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insecticide 发音

英:[?n'sekt?sa?d]  美:[?n's?kt?sa?d]

英:  美:

insecticide 中文意思翻译



insecticide 词性/词形变化,insecticide变形

副词: insecticidally |形容词: insecticidal |

insecticide 短语词组

1、cyclodiene insecticide ─── 环戊二烯杀虫剂

2、agricultural insecticide ─── [机] 农业杀虫剂

3、insecticide tolerance ─── 耐药性

4、insecticide Bacillus thuringiensis ─── [化] 苏芸金杆菌杀虫剂

5、organophosphorous insecticide ─── 有机含磷杀虫剂

6、fumigating insecticide ─── [化] 熏蒸杀虫剂

7、botanical insecticide ─── 植物杀虫剂

8、systemic insecticide ─── [化] 内吸杀虫剂

9、colloidal insecticide ─── 胶体杀虫剂

10、organophosphate insecticide ─── 有机磷杀虫剂

11、organochlorine insecticide ─── [医]有机氯杀虫剂

12、contact insecticide ─── [化] 触杀杀虫剂

13、bait insecticide ─── 诱饵杀虫剂

14、stomach insecticide ─── [化] 胃毒杀虫剂

15、insecticide resistance ─── 抗杀虫性

16、insecticide oil ─── [化] 杀虫油

17、carbamate insecticide ─── 氨基甲酸酯类杀虫剂

18、fumigation insecticide ─── [化] 熏蒸杀虫剂

19、hunmiewei (a insecticide) ─── [化] 混灭威

insecticide 相似词语短语

1、insectivore ─── n.食虫动物

2、infanticide ─── n.杀婴,杀婴者;杀婴犯;杀婴罪

3、insectifuge ─── n.驱虫剂

4、insecticidally ─── 杀虫的

5、insect bite ─── 昆虫咬伤;被虫咬伤;蚊虫叮咬

6、insecticides ─── n.[农药]杀虫剂(insecticide的复数)

7、insectile ─── adj.昆虫的;由昆虫组成的;似昆虫的

8、insecticidal ─── adj.杀虫的;杀虫剂的

9、insect-like ─── 类昆虫

insecticide 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The farmers dusted crops with an insecticide. ─── 农民们给作物喷洒杀虫剂。

2、Spraying the area around buildings with an insecticide also prevents insect buildup. ─── 建筑物周围喷洒杀虫药也能防止昆虫孳生。

3、Biofertilizer with the effect of insecticide not only have the effect of biofertilizer,but also have the effect of insecticide. ─── 具有杀虫效果的生物肥料是一种集药效和肥效为一体的生物制剂。

4、Using toxic miticide or strong insecticide in a car is not a good idea. ─── 可以先看相熟的普通科医生或家庭医生,他会做初步的检查,如果有需要再转介合适的专科去。

5、The main difference, he says, is in the use of insecticide. ─── 他说主要的区别是杀虫剂的使用。

6、The toxin includes formaldehyde, antiseptic, insecticide, aromatic amine intermediate of synthetic azo dyes as well as heavy metal residual. ─── 并就这些微量有害物质的检测方法作了较详细的介绍。

7、About 70% of the cocoa acreage is treated with insecticide. ─── 大约70%的可可豆种植区都用杀虫剂处理过。

8、An insecticide made from the dried flower heads of Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium or C. coccineum. ─── 干菊头杀虫剂由除虫菊或红花除虫菊的干燥的花头制成的一种杀虫药剂。

9、However world health officials believe this version of the insecticide is not harmful to humans. ─── 但是世界卫生组织的官员们相信,这种杀虫剂对人体是无害的。

10、An insecticide derived from a plant, e.g. pyrethrum (from Chrysanthemum flowers). ─── 3来源于植物的杀虫剂,例如除虫菊(来源于菊花)。

11、They fumigated infected burrows with insecticide, killing the fleas but sparing the gerbils. ─── 他们将杀虫剂喷入沙鼠的洞穴,只杀死跳蚤。

12、Abstract: OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of organophosphate (OP) insecticide poisoning on cognitive processing time of visual stimuli. ─── 摘要:目的:探讨有机磷杀虫剂中度对视觉刺激认知过程的影响。

13、If your customers have a special quest like using insecticide,electrical racket, flapper,or any other technical ways, i can all settle them for you all. ─── 我们现在的客服大家庭,彼此间宽容、真诚以待,营造良好的工作氛围。纵然面对如何刁钻的客户,面对怎么的一个恶劣的状况。

14、They also helped to spread insecticide over the forest from the air. ─── 他们还帮助从空中对森林洒农药。

15、Bollworms, however, are not necessarily developing resistance to the cotton's insecticide. ─── 然而,棉铃虫并不一定会对棉花的杀虫剂产生抗药性。

16、The website, Web site nothingbutnets. net, points out that a net treated with insecticide offers about twice the protection of an untreated net. ─── 只有蚊帐网站指出,用杀虫剂处理过的蚊帐可以提供大约两倍于没有处理过的蚊帐的保护。

17、I was in the most unbelievable snarl this morning over-of all things-a truckload of insecticide! ─── 今天早上,真想不到,为了一卡车杀虫剂的事搞得我晕头转向!

18、The mechanism of resistance is very complex which refers to the change of behavior, enzymes in metabolizability and insecticide targets. ─── 从现在的研究看来,抗性的机制很复杂,涉及到行为变化、代谢酶类的变化、杀虫剂作用靶标的变化等,不同的杀虫剂产生抗性的机制也不同。

19、WHO has also provided technical support and materials (sprayers and insecticide) for vector control activities. ─── 世卫组织还为媒介控制活动提供了技术支持和物资(喷雾器和杀虫剂)。

20、An insecticide made from the dried flower heads of Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium or C.coccineum. ─── 干菊头杀虫剂由除虫菊或红花除虫菊的干燥的花头制成的一种杀虫药剂

21、As preventive, spray plants with systemic insecticide or fumigate them regularly. ─── 作为预防措施,要用内吸杀虫剂对植物定期喷洒,或熏蒸。

22、The gardener sprayed insecticide on the rose - bushes . ─── 园丁给玫瑰丛喷上了杀虫剂。

23、A more radical answer, though, may be to use a completely different sort of insecticide: a fungus. ─── 一个更激进的办法是,使用一种完全不同的杀虫剂:真菌。

24、I live in a very old house and nature seems to intrude all the time but you don't have to turn to the insecticide every time you see an earwig. ─── 我住在一幢很旧的房子,而自然似乎总是强行挤进来,但你没必要每次一看到一个幼虫马上就拿起杀虫剂来。

25、Diamondback moth has developed resistance to almost all kinds of insecticide. ─── 小菜蛾对几乎所有的杀虫剂都产生了抗药性。

26、Research on insecticide mechanism of Beauveria bassiana and its chitinase is introduced in the present paper. ─── 摘要本文介绍关于球孢白僵菌的杀虫机理及其几丁质酶的研究。

27、The market opportunities for insecticide and acaricide, bactericide and herbicide are also analyzed.It is pointed out that bromoxynil is worthy to pay attention to. ─── 对杀虫杀螨剂、杀菌剂和除草剂的市场机会进行了分析,指出溴苯腈是一个值得关注的农药品种。

28、Insecticide spraying in gardens and to trees. ─── 喷洒农药、杀虫剂。

29、I'll spray insecticide and refreshing oil. ─── 我来喷点药水和清凉剂。

30、A highly toxic chlorinated hydrocarbon, C12H8OCl6, used as an insecticide. ─── 安特灵,异狄氏剂一种剧毒的氯化碳氢化合物,C12H8OCl6,用于杀虫剂

31、Occurrence, development, and mechanism of planthopper insecticide resistance are discussed, along with proliferation of the resistant biotypes. ─── 对褐飞虱抗药性的形成和发展及其抗药性机理等方面进行了综述,并对该虫的再猖獗进行了探讨。

32、Antibiotic insecticide was a biopesticide that controed the pests by microorganism metabolites. ─── 摘要抗生素类杀虫剂是一类利用微生物代谢产物来防治害虫的生物农药。

33、Then spray with an insecticide like Malathion after the flower petals are at full bloom, and about a week later, as they are falling. ─── 然后花花瓣喷洒杀虫剂马拉硫磷后,都喜欢在盛开,大约一个星期后,因为他们正在下降。

34、In some cases, insecticide is deliberately misused. ─── 在一些情况中,杀虫剂被故意不当地使用。

35、Insecticide resistance is an inherited characteristic involving in one or more insect genes. ─── 抗药性是一种涉及一个或几个昆虫基因的遗传特徵。

36、A bitter compound used as an insecticide and tonic and vermifuge,extracted from the wood an bark of trees of the genera Quassia and Picrasma. ─── 一种味苦的化合物,用作杀虫剂,从苦木属树木木材和树皮中提取。

37、Insecticide chlorphoxim was prepared from 2-chlorotoluene by chloration,cyanation,oximation and phosphorylation. ─── 以邻氯甲苯为原料,经氯化、氰化、成肟和磷酰化反应,制得氯辛硫磷。

38、This has led to the evolution of insecticide resistance conferred by three genetically independent mechanism (Devonshire et al, 1998). ─── 农药使用量的加大,不仅增加了防治成本,而且加剧了环境污染。 烟蚜的抗药性机制在遗传学主要有3种(Devonshire et al,1998)。

39、A chemical, such as a hormone, a fungicide, or an insecticide, that improves the production of crops. ─── 农药,农用化学品用来增加作物产量的化学品,如激素、杀菌剂、杀虫剂

40、It can be used as best insecticide to control Pieris rapae (L.),Plutella xglostella (L.) and vegetable aphids. ─── 室内测定还表明,该药剂对菜青虫、菜蚜和小菜蛾均具有较强的毒杀作用。

41、Spraying the area around buildings with an insecticide also prevents insect build up. ─── 建筑物周围洒布杀虫药也能防止昆虫孳生。

42、N-acetyltransferase(NAT) acetylate numerous chemicals containing aromatic amine or hydrazine groups, which are often found in herbicide, insecticide and dyes. ─── N-乙酰基转移酶(N-acetyltransferase,NAT)催化许多芳香胺类和肼类物质的乙酰化反应,这些物质存在于某些药物,杀虫剂,染料中。

43、And that reduction, they say, may decrease the need for insecticide in general. ─── 并且他们说这种减少可能会从总体上降低杀虫剂的喷洒量。

44、Washing gun with steel cup and adjustable nozzle for spraying water or cleaning agent or also for dusting plants with insecticide. ─── 带不锈钢杯和可调喷嘴,适用于喷水或清洗剂,也用于给植物喷杀虫剂。

45、AoLike is an environmental sound insecticide for underground insects such as grubs and Gryuotalpa unispina etc. ─── 奥力克 是针对蛴螬、蝼蛄等地下害虫的特性而研究开发的环保型生物杀虫剂。

46、Suppose most of them are sensitive to insecticide, but a few harbor a version of a gene that confers resistance. ─── 假设这个种群中的大多数蚊子都对杀虫剂很敏感,但是有一少部分体内有抗药性的基因。

47、We should spray insecticide upon plants. ─── 我们应给植物打农药。

48、The insecticide ingredients are effective against fleas,ticks and lice.Rich in coconut conditioners to relieve dryness and itching. ─── 可杀蚤及虱。含椰子护毛素能舒缓痕痒,乾燥、脱皮又其他皮肤问题。

49、As the plane sprayed the fruit trees the insecticide drizzled over the trees. ─── 当飞机向果树喷洒农药时,杀虫剂像下毛毛雨似的洒落在果树上。

50、Control trial of insecticide on Phyllobius sp. ─── 几种杀虫剂防治云杉树叶象试验。

51、Insecticide exposure should be dealt with as for any other herd or flock exposure. Chemical Residues. ─── 对接触杀虫剂情况的处理应该和对兽群或畜群任何其它接触的处理一样。

52、The farmers dusted with an insecticide in late spring. ─── 农民在晚春时间喷撒杀虫剂。

53、A more radical answer, though, maybe touse a completely different sort of insecticide: a fungus. ─── 更根本的答案可能会是利用一个完全不同的杀虫剂:一种真菌。

54、Apply the insecticide sparingly. ─── 慎用杀虫剂。

55、The development of insecticide resistance in Sogatella furcifera was discussed. ─── 就白背飞虱抗药性的发展趋势进行了讨论。

56、A synthetic clear or amber - colored viscous insecticide,C19H26O3,similar to pyrethrin. ─── 为了纪念结婚三周年,马克给妻子买了一条琥珀项链。

57、Sow the former in the soil should seriously look at whether ants and other pests, to prevent the event, in the seedbed Shangsa insecticide powder. ─── 撒播前要认真察看土壤中有无蚂蚁及其它害虫,为防万一,可在苗床上撒杀虫粉剂。

58、They also introduced fish that eat mosquito larvae into catch basins and put insecticide pellets into sewers. ─── 他们还推荐了一种鱼,这种鱼善吃附着于下水道人口处的铁格子上的蚊子;官员们还要求大家往下水道里撒一些球状杀虫剂。

59、Serious insecticide resistance (IR) of the house fly (Musca domestica), caused by consecutive DDT abuse, was firstly found in Switzerland in 1946. ─── 1946年在瑞士因连续使用DDT防治家蝇而产生严重的抗药性后,导致防治失效,引起了人们对昆虫抗药性的重视。

60、Fumes dangerous to birds: smoke-filled air, insecticide spray, deodorizers, spray cleaners, fumes from fresh paint, gas, and overheated Teflon (very deadly). ─── 对鸟类有害的气体:充满尼古丁的空气,杀虫剂喷雾,防臭剂,乾洗喷雾,油漆气体,瓦斯及过热的聚四氟乙烯(即铁氟龙)(会致命)

61、After cleansing, spray insecticide into the floor drain outlets. ─── 地台排水口消毒后,须在排水口处喷射杀虫水。

62、The website notingbutnets.net points out that a net treated with insecticide offers about twice of (the) protection of an untreated net. ─── 尼日利亚,中非共和国,加蓬,埃塞俄比亚和象牙海岸已经得到了资助。

63、It is a very good insecticide, fungicide, herbicide synergist. ─── 它是非常理想的杀虫剂、杀菌剂、除草剂的增效剂。

64、Some celebrated recoveries, like that of the bald eagle, occurred largely thanks to the banning of the insecticide DDT, rather than to the act. ─── 另一些人则庆幸挽救及时,比如白头鹰得到了保护。但白头鹰受益靠的是取缔了喷射杀虫药滴滴涕,而不是动物法。

65、DBK group is a world-wide operating company in product innovation and man-ufacturing in the field of air treatment, insecticide and air freshener. ─── DBK集团是一家跨国公司,主要从事空气处理器,杀虫剂,空器清新剂等产品的生产和革新。

66、The pad is impregnated with insecticide. ─── 垫子上满是杀虫剂。

67、The lush Chinese University campus has a great demand for insecticide. ─── 中文大学校园面积广阔,植物繁茂,农药需求甚大。

68、Purify environment, deodorant, insecticide, purifying fold air, reduce environmental degradation caused by production capacity obstacles. ─── 净化环境、除臭、驱虫、净化圈舍空气,减少因环境恶化造成的生产能力障碍。

69、He sprayed an insecticide upon the plants to kill the insects. ─── 他给作物喷药,以杀死害虫。

70、Main Products: automotive supplies, electronic gifts, perfume / aroma, insecticide, small appliances, Yangba, the air refreshing agent, special lamps and other products! ─── 主营产品:汽车用品、电子礼品、香水/香熏、驱虫器、小家电、氧吧、空气清新剂、特色灯具等产品!

71、The neonicotinoid insecticide imidacloprid (IMI) which has outstanding biological efficacy, low toxicity to warm-blooded animals was selected as biotransformation substrate. ─── 以IMI为唯一氮源进行富集培养,从土壤中筛选到了7株可将IMI转化为一种极性更大的化合物的菌株。

72、Scientists have detected the insecticide in a significant number of streams draining the great corn belt of the American mid-West. ─── 科学家们在美国中西部玉米种植带的很多排水系统中都检测到这种杀虫剂。

73、An aeroplane was used to dust insecticide. ─── 使用了一架飞机来喷洒杀虫剂。

74、Will you see about getting insecticide for the cotton fields? ─── 买棉花田杀虫剂的事你去办办好吗?

75、By the 1950s, the insecticide was widely used around the world to kill disease-carrying pests. ─── 到了二十世纪五十年代,这种杀虫剂已经被广泛的应用于世界各地,以对付携带病毒的害虫。

76、pad is impregnated with insecticide. ─── 垫子上满是杀虫剂。

77、For a time, it was successful, but then evolution struck back, as natural selection favoured the spread of insecticide-resistant genes. ─── 这种方法一时间非常有效,但接着蚊子重磅回击——大自然的生存法则让蚊子大军有了抗杀虫剂的良好基因。

78、The effect of the 90%wettable powder of insecticid e “Wan Ling”was used to prevent and control pests in mulberry field . ─── 万灵农药90%可湿性粉剂应用于桑园的害虫防治,杀虫效力高,速度快,残毒期较短,有利于养蚕用叶。

79、A new insecticide bioassay target, green peach aphid, its rearing and several different bioassay methods were introduced in this paper. ─── 介绍了一种新的生测筛选靶标桃蚜的室内饲养方法及几种不同的生测方法。

80、This insecticide was not accumulated and second pollution if farmers use it reasonably, but it cause toxicity to some sensitive insect and some aquatic. ─── 在土壤和植物中合理使用,不会造成积累和二次污染,在环境中它对一些敏感昆虫或水生类动物有影响。

81、A nonpersistent chemical, C4H7O4PBr2Cl2, used for mosquito control and as an insecticide against crop pests. ─── 二溴磷一种非永久性化学药品,c4h7o4pbr2cl2,用来抑制蚊子并作为杀死农作物害虫的一种杀虫剂

82、I was in the most unbelievable snarl this morning over--of all things--a truckload of insecticide! ─── 今天早上,真想不到,为了一卡车杀虫剂的事搞得我晕头转向!

83、An insecticide ICW - 98 for the cocoon and silk warehouse was prepared. ─── 报道了适用于蚕茧、丝绸仓库的杀虫剂ICW-98的研制过程。

84、The two of us moved the furniture, filled the hole with cement and sprayed great quantities of very strong insecticide on it. ─── 我们两人搬床挪柜,用洋灰堵上洞口,又往墙上喷了许多烈性敌敌畏。

85、She sprayed insecticide on the roses. ─── 她在玫块上喷?(5)背婕痢

86、Residue problem should be taken into consideration when insecticide dips are used as quarantine treatment. ─── 使用杀虫浸泡作为检疫处理时应考虑残留的问题。

87、The area has been sprayed with insecticide since last week and the numbers of deaths and infections have dropped, the statement said. ─── 从上周开始,当地开始喷洒杀虫剂,目前病死率和感染率都已下降。

88、Approximately 40% of the applied insecticide in each orchard was residual in the soil profiles. ─── 大约每一果园施用的40%杀虫剂残留在土壤剖面中。

89、Chemical control became more difficult on account of increasing insecticide resistance of whitefly. ─── 其抗药性增强,化学防治难以奏效。

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