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09-14 投稿



impugning 发音

英:[?m?pju?n??]  美:[?m?pju?n??]

英:  美:

impugning 中文意思翻译



impugning 词性/词形变化,impugning变形

形容词: impugnable |名词: impugner |动词第三人称单数: impugns |动词过去式: impugned |动词过去分词: impugned |动词现在分词: impugning |

impugning 相似词语短语

1、imputing ─── n.输入(物);投入(物);输入端(同input);v.输入(数据、信息)(同input)

2、implanting ─── v.灌输,生根;将……移植;被移植到;(受精卵)着床(implant的现在分词)

3、impregning ─── 竞争

4、oppugning ─── v.对……产生质疑;反驳;责难;抗击

5、impawning ─── vt.抵押;典当;立誓

6、impainting ─── vt.描绘;画

7、repugning ─── v.反对;抵触

8、imponing ─── vt.把…押下作赌注

9、expugning ─── 排出

impugning 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I do not impugn the sincerity of the protesters against China's hosting of the Olympic Games. ─── 我不怀疑这些反对中国举办奥运会的抗议者的热情。

2、.I wish in no way to impugn the potential validity of gradualism. ─── 我想我绝不非难渐进论的潜在有效性。

3、AT&T's rivals, Verizon and Sprint, issued "talking points" to their salespeople, with helpful hints for impugning the iPhone's divinity. ─── AT&T的竞争者,Verizon和Sprint给他们的销售人员们发布了“论据”,很多有用的点子用以压制苹果的神圣。

4、's not impugning Signalnoise's motives to ask these questions, but it does make me wonder if the designer fully thought through everything that the project implied before starting it. ─── 问这些问题并不是在抨击 Signalnoise 的动机,但是这确实让我思索设计师在开工之前是否完全思考过这幅海报所暗示的一切意义。

5、impugn "vt. ─── 责难,抨击,攻击"

6、7,Rose and I differ somewhat in our definition of fine art. Not to impugn your work, sir. ─── 我们在艺术上的见解颇有分歧,我不是在批评你的作品。

7、Impugn a political opponent's record. ─── 责难一个政治对手的历史

8、impugn sb's motives, actions, morals, etc ─── 怀疑某人的动机、 行为、 品行等.

9、The treasurer should not have been offended when asked for a financial report. No one was impugning his honesty. ─── 别人向他要财务报告时,那位会计员不该生气的,没有人指责他的诚实。

10、Nobody can impugn his ability. ─── 没有人对他的能力表示怀疑。

11、The president and his allies regularly impugn Mr Rafsanjani's integrity and that of his children, one of whom happens to run the Tehran metro. ─── 内贾德和他的同党经常攻击拉夫桑贾尼和他孩子们的正直,其子之一恰巧经营着德黑兰的地铁。

12、to impugn someone's integrity ─── 怀疑某人不诚实

13、It was too gross a thought for her.In ways it seemed to impugn her high spirituality. ─── 对她怀这样的念头未免太粗野,可以说是这是对她高洁性灵的亵渎。

14、In the presence of adversaries who will misrepresent our best deeds, and impugn our motives where they cannot censure our actions, how circumspect should we be! ─── 在我们的反对者面者,他们不仅不同意我们的行动,更编造我们的好行为并质询我们的动机,我们当非常谨慎!

15、impugn a statement ─── 驳斥一种言论

16、You dare to impugn my honor!!! ─── 你居然敢侮辱我的名誉!!!

17、Atop the rostrum he would impugn his enemies, excite crowds to action and deflect his detractors' barbs. ─── 讲坛之上,他对政敌猛烈抨击,使听众群情激昂、投身行动,令诽谤者的恶言偏离目标。

18、Ms Palin's argument does at least have one mitigating virtue: it concentrates on the impact the centre might have, without impugning the motives of those who want to build it. ─── 佩林女士的论点中起码还有一点可取之处:只是聚焦在这个社区中心可能产生的影响上,并没有抨击希望建造它的人们的动机。

19、When she was eight, her father, the profligate and choleric squire of Blickling Hall in Norfolk, challenged a neighbour to a duel for impugning his valour. ─── 她的父亲曾是诺福克郡布里克林庄园的乡绅,放荡不羁,脾气暴躁。

20、The treasurer should not have been offended when asked for a financial report. No one was impugning his honesty. ─── 你想得到一份财政报告,不应当得罪那个出纳员。从没有人打击他的正直。

21、be the responsibility of the commission of judges, whose decisions should be accepted by the participants without possibility of impugn; ─── 是的责任,该委员会的法官,其决定应接受由参加者的可能性,打击;

22、to impugn the policy of the Labour Party ─── 抨击工党的政策

23、Colenso, Bishop of Natal, was deposed in South Africa in 1862 for impugning the authenticity of the Pentateuch. ─── 纳塔尔主教科连索于1862年在南非因着攻击摩西五经的真实性而被革职。

24、I’m not impugning the integrity of local hires, but sometimes they feel the burden of bridging the cultural divide. ─── 我不是打击当地雇员的诚信,而是他们有时会感觉到跨越文化差异的负担。

25、It is they who give the rest of us a smudge on our reputations and impugn our character. ─── 那些人给我们其他人抹了黑,破坏了我们的名声。

26、I'm not impugning the integrity of local hires, but sometimes they feel the burden of bridging the cultural divide. ─── 我不是打击当地雇员的诚信,而是他们有时会感觉到跨越文化差异的负担。

27、Nor should they impugn his body because the Word is not a creature. ─── 也不让他们因为道不是一个被造之物而让他(道)的身体负责。

28、If you claim you have found a bug, you'll be impugning their competence, which may offend some of them even if you are correct. ─── 如果你大声嚷嚷无意识公开指责他做错了,这会使人感到不快,即使你是对的。

29、impugn a piece of evidence ─── [法] 对某一证据的怀疑

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