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09-14 投稿



nominative 发音

英:['n?m?n?t?v]  美:['nɑm?n?t?v]

英:  美:

nominative 中文意思翻译



nominative 同义词

nominal |nominated | nominative case

nominative 反义词


nominative 短语词组

1、nominative case ─── 主格

2、nominative shares ─── [经] 记名的股份

3、predicate nominative ─── [语法学]谓语性主格(指作为动词补语的名词或代词短语)

nominative 相似词语短语

1、nominatival ─── adj.主格的

2、denominative ─── adj.有名称的;自名词派生出来的;n.由名词派生出来的动词

3、dominative ─── adj.统治的;支配的;决定性的;占优势的

4、combinative ─── adj.结合的;可结合的;有结合力的

5、comitative ─── n.随伴格;adj.随伴格的

6、nominatives ─── adj.主格的;记名的;被提名的;n.主格

7、nominalise ─── 名义化

8、nominatively ─── 提名地

9、comminative ─── 承诺的

nominative 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、national nominative financial voucher ─── 实名制国家财政券

2、nominative language ─── 主格语言

3、(3).The distinctions of nominative and accusative in nouns are realized by word order, with the one before the verb as the nominative and the one after it as the accusative. ─── 名词的主格和宾格的区别表现在语序上,在动词之前的是主格,在动词之后的是宾格。

4、In this paper we propose a kind of new signature scheme called fail-stop nominative signature scheme that is the combination of fail-stop and nominative signature. ─── 该文提出了一种新的数字签名方案—失败终止记名签名方案,该方案具有失败终止数字签名与记名数字签名方案的优点。

5、After a preposition the objective case of pronouns should be used, but he used the nominative case. ─── 在介词后面,人称代词应该用宾格,但是他用了主格。

6、Nominative Absolute Structure and Prepositional Complex Structure ─── 独立主格结构和介词复合结构

7、Nominative singular of many nouns. ─── 很多名词的主格单数。

8、implicit learning / instruction; explicit learning / instruction; second language grammatical rules; the nominative absolute structure; ─── 隐性学习/教学;显性学习/教学;第二语言语法规则;独立主格;

9、nominative testing ─── 指定测试

10、nominative case ─── 主格

11、Logical S-P Construction of Minor Sentences and Nominative Absolute Construction of Major Sentences: A Comparative Study ─── 英语小句逻辑主谓结构和大句独立结构之比较

12、Nominative Island Condition ─── 主格禁区条件

13、On English Absolute Nominative Construction ─── 谈英语中的独立主格结构

14、Used to introduce a noun clause that is usually the subject or object of a verb or a predicate nominative ─── 用以导出名词从句:引导作为动词或谓语主格的主语或宾语的名词性从句

15、The Application of Absolute Nominative Construction in Interpretation ─── 独立主格在口译中的运用

16、What should be paid attention to is that only when the logical subject of the absolute nominative construction does not agree with the subject of the sentence, can this construction be used. ─── 应该注意的问题是,只有当独立主格结构的逻辑主语与句子主语不一致时,才能使用该结构。

17、Therefore, the shift of risks is attached great importance in lawmaking in different countries.And it is also one of the nominative contents in relevant international pacts and trade conventions. ─── 正因如此,货物的风险转移不仅为各国立法所重视,在相关的国际公约和贸易惯例中,它也是着重规范的内容之一。

18、Joint nominative proxy signature scheme ─── 联合指名代理签名方案

19、Furthermore, I have fallen into the habit (regrettably) of referring to the founder of a clan with a nominative of the can's name. ─── 此外,我已陷入习惯(遗憾)指的创始人家族与记名的,可的名字。

20、Nominative signature ─── 记名签名

21、Case: The category of case is prominent in the grammar of Latin, with six distinctions of nominative, vocative, accusative, genitive, dative and ablative. ─── 格范畴在拉丁语语法里是很显著的。它有六种格:主格,呼格,宾格,属格,与格,离格。

22、Nominative is used when the noun is the subject or a predicate nominative. ─── 当名词是主语或谓语主格使用主格。

23、There are also three cases (nominative, accusative and genitive) and three numbers (singular, dual and plural). ─── 也有三种情景(主格、宾格和谓格),还有三种数目(单数、双数和复数)。

24、The distinctions of nominative and accusative in nouns are realized by word order, with the one before the verb as the nominative and the one after it as the accusative. ─── 名词的主格和宾格的区别表现在语序上,在动词之前的是主格,在动词之后的是宾格。

25、The distinctions of nominative and accusative in nouns are realized by word order, with the one before the verb as the nominative and the one after it as the accusative. ─── 名词的主格和宾格的区别表现在语序上,在动词之前的是主格,在动词之后的是宾格。

26、In Latin, a noun derived from a verb and having all case forms except the nominative. ─── 动名词拉丁语中的动名词,有除主格外的所有格的形式

27、nominative absolute ─── n. 绝对分词子句

28、In former years, netizens of the keep in impression still is spirit of Wang Xiaoya, Zhang Quan such name is nominative chair leading on the problem two meetings. ─── 往年,网友们印象里留存的尚是王小丫、张泉灵这样的名记名主持带着问题上两会。

29、absolute nominative ─── 独立主格

30、In Latin, the nominative case of first declension nouns ends in a'. ─── 在拉丁文中,属於第一类词形变化的名词的主格以a结尾。

31、In Polish, the vocative is almost always different from the nominative case. ─── 波兰语中,呼格常常不同于主格。

32、His mouth wide open is here an absolute nominative structure, used as an adverbial to modify "jumped at the man". ─── (巴克大张着嘴,以六十公斤的愤怒之躯扑向那人,要去咬断他的喉咙。)

33、1. Is this noun in the nominative ? ─── 这个名词是主格形式的吗?

34、Appraise through comparison " the most abhorrent company " activity, it is body uses poll commonly, have reward secret or have nominative wait for a variety of means to undertake. ─── 评选“最可恶公司”活动,一般是体采用民意测验、有奖无记名或有记名等多种方式进行。

35、Accusative and vocative singular, nominative/accusative/vocative dual, nominative plural of nouns. ─── 名词的宾格和呼格单数、主格/宾格/呼格双数、主格复数。

36、This article makes some nominative analysis towards location choice of urban housing investment. ─── 本文主要针对城市住宅开发投资的区位选择问题进行了规范的理论探讨。

37、In Latin,the nominative case of first declension nouns ends in 'a'. ─── 在拉丁文中,属于第一类词形变化的名词的主格以a 结尾.

38、Put this noun in to the nominative . ─── 把这个名词用于主格。

39、nominative shares ─── [经] 记名的股份

40、Who gives take arrange again very nominative to all previous of 1000 yuan of award! ─── 谁给取又顺又好记名给1000元奖历!

41、in latin , the nominative case of first declension nouns ends in a ' ─── 在拉丁文中,属於第一类词形变化的名词的主格以a结尾

42、the nominative absolute ─── (分词)独立主格

43、In latin , a noun derived from a verb and having all case forms except the nominative. ─── 动名词拉丁语中的动名词,有除主格外的所有格的形式。

44、joint nominative proxy signature ─── 联合指定代理签名

45、2.In Latin, the nominative case of first declension nouns ends in a'. ─── 在拉丁文中, 属于第一类词形变化的名词的主格以a结尾.

46、Research on National Nominative Financial Voucher in Russia ─── 实名制国家财政券:俄罗斯高等教育财政体制的可贵探索

47、Nominative Signature and Nominative Proxy Signature ─── 指名签名与指名代理签名

48、Should I open seafood chaffy dish? Who gives take arrange again very nominative to all previous of 1000 yuan of award! ─── 我要开海鲜火锅?谁给取又顺又好记名给1000元奖历!

49、Nietzsche argues that Christian guilt operates nominative expectations that they have been stolen by his partion for self debasement. ─── 尼采争辩到基督罪责运作,提名的期望,期望他们因,自我贬损部分而被偷。

50、nominative introduction ─── 主格引入

51、An Analysis of the English Absolute Nominative Construction ─── 英语独立主格结构浅析

52、testing nominative ─── 测试标准

53、absolute nominative construction ─── 独立主格结构

54、Though the nominative diarrhoea of the solar system may have gone a little far, a well-chosen name is both picturesque and memorable. ─── 虽然太阳系诸星的大名起得比较出格,但精心挑选的名字可以引经据典,有趣难忘。

55、Is it nominative or elective ─── 提名呢还是选举?

56、The letters at the end of a genus-group name (which must be, or be treated as, a singular noun in the nominative case - Article 11.8) which indicate the gender of the word; ─── 一个属群名称(该名称必须是或必须被视为一个主格形式的单数名词-第11条8)的几个结尾字母,由此显示该字的性属;

57、In Latin, the nominative case of first declension nouns ends in a ─── 在拉丁文中, 属於第一类词形变化的名词的主格以a结尾.

58、Designating any noun case except the nominative or the vocative. ─── 间接的由除主格或宾格的名词表示的

59、in Latin,a noun derived from a verb and having all case forms except the nominative ─── 拉丁语中的动名词,有除主格外的所有格的形式

60、In Latin, the nominative case of first declension nouns ends in 'a'. ─── 在拉丁文中,属於第一类词形变化的名词的主格以a结尾.

61、One does not master Smyth's chapters on "The Declension of Substantives"--a sample: "If the nominative singular ends in alpha preceded by a vowel . ─── 作为一个学生,我花了整整三年跟古希腊语作战,毫无疑问,的确有一些时候,我可以打开一些轻松的书本,让它强健一下我正在消亡的信心。

62、This years only breathe easier, seniors won't need to fear losing their doctors, and pregnant woman will nomin women with limited means won't have to worry about the health of their babies. ─── 有哮喘的孩子将能呼吸顺畅,老年人不必害怕不能看医生,预算有限的孕妇也不必担心他们孩子的健康。

63、3. Put this noun into the nominative. ─── 把这一名词转换为主格。

64、Geographic name Cornwall (Cornwall), has lost this sign, because it comes from plural number possessive case Cornweala, but is not comes from plural number nominative case Cornwealas. ─── 地名康沃尔(Cornwall),就失去了该标志,因为它来自复数所有格Cornweala,而不是来自复数主格Cornwealas。

65、“Nominative of Fine Arts and Documenta”, 2004; ─── “第十届全国美展”,广州,获金奖。

66、A verbal adjective in Latin that in the nominative case expresses the notion of fitness or obligation and in other cases functions as a future passive participle. ─── 动形词拉丁语中动形词,在主格中表示适合性和必要性,并在其它格中作将来被动分词

67、nominative absolute construction ─── 主格独立结构

68、Medical informatics - Messages concerning blood transfusion - Nominative delivery message and report on nominative delivery message. ─── 医疗信息学.有关输血的信息.指定的供血信息和指定的供血信息报告

69、nominative auxiliary ─── 主格助词

70、any grammatical case other than the nominative . ─── 除了主格之外的任何语法格。

71、In the author's opinion, the trademark fair use in commercial area includes descriptive use, nominative use, and direct comparative advertising. ─── 笔者认为,商标的商业性合理使用包括叙述性使用、指示性使用、直接比较广告。

72、In the United States and European countries, fair use of trademark includes both 'descriptive fair use' and 'nominative fair use'. ─── 欧美法律中商标合理使用主要包括“说明性合理使用”和“被提及的合理使用”两种类型。

73、nominative of address ─── 指明说话对象者的名词

74、nominative shares. ─── 记名股票

75、In Latin,the nominative case of first declension nouns ends in'a'. ─── 在拉丁文中, 属于第一类词形变化的名词的主格以a结尾。

76、Very well -- then THE rain is DER Regen, if it is simply in the quiescent state of being MENTIONED, without enlargement or discussion -- Nominative case; ─── 很多事光凭一个人是做不好的,能同甘共苦的友情才能长久维持下去。”

77、The word ego is taken directly from Latin, where it is the nominative of the first person singular personal pronoun and is translated as "I myself" to express emphasis. ─── “自我”(“ego")一词直接取自拉丁文。它是第一人称单数代词的主格形式。它被翻译为“我,我自己”("Imyself")来表达强调。

78、predicate nominative ─── 谓语性主格

79、nominative proxy signature ─── 指定代理签名

80、The experiment results show that the labeling of word category has an accuracy of 81.640 5%,and the labeling of the relation within compound nomin... ─── 实验效果表明,对词的类别进行标注取得了在把维度降到363时的精确率为81.6406%的结果;对复合结构语义关系之间的标注也取得了比以往工作有所改进的成果。

81、In proxy signature generation, the applicant encrypts the message by RSA public-key cryptosystem and then gets its proxy blind signature by the nominative signature scheme. ─── 在代理签名过程中,签名请求者先用RSA算法加密消息,然后使用指定接收人的签名方案获得相应的代理盲签名。

82、Nominative Structures in English Broadcasting News and Their Functions ─── 英语广播新闻语篇中的名物化结构及其功能分析

83、" saying, he draws out ticket setting out from the pocket this, want nominative fine. ─── 说着,他从口袋里掏出发票本,要记名罚款。

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