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09-14 投稿



hemi 发音

英:['hem?]  美:['hem?]

英:  美:

hemi 中文意思翻译



hemi 短语词组

1、plymouth barracuda hemi ─── 普利茅斯梭鱼

2、hemi- pref. ─── 半, 偏侧 [医] ─── 半, 偏侧, 单侧

3、hemi-Dewar biphenyl ─── [化] 半杜瓦联苯

hemi 相似词语短语

1、heme ─── n.亚铁血红素

2、semi ─── n.半挂车;半独立式的住宅;n.(Semi)人名;(意、芬)塞米

3、hem- ─── n.边,边缘;摺边;vt.包围;给...缝边;vi.做褶边;n.(Hem)人名;(柬)韩(用于名字第一节),亨;(泰)亨;(尼、印)赫姆

4、hemp ─── n.大麻;麻类植物;大麻烟卷;adj.大麻类植物的;n.(Hemp)人名;(英)亨普

5、hemic ─── adj.血性的;血的

6、hems ─── abbr.高级实体管理标准(High-levelEntityManagementSystem);家庭能源管理系统(homeenergymanagementsystem);直升机紧急医疗服务(helicopteremergencymedicalservice)

7、hemi- ─── n.半

8、hem ─── n.边,边缘;摺边;vt.包围;给...缝边;vi.做褶边;n.(Hem)人名;(柬)韩(用于名字第一节),亨;(泰)亨;(尼、印)赫姆

9、hemin ─── n.[生化]氯高铁血红素(等于Teichmann'scrystals);血晶素;血晶质(等于haemin)

hemi 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、And if we add a Hemi light for faking the light coming from all points of the sky (as in BSG. ─── 如果我们增加一个半光来模拟从天空散射来的光线(如BSG.

2、Keywords Tetrantio hemi glycoluril;methylenedinitramine;hydrolysis; ─── 四硝基半甘脲;亚甲基二硝胺;水解;

3、By carefully working on the Distance value you can make your warm firelight shed only within the room, while illuminating outside with a cool moonlight, the latter achieved with a Sun or Hemi light or both. ─── 通过小心的调节距离值,你可以使温暖的火光只照射在房间内,房间外使用清冷的月光,后者通过日光、半光或是两者的结合来实现。

4、This Global Illumination technique effectively substitutes, at a very high computational cost, the Hemi for the above outdoor setting. ─── 依赖很高的计算代价,这个全局照明技巧可以有效地替代前面提到的室外设置中的半光。

5、Hemi - hip prosthesis ─── 人工股骨头

6、"I reckon I've got another row in me," he said."Nobody has succe fully rowed the southern ocean yet, so I could po ibly head down to the southern hemi here.I'd like to achieve a real first. ─── 不过换一个角度来看,西克斯也算不虚此行,因为他还创造了另外两项世界纪录,成为单独横渡大西洋年龄最小的人,同时也是第1个横渡大西洋的英国人。

7、Hemi or total arthroplasty replacement for severe damages of proximal part of humerus ─── 半或全肩关节置换治疗肱骨近端严重病损

8、high computational cost, the Hemi for the above outdoor setting. high computational cost, the Hemi for the above outdoor setting. ─── 依赖很高的计算代价,这个全局照明技巧可以有效地替代前面提到的室外设置中的半光。

9、Pectinase, cellulase and hemi-cellulose enzyme can be obtained from a number of micro-organisms, the hydrolysis mechanism. ─── 果胶酶、纤维素酶和半纤维素酶可以从一些微生物中获得,其水解机制不同。

10、The most common cylinder head types are the hemi, wedge, and semi-hemi. ─── 最常见的气缸盖类型是半球形,楔形和准半球形。

11、The results of a Hemi Light for the 9 sphere set up are shown in Hemi Light example. the superior softness of the Hemi light in comparison to the Sun light is evident. ─── 九球构建的半光的效果请参见半光示例。相比于日光,半光具有明显较高的柔和性。

12、A sophisticated sculptor, Hemi, and 4 other people are invited to a gallery of dolls. ─── 五位年轻男女应邀到一所美术馆参予制作人形玩偶的项目。

13、Efficacy of botulinum toxin A in the treatment of hemi facial spasm and blepharospasm ─── A型肉毒毒素治疗面肌及眼睑痉挛

14、Keywords Ischemic stroke;MRI;Diffusion weight;Perfusion weight;Hemi opague zone; ─── 关键词缺血性脑卒中;磁共振成像;弥散加权;灌注加权;半暗带;

15、Methods:Eighty cases of total or hemi lamine ctomy of lumbar spine were checked up by CT myelography in 3、6 and 12 months afte r the operations. ─── 方法:笔者对80例半椎板全椎板切除术后患者,进行3个月、6个月、12个月CT脊髓造影跟踪观察。

16、hemi zone beam transponder ─── 半球波束与区域波束转发器

17、It holds the HEMI as its source of power. ─── 它拥有半作为其力量之源。

18、See also the articles on HEMI engines, rotary engines and two-stroke engines. ─── 在HEMI引擎杂志上,引擎分为旋转式引擎和二冲程式引擎。

19、For example, powerful powertrain performance is an understatement considering the Jeep Hurricane is not just HEMI(R)-equipped, but HEMI squared. ─── 例如,强大的动力性能,是一种轻描淡写的考虑吉普飓风不仅是HEMI发动机(R)的装备,但HEMI发动机的平方。

20、hemi[ana]tropous ovule ─── 横生胚珠

21、In fact, there are no pengui anywhere in the Northern Hemi here except in zoos. ─── 事实上,北半球除了动物园里,任何地方都没有企鹅。

22、Clinical Observation on Treatment of Hemi - paralysis Due to Apoplexy by Combine Method of Acupuncture and Exercises for Recovery in 72 Cases ─── 针刺结合康复训练治疗中风偏瘫72例临床观察

23、All cases were treated with en bloc hemi-articular process laminectomy. ─── 所有病例均行整块半关节突全椎板切除术。

24、Thermal softening of rattan canes: influence of the hemi cellulose- lignin matrix ─── 棕榈藤的热软化:半纤维木素基质的影响

25、In view of the research situation at home and abroad, it is an urgent task to research on design theory of hemi-slope pile. ─── 鉴于这种国内外的研究现状,因此着手半坡桩设计理论研究十分必要,也是一项十分前沿、紧迫的任务。

26、Sun and Hemi light for outdoor rendering. ─── 室外时日光和半光渲染。

27、The 5.7L HEMI V8 produces a total 360-hp with a maximum torque of 390 lb-ft.It is mated to a 545RFE multi-speed automatic transmission. ─── V8引擎的5.7L**生360马力,最大扭矩390磅英尺这是配以545RFE多速自动变速器。

28、Result: MCA reopened in 7 cases.M1 segment stenosis disappeared after PTA in 6 cases and 5 cases recovered from their hemi paresis. ─── 结果:7例均获得闭塞动脉完全再通,6例M1段狭窄用PTA消除,5例偏瘫完全恢复,1例有脑出血并发症。

29、hemi protrusion ─── 偏侧突颌

30、The resultant ionized bond can be cleaved by a hemi-heterolysis process, affording a cation and a neutral radical. ─── 生成的离子化键能由半异裂的过程而开裂,提供一个正离子和一个中性的游离基。

31、The life cycle of parasitic species of Pegatha trileho Haeckel, 1879(host: Clytia hemi sphaerica ) were studied in Xiamen Harbour. ─── 本文对厦门港寄生于半球美螅水母宿主上的三叶坚固水母的生活史进行了研究。

32、This Global Illumination technique effectively substitutes, at a very high computational cost, the Hemi for the above outdoor setting. ─── 依赖很高的计算代价,这个全局照明技巧可以有效地替代前面提到的室外设置中的半光。

33、Keywords Stroke Hemi paretic limb Intravenous infusion Function rehabilitation; ─── 脑卒中;偏瘫;输液治疗;功能影响;

34、The most common cylinder head types are the hemi, wedge, and semi-hemi. ─── 最常见的气缸盖类型是半球形,楔形和准半球形。

35、The only exceptions are the outdoor setting, where the Hemi Light fakes the light cast by the sky, and the Area Light, where multiple spots fake a light source of finite extension. ─── 唯一的例外时室外设置,此时使用半光模拟来自天空的光线和区域灯光(使用多盏聚光灯模拟来自无限远处的光源)。

36、Keywords Fracture;femoral intertrochanteric;Hemi hip prosthesis;Aged;80 and over; ─── 关键词骨折;股骨转子间;人工股骨头;老年人;80以上;

37、There are two 5.7-litre HEMI engines in the vehicle: one in the front and one in the back. ─── 有两个5.7升HEMI发动机的车辆:一个在前面,一个在后面。

38、A 4.7L V8 and 5.7L HEMI are likely also in the cards, as well the GM/Chrysler/BMW hybrid powertrain, used in the short-lived Chrysler Aspen Hybrid and Dodge Durango Hybrid. ─── 阿4.7LV8发动机和5.7L半可能还卡,以及全球机制/克莱斯勒/宝马混合动力,用于短暂的克莱斯勒阿斯杂交和道奇Durango混合。

39、A likely candidate for the job is a version of the company's forthcoming 6.4-liter HEMI, which is also expected to appear in other SRT models. ─── 一个可能的候选人的工作是一个版本的该公司即将6.4升HEMI,这也将出现在其他广播电视模式。

40、Unconstrained hemi -arthroplasty in treatment proximal humeral tumors ─── 半肩人工关节置换治疗肱骨上段肿瘤

41、hemi reflector ─── 半球波束反射器

42、We have to say it looks really impressive but what is very interesting is the 6.4-liter crate HEMI engine that will generate between 505-525 hp and 510 ft-lbs of torque (690 Nm). ─── 我们必须指出它看起来非常令人印象深刻的是什么,但非常有趣的是6.4升发动机箱半之间,将产生505-525马力和510英尺磅的扭矩(690牛顿米)。

43、The incidence of expansile osteolysis at acetabulum of both hemi and total hip prosthesis was the highest in zone 3 and ischium edge (P< 0.05), but no significant difference in size of osteolysis (P >0.05). ─── 膨胀性骨溶解在人工股骨头和全髋关节中髋臼的发生率均以三区及坐骨缘最高 (P0.05)。

44、hemi beam ─── 半球射束

45、The FTIR and chemical analyses indicated lowering of hemi-cellulose content by alkali treatment of the fibers. ─── FTIR光谱分析和化学分析结果表明,经碱处理的纤维中半纤维素含量降低;

46、Sun and Hemi light for outdoor set up. ─── 室外时日光和半光组件。

47、Ko Hemi hoki ratou ko Hohepa, ko Haimona, ko Hura, ona teina? ─── 他 弟 兄 们 不 是 叫 雅 各 、 约 西 ( 有 古 卷 : 约 瑟 ) 、 西 门 、 犹 大 麽 ?

48、All the Lamp types, except the Hemi Light one, can produce Ray Shadows. ─── 除了半光灯之外,所有的灯光类型都能产生射线阴影。

49、Willing to overlook its hefty weight for the old-school looks and meaty Hemi power, they've already purchased just about every car scheduled to be made for the next year. ─── 愿意忽视其巨大的重量的老学校的外观和肉半功率,他们已经购买了几乎所有的汽车定为明年。

50、Hemi - clamshell approach ─── 半蛤壳状切口

51、Repair of duodenal operatie defect due to infiltration of right hemi -colonic carcinoma with all layers of pedicled ileac flap ─── 右半结肠癌致十二指肠手术缺损带血管蒂全层回肠壁修复术

52、At the meeting, Deputy Chief of the Group Mr.Philip Yung, Hemi on the company history, a French real estate development patterns in detail. ─── 会上,该集团副总菲利普?赫米勇还就其公司历史、法国房产开发模式等作了详细介绍。

53、The center of the lower part of the main body is equipped with a cone inner hole. The head of the inner hole is hemi-spherical. ─── 主体的下部中心设有圆锥形内孔,该内孔的头部为半球形。

54、Keywords Femoral head Aseptic necrosis Hemi - arthroplasty; ─── 关键词股骨头;无菌性坏死;半髋置换术;

55、I at home have a pet .it’s a dog .its name is hemi .it has big eyes, small nose and wide mouth, I like it a lot. ─── 我在家有一只宠物,它是一只小狗,它的名字叫黑米,它有着大眼睛,小鼻子和大嘴巴。

56、Power will likely come from Chrysler's new 280 hp 3.6-liter Pentastar V6 engine as well as a revised 5.7-liter HEMI V8 with at least 360 hp. ─── 虽然资料是2011年克莱斯勒300仍然是有限的,我们已经有了我们的第一次看到汽车的新的外观造型时,该公司提出的可行性计划,美国财政部。

57、hemi continuous ─── 半连续的

58、The new engine will be called the 392 HEMI (in reference to its capacity in cubic inches) and is expected to first appear in updated versions of the Dodge Challenger and Charger in 2011. ─── 新发动机将被称为392半(指其能力立方英寸),预计将首次出现在更新版本道奇挑战者和充电器,在2011年。

59、Hemi cellulose ─── 半纤维素

60、Ko Hura tama a Hemi, ko Hura Ikariote hoki, ko ia nei te kaituku. ─── 雅 各 的 儿 子 ( 或 作 : 兄 弟 ) 犹 大 , 和 卖 主 的 加 略 人 犹 大 。

61、hemi receiver ─── 半球波束接收机

62、The cellulose, the hemi cellulose and the lignin are the principal constituent of apple marc. ─── 摘要苹果渣不溶性膳食纤维的主要成分为纤维素、半纤维素、木质素。

63、west hemi beam ─── 西半球波束

64、left anterior hemi block ─── 左前半束支传导阻滞

65、For owners wanting more performance, the 5.7-liter HEMI V8 with 360 horsepower (268 kW) and 390 lb.-ft. (520 Nm) of torque will be available. ─── 业主希望更多的性能,5.7升HEMIV8发动机的360马力(268千瓦)和390磅英尺(520牛顿米)的扭矩将可用。

66、Keywords Laparoscopy;Colonic neoplasms;Right hemi colectomy; ─── 腹腔镜;结肠肿瘤;结肠切除术;

67、A diesel-powered Dodge Ram 1500 has been delayed, but the hybrid HEMI version is definitely happening for 2010. ─── 柴油动力的道奇公羊1500已经推迟,但混合半版肯定是发生在2010年。

68、Coming in as a 2011 model, the redesigned Jeep Grand Cherokee will ride on an advanced car-like unibody platform and feature the company's upcoming Phoenix V6 or a HEMI V8 as engine options. ─── 即将在2011年作为一个模式,重新设计的吉普大切诺基将乘坐先进的汽车样unibody平台和功能该公司即将推出的凤凰半的V6或V8发动机引擎的选择。

69、Left hemi -colon ─── 左半结肠

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