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09-14 投稿



inextricably 发音

英:[??n?k?str?k?bli]  美:[??n?k?str?k?bli]

英:  美:

inextricably 中文意思翻译



inextricably 词性/词形变化,inextricably变形

副词: inextricably |名词: inextricability |

inextricably 同义词

tricky | indivisible | involved | tangled | knotty | indissoluble |complicated | complex | inseparable

inextricably 反义词


inextricably 相似词语短语

1、inexorably ─── adv.不可逆转地,不可阻挡地;adv.无情地;冷酷地

2、inextricability ─── n.无法解决;解不开;逃脱不掉

3、inestimably ─── adv.无法估计地;难以计算地;无价地;极为宝贵地

4、inextricable ─── adj.逃脱不掉的;解不开的

5、inexplicably ─── adv.说不清的;无法说明地;令人难以理解地

6、extricable ─── adj.可解救的;可救出的

7、inexplicable ─── adj.费解的;无法说明的;不能解释的

8、ineradicably ─── adv.不能根除地;根深蒂固地

9、inexpiably ─── 不合理的

inextricably 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Grassmann's exposition was almost inextricably bound up with geometrical ideas ─── 格拉斯门的叙述和几何概念有着几乎不可分割的联系。

2、The difference between the social and the political is for this reason not clear, as social movement is inextricably bound up with political involvement. ─── 为此,政治与社会的区别并不清楚,因为社会运动和政治运动常常是密不可分的。这些共同议题的整合,在台湾非常明显。

3、The success of surgery is inextricably interwinded with flawless administractin of anesthesia. Team up. ─── 手术的成功与平稳麻醉息息相关。

4、The commerce propagated situation has been inextricably linked with development of migrant county seat, and has become the common concerns of both government and local people. ─── 商贸业的培植与移民县城的发展有着不可分割的联系,也成为当地政府与百姓共同关注的焦点。

5、The personal and social development of the child are inextricably linked(= they depend on each other). ─── 儿童在自身和与人交往两方面的成长是相辅相成的。

6、“For nearly a century, the automotive industry has been inextricably tied to oil. ─── “近一个世纪以来,汽车行业已密不可分石油。

7、However, the quantity of commercial vehicle transport is inextricably linked with the economic activity, and any attempt to reduce the overall quantity may have adverse impacts. ─── 不过,商业车辆运输的规模与经济活动息息相关,如减少整体商业车辆数目,则可能对经济带来负面的影响。

8、And, educators maintain, those three cornerstones of a successful technology program are inextricably intertwined. ─── 并且,教育家们强调,成功的信息技术规划这三大内容是相互依存,缺一不可的。

9、Our fates are inextricably joined. ─── 我们的命运是不可分地连结在一起的。

10、And, they bave come to reaIize that their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom. ─── 他们今天来到这里参加集会就是明证。

11、Kungfu has been inextricably bound up with the Chinese people for thousands of years. Shown are instructor Liu Yun-ch'iao and some of his prize pupils. ─── 几千年来,武术已与中国人结了不解之缘;至今仍有不少年轻人喜欢练武强身。图为老师傅刘云樵与他的得意弟子。

12、At the time, the fate of GM was inextricably linked to that of the nation. ─── 当时,通用汽车的命运与美国的命运不可分开。

13、It includes the level at which the boat floats, the fore and aft trim, and the transverse stability which is inextricably linked to the power that can be absorbed from the sails. ─── 它包括船艇漂浮的层级,船头和船尾的修整,以及横向稳定性,这种稳定性和从帆上获取的动力密切相关。

14、Fuji Xerox this won ten foreign manufacturers ” “, and for a long time in the Chinese market is inextricably connected to the project. ─── 富士施乐此次荣获“十大国外制造商”殊荣,与其长期以来在中国市场的突出表现密不可分。

15、The Republicans' unpopularity is inextricably linked with that of Mr Bush. ─── 共和党不受欢迎与布什没市场的联系千丝万缕。

16、But whether it is "premeditated" or "improvisation", the matter related to a person are inextricably linked, that person is Li Weifeng. ─── 不过无论是“预谋”的,还是“即兴”的,这件事情都跟一个人有着密不可分的联系,这个人就是李玮锋。

17、The Republicans' unpopularity is inextricably linked with that of Mr Bush. ─── 共和党不受欢迎与布什没市场的联系千丝万缕。

18、motives inspired by Mammon were often inextricably blended with things pertaining to Caesar and to God. ─── 物质财富所激发的动机常常和关于凯撒和上帝的东西交织在一起。

19、There are indications that the death of Hu Jianguo Yang Iron and Steel Company and the pool are inextricably linked, Lee unsuccessfully significant suspected perpetrators. ─── 种种迹象表明,胡建国的死与池阳钢铁公司有着千丝万缕的联系,李未成有重大的作案嫌疑。

20、Our fates seemed inextricably intertwined, ie linked. ─── 我们的命运好像紧密相连,难分难解。

21、High on Spenser's list of evils is the Catholic Church, and this enmity lends a political overtone to the poem, since the religious conflicts of the time were inextricably tied to politics. ─── 天主教教会在史宾塞眼中位居邪恶之首,这敌意在诗中增添了政治意函,因为这时代的宗教冲突无法避免的与政治扯上关系。

22、They both are inextricably linked with each other, the paper attempted to describe several aspects of drama on stage costumes and make-up relationship. ─── 他们二者是相互配合密不可分的,本文试图从几方面叙述戏剧舞台上服装与化装的关系。

23、Some originally thought this would doom Linux to being a single-architecture system, its life and death inextricably tied to the Intel architecture. ─── 有些人最初认为这可能注定Linux是一个单一架构的系统,它的生与死不可避免地与Intel架构联系在了一起。

24、Their lives and fates, inextricably linked, merge again in the figure of Paul Shelley who brings them both to this authentic dramatization. ─── 保罗雪尼的逼真演技,把二人的人生和命运再次交织在一起。

25、Though burned out and discontented in his job, Clayton is inextricably tied to Kenner, Bach & Ledeen;a divorce, gambling habit, and a failed business venture have left him with mounting debt. ─── 直到米高遇上一宗非常棘手的悬案-一宗涉及几十亿美元的农药公司集体诉讼案,彻底改变其一生。

26、It simply takes as a given that societal and personal sicknesses are inextricably intertwined. ─── 它告诉我们一个简单的事实,社会与个人的疾病是不可避免地纠缠在一起的。

27、To some it is virtually equivalent to data processing and is tied inextricably to computer software ─── 有一些最终事实上就等于资料处理,并且不可避免地要和计算机的软件相结合。

28、We are inextricably deep into this Business. ─── 我们全神贯注于这个事业。

29、The bodies of domestic workers, inextricably grounded in labor, are caught in contradictions of production and consumption that are specific to their subject position. ─── 家庭劳工的身体无可选择地与劳动联击在一起,在她们的特定的阶级/性别位置上体验著这一劳动和消费的矛盾。

30、A key unlocks a single security certificate, and is inextricably bound to the name of the person it is assigned to (if you provide one). ─── 一个密匙解锁一个单独的安全认证,并邦定到被赋予的人的名字(如果你提供一个)。

31、"The work is inextricably linked to state-of-the-art chemical analyses used by my colleague Judith Seath, who specialises in the essential oils and resins used by the ancient Egyptians. ─── "通过我们的同志Judith Seath的研究,这个工作是与化学分析的工艺水平分不开的,Judith Seath擅长于古埃及挥发油和树脂的研究。

32、The definitions of concepts and the laws of physics are inextricably intertwined ─── 物理学定律和概念的定义是相互盘绕难以分开的。

33、Their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom. We cannot walk alone ─── 他们的自由与我们的自由是息息相关的,我们不能单独行动。

34、From that moment my life became inextricably bound up with hers. ─── 从那一刻起,我的生命就和她结下不解之缘。

35、They were inextricably tied up with feudal forces. ─── 他们和封建势力有千丝万缕的联系。

36、That's good news for shipping, but bad news for polar bears, Arctic seals, and the people of the Arctic whose culture heritage is inextricably linked to living in a realm dominated by ice and snow. ─── 对货运来说是好消息,但对北极熊、北极海豹和北极圈内居住的人来说是坏消息,他们的文化遗产和冰雪王国中的生活息息相关。

37、be inextricably linked with ─── 与 ... 紧密联系在一起

38、Fact is inextricably commingle with fiction. ─── 事实与虚构混杂难分。

39、Inextricably linked with instant photography, “a Polaroid” can be thought of as both instant camera and instant film. ─── 宝丽莱紧密地与即时显影相连,被认为是立即的照相机以及底片。

40、Mr. Minister Counselor: China's accession inextricably alters the composition and character of the trade organization, and it will have a direct bearing on China's relations with other nations, particularly its neighbors. ─── 祖先生:中国加入wto不可避免地改变了这个贸易组织的结构和特征,这将对中国与其它国家、特别是与邻国的关系产生直接影响。

41、The processes of knowing ourselves, the time and space in which we exist, our past, present and future, are inextricably linked to the processes of "remembering" and "forgetting. ─── 我们怎样认识自己,认识存在的时空,认识我们的过去与未来,是建构在摷菙与挦鼣的过程中。

42、The global imbalances, dominantly featured by the large external deficit of the United States, are inextricably linked to a global business investment anemia, rather than a global saving glut. ─── 以美国的巨额对外收支赤字为主要特征,世界贸易不平衡不是由于世界储蓄过度;相反,世界范围内商业投资的贫乏与此难逃干系。

43、Europe's foreign policy is inextricably linked with that of the US. ─── 欧洲的对外政策和美国的紧密相扣。

44、The impact of spirituality on their longevity seems to be inextricably linked. ─── 灵性对他们长寿的影响似乎解不开地联系在一起。

45、Each person's identity is inextricably linked to history and culture. ─── 每个人的身分都无可避免地和他的历史文化紧密连结。

46、Whether the expansion of the road, or the theory of innovation, as well as to promote the cause of all our minds and inextricably linked, both must further emancipate their minds. ─── 无论是道路的拓展,还是理论的创新以及事业的推进,都与解放思想不可分割地联系在一起,都要求必须进一步解放思想。

47、As regards Japan,scores of her divisions will be inextricably bogged down in China. ─── 敌人方面,陷在中国泥潭中的几十个师团抽不出去。

48、I could have such a wide range of hobbies and warm personality are related to my family where hard work on weekdays are inextricably linked. ─── 我能有这样广泛的兴趣爱好和热情的性格都跟我的家人平日里的艰辛努力是密不可分的。

49、At the time, the fate of GM was inextricably linked to that of the nation. ─── 当时,通用汽车的命运与美国的命运紧密联系在一起。

50、By 2006, we had become the other's second largest trade partner, with both economies inextricably entwined. ─── 到2006年,双方都成为对方第二大贸易伙伴,相互促进经济发展。

51、Naturalism sees each individual as inextricably bound to the environment and depicts each person as someone controlled by, instead of controlling, concrete reality. ─── 自然主义认为每个人都与环境有着千丝万缕的联系,并将每个人描绘成受具体现实控制而不是控制具体现实的人。

52、"Xiaoyan was afraid to speak, but was inextricably old to have a pimple. ─── 小燕于是不敢说话了,可是心里老有个解不开的疙瘩。

53、A key unlocks a single security certificate, and is inextricably bound to the name of the person it is assigned to (if you provide one). ─── 一个密匙解锁一个单独的安全认证,并邦定到被赋予的人的名字(如果你提供一个)。

54、Wagner found this most eloquently illustrated in the Black spiritual, where the desire for freedom in this world and the hope for salvation in the next are inextricably intertwined. ─── 瓦格纳在《黑人精神》一书中发现了这一点,在这本书中,对这个世界自由的渴望和对下一个世界的拯救的希望是密不可分地交织在一起的。

55、As long as religion does not threaten science and freedom, we should be respectful and tolerant because our freedom to disbelieve is inextricably bound to the freedom of others to believe. ─── 只要宗教没有威胁到科学与自由,我们就应该尊重及容忍,因为我们不相信的自由与别人相信的自由,是紧密相连、无法解开的。

56、Her career was inextricably linked with his. ─── 她的事业是和他的事业紧密联系在一起的.

57、Wagner found this most eloquently illustrated in the Black spiritual, where the desire for freedom in this world and the hope for salvation in the next are inextricably intertwined. ─── 瓦格纳发现,这一点在黑人圣歌中得到了最有力的例证,而在黑人圣歌中,对现世自由的渴望以及对后世灵魂超度的希翼被不可分割地交织于一体。

58、to be inextricably bogged down; cannot extricate oneself ─── 不能自拔

59、Therefore, all the art seen at KARAKUL has been produced in Guangzhou, and is thus inextricably linked to and influenced by the concrete jungle that is our city. ─── 在KARAKUL展出的所有艺术品均在广州创作,因此必然与我们这座像钢筋混凝土森林的城市息息相关,并受之影响。

60、Names that meant nothing to me were to weave themselves inextricably into my life, first as a backdrop and then as my life's primary focus. ─── 这些名字当时对我来说毫无意义,没想到后来就无可避免地交织到我生命之中了,初时作为背景,尔后成为生活的主旋律。

61、However, in the face of a crisis, efforts of a single country are far from enough.In a world featuring globalization, economies are inextricably interwoven with each other. ─── 但在危机面前,仅仅依靠单个国家的努力远远不够,因为在经济全球化趋势下,当今的世界经济舞台已经形成了“你中有我,我中有你”的局面。

62、The world must meet its commitments to achieve poverty reduction and also tackle climate change. The two are inextricably linked." ─── 整个世界必须履行承诺,在减少贫穷的同时解决气候变化问题。二者的联系是难解难分的。”

63、Perhaps fate has destined me jis are inextricably linked with the reading bar. ─── 也许命运中已冥冥注定我与读书有着千丝万缕的关系吧。

64、Hundred-hour workweeks, sleeping at the office, Foosball tables in the conference room: All of those were signs that your life and your job were inextricably intertwined. ─── 成百小时的工作周里,我们睡在办公室,在会议室里的会议桌上:所有这些都是你的生活和你的工作互相纠缠,混为一谈的实际表现。

65、The quality of the image produced by current depth imaging algorithms is inextricably linked to the adequacy of the velocity model, which can be difficult to estimate in geologically complex areas. ─── 图像质量产生的电流深度成像算法有着千丝万缕的联系是否有足够的速度模型,可很难估计在地质复杂的地区。;

66、Mr. Minister Counselor: China's accession inextricably alters the composition and character of the trade organization,and it will have a direct bearing on China's relations with other nations,particularly its neighbors. ─── 中国加入WTO不可避免地改变了这个贸易组织的结构和特征,这将对中国与其它国家、特别是与邻国的关系产生直接影响。

67、The history of illycaffe is inextricably linked to the lives of the company's founder, Francesco Illy, and his family. ─── illy咖啡的历史与公司奠基人FrancescoIlly以及其家族的生活是密不可分的。

68、Indeed, services are inextricably tied to messaging in that the only way into and out of a service are through messages. ─── 实际上,服务是不可避免的和消息传送绑定在一起的,因为传入传出服务的唯一方法就是通过消息。

69、Among all Chinese thinkers of the period, order was viewed as inextricably connected to rulers, indeed to cosmically based universal kings. ─── 中国思想中另一广为接受的观点与早期印度思想大相径庭,即现世的生活是可以改善的。

70、SCIENCE and politics are inextricably linked. ─── 科学与政治无法分开。

71、In a supply chain, the fast flow of high-quality information and material is inextricably linked and of paramount importance to SCM success. ─── 在供应链中,物流以信息流为指导,交互作用的、快速和高质量的信息流和物流是 SCM 成功的关键。

72、Her former Master seemed inextricably enmeshed in the dark side.He seemed almost ready to kill her. ─── 她的前任师父似乎躲不开黑暗面的纠缠,似乎几乎是准备要杀死她。

73、She had become inextricably involved in the campaign. ─── 她已陷入这场运动之中,以致无法自拔。

74、She had become inextricably involved in the campaign. ─── 她已陷入这场运动之中,以致无法脱身。

75、Their lives have become inextricably intertwined, not only because they are filming movies together, but because their experiences are so closely parallel. ─── 他们的命运已经纠结再一起,不只是因为他们一起拍电影,还因为他们所面对的经验几乎是相同的。

76、Our history is inextricably aligned with the emergence of Margaret River as one of the great young wine regions of the world. ─── 玛格丽特产区作为世界上一个伟大的新产区的诞生与比亚龙酒庄的成长是密不可分的。

77、Fukuyama, perhaps more than anyone else, has been associated with the idea that capitalism and democracy are inextricably linked. ─── 福山可能比任何其它人更主张,资本主义和民主互相纠结,密不可分。

78、In the physical world, storing and retrieving are inextricably linked; putting an item on a shelf (storing it) also gives us the means to find it later (retrieving it). ─── 在物理世界中,存储和检索是密不可分地联系在一起的,把一个物品放在架子上(存储)同时也给了我们日后找到它的途径(检索)。

79、Passing style and tempo are inextricably linked. ─── 传球和节奏使紧密相关的两个指令。

80、English learning in China (and in many other parts of the world) is inextricably linked to getting and holding a job ─── 在中国(以及世界上的许多其他国家),人们把学习英语和得到并保住一份工作完全联系在一起。

81、But, no matter which angle you approach it from, art and business are inextricably linked - more so today than ever before. ─── 不过,无论从哪个角度入手,艺术与商业从来就不可分割。今天这种关系尤见密切。

82、The state of one of these photons was inextricably linked with that of the other through a process known as quantum entanglement. ─── 光子的这一状态通过一种非常复杂的方式联系在一起,也就是所谓的量子纠缠。

83、Any unexpected noise or sharp word set him to trembling, for in his mind noises and harsh words were inextricably mixed with Yankees and he was more afraid of Yankees than of Prissy's hants. ─── 任何一种突如起来的喧声或一句咒骂的话都会使他吓得发抖。 因为在他心目中,喧声和恶言恶语是跟北方佬连在一起的,他对北方佬当然比对百里茜用来吓唬他的鬼更加害怕。

84、" Competition started to mobilize as much all the arrows flying out the same, all inextricably linked over a very intense . ─── 比赛开始了,所有远动员像离弦的箭一样飞了出去,个个比得难分难解,十分激烈。

85、They each narrate their own tale but are all inextricably linked together. ─── 她们各自讲述自己的故事,却又不可避免地联系在一起。

86、It is as if I had a string somewhere under my left rib. Tightly and inextricably knotted to a similar string situated in a corresponding corner of your little frame. ─── 仿佛我左肋下的哪一个地方有根弦,跟你那小小的身躯里一样的地方一根同样的弦,难舍难分得紧紧缠绕在一起。

87、motives inspired by Mammon were often inextricably blended with things pertaining to Caesar and to God ─── 物质财富所激发的动机,常常和关于凯撒和上帝的东西交织在一起

88、Ju dou@ and @Shanghai Triad@) that she is inextricably identified with his work. ─── 《菊豆》和《红粉》),以至于她的名字总是和他的作品紧密相连。

89、Although opinions regarding faculty governance may vary, many in the academy would agree that faculty governance has become inextricably intertwined with academic freedom and the politics of academy. ─── 本文企图探究委员会特殊的决策运作形式在教授治校运作当中所扮演的角色,以及委员会对于学术自由保障与校务运作效能所产生的影响。

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