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09-14 投稿



industrially 发音

英:[[?n'd?str??l?]]  美:[[?n'd?str?rl?]]

英:  美:

industrially 中文意思翻译



industrially 词性/词形变化,industrially变形

动词现在分词: industrializing |动词过去分词: industrialized |动词第三人称单数: industrializes |动词过去式: industrialized |名词: industrialization |

industrially 相似词语短语

1、industrialism ─── n.产业主义,工业主义;工业制度

2、industrialize ─── vt.使工业化;vi.实现工业化

3、inquisitorially ─── 询问地

4、industrial city ─── [工经]工业城市

5、industriously ─── adv.勤奋地,努力地

6、industrialist ─── n.实业家;工业家;产业工人

7、industrials ─── n.[金融]工业股票

8、industrial ─── adj.工业的,产业的;从事工业的;供工业用的;来自勤劳的;n.工业股票;工业工人

9、industrialise ─── vt.使工业化(等于industrialize)

industrially 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"No. If you really want a high-quality, industrially engineered spice rack, you desperately need something more advanced than a simple hammer from a rinky-dink hardware store." ─── “是的。如果你需要一个高质量的,工业标准的调味料架子,你绝对需要这些高级玩意,而不是从那些破破烂烂的五金店里就买得到的锤子。”

2、We should run all undertakings industrially and thriftily. ─── 我们要勤俭办一切事业。

3、But it hasn't been produced industrially through more than 30 years. ─── 我国从60年代后期开始研制碳纤维,起步并不太晚;

4、It is ironic that the more serious problems emanate from the more industrially advanced societies. ─── 很讽刺的是越严重的问题都是在越进步的工业社会中出现的。

5、The course includes a substantial, team-based design project.The goal will be to define industrially relevant design projects in SDM sponsor companies and at MIT. ─── 本课程包括一个以小组为单位的设计专案,份量不轻,目标为SDM(设计及管理系统)的赞助公司和麻省理工学院,定义业界相关的设计专案。

6、The experts noted that seeral countries hae begun to take action to reduce or eliminate industrially produced trans fats. ─── 专家指出,很多国家已经开始采取措施减少或消除工业生产的反式脂肪酸。

7、The goal will be to define industrially relevant design projects in the SDM sponsor companies and at MIT. ─── 目标是在SDM的赞助公司和麻省理工学院内确定一个与企业有关的设计项目。

8、This paper analyses the features and development status of sand resources, illustrates the problems and presents some proposals in industrially exploiting the sand resources. ─── 本文通过对山东半岛滨海区域砂矿资源的特征、开发利用现状和存在的问题,提出了对砂矿资源进行产业化开发利用的建议和主张。

9、"A scalable and economical method for producing monodisperse carbon nanotubes will enable the proposed applications for these nanomaterials to be explored at an industrially relevant scale. ─── 而制造统一大小的碳纳米管的方法无疑能使它们被应用于工业领域。”

10、An Industrially Efficient Method for Measuring Precisely 3D Microstructure of MEMS ─── 微机械三维结构几何尺寸的图像测量

11、The article related to reason of waste dope,draining point and composition.Expounded industrially recovery method and process parameter of waste dope,and discussed the results. ─── 叙述了腈氯纶废原液的产生原因、排放点及其组成,详细地阐述了废原液的工业化回收方法和工艺参数,最后对结果进行了讨论。

12、2. other people's assistance and the social environment are significant to the rehabilitation of the industrially disabled laborer;and 3. the resilient process is a continuous and dynamic process. ─── 2、他人的协助与社会环境对职业伤害致残劳工的复原意义3、复原历程是一不断流动的动态过程。

13、industrially pure titanium ─── 工业纯钛

14、Because the stomachs of cattle are meant to digest grass, not grain, cattle raised industrially thrive only in the sense that they gain weight quickly. ─── 虽然现在地球上有八亿人口不是捱饿就是营养不良,全世界种植的玉米和大豆却有大部分成了牛、猪、鸡群的饲料。

15、Based on the simplified approach, analysis of parametric sensitivity and runaway behaviour are made for the industrially important highly exothermic reaction takes place in fixed-bed reactors. ─── 在此基础上分析了进行强放热反应的工业固定床反应器的参数灵敏性及失控行为。

16、Such several pretreatment methods which have been applied industrially at home and abroad are introduced. ─── 介绍目前已在国内外获得工业应用的几种预氧化方法的原理、应用概况及优缺点。

17、Understand what the industrially disabled laborer has done to help themselves in order to confront and overcome these predicaments brought on by the injury. ─── 3、职业伤害致残劳工在面对此次的事件时,自己做了什麽来协助面对和突破这些困境?

18、Maersk Container Industri Dongguan Ltd (MCID), in the Guangdong province, will by end of 2006 commence production of dry cargo containers. ─── 广东东莞马士基集装箱工业有限公司(简称MCID),将于2006 年底开始投入干货集装箱的生产。

19、industrially advanced country ─── 工业发达国家

20、In those countries which are but little developed, industrially and commercially, these two classes still vegetate side by side with the rising bourgeoisie. ─── 在工商业不很发达的国家里,这个阶级还在新兴的资产阶级身旁勉强生存着。

21、The shikonin and its derivatives is produced industrially by suspension cultured Lithospermum erythrorhizon cells in M9 medium. ─── 紫草是一种重要的中草药材,其培养细胞在M9培养基中可以大量生产主要的药物成分紫草宁。

22、Nipa vinegar could be an important substitute for industrially produced vinegar. ─── 海椰子醋可成为代替工业生产食醋的重要产品。

23、"Industrially, the resins are used to soften hard water, purify sugar, and concentrate valuable elements (gold, silver, uranium) from their ores. ─── 工业上用这些树脂来软化硬水、提炼糖以及从矿石中富集有价值的元素(如金、银、铀)。

24、A number of intergovernmental committees for scientific-technical cooperation with industrially developed countries have been set up. ─── 同工业发达的国家建立一系列政府间的科技合作委员会。

25、Tianjin, a cradle of the China's contemporary industry and an industrially and commercially prosperous port city, is an important economic center in North China. ─── 天津是中国近代工业的发源地,是工商业发达的沿海开放港口城市,是中国北方重要的经济中心。

26、But before the world can be effectively organized as a unit, it will probably be necessary to develop industrially all the regions capable of development that are at present backward. ─── 但是,在世界可以有效地被组织成为一个单位之前,也许有必要用工业的手段开发那些能被开发但目前尚落后的地区。

27、Combining a research oriented and industrially experienced crew enables fast development of an industrially advanced and mature product. ─── 侧重研究和拥有产业化经验的人员的最佳组合使得先进成熟的产品开发成为可能。

28、Ti coated superhard abrasive (diamond and CBN) micro-powder can be produced industrially by vacuum slow vapor deposition technology. ─── 本文报道了采用真空微蒸发镀覆技术进行工业化超硬材料微粉镀覆生产。

29、On the other hand, their major rivals caught up with them industrially and technologically and eventually left them behind. ─── 另一方面,英国的主要竞争对手很快的在工业和科技领域迎头赶上,并最终超越英国。

30、An industrially relatively well proven PI real-time database was chosen to serve as the supporting platform of Zhuzhou Power Plant′s SIS system, and has now been put into commercial operation following on-site acceptance tests. ─── 株州电厂选用了工业上应用比较成熟的PI实时数据库系统作为该厂sis系统的支撑平台。

31、It predicted that the first socialist revolution would take place in the industrially most developed society. ─── 它预测过第一次社会主义革命将发生在工业最发达的社会。

32、In the industrially advanced nations, more than twenty million people are jobless. ─── 在工业发达的国家,两千多万人没有工作。

33、Industrially, automatic control systems are found in numerous applications, such as automation machine tool control, computer systems and robotics. ─── 中文摘要:在工业上,自动控制系统有着广泛的应用,如工业自动化机床控制,计算机系统,机器人等。

34、The finally part puts forwar some suggestions on making economic policy so asto SUStain the industrially econondc growth and protect the environment at the saxnetime. ─── 第五部分基于上文的定性和定量分析,提出促使我国工业持续发展的经济政策建议。

35、The ethos of useful learning remains true today, underpinning the industrially and commercially relevant research being taken throughout the University and suffusing everything the University does. ─── 该目标至今仍为思克莱德大学所采纳之办学方针,指导著其对工商业所作的一切研究及大学的所有工作。

36、Experience shows that our commerce with other countries expands as they progress industrially and economically. ─── 经验告诉人们,当其它国家在工业和经济上取得进步时,我们与它们的贸易也就随之扩展。

37、Because a yogi who industrially practice yoga, sitting in meditation and Zen, and finally bear the similar fruit. ─── 因为,在他们勤练瑜伽、打坐、禅修以后,往往就会产生类似的效应。

38、Our century has given a privileged layer of humanity an industrially organized life more opulent, more wasteful yet also more frenetic, alienated and depressed than that of any ancient hierarch. ─── 我们的世纪已给予特权层的人类一工业有组织的生活更富裕,更浪费,但也更加狂热,疏离和压抑,比任何古代教主。

39、Once I found out that cotton was the most damaging fiber that we could make clothing out of, I gave the company 18 months to completely get out of making any product with industrially grown cotton. ─── 当我发现在我们用来制造衣服的纤维中,棉花对环境的破坏是最大的,我便要求在18个月内公司所有产品皆不得使用工业生产的棉花。

40、Amanita verna is an excellent producer of the industrially important enzyme laccase. ─── [摘要] [摘要] 白毒鹅膏菌是一种重要的产生胞外漆酶的菌株。

41、Starch prepared from corn grains, used industrially and as a thickener in cooking. ─── 玉米淀粉用玉米粒制成的淀粉,用于工业上和烹调时的增稠剂

42、Tongkuai’s professionals are outstanding and experienced in research &development and standardized production of high power industrially used CO2 lasers and associated products. ─── 南京通快激光设备有限公司 的工程技术人员均为多年从事工业大功率CO2激光器研究、开发及标准化生产的专业人员。

43、Starch is not sweet, but many sugar products ofdesired sweetness and other functional properties are now industrially manufactured, such as dextrose,fructose, maltese, syrups of m... ─── 仍在进行中的科研工作多,其成果将更会改进工艺,促进新发展,具有光辉的前景。

44、The GNP of the developing countries is expected to increase more rapidly than that of the industrially developed countries. ─── 发展中国家的国民生产总值增长预计要快于工业发达国家。

45、Application of Industrially Automated Controlled Configuration Software in ─── 工业控制组态软件在现代企业网中的应用

46、The Comparison of Three Kinds of the Technology Systems Based on the Industrially Application of the Internet ─── 基于互联网的企业级应用系统技术的比较

47、On the basis of these factors stated above, the study in the subjective experience of the industrially disabled laborer has gradually become an important topic for discussion. ─── 基于上述这些因素,研究职业伤害致残劳工的主观经验渐成为重要的议题。

48、Pluralistic Objectives and Multistage Dynamic Optimization of the Industrially Chemical Reaction Process for an Intrinsic Competitive Reaction ─── 动态规划多目标多级工业化学反应

49、Experience with optimizing the expression of IgGs and other recombinant proteins in industrially relevant platform cell types. ─── 具有采用哺乳动物细胞培养用于生产重组蛋白和抗体的工业生产经验。

50、The group includes leading industrially economics industrial economies and large developing ones , like China and IndianIndia. ─── 组织包括主要的工业经济国和大的发展中国家,例如中国和印度。

51、unusually high mortality rate among dolphin calves in the industrially contaminated waters along Florida's Gulf Coast is probably the result of their being poisoned by their mother's milk. ─── 佛罗里达海湾沿岸被工业污染的水域中,海豚幼崽异常高的死亡率可能是被它们母亲的乳汁毒害的结果。

52、According to the experimental results, a new composite chemical deposition technique of nickel-phos-phorous-Al_2O_3 alloy was proposed for industri... ─── 结果表明,与单一非晶态镀层相比,复合镀层的显微硬度和耐磨性能均更为优异,是一种工艺成本低廉、操作控制简便的表面强化新途径。

53、For example, to calculate the CO2eq impact of eating an industrially raised chicken breast, you would factor in the following.First, there’s the emissions from preparing the feed pellets. ─── 举个例子,如果对食用一块工业化养殖的鸡胸脯肉计算碳排量,将会涉及到以下因素:首先是为了准备饲料而产生的碳排放量。

54、The technology has now been used industrially to produce 600 t/a 98. 5% 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene. ─── 目前,此工艺已实现了年产600t纯度为98.5%的均三甲苯的工业化生产。

55、Chloramphenicol(CAP) is a widely used broad-spectrum antibiotic, which can be produced in quantity by chemical synthesis industrially. ─── 氯霉素(CAP)作为广谱抗生素,临床应用广泛,现采用化学合成法可进行大量生产。

56、The Idea Machine: How ideas can be produced industrially ─── 新构思机器:如何产生新想法

57、there are still numbers of social problems even in some industrially advanced countries. ─── 5如果我们都不种庄稼,我们的社会就不可能发展.理解这一点十分简单的.

58、industrially backward countries ─── 工业落后国

59、The results meet both National and Shanghai Municipality Disposal Standards and the treatment is industrially feasible with low investment. ─── 结果都能达到国家和上海市的排放标准,且工业上可行,投资上节省。

60、Jinan Office of GIA industri ab, Sweden ─── 瑞典GIA工业公司济南代表处

61、It also comes from yearly renewable resources, is recyclable, and industrially compostable and biodegradable. ─── 它也来自每年可再生资源,是可循环再造,以及工业堆肥和生物降解。

62、Using these diagnostics it is shown that pin abrasive tests do not represent high stress abrasion in any industrially-relevant sense. ─── 利用这些诊断结果表明,针磨料测试并不代表高应力磨料磨损在任何工业相关的常识。

63、Of course, our organic, imported, steel-cut, Meyer-lemon products taste better than their domestic, industrially processed analogues. ─── 当然,我们的有机食物﹑进口食物﹑加工食品﹑迈尔柠檬产品比他们国内的﹑工业加工的这类食物味道要好。

64、It is in this spirit that we call upon the insurance circles in all countries, industrially developed and developed alike, to work toward the establishment of a new economic order in international economic relationship. ─── 我们秉承这种精神向各国的保险业界,已发展企业化的和尚未发展企业化的国家高声呼吁,朝着在国际经济关系中建立一个的新的经济次序的方向来努力。

65、Just as concrete is a mixture of several ingredients , so are the vast majority of alloys used industrially . ─── 工业上用的大多数合金是由几种成分组成,就像水泥是由几种成分构成的混合物一样。

66、Ingredients of Fermentative Medium for Industrially XCCNAU 92 Producing Xanthan Gum ─── XCCNAU-92生产黄原胶的工业发酵培养基成份

67、Polymer flooding, as one of most important EOR technologies, has been applied industrially. ─── 聚合物驱作为油田开发提高采收率的一种重要技术手段,已经进入工业化应用阶段,技术相对比较成熟。

68、5 You may drive away at marching to goal continuously and industrially. ─── 凡事但求尽力就好,该进就进,该退则退。

69、In a new research project, efficient leno heddles are created and tested industrially. ─── 在一个新的研究项目中,有效的纱罗综丝已研发出来,并经过了工业化测试。

70、Therefore,it is expected to be one of the moot economical processes with which the products could be produced industrially on a large scale. ─── 产品纯度高,能耗低,有望成为大规模工业生产该产品最经济的路线之一。

71、Some fashion designers make mass-produced and industrially manufactured ready-to-wear lines. ─── 一些时装设计师推出大规模生产及工业化生产的成品系列。

72、Calciantion is industrially important in the production of time from limestone and in the manufacture of Portland cement .and also as the first step in the extraction of metal from ores . ─── 煅烧在用石灰石生产石灰以及普通水泥的生产中具有重要作用,它也是从矿山中提取金属的第一步骤。

73、But we've never made a single product using industrially grown cotton since then and it's working out fantastic. ─── 但是,从此以后,我们从未使用工业生产的棉花制造任何一样产品,而且效果非常好。

74、M. B. Albert, D. Avery, P. McAllister, and F. Narin, “Direct Validation of Citation Counts as Indicators of Industrially Important Patents”, Research Policy, 1991, pp. 251-259. ─── 赖子珍、许峻铭,”专利引证与维护分析模型之建构”,硕士论文,元智大学,2003。

75、genetic maps have not been constructed for most of the industrially useful GRAS microorganisms ─── 对许多工业有益的gras微生物还未建立基因图谱

76、Fermentation is one of potential methods for producing lycopene industrially by Blakeslea trispora . ─── 利用三孢布拉氏霉菌发酵生产番茄红素具有较大的工业化生产潜力。

77、In those countries which are but little developed,industrially and commercially,these two classes still vegetate side by side with the rising bourgeoisie. ─── 在工商业不很发达的国家里,这两个阶级还在新兴的资产阶级身旁勉强生存着。

78、Continuously and Effectively Advances Industrially Quality Amelioration ─── 持续、有效地推动企业的质量改进

79、industrially advanced countries ─── 工业发达的国家

80、Many people believe that nuclear energy provides an inexhaustible and economical source of power and that it is therefore essential for an industrially developing society. ─── 但是一个外国人可能缺少为国王写传记所必须具备的知识和同情,至少以他对国王的了解和情感写出的传记在该国内不会有大量的读者。


82、What I earn industrially just can keep Body and soul together. ─── 我勤奋工作的所得仅足以糊口。

83、Industrially Experimental Investigations and Development of the Curve-ROD Baffle Heat Exchanger ─── 波形折流杆换热器的开发和工业化实验研究

84、Our century has given a privileged layer of humanity an industrially organized life more opulent, more wasteful yet also more alienated and depressed than that of any ancient king . ─── 当今世纪给人类的特权阶层带来了工业化生活方式,比任何古代的帝王的生活方式更奢华浪费,更自闭压抑。

85、The performance of catalyst HDC was remarkably raised after optimizing the preparation technology in the industrially trial production. ─── 在优化了工业试生产工艺后,使得产品性能进一步提高。

86、The United States was the richest and industrially the most powerful nation in the world when it went to war with Spain in 1898. ─── 1898年,当美国和西班牙作战时,它是世界上最富有和在工业上最强大的国家。

87、About 40 dividing wall columns (DWC) have been applied industrially. ─── 其中的分隔壁精馏塔已有40座以上工业化。

88、"Valine: One of the essential amino acids, found in most proteins. Produced industrially by hydrolysis of proteins or by chemical synthesis, it is used in Biochemical and nutritional research and as a dietary supplement" ─── 缬氨酸 :一种氨基酸,大部分在蛋白质中发现。工业上由水解蛋白质和化学分解生成,用于生物化学和营养品研究以及食品增补剂。

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