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09-14 投稿



hispid 发音

英:[['h?sp?d]]  美:[['h?sp?d]]

英:  美:

hispid 中文意思翻译



hispid 词性/词形变化,hispid变形

名词: hispidity |

hispid 短语词组

1、hispid pocket mouse ─── [网络] hispid口袋鼠标

2、Hispid hare ─── 他的野兔

3、Hispid Cotton Rat ─── 黑皮棉鼠

4、Hispid pocket gopher ─── 他的口袋地鼠

hispid 相似词语短语

1、histoid ─── adj.[病理]组织样的

2、sipid ─── adj.味佳的;滋味好的

3、hispi ─── 希斯皮

4、cuspid ─── n.牙;犬齿

5、lipid ─── n.脂质;油脂

6、limpid ─── adj.透明的;平静的,无忧虑的

7、hispidity ─── 粗糙的

8、hissed ─── vi.发出嘘声;发嘘声;n.嘘声;嘶嘶声;n.(Hiss)人名;(英、德)希斯;(法)伊斯

9、vespid ─── n.胡蜂;黄蜂

hispid 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Stems erect or ascending, minutely hispid. ─── 茎直立或上升,微小的。

2、Culms rambling or climbing, up to 15 m long, branched, glabrous to puberulous or hispid, terete, solid. ─── 漫步的秆或攀援,可达15米长,分枝,无毛到被微柔毛的或具糙硬毛,圆柱状,固体。

3、hispid arthraxon herb ─── 荩草

4、Stem ca. 27 cm tall, sparsely hispid proximally, sparsely retrorsely puberulent distally. ─── 约茎27厘米高,下部的疏生糙硬毛,稀少反曲上部。

5、Stems several, cespitose, erect or ascending, unbranched, densely yellow hispid, short strigose. ─── 茎数个,丛生,直立或上升,不分枝,浓密黄具糙硬毛,短。

6、Hispid hare ─── 粗毛兔

7、relationship between the endogenous hormones content and fruit development in Chiehqua (Benincasa hispid a Cogn. ─── 磷水平下节瓜果实内源激素与果实发育的关系。

8、Stems single or several and cespitose , branched above, densely hispid, hairs discoid at base; branches slender, spreading. ─── 茎单一或数个和丛生,上面分枝,密被糙硬毛,毛盘状的在基部;分枝纤细,平展。

9、hispid stems. ─── 毛茎

10、Hispid pocket mouse ─── n. 硬毛小囊鼠

11、Stem 30--40 cm tall, hispid proximally, glabrous distally, simple. ─── 茎30-40厘米高,具糙硬毛下部,上部,单。

12、Leaf blade adaxially sparsely minutely hispid and barely stellate hairy. Inflorescences mostly in leaf axils along stem. ─── 具糙硬毛的叶片正面疏生微小的和星状毛的刚刚。在叶腋沿茎里的多数的花序。

13、Stems usually single, rarely 2- or 3-fascicled, branched above, strigose or spreading hispid. ─── 茎通常单身,很少2或3簇生,上面分枝,具糙伏毛的或开展具糙硬毛。

14、Lemmas densely to sparsely hispid below middle with white or brownish hairs, becoming dark brown at maturity. ─── 外稃浓密给疏生糙硬毛中间以下具白色的或带褐色的毛,成熟时变得暗褐色。

15、Capsule elongate, loculicidal, pubescent or hispid. ─── 蒴果拉长,室背开裂,短柔毛或具糙硬毛。

16、hispid Chinese knotweed root ─── 小红人

17、Twigs terete, densely brown hispid. ─── 小枝圆柱状,密被棕色。

18、Ovary lobes truncate, glabrous or rarely minutely hispid at apex. ─── 子房裂片截断,无毛或很少精确在先端。

19、Stem and petioles spreading hispid; hairs 2--3 mm. Leaf blade central lobe rhombic. Raceme strigose and yellow glandular puberulent. Filaments glabrous. ─── 茎和叶柄开展的糙伏毛;毛2-3毫米叶片中央裂片菱形。总状花序具糙伏毛和黄具腺被微柔毛。花丝无毛

20、Stem 35--65 cm tall, simple, retrorse and spreading yellow hispid, basally with longer spreading hairs. ─── 茎高35-65厘米,单一,具反折和开展的黄色糙硬毛,基部具开展的长毛。

21、Calyx lobes spreading or revolute, linear, ca. 4 mm, to 6 mm in fruit, hispid, apex acute. ─── 外卷,线形的萼裂片平展或,约4毫米,在6毫米在果期,具糙硬毛,先端锐尖。

22、hispid sage herb ─── 红地胆

23、Stem ca. 1 m tall, sparsely hispid, branched distally. ─── 茎约1米高,疏生糙硬毛,上部分枝。

24、ultimate segments ovate, usually lobed, lobules lanceolate, both surfaces roughened, hispid, apex acute, deciduous. ─── 卵形的末回裂片,通常浅裂,披针形,两面使粗糙,具糙硬毛,先端锐尖,落叶。

25、hispid yam tuber ─── 白薯良

26、Leaf blades thinly hispid on both surfaces; tubercle-based bristles present on margins for most of length from base. ─── 稀疏的叶片具糙硬毛的在两面;大多数长度自基部的在边上的基于小瘤的刚毛宿存。

27、Herbs annual or biennial, scabrous or hispid, rarely glabrous. ─── 一年生或二年生草本,粗糙或,很少无毛。

28、hispid hedyotis herb ─── 粗叶耳草

29、Stems single or several, cespitose, erect, not branched, densely hispid and short strigose, hairs discoid at base. ─── 茎单一或数个,丛生,直立,不分枝,具糙伏毛的密被糙硬毛和短,毛盘状的在基部。

30、segments broadly lanceolate, submembranous, hardened in fruit, abaxially winged from proximal middle part, hispid; ─── 宽披针形的裂片,近膜质,在果期使变硬,从下部中部背面具翅,具糙硬毛;

31、Stems erect, 15-40 cm tall, minutely retrorse hispid. ─── 茎直立,15-40厘米高,微小的反折。

32、hispid fig root ─── 五指毛桃根

33、Hispid Cotton Rat ─── 刚毛棉鼠(鼠科), n. 刚毛棉鼠

34、Stems several, cespitose, slender, branched from base, sparsely hispid, strigose. ─── 茎数个,丛生,纤细,分枝自基部,疏生糙硬毛,具糙伏毛。

35、Young stems and abaxial leaf surface densely or sparsely hispid. Calyx minutely hispid outside, teeth deltate and erect. Nutlets ovoid, ca. 1.5 mm in diam., smooth. ─── 嫩茎和叶背面密被或疏生糙硬毛。具糙硬毛的花萼微小的在外面,切成齿形并且直立。小坚果卵形体,直径约1.5毫米,光滑。

36、Stems erect, 50-80 cm tall, striate, appressed hispid, swollen at nodes. ─── 茎直立,50-80厘米高,具条纹,贴伏的具糙硬毛,膨胀的在节上。

37、Stem hispid proximally, sparsely puberulent distally. Raceme densely yellow glandular puberulent. Sepals blue. ─── 具糙硬毛下部,疏生微柔毛的茎上部。总状花序浓密的黄具腺被微柔毛。萼片蓝色。

38、Culms initially hispid; culm sheaths with small, reflexed auricles; stigma 1. ─── 秆最初具糙硬毛;有小,反折的耳廓的竿箨;柱头1。

39、lemmas lanceolate to narrowly ovate, membranous or leathery, hispid or villous, apex 2-toothed to deeply 2-cleft, awned from between lobes; ─── 外稃披针形到狭卵形,膜质或革质,具糙硬毛或具长柔毛,先端齿兑一深深2半裂,从在裂片之间具芒;

40、Herbs annual, biennial, or perennial, often hispid or tomentose, hairs often mostly simple. ─── 一年生,二年生草本,或多年生植物的,通常具糙硬毛或被绒毛,毛通常多数单的。

41、Stems erect, 80-100 cm tall, sparsely minute retrorse hispid, branched toward apex. ─── 茎直立,80-100厘米高,微小的疏生,分枝向先端。

42、Stem 13--30 cm tall, spreading hispid, simple. ─── 茎13-30厘米高,开展的糙伏毛,单。

43、Leaf sheaths reddish with age, hispid, hairs tubercle-based; ─── 叶鞘带红色的老时,具糙硬毛,毛基于小瘤;

44、Leaves opposite to subopposite;petiole 1.5-3 cm, hispid; ─── 叶对生到近对生叶柄1.5-3厘米,具糙硬毛;

45、Herbs, annual, to 15 cm.Stems decumbent or prostrate, softly hispid. ─── 一年生草本,达15厘米,茎外倾或平卧,软糙毛。

46、Calyx lobes lanceolate, ca. 1 cm, abaxially stellate velutinous and hispid. ─── 萼裂片披针形,约1厘米,背面星状茸毛和。

47、Stems spreading hispid below, strigose above. Basal leaves with petiole spreading hispid. ─── 茎开展的糙伏毛在下面,上面的具糙伏毛的;基生叶具叶柄开展的糙伏毛。

48、Stems single, not branched, 5-10 mm in diam. at base, spreading hispid and densely strigose, hairs discoid at base. ─── 茎单一,不分枝,5-10毫米直径在基部,开展的糙伏毛和密被糙伏毛,毛盘状的在基部。

49、Stems single or several, cespitose, erect, not branched, densely hispid and short strigose, hairs discoid at base. ─── 茎单一或数个,丛生,直立,不分枝,具糙伏毛的密被糙硬毛和短,毛盘状的在基部。

50、Stems several, branched from base, ca. 12 cm tall, appressed or spreading, moderately densely minute hispid, not bristly. ─── 茎数个,分枝自基部,12厘米高,贴伏或开展,具糙硬毛的小的适中浓密的约,并非具刚毛。

51、the capsules are ovate, acute and hispid; ─── 蒴果呈卵形,长满硬毛,很尖锐;

52、Stem erect, branched, retrorsely hispid with white or grayish hairs (Chinese species). ─── 茎直立,分枝,白色的具糙硬毛具或浅灰色毛(中国种)。

53、Stem 50--75 cm tall, hispid proximally or throughout, branched. ─── 茎50-75厘米高,具糙硬毛的下部的或全部,分枝。

54、Culm sheaths deciduous, green, conspicuously many purple veined, spots absent, not or only thinly glaucous, abaxially deciduously sparsely hispid, basally brown hairy, hairs ca. 3 mm; ─── 脱落,绿色的竿箨,很多紫色脉,缺席的斑点的显著,不或者只稀疏有白霜,叶耳和口头的刚毛无;

55、Stems several, cespitose, erect or ascending, densely hispid, short strigose. ─── 茎数个,丛生,直立或上升,密被糙硬毛,短具糙伏毛。

56、Stems several, cespitose, erect or ascending, branched, spreading hispid and appressed pubescent. ─── 茎数个,丛生,直立或上升,分枝,开展的糙伏毛和贴伏短柔毛。

57、Herbs biennial.Stem solitary erect, branching, retrorsely hispid. ─── 二年生草本茎单生直立,分枝,具糙硬毛。

58、Stem hispid throughout. Corymb retrorsely puberulent. Upper sepal ca. 1.2 cm; spur ca. 2 cm. ─── 具糙硬毛的茎全部。伞房花序反曲被微柔毛。上部萼片约1.2厘米;距约2厘米

59、Culm sheaths thickly leathery, brown, smooth, glossy, with dark brown hairs; culm internodes glaucous, white hispid. ─── 竿箨厚革质,棕色,光滑,有光泽,有暗褐色的头发;秆节间有白霜,白色具糙硬毛。

60、Stem and petioles spreading hispid; hairs 2--3 mm. Leaf blade central lobe broadly rhombic. Raceme strigose and yellow glandular puberulent. Filaments with 1 or 2 hairs on each side. ─── 茎和叶柄开展的糙伏毛;毛2-3毫米。叶片中央裂片宽棱形。总状花序具糙伏毛和黄具腺被微柔毛。花丝具1或2毛在每边。

61、Hispid pocket gopher ─── n. 粗毛囊鼠

62、ovary 3-locular, hispid with stinging hairs; ─── 子房3室,具糙硬毛的具蛰毛;

63、Stems single or several, cespitose, branched from base, spreading hispid and appressed pubescent; ─── 茎单一或数个,丛生,分枝自基部,开展的糙伏毛和贴伏短柔毛;

64、Stem 30--50 cm tall, sparsely hispid proximally, glabrous distally, simple. ─── 抑制30-50厘米高,接近疏生糙硬毛,上部,单纯。

65、1 Young shoots, petioles, and pedicels densely hispid, with strap-shaped setae. ─── 幼枝,叶柄,和花梗密被具糙硬毛,具舌状。

66、Stems erect, 70-100 cm tall, ligneous at base, much branched, striate, glabrous or retrorsely hispid. ─── 茎直立,70-100厘米高,木质在基部,多分枝,反曲具糙硬毛的具条纹,无毛的或。

67、Herbs annual or sometimes perennial, bristly, hispid or appressed pubescent throughout. ─── 有时一年生草本或多年生植物,刺人,或者贴伏短柔毛全部。

68、mericarps 8 or 9, with vertical grooves, apex 2-awned, exceeding calyx, awn 3-6 mm, retrorsely hispid. ─── 分果爿8或者9,有垂直槽沟,2具芒的顶,超过花萼,芒3-6毫米,反曲具糙硬毛。

69、Calyx ca. 1.2 cm, narrowly campanulate, densely short yellow glandular hairy, margins sparsely 2- or 3-septate hispid; ─── 苞片2-5个毫米花萼约1.2厘米,狭钟状,浓密短黄的腺毛,边缘疏生具隔2或3具糙硬毛;

70、Stem ca. 70 cm tall, usually hispid proximally, glabrous distally, branched or simple. ─── 抑制约70厘米高,通常下部,上部,分枝或单一。

71、hispid flagella ─── 粗硬鞭毛

72、Culm sheaths straw-colored when dry, deciduously densely hispid, margins ciliate; ─── 稻草色的竿箨干燥时,脱落的密被糙硬毛,边缘具缘毛;

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