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inoculated 发音

英:[??nɑ?kjule?t?d]  美:[?n?ɑkj??let?d]

英:  美:

inoculated 中文意思翻译




inoculated 短语词组

1、inoculated cast iron ─── [机] 接种铸铁

2、inoculated medium ─── 接种培养基

3、inoculated malaria ─── 接种疟

inoculated 常用词组

inoculate with ─── v. 灌输

inoculated 词性/词形变化,inoculated变形

动词过去式: inoculated |动词过去分词: inoculated |名词: inoculator |动词第三人称单数: inoculates |形容词: inoculative |动词现在分词: inoculating |

inoculated 相似词语短语

1、reinoculated ─── 再注射

2、inoculates ─── vt.[医]接种;嫁接;灌输

3、insulated ─── v.(使)隔热(或隔音、绝缘);(使)免受不良影响;(使)陆地成岛屿(insulate的过去式及过去分词);adj.有隔热(或隔音、绝缘)保护的

4、uninoculated ─── adj.未经孕育的;未经变质处理的

5、inoculate ─── vt.[医]接种;嫁接;灌输

6、inoculator ─── n.接种者,接种器;注射器

7、inosculate ─── vt.使连接,使吻合;vi.融合;结合

8、inosculated ─── vt.使连接,使吻合;vi.融合;结合

9、inosculates ─── vt.使连接,使吻合;vi.融合;结合

inoculated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The crushed grapes are inoculated with pure yeast and fermented dry at 26 - 28?C. ─── 压碎的葡萄内注入纯酵母在26-28摄氏度温度下发酵到干。。

2、It should aggravate core stain if poplars were inoculated by relative fungus and bacterium in cut. ─── 只要杨树枝干上存在损伤,即可引起心材变色,在伤口上接种相关真菌、细菌则可使变色加重。

3、When the treated callus inoculated on the selection medium contains 15% PEG, 5.4% of water stress resistant mutants were induced. ─── 处理后的愈伤组织接种到含有 15%聚乙二醇 (PEG)的筛选培养基上 ,获得对水分胁迫具有抗性的愈伤组织 ,诱变率为 5 .4%。

4、If he had been inoculated against smallpox, he would not have contracted the disease. ─── 如果他真的种过牛痘的话,他就不会得病了。

5、His dogs were inoculated against rabies. ─── 他的狗都注射过狂犬疫苗。

6、But when the different tissues from the inoculated embryonated chickens were tested, the agent was detected only in the brain of embryonated chickens. ─── 值得注意的是,在接种鸡胚的脑部发现了病原体,而在其身体其他部位(除卵黄囊液和尿囊液外)未发现病原体。

7、BIOLO plates were inoculated with samples of the MBR and AS mixed liquors. ─── BIOLO板用MBR和AS的混合液污泥样进行接种。

8、The uredinia could sprout after over-winter.The poplars inoculated by overwinter urediniospores could result in diseases. ─── 在病叶上越冬的夏孢子能够萌发,用越冬夏孢子接种杨树可以导致发病。

9、Fig. 5. Symptom of stem blight of horse-tail 45 days after inoculated with infested soil of Fusarium oxysporum. Left: uninoculated, right: inoculated. ─── 图五、镰孢菌病土接种后一个半月,台湾木贼茎腐病之病徵。左:未接种,右:接种。

10、The Spathiphyllum floribundum cv.Cupid explants were inoculated in MS substratum with BA 0-4.0 mg/L . ─── 将"Cupid"白鹤芋外植体分别接种在含BA 0-4.0 mg/L的MS培养基中。

11、In later work, 11 of 12 pigs inoculated intravenously with 2 strains of the organism developed arthritis. ─── 在以后的研究中,静脉内接种了2株链球菌的12头猪,其中11头发生了关节炎。

12、In the laboratory, the 3rd and the 4th instars of the larva were inoculated with an entomogenous fungus, Paecilomyces javanicus which gave 65% and 60% pathogenicty respectively. ─── 又于室内以虫生真菌作接种试验,获知爪哇拟青霉菌对其第3龄与第4龄幼虫之感病率分别为65%及60%。

13、In this heating step the hydrolytic enzymes are inactivated and the wort can be pitched inoculated with the desired yeast. ─── 在加热过程中,水解酶丧失了活性,而且我们可以接种酵母进行麦芽汁的分批发酵。

14、Suspensions of field samples suspected to contain FMD virus should be clarified and inoculated into cell cultures or unweaned mice. ─── 将可疑含FMD病毒的田间样品酊悬浮液经澄清后接种于细胞培养物或未断奶乳鼠。

15、In essence it was a global agar plate waiting to be inoculated. ─── 实际上,地球是一个等待接种的球形培养基。

16、Cytopathic effect (CPE)was found in three nasal swab specimens inoculated in Vero cells. ─── 3例接种Vero细胞孔的鼻拭子标本发现细胞病变效应(cytopathiceffect,CPE)。

17、Biologists have known for 40 years that a virus will cause less damage to a plant if that plant has been inoculated with a mild dose of the pathogen a few days earlier. ─── 四十年前生物学家就已经知道,如果植物提早几天接种剂量较小的病原,病毒对植物造成的伤害就会减小。

18、In Basal Salts Medium, the yeast grows up to A600=76 inoculated 10% seed pichia pastoris with A600=8-12 in 24h. ─── 在无机盐培养基中,按10%接种A600=8-12的种菌后,24小时酵母菌增殖至A600=76;

19、The nitrite contents in pickles produced by inoculated fermentation or natural fermentation were compared. ─── 对人工发酵和自然发酵泡菜中亚硝酸盐含量进行了对比分析。

20、What the effects does low intensity constant magnetic field strapping and application with permanent magnet have on the growth of tumor in the inoculated animals? ─── 低强度恒磁场-永磁贴敷法对接种动物肿瘤生长的作用如何?

21、Have you been inoculated against cholera? ─── 你打了霍乱的预防针了吗?

22、Fig. 2. Effect of temperature on fruit rot development of guava inoculated with Botryodiplodia theobromae after 7 days of incubation. ─── 图三、温度对四种病原所引起的番石榴果腐病病势进展之影响。

23、The children are going to the hospital to be inoculated. ─── 孩子们将去医院打预防针。

24、Brevipes inoculated by Meatarhiziums MA4, J813 and J86C were increased gradually with the increase of spore concn. of Meatarhiziums at room temperature. ─── [结果]在室温下,用绿僵菌MA4、J813、J86C接种后,菠萝粉蚧的的死亡率随着绿僵菌孢子浓度的增加而逐步提高。

25、Preious work has shown that mice with their prion gene knocked out remain healthy, and when inoculated with scrapie are protected against the disease1. ─── 先前的工作已经告诉我们,被敲除普粒子基因的老鼠仍然健康,并且当嫁接羊瘙痒病的时候它们能够抵御疾病。

26、COLO-16 cells were inoculated in 96-well flat-bottomed plates at a concentration of 5 x lOVml. ─── COLO-16细胞以5×10~4/孔密度接种于96孔细胞培养板上。

27、The kids went to the hospital to be inoculated. ─── 孩子们到医院去种牛痘去了。

28、The highest HA exists in 9 days embryo inoculated with 1/100 IBV and 1/400 in 10 days embryo. ─── 9日龄以1/100种毒繁毒后凝集价最高,10日龄以1/400种毒繁毒后血凝价最高。

29、What's more,inoculated plants prove to be better equipped at resisting unrelated diseases. ─── 另外,已接种的植物经证实能够更好地抵御无关疾病。

30、It is mainly composed of soybean and huaishan inoculated with mucor and sauce asp.After fermented and mixed up with sweet osmanthus,it becomes nourishing. ─── 以大豆、淮山为主要原料,接种毛霉、酱油曲霉,发酵酿造,加入桂花后熟,得到了营养丰富的桂花豆豉。

31、Corynebactrium parvum was inoculated in a proper culture medium and passaged in succession. ─── 将短棒状杆菌接种在适宜培养基上,连续扩增传代,培养终液稀释成不同浓度。

32、After de-stalking and crushing the grapes were pumped into a red wine fermentation tank and cold macerated before yeast was inoculated and fermentation commenced. ─── 去除茎梗和压碎后泵送入红葡萄酒发酵罐,在发酵开始前先冷浸软。

33、The baby has been inoculated against diphtheria. ─── 孩子已接种白喉疫苗。

34、All the children in the region have been inoculated against four infectious diseases for six continuous years, and no case of polio was reported over the past seven years. ─── 到目前,全区连续6年实现了儿童“四苗”计划免疫接种;连续7年无脊髓灰质炎病例报告;

35、Symptoms are differentin different varieties when inoculated with the same SMV strain,showing there are interac-tion between soybean varieties and SMV strains. ─── 不同品种接种后的症状类型不同,表明症状反应是品种与株系互作的结果。

36、As a prevention against diseases people should be inoculated. ─── 作为一种预防疾病的措施,人们应该打预防针。

37、Preferably, the plus N treatment should also be inoculated to ensure that yield increase is due to mineral N effects beyond that obtainable with sufficient rhizobia. ─── 对氮处理若能接种则更好,这样就进一步明确增产中超过足量根瘤菌可获得产量水平以上的是矿质氮素的作用。

38、The research results of teak seedlings of 12 provenances inoculated artificially by 4 AMF showed all the inoculated treatments were with an infection rate of 70% 100%. ─── 4个AM菌对 12个不同地理种源柚木苗人工接种的结果表明 ,全部处理均形成感染 ,感染率达 70% 10 0% ;

39、In air-conditioned greenhouse,seedlings of the F1,F2,BC1 progenies and their parents were inoculated with the prevalent races CY28 and CY32 of Puccinia striiformis respectively. ─── 在人工控制条件下,用我国小麦条锈菌优势小种条中28号和条中32号,分别对F1、F2、BC1代及其亲本的幼苗进行人工接种,研究了它们的抗性表现和杂交后代中抗条锈性的分离情况。

40、On the contrary, Tl. l and T2.3 was induced and inoculated, the rising range of CaM activity is greater and its drop range is also greater in soon afterwords time as well as T2.3 was induced. ─── 与此相反,未经Tc诱导的T1.1、T2.3和经Tc诱导的T2.3接种病原菌后CaM活性上升幅度较大,在随后的时间里下降幅度也较大。

41、Scientists used UV processing on an apple cider sample that had been inoculated with bacteria. ─── 科学家利用紫外线处理了一份接种了病菌的苹果汁样本。

42、In 1990, the pertussis antibody level was detected in population of 206 persons, who were inoculated with DPT vaccine containing 4?5 billion bacillus pertussis/ml, the protection rate reached 34?47%. ─── 1990年使用含百日咳菌45亿/ml百日破混合制剂(DPT),对206人检测抗体水平,保护率为34?47%;

43、If he had been inoculated against smallpox , he would not have contracted the disease . ─── 如果他真的种过牛痘的话,他就不会得病了。

44、Two-year-old seedlings of Pinus tabulaeformis were inoculated with three kinds of Ectomycorrhiza fungi inoculum,Suillus bovines,S. luteus and Boletus luridus. ─── 对商南县2年生油松苗木进行乳牛肝菌(Su illus bov inus)、褐环乳牛肝菌(S.luteus)和褐黄牛肝菌(B oletus luridus)3种外生菌根真菌菌剂的接种试验。

45、Two year old Cunninghamia lanceolata seedlings,growing in Shangnan County,were inoculated with three ecotomycorrhizal fungi,Suillus bovines,Suillus luteus and Boletus luridus. ─── 对商南县2年生杉木苗木进行乳牛肝菌(Suillus bovines)、褐环乳牛肝菌(Suillus luteus)和褐黄牛肝菌(Boletus luridus)3种外生菌根真菌的接种试验.

46、Samples were collected from the upper surface the tread of right foot for each pair of shoe, then inoculated and counted for the colonies. ─── 对每双鞋的右脚上表面和鞋底取样,接种并计数菌落。

47、In contrast, three out of the four unvaccinated animals became chronically infected with the virus when inoculated. ─── 相比之下,4只未接种疫苗的黑猩猩中的3只在注射丙肝病毒后被长期感染了。

48、The results indicated that the inhibition rate of local lesions reached 98.54% if TMV was inoculated together with the fermentation broth filtrate. Its preventative effects was 92.05%, higher than its curative effects(66.2%). ─── 在心叶烟(Nicotiana glutinosa)上的抗病毒活性结果表明,SN-02的发酵滤液与TMV混合接种,枯斑抑制率达98.54%,接种前喷施的预防效果为92.05%,高于接种后喷施的治疗效果(66.2%)。

49、Have you been inoculated against hepatitis? ─── 你注射传染性肝炎的预防针了吗?

50、There was also obvious difference in pathogenicity even if different hosts were inoculated by the same spore isolates of Venturia inaequalis. ─── 同一菌株对不同寄主品种的致病力也存在较大差异。

51、Fig. 4. Symptom of stem blight of horse-tail 45 days after inoculated with spore suspension of Fusarium oxysporum. Left: uninoculated, right: inoculated. ─── 图四、镰孢菌孢子悬浮液接种后一个半月,台湾木贼茎腐病之病徵。左:未接种,右:接种。

52、After being isolated and cultured, the rabbit chondrocytes were inoculated to biological or fresh meniscus in culture plate. ─── 将分离培养的兔软骨细胞,分别与生物型半月板和新鲜猪半月板混和培养。

53、The juice is inoculated with a neutral yeast strain. ─── 填加野生酵母发酵。

54、Its pathogenicity was markedly coincident with inoculated dosage. ─── 其致病性与剂量有明显的相关性。

55、The inoculated BM. ─── 对接种生长的BM.

56、Inoculated the detached leave of tobacco,the samples with the conidia germination inhibition rate over 70 % were selected for further prevention effect testing a... ─── 云南大学教育部微生物资源开放研究重点实验室云南省生物资源保护与利用重点实验室云南昆明;

57、A recent study revealed that honeybees responsible for hive-temperature maintenance purposely raised the hives' temperature when colonies were inoculated with A. ─── 一项研究表明,负责维持蜂巢温度的蜜蜂在蜂群接种 A 后,会有意识地提高蜂巢的温度。

58、Incubate the inoculated media for not less than 14 days. ─── 将接种后的培养基培养不少于14天。

59、The site had been inoculated with soil containing suitable mycorrhizal fungi. ─── 在生境中用带有合适菌根真菌的土壤接种。

60、The histopathological changes of inoculated duckling with duck hep atit is virus type I (DHV-I) were observed. ─── 对试验感染I型鸭肝炎病毒雏鸭的组织病理变化进行了观察,结果表明:接毒后12h,肝、脾、肾及胰等器官组织主要表现为变性性变化;

61、The rate of inoculated children in China has almost reached the average level of developed countries. ─── 中国儿童的预防接种率接近世界发达国家的平均水平。

62、China has slaughtered millions of fowl to try to contain the disease's spread and inoculated millions more. ─── 中国已经扑杀了数以百万计的家禽,以控制禽流感的蔓延,并且为更多的家禽接种了疫苗。

63、Tissue cultured plantlets of sweet potato were inoculated withA.diazotrophicus originally isolated from field-grew sugarcane. ─── 固氮醋酸杆菌是一种从甘蔗中分离的固氮细菌。

64、The inoculation results showed that the symptom severity of citrus plants inoculated with unit-or complex-pathogens was closely related to its resistibility of citrus crop. ─── 对苗期进行混合接种的试验结果表明,病状表现的严重程度与柑桔对该病原的抗性程度有密切关系,感病的病状明显,抗病的病状不明显或不表现;

65、The effect of its being inoculated with anaerobic sludge on the electrogenesis capacity of glucose simulated wastewater has been investigated. ─── 另外,还对以水及好氧污泥作为电池阴极时系统的产电性能进行了对比。

66、He was inoculated against smallpox. ─── 他接种了预防天花的疫苗。

67、Have you been inoculated for cholera? ─── 你接受过霍乱预防注射吗?

68、What's more, inoculated plants prove to be better equipped at resisting unrelated diseases. ─── 另外,已接种的植物经证实能够更好地抵御无关疾

69、In 1994 the rate of children inoculated against pertussis, diphtheria and tentanus was 92.76 percent. The rate of children inoculated with BCG, measles and polio vaccine was 93.96, 89.37 and 93.74 percent respectively. ─── 1994年,全国百日咳、白喉和破伤风接种率为92.76%,卡介苗、麻疹疫苗和脊髓灰质炎接种率分别为93.96%、89.37%和93.74%。

70、Cultivars with different resistance showed an identical response when inoculated with Pythium inflatum or Fusarium moniliforme. ─── 不同抗性品种用肿囊腐霉菌和串珠镰刀菌接种测定,抗性反应基本一致。

71、In the epidemic districts,the 15 million rabbits were inoculated with the three combined vaccine and the three diseases(RHD,CWD PMD)were effectively controlled. ─── 6个月后测定,平均保护率为RHD100%、CWD80%、PMD58.8%。

72、The heating test of the wet corn which was inoculated mould in corn bulk of simulated silo was conducted. ─── 在模拟筒仓条件下,对接种霉菌的高水分玉米自然发热和在仓内玉米中的热转移进行试验。

73、Be inoculated against infectious diseases. ─── 传染病预防注射。

74、Fig.5. Symptoms of fusarial wilt of wax gourd on artificially inoculated plants( left) compared to non-inoculated plants( right). ─── 图五、工接种后出现的冬瓜萎凋病病徵(左为接种组,右为对照组)。

75、The transfected cells were inoculated into nude mice,and the tumor growth inhibition rate was calculated. ─── 体外转染乳腺癌细胞,常规动物接种,测量肿瘤体积和动物重量,计算肿瘤抑制率。

76、At same time, the ability of graphitizing and sectional hardness distribution of the gray iron inoculated by DWF inoculant had been given. ─── 同时给出了其墨化能力、断面硬度及硬度差结果。

77、The cooled wort is inoculated with Saccharomyces yeast and fermentation of the sugar formed from starch during mashing proceeds. ─── 向冷却后的麦芽汁中注入酵母菌,使糖化过程中淀粉降解产生的糖发酵。

78、The sausages inoculated with liquid starter and powder starter were processed and there is no obvious difference in sensory and in acid production during fermenting. ─── 在试验的最后,用干粉发酵剂和液体发酵剂分别制作了发酵香肠,其产酸情况基本上相似,香肠在感官上无显著差异。

79、Fig.5. Symptom of stem blight of horse-tail45 days after inoculated with infested soil of Fusarium oxysporum. Left: uninoculated, right: inoculated. ─── 图五、孢菌病土接种后一个半月,台湾木贼茎腐病之病徵。左:未接种,右:接种。

80、Schoettle's lab, grown for a year or two and inoculated with blister rust. ─── 这些树种将被送到舒特勒博士的实验室,培育一两年然后嫁接疱锈菌。

81、Vigourously rotate the freshly inoculated molten infusion agar between the palms of the hands to distribute the organisms. ─── 在手掌之间激烈地转动刚刚接种的溶化后的渗出洋菜培养基,使生物分散。

82、The choice of the outside source purpose gene, the choice of the carrier and the preparative disposal of inoculated organization etc. are all main factors that affects the nucleic acid vaccine to express in the body. ─── 外源目的基因的选择、载体的选择、接种组织的预处理等都是影响着核酸疫苗在体内表达的主要因素。

83、Coprinus comatuses were inoculated onto different cultivation media. ─── 菌丝体接种到不同栽培培养基上。

84、BGY is not easy to use but can give good results when carefully rehydrated using GO-FERM and inoculated into must with balanced nutrients. ─── 并不容易,但使用时能小心水化用好成绩去发酵要以均衡营养、接种。

85、Fig.4. Symptom of stem blight of horse-tail45 days after inoculated with spore suspension of Fusarium oxysporum. Left: uninoculated, right: inoculated. ─── 图四、孢菌孢子悬浮液接种后一个半月,台湾木贼茎腐病之病徵。左:未接种,右:接种。

86、Embryonic calli could be obtained from explants such as terminal buds and axillary buds of hybrid giant napier inoculated in induced media during tissue culture. ─── 以皇竹草腋芽或顶芽作外植体,接种在脱分化培养基上培养,可获得胚性愈伤组织。


88、In order to evaluate the clinical efficiency of 131 I HpD in tumor diagnosis, 30 Wistar rats inoculated with S 180 malignant tumor were used in this study. ─── 为研究131I标记血卟啉衍生物(131I-HpD)诊断恶性肿瘤的价值,采用30只接种S180实验肿瘤的Wistar大鼠,进行了131I-HpD的放射性扫描。

89、The ELISA kit for PRV was suitable for differentiation the vaccine inoculated pigs of PRV infected pigs, and epidemiological survey may also be done with this kit. ─── PR野毒抗体ELISA诊断试剂盒较适用于猪场PRV的疫苗免疫猪和野毒感染猪的区别诊断和流行病学普查。

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