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09-14 投稿



immigrating 发音

英:[??m?ɡre?t??]  美:[??m?ɡre?t??]

英:  美:

immigrating 中文意思翻译



immigrating 词性/词形变化,immigrating变形

动词现在分词: immigrating |动词第三人称单数: immigrates |动词过去式: immigrated |动词过去分词: immigrated |名词: immigration |

immigrating 同义词

discover | come into | establish | colonize | migrate | enter |settle | found | arrive | come | into

immigrating 反义词


immigrating 相似词语短语

1、immigration ─── n.外来移民;移居

2、denigrating ─── vt.诋毁;使变黑;玷污

3、immigrations ─── n.外来移民;移居

4、in-migrating ─── 在迁移中

5、remigrating ─── vi.再迁移;重新移植;再移民

6、migrating ─── v.迁移;迁徙;移居(migrate的ing形式)

7、emigrating ─── vi.移居;移居外国;vt.移民

8、invigorating ─── adj.使精力充沛的,使生机勃勃的;v.使生气勃勃;使兴旺发达;激励,鼓舞(invigorate的现在分词)

9、immigrational ─── 移民

immigrating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、As you know, immigrating way is extremely difficult and arduous. ─── 正如你们所知,移民之路相当困难而又艰巨。


3、Boron Hydrate, an Important Immigrating Form in Boron Ore Formation ─── 硼氢化物是形成硼矿床的重要迁移形式

4、immigrating clans ─── 外来氏族

5、Everyone has their own reasons for immigrating to other countries, and it's human's right as well in my mind, every countrymen should treat immigration with correct views. ─── 我认为之所以移民,每个人都会有自己的原因,这也是他们的权利,每个国人都应该正确对待移民问题.

6、I have been considering immigrating to Canada for quiet some time and would like to know if my qualifications and work experience make me eligible to apply. ─── 我考虑移民加拿大已经有相当一段时间了,很想了解一下以我的资历和工作经验是否具备申请资格。

7、For more than 2, 000 years, people had been moving into this area by every means, and there appeared a immigrating upsurge in Ming and Qing Dynasty. ─── 两千多年来,外来人民以各种不同方式移入滇东南,其中以明清时期最具代表性,形成高潮。

8、The traditional "True of defenses" conception gradually shifted to an open mentality owned by an immigrating city. ─── 传统的“夷夏之防”思想逐渐转变,显现出一个移民城市特有的开放包容的心态。

9、Visiting, immigrating to or working in Canada ─── 赴加拿大访问、工作或移民加拿大

10、To reduce new cases further, health Institutions should continue intensifying educations on HFMD, particularly for immigrating Population, live up to close observation and timely treatment. ─── 为进一步减少新发病例,各级卫生机构应继续加强手足口病健康教育,尤其是对外来人口,密切监测,发现疫情及时处理。

11、I have to tie up loose ends before immigrating to America. ─── 我迁居美国前我不得不处理细枝末节。

12、I have to tie up loose ends be fore immigrating to Canada. ─── 我移民到加拿大前,必须办完零碎事情。(诸如打行李包等)

13、I would like to enquire a few questions about immigrating to Quebec. ─── 移民魁北克省,申请人是否必须会讲法语?

14、Studies on Effect of Immigrating and Cultivating Cherry Tomato in Kelamayi ─── 克拉玛依地区引进樱桃番茄的栽培效应研究

15、The discussion on utilization and improvement of immigrating corn germplasm in Geizhou hilly areas ─── 贵州山区外来玉米种质的利用与改良探讨

16、On a more personal note, please be adised that immigrating to the U.S. will bring many challenges. ─── 不知这个大学的生物学实力如何?

17、After immigrating to United States, Qian Hao continues to use his talents to amaze his audiences, and has been a regular performer in many performing events in the east coast. ─── 中国广播说唱团是唯一的一家国家级曲艺表演团体,成立于1953年,聚集了一大批殿堂级的中国曲艺表演艺术家,在国内外享有盛誉。

18、But are we immigrating by ourselves or with our family members? ─── 我们心爱的人却向著更可怕的地方去麽?

19、In Taiwan he had studied Chinese landscape painting from two masters, and participated in group shows.After immigrating to Vancouver in 1993, Mr. ─── 在台北随牟崇松与陈铭显先生学山水,参加国立台湾艺术教育馆友友画会联展。

20、It's the one country where people actively try to keep their parents from immigrating after them. ─── 这是唯一一个国家,人们积极的阻止他们的父母窥视他们。

21、Through comprehensive analysis,it is suggested that CMV disease could be predicted by the first immigrating myzus persicea amount. ─── 综合分析结果显示,通过预测烟田第一次有翅蚜迁入数量,就可以预测当年CMV的发生情况。

22、Based on the water quality and fish food foundation,the proposal of immigrating some fish species,which eat the rotten organic fragment as primary feed,is put forward. ─── 根据河道水质情况及渔业饵料基础,提出引进以摄食腐碎为主的鱼类等措施。

23、That can mean you have the intention of immigrating to the UK. ─── 这可以表明你有移居英国的意图。

24、As you know, immigrating way is extremely difficult and arduous. ─── 正如你们所知,移民之路相当困难而又艰巨。

25、Why do you want to immigrate to Canada? Why do you think you have the qualification for immigrating to Canada? ─── 你为什么要移民加拿大,请写在纸上。你为什么认为你有资格移民加拿大?

26、I was born in Mexico.Soon after immigrating to the United States in 1985 (to New York City, to be precise), I was struck by the resourcefulness of American English. ─── 我出生在墨西哥,1985年移民到美国(更确切地说是移民到纽约市),并很快对美式英语的灵活多变赞叹不已。

27、Immigrating Population ─── 外来人口

28、Its social and economic vicissitudes influenced peoples oversea trading network and thereby evolved into a complex network encompassing trading, immigrating, finance and societal networks. ─── 闽南地区社会经济变迁牵动了环南中国海华人跨国网络的一系列变化,并从一张华人跨国贸易网络,演化为一个由贸易、移民、金融、社会等多种网络交叉构成的复合网络。

29、Keywords Boron hydrate;Immigrating form;Salt lake brine;Boron o; ─── 硼氢化物;迁移形式;盐湖卤水;硼矿床;

30、Finishing his education in London, he earned a degree in pharmacy in 1948 before working for Richards & Curtis Chemists before immigrating to Canada in 1952. ─── 整理他的教育在伦敦,他获得了学位,药房在1948年之前工作的理查兹与柯蒂斯化学家移民加拿大之前,于1952年。

31、On the Social Integration of the Immigrating Children in Modern Cities and Its Guidance Strategies by School Education ─── 城市流动儿童的社会整合与学校教育的指导策略

32、Citizenship and Immigration Canada requests that you confirm whether or not you are still insterested in immigrating to Canada. ─── 主要是确认你现在想法是否如初,一心想移民加拿大。

33、Therefore, the immigrating and emigrating phenomenon of Wenzhou is an issue worth attention and discussing. ─── 温州移民社会是一个值得关注和探讨的问题。

34、Have you ever regretted immigrating from China when you did? ─── 你有没有为从中国移民出来感到后悔过?

35、Immigrating to Canada permanently is an exciting opportunity. ─── 移民加拿大确实是一个激动人心的选择。

36、He insisted that immigrating to Singapore is less likely to happen , joking " They ( Chinese people ) would never let me go . " ─── 移民似乎更不可能,赵本山笑说:“他们(中国人)不会放我走的。”

37、No, I'm emigrating. Liu Xiang and I are engaged. We're immigrating to Australia. ─── 不是,是移民。我和刘翔订婚了。我们准备移民去澳大利亚。

38、Since immigrating in high school, I've had no desire to leave. ─── 自从进了高中,我就不想走,为什么呢?

39、Finding her way: After immigrating to the U. ─── 发掘长处: 梅甘是土生土长的澳大利亚人,19岁移民到美国,之后就在一家演艺产品公司担任技术职务,闲暇时间就自己缝些东西。

40、He has known that Mr. Lee will have to pay the bill of immigrating before the end of August. But so far he has had a financing gap. ─── 杰克知道,李先生投资移民加拿大的最后付款期限是八月末,可是,资金还有很大缺口。

41、And I especially wanted to show American readers what very hard work immigrating is, and how much fortitude it requires. ─── 我特别想让美国读者知道,移民是多么艰难的历程,必须要有多么坚强的意志。

42、Immigrating to the United States is not something that most people can do alone. ─── 要想顺利移民到达美国,对大多数人来说,孤军作战并非易事。

43、Immigrating, Independence, Amalgamation--A Conceptual Analysis of Ideological and Political Education Validity ─── 迁移·自立·融合--思想政治教育有效性概念探析

44、All kinds of animals begin immigrating to the south, seeking more warm climates. ─── 所有的动物开始向南迁移,寻找更温暖的地方。

45、It made Chinese workers the first nationality to be prohibited from immigrating into the United States. ─── 它令华人劳工成为了第一个被禁止移民美国的民族。

46、The enclosed information pertains to your interest in immigrating to the United States of America. ─── 所附资料涉及您关心的有关移民美国的信息。

47、immigrating peasant laborers ─── 外来农民工

48、The tax evasion of super-rich class led to loss $1600 every year,some were illegal tax evasion ,some were legitimate tax evasion by immigrating abroad. ─── 超富阶层中的逃税漏税导致每个纳税人每年损失1600美元。

49、If you have skills needed in the Unite States, it could be grounds for immigrating. ─── 如果美国缺乏熟练工人,而你又符合该条件,这就颁发移民签证给你。

50、Born in Malaysia to Chinese parents and immigrating to Canada at the age of 14, Chong can fluently speak English and a few Chinese dialects: Mandarin, Cantonese and Hakka. ─── 出生于马来西亚,十四岁来加拿大的张双勇会说流利的英语及数种中国话,像国语,广东话及客家话等。

51、An Analysis on Immigrating Population in Nanjing Zhou Changhong ─── 南京迁入人口状况分析

52、After immigrating to Taiwan, Hakka people eked out ag living by cultivating tea. ─── 移民来台湾之后,客家人依靠种茶辛苦度日。

53、The Investigation and Analysis of Immigrating Children's Inoculation Status in Jurisdiction ─── 辖区外来人口儿童预防接种现状调查分析

54、They may have always lived there, or they have immigrated, or are still immigrating today. ─── 少数民族可能原来就居住在那里,或移居去的,或现在正在移居。

55、The Comprehensive Appraisal on the Commodity Quality Immigrating Jponica Rice along the Yellow River Valley ─── 沿黄稻区引进粳稻品种商品品质的综合评价

56、The hunchbacked old woman said:" Friend, to be quite honest about it, sightseeing is one thing, and immigrating is another!" ─── 那弓腰驼背的老太婆说:“朋友,老实跟你说了吧,观光是一回事,移民可是另一回事呀!”

57、It's up to you to change or not. However, some people would like to try different life style by immigrating to Canada. The reason is as simply as that. ─── 回复:请网友评论:我们该不该踏上加国那片土地?我们为什么要改变生活习惯?

58、immigrating children ─── 流动儿童

59、Methods 46907 immigrating pre-school children living in the Chaoyang District were investigated in details about their immunization situation. ─── 方法在朝阳区辖区范围内搜索外来学龄前儿童共46907人,调查儿童的预防接种情况。

60、Conclusion Immunization cards or certificate's management over immigrating pre-school children is weak, which restricts the quality improvement of immunization management. ─── 结论外来儿童预防接种卡证管理水平较低,制约了免疫规划管理质量的提高。

61、Content and Immigrating Characteristics of Mn, Fe and Cu in Soil of Anhui ─── 安徽土壤中锰、铁、铜含量及其迁移特征

62、The enclosed information pertains to your interest in immigrating to the United States of America.The information concerning your registration is noted at the end of the letter. ─── 最近有你一直关心的有关美国移民的消息,有关你移民登记的的信息写在信的最后了。

63、Ever since modern times, Jews have been immigrating to America.Four waves of immigration of Jews have occurred in American history. ─── 摘要近代以来,犹太人向美国移民,一共出现了四次移民大潮。

64、Actuality of investigations on the differentiating and immigrating mechanism in the developing courses of neural stem cells ─── 神经干细胞发育过程中分化、迁移调控机制研究现状

65、I am not sure about the processing time of immigrating through marriage. ─── 针对个人情况不同,不一定适用。

66、If we do not hear from you within this timeframe, we will assume your continued interest in immigrating to Canada and your application and fees will be retained for future processing. ─── 意思是:这封信后如收不到你的回信,我们认为你对加国继续有兴趣,我们将保留申请费用于以后处理申请之用。

67、Analysis of Immigrating Situation and its Influence in Western China ─── 西部地区人口迁移形势及其影响分析

68、Keywords ecological construction;immigrating engineering;Wulanbuhe Desert;control and development.; ─── 生态建设;移民工程;乌兰布和沙漠;治理与开发;

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