "她不知道她的父亲曾是黑帮头子,我也不愿意向她揭露她父亲的真面目。"

37、For the whole twentieth century, the vicissitude of international communism movement is a process of great Utopia's disillusion. ─── 对于二十世纪来说,共产主义运动的兴起和覆没,是一个伟大的乌托邦梦想的破灭过程。

38、They have think that the vacation will is restful, but they is soon disillusion. ─── 他们原以为假期里能好好休息, 但过不多久便明白根本不是那回事。

39、"Disillusion" intends not to let the audience go into illusion, as if they see a natural event without arrangement. ─── “非幻觉化”简单来说就是不能让观众处于神智昏迷的状态,给观众一种幻觉,好像他们看到的是一个自然的,没有经过排列的事件。

40、But if I do, ninety nine percent of these audience will going to very feel upset and disillusion with Buddhism so I always pretend I am not. ─── 不过一旦我做了,这些听众中的百分之九十九将会感到非常地难过,而从佛教中“醒悟”过来,所以,我总要假装我不能做。

41、"Don't disillusion me," said Kath, chewing buttered toast more greedily than genteelly. ─── “别给我浇冷水啊,”丝凯说,贪婪而不怎么温文地嚼着涂了黄油的烤面包。

42、She doesn't know her father is a thief,and I don't want to disillusion her. ─── 她不知道她的父亲是个贼,我也不愿意向她揭露她父亲的真面目。

43、The quest to cope leaes in its wake a legacy of ingenuity,false starts,conceptions and misconceptions,illusion and disillusion that spans the globe and the ages. ─── 人类在寻求治疗的过程中(给后代)留下了超越时空的(宝贵)遗产:其中有初始的错误,(但也)不乏聪明才智;有观念的碰撞,也有对错觉的醒悟。

44、I'd hate to be the one to disillusion him. ─── 我不愿做打破他梦想的人。

45、But as the west suffers a severe economic slowdown, nowhere is the disillusion greater than in the US. ─── 但在西方经济急剧放缓之际,幻灭感最强的地方莫过于美国。

46、Time to end this disillusion I need to find out for myself 。 ─── 还没有出现我要找的那个人。

47、She doesn't know her father is a thief, and I don't want to disillusion her. ─── 她不知道她父亲是贼,我也不想把这事告诉她而令她失望。

48、In the great of these works, he also suggests the undercurrent of disillusion that accompanies such ecstasy, the human suffering which forever question the visionary transcendence achieved by art. ─── 在这些作品中,他对资本主义社会现实又不满,他的诗歌却常常带有唯美主义色彩。

49、"She doesn't know her father was a gangleader,and I don't want to disillusion her." ─── "她不知道她的父亲曾是黑帮头子,我也不愿意向她揭露她父亲的真面目。"

50、The disillusion of the "art-textual" survival of the hero image makes the value of his esthetic and social ideality recognized. ─── 主人公形象“艺术-文本化”生存的幻灭使得他的审美理想和社会理想获得了价值确认。

51、Love is the child of illusion and the parent of disillusion. ─── 爱是幻想之子,幻灭之母。

52、The Haskalah of Eastern Europe was the last dirge for Jewish people to melt into European society. The disillusion of it made more and more Jewish people turn to Zionism. ─── 东欧犹太启蒙运动是犹太人“融入”欧洲社会的最后一首挽歌,它的幻灭使更多的犹太人走向了犹太复国之路。

53、I hate to disillusion you, but your chances of winning are nil. ─── 我并不愿意使你的想法破灭,但你没有取胜的机会。

54、I don't want another pretender to disillusion me one more time whispering words of forever playing with my mind ─── 我永远只要你在我耳边私语

55、A lot of essays on it focus either on its quintessential vision of the American dream, romantic hope and its disillusion or on the narrative techniques. ─── 对于其“美国梦的幻灭”这一主题探讨甚多,许多评论家认为这是一部关于美国梦的经典之作,从浪漫的理想及理想的破灭等方面对作品进行分析,其次是评论小说的写作技巧。

56、The single comprehend, be in love is an error, break up is awakening, get married is mistake, divorce is disillusion, re-marry is bigotry, have no lovers is a discard, lover many is an animal. ─── 单身是领悟,恋爱是失误,分手是觉悟,结婚是错误,离婚是醒悟,再婚是执迷不悟,没有情人是废物,情人多了是动物。

57、The first person of disillusion in the village, an arrive heavy sun voice the voice warn to say:"Ate a heavy sun a round flat cake, break skirt to break dress to send out. ─── 村里第一个醒悟的人,一到重阳就声声告诫说:“吃了重阳饼,破裙破衣发出来。”

58、He's lurching right when it suits him, and he's zigging with the kind of reckless abandon that's guaranteed to cause disillusion, if not whiplash. ─── 其政策导向将适时转向右翼.如果不对他予以口诛笔伐,奥巴马左右摇摆的肆意胡为注定会使人们对他的幻想走向破灭.

59、he turned his slow , rather full eyes , that had been drowned in such fathomless disillusion , on connie , and she trembled a little. ─── 他的沉溺在无底的幻灭中的迟钝而微突的眼睛,转向康妮望着,她觉得微微战栗起来。

60、In great disillusion ─── 书空咄咄

61、With a sense of wondering and melancholy disillusion, Prince Andrey heard his laughter and looked at Speransky laughing. ─── 安德烈公爵带着惊讶的、由于失望而忧郁的神态静听他的笑声,谛视哈哈大笑的他(斯佩兰斯基)。

62、They were together in silence like an old married couple wary of life, beyond the pitfalls of passion, beyond the brutal mockery of hope and the phantoms of disillusion: beyond love. ─── 他们象被生活伤害了的一对老年夫妻那样,不声不响地超脱了激情的陷阱,超脱了幻想和醒悟的粗鲁的嘲弄,到达了爱情的彼岸。

63、The whole novel gives the reader a deep feeling of disillusion and exposes the darkness of the American society, the inanity of the life and the inevitable disillusion of the "American dreams". ─── 整部作品中蕴含了深深的幻灭感,充分揭示了美国社会的黑暗、空虚的现实以及“美国梦”必然幻灭的结局。

64、TERROR, stagnation, exile, hope and disillusion are the fabric of Russian history in the last century. ─── 恐怖、萧条、放逐、希望和觉醒,构成了俄国上世纪历史的主旋律。

65、Reflection and Deconstruction: Disillusion of the Myth of Revolutionary Heroes in Literature of the New Age ─── 反思与解构:论新时期文学革命英雄神话的破灭

66、disillusion of love ─── 爱情幻灭

67、Expectations, usually set too high to begin with, fail to be met, resulting in anger, disillusion, and often in acts of terrifying violence. ─── 期待过高,往往不能付诸行动,接着无法实现,最后导致怨声载道,希望幻灭,还常常出现暴力威胁行为。

68、Too True to be Good is a better play of the later period, with the author’s almost nihilistic bitterness on the subjects of the cruelty and madness of World War I and the aimlessness and disillusion of the young. ─── 出色的作品《难以置信》,主题是对残忍疯狂的第一次世界大战近乎虚无主义的嘲讽和对幻灭失落的青年一代的忧伤。

69、After long conflicts, the second set of elections is often a story of unrealistic expectation turned to disillusion and apathy. ─── 在长时间的冲突之后,在大选第二阶段,人们往往从不现实的期待中走出来,取而代之的是幻想破灭后的冷漠。

70、The disillusion of the "art-textual" survival of the hero image makes the value of his esthetic and social ideality recognized. ─── 主人公形象“艺术-文本化”生存的幻灭使得他的审美理想和社会理想获得了价值确认。

71、I knew it all, the whole drab compass of marital disillusion ─── 我清楚地知道婚姻幻灭的单调乏味的境界。

72、The disillusion of American Dream has always been one of the most commonly concerned themes in American literature. ─── “美国梦”的幻灭是美国现实主义文学中的重要主题之一。

73、i dreamt that you were by my side,came disillusion when i awoke dear,you were gone and then i cried. ─── 亲爱的,那夜你来到我梦中,依偎在我身旁,但当我朦胧醒来,你却了无踪影,于是我伤心地痛哭起来。

74、Corroboration and disillusion of the hope--An analysis of the psychic movement of Lin Daiyu by interpretation of dream ─── 希望的确证与幻灭--林黛玉死前的心灵历程

75、But we believe it's a dangerous strategy taking a one-year view as the market can turn against these positions very quickly once disillusion hits. ─── 但是我们相信,从一年期的角度看,这种投资策略是危险的,一旦幻想破灭,市场对这些仓位会迅速倒戈相向。

76、But then, in their marriage, they find sex is no big deal at all;and thus comes disappointment and disillusion. ─── 但是然后,在她们的婚姻里,她们发现性压根不是什么大事,因此会感到失望并且醒悟。

77、"She doesn't know her father was a gangleader, and I don't want to disillusion her. ─── " "她不知道她的父亲曾是黑帮头子,我也不愿意向她揭露她父亲的真面目。

78、Many people will experience poverty, unemployment, and disillusion with what they will see as an inequitable global world. ─── 许多人将体验到贫困、失业和幻想的破灭,对他们将看到的那个不公平的世界的幻灭。

79、The first chapter talks about Beauvoir’s attitudes to human consciousness, emotional state and the pain of life and death, and represents the loneliness of human being and disillusion of the author. ─── 其中,第一部分通过发掘波伏娃所理解的人的意识、情感状态和生与死的痛苦,表现了人生的孤独和作家的幻灭感。

80、Do not say anything to disillusion them. ─── 别说什么叫他们泄气的话。

81、Traced through timelines, those feeble mortals are set to walk the plank of the disillusion from idealism to reality. ─── 少年时代的纯真,健康,赤诚,无私,狂热,执著,世界是非黑即白的,那就是虔诚,神圣,无条件相信一切信仰的理想主义者。

82、Disillusion and Opposition--a Comparison Between Lin Dai-yu and Jane Eyre ─── 幻灭与抗争--林黛玉与简·爱形象比较

83、Absence is mother of disillusion. ─── 疏离是觉悟之母。

84、After long conflicts, the second set of elections is often a story of unrealistic expectation turned to disillusion and apathy. ─── 在长时间的冲突之后,在大选第二阶段,人们往往从不现实的期待中走出来,取而代之的是幻想破灭后的冷漠。

85、She still believes in Santa Claus and it would be creel to disillusion her. ─── 她依然相信有圣诞老人,要使她这一幻想破灭还真于心不忍。

86、She recalled the hatred that followed the disillusion, and finally the indifference ─── 她回忆起尾随幻想破灭而至的憎恨,以及最终的冷漠。

87、I hate to disillusion you, but not everyone is as honest as you. ─── 我实在不愿把实情告诉你,但并非人人都像你那样诚实。

88、During the Evening Prayer period(1919-1924),his poems make readers sink deeply in thinking the philosophy meaning,the poetry is sad and melancholy,reflecting the disillusion of love; ─── 他的《晚祷》时期(1919年-1924年)诗作具有深沉的哲思意味,诗意伤感忧郁,反映了爱的幻灭;

89、The Great Gatsby is a novel written by the famous American writer F· Scott Fitzgerald in the1920 s, which is about the disillusion of the American Dream. ─── 了不起的盖茨比》是20世纪20年代美国著名作家菲茨杰拉德的一部反映美国梦破灭的小说。


个人觉得跟 Disillusion 的意思更接近一些, 表示幻灭, 满怀希望但是结果不随人意。

相对的,如果我们对某件事满怀希望,哪怕是空想,可以用 Fantacy 来表达,2001年周杰伦出过一张专辑《范特西》其实就是 Fantacy的谐音。



[be a bit cool] 微寒的样子



{$i} 这么热的天,你身上怎么还是凉凉的呢?

How do you keep so cool in such hot weather?

{$i} 它凉凉的,并且中间弯曲了,但我知道我要留着这个纪念品。

It was cold and bent in the middle, but I knew I needed to have this souvenir.

{$i} 我那样做了,凉凉的棕色泡沫溅到了我的手上。

Cool brown foam sprayed my hands.

{$i} 我喜欢凉凉的微风、清净的空气,和这片绿意盎然的大地。

I love the cooling breezes, the clear air, all the greenery.

{$i} 我还让它们钻进我的鞋子里,凉凉的,没有夏季雷雨的那种粘稠的感觉。

I also let them get into my shoes, cool, no summer thunderstorms that kind of viscous feeling.


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