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09-14 投稿



stitching 发音

英:[?st?t???]  美:[?st?t???]

英:  美:

stitching 中文意思翻译




stitching 常用词组

stitching machine ─── 订书机;缝合机

saddle stitching ─── [装订]骑马钉;[缝纫]鞍形针角

stitching 词性/词形变化,stitching变形

动词第三人称单数: stitches |动词现在分词: stitching |名词: stitcher |动词过去式: stitched |动词过去分词: stitched |

stitching 短语词组

1、cross stitching ─── 十字缝; ─── 十字针法

2、stitching instrument ─── [医] 缝合器

3、blind stitching ─── 挑脚针步

4、cable stitching ─── 粗线车缝; ─── 粗线缝纫;电缆绑结

5、top stitching ─── 间线; ─── 间面线;面车线

6、corner stitching ─── [计] 角勾链

7、stitching up ─── 促成(协议);办妥陷害;诬陷(stitchsb.up)

8、stitching theme on ps vita ─── 在ps vita上缝合主题

9、stitching line ─── 针车线缝合线

10、stitching color ─── 缝合颜色

11、machine stitching ─── 机械压合 ─── 机器缝纫

12、marginal stitching ─── 边缘缝合

13、stitching studio ─── 缝合工作室

14、stitching thread ─── 缝合线

15、hand stitching ─── 挑撞

16、no stitching ─── 无缝合

17、button stitching ─── 纽扣缝合

18、auto stitching ─── 自动缝合

19、center stitching ─── 中心缝线

stitching 相似词语短语

1、unstitching ─── v.拆掉针缝的线;拆开,拆掉……缝线

2、snitching ─── v.告密;进行小偷小摸,扒窃;n.告密者;告发者

3、stitchings ─── n.缝合;针脚;绑结;压合;v.缝;固定(stitch的ing形式)

4、shritching ─── 收缩

5、scritching ─── 划伤

6、stretching ─── n.伸长;展宽;v.拉伸(stretch的ing形式)

7、restitching ─── 再缝合

8、skitching ─── v.拖住汽车滑行(skitch的现在分词)

9、switching ─── n.[电]开关;转换;整流;配电;v.转换(switch的ing形式)

stitching 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Will you stitch a button on the shirt? ─── 你在那件衬衫上钉?

2、Jump Stitch: Movement of the frame without stitching but with take up lever and hook movement. ─── 不下针而移动框架,但要抬起控制杆,钩子也要移动。

3、She nodded smiled, and went on stitching. ─── 她点点头,笑了笑,继续缝衣服。

4、She picked up her embroidery and started stitching. ─── 她拿起刺绣活儿绣了起来。

5、She set the sewing machine to the longest stitch possible. ─── 她将缝纫机调到可能的最长针脚。

6、The double W logo is stitch work, not screen-printed! ─── 帽夹的图案不是印刷的唷,而是缝上去的!!

7、A stitch in time daves nine. ─── 小洞不补,大洞吃苦。

8、She was very busy, stitching. ─── 她正忙着缝纫。

9、The varied stitching methods form their unique local style. ─── 不同的手法形成了具有浓厚的地方风格。

10、Well, we need the stitching machines fairly urgently. ─── 噢,我们很急着要用这批缝纫机。

11、It has good capacity of stitching hems. ─── 单座椅,单方向盘,压边性好。

12、Medium needles are used for permanent hand stitching. ─── 中号针用来缝制永久性的手缝针迹。

13、She ceased talking and went on stitching. ─── 她不谈了,继续缝衣裳。

14、It's not easy for her to pick up the dropped stitch. ─── 对她来说补上漏掉的一针并非易事。

15、The edge of the fabric is rolled over the machine stitching to the wrong side and finished with a plain hem stitch. ─── 布边卷过机缝线迹到反面,用包缝缘边针迹完成。

16、By changing different gauge sets for stitching various single or double edge decorative sewing type. ─── 可更换不同规格组件,适合多样的锯齿饰边或双锯齿饰边。

17、When will you stitch up your quarrel? ─── 你们什么时候才能不吵了?

18、Join stitching not in the same line. ─── 缐步翻针位没有在同一缐位。

19、Images stitching is very important in the process of radioscopy. ─── 在应用射线进行构件检测的过程中,图像拼接具有重要的作用。

20、I was reluctant to do over the stitching in the dress. ─── 我不愿意把衣服上的线脚拆了重缝。

21、She nodded , sighed , and went on stitching . ─── 她点了点头,叹了口气又继续缝补衣眼。

22、Quilting: Process of stitching together two layers of fabric, usually with a soft, thick substance placed between them. ─── 绗缝绣:将两层织物缝合在一起的一种工艺。通常在两层织物之间填以软而厚的物料。

23、Can we slow down? I've got a stitch. ─── 我们慢一点好不好?我岔气了。

24、Fuse the shoulder piece to the interfacing; then stitch the darts. ─── 将肩片贴合到实布上,然后缉缝省道。

25、Push feed lever 2 down. The machine performs reverse feed stitching as long as the lever is held depressed. ─── 向下方按压送布杆2。在按压的期间可以进行倒缝。

26、She did not do a stitch of work the whole afternoon. ─── 她一个下午什么事也没有做。

27、At least 5 years experience of stitching in shoe industry,3 years supervisor experience. ─── 5年以上鞋业针车经验,具有3年以上针车主管经验。

28、Should be 1/4” double needle stitching at cuff ,armhole and front placket. ─── 介英/夹圈及前筒应车1/4”双线。

29、We hand you herewith a specimen of the fine stitch make by the machine . ─── 兹寄上机器制造的华丽订书机样品。

30、The stitch used to overcast. ─── 包边针法用于包边缝纫的针法

31、He gazed for a few moments at his wife in front of him, stitching away. ─── 他凝视了一会面前不停地缝衣服的妻子。

32、While punting he fell into the river. He had not a dry stitch on when he came home. ─── 在撑船的时候,他不慎掉到河里,回家时湿得像落汤鸡。

33、He felt a sort of stitch in his heart. ─── 他感到有点心痛。

34、The interior received new leather treatment with diamond stitching on the front and rear seats with alcantara suede overhead. ─── 内部获得了新的皮革处理钻石拼接的前部和后部座位阿尔坎塔拉绒面开销。

35、Gather ag on the two front pieces until the shoulder seam ab equals the stitching line bf, to give the front fullness shown in the drawing. ─── 收集股份公司的两个前片,直到肩膀煤层抗体等于缝合线高炉,使丰满的正面显示的绘图。

36、Horse-riding, stitching, if 300 page below, and does not appear for the time being, which is, in a few years later is not an easy answer. ─── 骑马订、平订的图书,如果在300页以下,暂时不会出现豁口,几年后就不好说了。

37、The stitching of one complete pattern in one row on a Schiffli machine. ─── 将图案在飞梭机上以一整行打完。

38、Do the materials, stitching, zippers, attachments, and buckles hold up well? ─── 原料、做工、拉链、附件和带扣是否持续工作良好?

39、The stitching had begun to fray at the edges. ─── 边缘处的针脚已经开始磨损了。

40、Front fly stitching at lower end not well sewn. ─── 前钮牌底部车工欠佳。

41、Its stitching is smooth, dense, thin, neat, even, delicate and harmonious. ─── 其技巧特点概括为"平、齐、细、密、匀、顺、和、光"八个字。

42、Crossmarks are made with a tiny running stitch. ─── 十字记号用很细小的平针缉缝。

43、Knit one (ie make one plain stitch), purl one. ─── 平织一针,反织一针。

44、Why don't you stitch up with her? ─── 你为什么不同她和解呢?

45、A stitch in time saves nine. ─── 小洞不补大洞吃苦。

46、Some special needles are used to stitch leather, synthetic suede and furs. ─── 一些特殊型号的针用来缝制皮革、仿麂皮和毛皮。

47、You have to resize the Stitching Window a little to refresh the display. ─── 你必须稍微调整库存的窗囗大小使显示装置生气蓬勃。

48、Back Stitching is used to hold facings to the inside of the garment. ─── 倒钩针用来把挂面固定到衣片的里面。

49、She sat withinside bvusily stitching. ─── 她坐在面忙着缝纫。

50、Back pocket need to add stitching. ─── 后袋需加车线。

51、I know a bit about shoes and I can see the quality in the shaping and stitching. ─── 我对制鞋是了解一些的,从鞋样和针脚上我能看出质量的高低。

52、"A Cross stitch in qubbat open the store said. ─── 一位在拱北开着十字绣小店的女士说。

53、A hole was torn in your jacket. Let me stitch up the torn jacket for you. ─── 你的上衣撕了个口子,我给你缝缝吧。

54、It is gotten a satisfactory effect in the use of radiograph stitching. ─── 在射线图像的拼接和应用中获得了满意的效果。

55、A stitch made in this manner. ─── 包缝针迹用这种针法缝的边儿

56、He had a stitch in the side. ─── 他胁部疼痛。

57、She continued her stitching. ─── 她继续她的缝纫工作。

58、She is stitching a shirt by candlelight. ─── 她正在烛光下缝衬衣。

59、Topstitch through using single needle stitch in zigzag shape. ─── 就是单针间人字线。因为是有专门的人字平车的。

60、As wire or thread may be used for the stitching, thus saddle stitch may be saddle-wre stitch or saddle-thread stitch. ─── 因为可以用线或铁丝的关系,所以有骑马线订或骑马铁丝订的方式。

61、They skillfully stitch at random ,flatting or gold wire way. ─── 她们掌握著乱针、平针、盘金等多种针法。

62、Knit one (ie make one plain stitch), purl one . ─── 平织一针,反织一针.

63、Buttonhole with incomplete stitching. ─── /钮门缐步未开完。

64、Can we slow down and walk for a bit? I'm getting a stitch. ─── 咱们放慢速度步行一会儿好吗? 我觉得腰部突然一阵剧痛。

65、decided to make the replica half-scale for reasons of cost and time, and synthetic materials were used for the stitching. ─── 成本和时间的原因,我们决定将复制品缩小一半,并使用合成材料来缝合。

66、With the functions of scaling, rotating, deleting, copy, repeating stitching, batch embroidery and editing design. ─── 具有花样旋转、缩放、删除、复制、反复绣作、循环绣作、批量刺绣、花样编辑功能。

67、He got a stitch in his side after he ran all the way home. ─── 他一路跑回家后,觉得胁部突然剧痛。

68、A stitch in time, saves nine. ─── 一针及时顶九针。

69、I would love to stitch this one for Christmas. ─── 我会愿意缝这一个为圣诞节。

70、The dart tuck may be finished by stitching across the end to the fold or by tacking at the end of the seam. ─── 半活褶可以从省道的终端缝到折边。或在缝的结束处加固缝纫。

71、The two-tone leather seats are decorated with stitching in the same color as their centre section. ─── 双音皮革座位布置拼接在同一颜色作为自己的中心部分。

72、A double stitch forming an X in sewing and embroidery. ─── 交叉针在缝线或刺绣时形成X形的交叉缝法

73、It is easy to adjust the size of the width of zigzag stitch. ─── 可简易地调整人字缝宽度与缝目之大小。

74、Deal with the problem now. Remember, a stitch in time saves nine. ─── 一出了问题要立即补救,以免恶化。

75、Suddenly I was inundated with both women and men calling for me to 'name and shame' the brand behind such a tasteless stitching. ─── 突然,我被汹涌而来的呼声淹没了,既有男士也有女士,要求我披露并谴责这一无品标签背后的品牌。

76、We'll stitch it before washing. ─── 我们会在洗之前把衬里缝好。

77、Garment not up to our stitching of 9 S.P.I. ─── 成品未达到每寸9针的标准。

78、Edge stitching on centre front is missing. ─── 前中欠车边缐。

79、EXAMPLE: The tailor was told to pay meticulous attention to his work, so he always checked the stitching and buttons of every coat he made. ─── 这位裁缝被告知,干活时要特别小心,所以他总要检查他做好的每件外套的缝线和纽扣。

80、Garment have uneven stitching width at front rise. ─── 前浪缐步不平均。

81、Oh dear! I've dropped a stitch. ─── 啊呀!我漏了一针。

82、A stitch made by inserting the needle at the midpoint of a preceding stitch so that the stitches overlap by half lengths. ─── 回针缝在先前缝的一针中间加缝的一针,以便使针脚的交错重叠为原来长度的一半

83、"What an interesting stitch!" I continued. ─── “针法真棒!”我又说。

84、Alexandra went on stitching. ─── 亚历山德拉在继续做针线。

85、A sharp blade trims the fabric before the stitching operation. ─── 在缝纫之前用锋利的刀片修剪面料。

86、To prepare the seam for stitching, join right sides together and machine baste on the seam line. ─── 将需要缉缝的线准备好,将纪念品物正面合在一起并在缝线上机制粗缝。

87、A new method aims to do so by stitching the carbon-fibre layers together. ─── 一种新方法旨在通过将碳纤维层缝合在一起来防止剥落。

88、Can we slow downand walk for a bit? I'm getting a stitch. ─── 咱们放慢速度步行一会儿好吗?我觉得腰部突然一阵剧痛。

89、She ceased talking and went on stitching . ─── 她不谈了,继续缝衣裳。










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