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09-14 投稿



lachrymal 发音

英:['l?kr?m(?)l]  美:['l?kr?ml]

英:  美:

lachrymal 中文意思翻译



lachrymal 短语词组

1、lachrymal glands ─── 泪腺

2、lachrymal bone ─── 泪骨

3、lachrymal film ─── 泪膜

4、lachrymal canal ─── 泪管

5、lachrymal mole ─── 泪痣

6、lachrymal secretion ─── [网络] 泪液分泌物

7、lachrymal duct ─── 泪管

8、lachrymal naiveten quiet ─── 泪液幼稚安静

9、lachrymal irrigator ─── 泪液冲洗器

10、lachrymal sac ─── 泪囊

11、lachrymal ducts ─── 泪管

12、lachrymal gland ─── 泪腺

lachrymal 相似词语短语

1、lachrymators ─── n.催泪剂;催泪瓦斯

2、lachrymator ─── n.催泪剂;催泪瓦斯

3、nasolachrymal ─── 回溯

4、lachrymation ─── n.流泪;流涎

5、lachrymose ─── adj.爱哭的,易流泪的;悲哀的

6、lacrimal ─── adj.[生理]泪的;泪腺的;满是泪水的

7、achromat ─── n.色盲患者;[光]消色差透镜

8、lachrymary ─── 泪

9、lacrymal ─── n.泪骨;泪瓶(等于lachrymal);adj.泪骨的;泪腺的(等于lachrymal)

lachrymal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、lachrymal sac retractor ─── 泪囊牵开器, 泪囊拉钩

2、elevator for extirpation of the lachrymal sac ─── 泪囊摘出用剥离器, 泪囊摘出起子

3、Williams' lachrymal probe ─── 威廉斯(氏)泪管探针

4、lachrymal catheter ─── 泪管导管

5、There were many lymphoid nodules under lachrymal gland epithelia in-group A, and few of chickens had semitransparent bursa with jelly inside them at the location of removed Harderian glands. ─── 组织学观察,A组泪腺上皮下有明显的淋巴小结,少数雏鸡原哈德氏腺部位出现含有胶状液体的半透明囊。

6、Muller's lachrymal sac retractor ─── 苗勒(氏)泪囊牵开器

7、Nursing Patients During Anastomosis of Broken Lachrymal Canaliculus ─── 泪小管吻合术的护理

8、lachrymal canal dilator ─── 泪管扩张器

9、35.He was truly crying, but it would have been difficult to say whether joy or the onions produced the greatest effect on the lachrymal glands of the old inn-keeper of the Pont-du-Gard. ─── 他的确正在流眼泪,但究竟那是高兴的结果还是洋葱对邦杜加客栈老店主的泪腺起了作用,很难说。

10、Is there lachrymal mole to mean on man face manage? ─── 男人脸上有泪痣意味着么司啊?

11、lachrymal irrigator ─── 泪囊冲洗器

12、Can be the lachrymal naevus on the face nodded? ─── 脸上的泪痔可以点掉吗?

13、Liebreich's lachrymal dilator ─── 利布赖希(氏)泪点扩张器

14、An effect comparison between two kinds of skin suture for anastomosis of broken lachrymal canaliculus ─── 泪小管吻合术中两种皮肤缝合方法疗效的比较

15、Keywords Lachrymal gland;Inflammatory artificial tumor;Magnetic resonance imaging; ─── 眼眶;炎性假瘤;磁共振成像;

16、Stock's elevator for pushing back the lachrymal sac ─── 斯托克(氏)泪囊回纳剥离器

17、lachrymal sac forceps ─── 泪囊钳

18、Killian's lachrymal duct forceps ─── 基利安(氏)泪管钳

19、lachrymal sac ─── 泪囊

20、knife for lachrymal sac ─── 泪囊刀

21、Give out a few branch by alar palate ganglion, distributing the mucous membrane in lachrymal, palate and nosepiece, control the exudation of the common sense of mucous membrane and gland body. ─── 由翼腭神经节发出一些分支,分布在泪腺、腭和鼻甲的粘膜,支配粘膜的一般感觉和腺体的分泌。

22、Because lachrymal bursa flesh breaks down,reach the reason such as conjunctivitis, inside next conjunctiva bursa, often tear accumulates sluggish or spill over. ─── 由于泪囊肌瘫痪及结膜炎等原因,在下结膜囊内,常有泪液积滞或溢出。

23、Risk Factors for Anastomosis of Broken Lachrymal Canaliculus ─── 泪小管吻合术的相关危险因素分析

24、lachrymal groove A small grove on the lower edge of the snout just above the upper lip, formed from a fold of skin under the edge of the lachrymal bone. ─── 泪骨凹槽在上嘴唇的正上方,吻部下面边缘上的一种小沟,从泪骨边缘下面的皮肤皱摺形成。

25、lachrymal duct forceps ─── 泪管钳

26、lachrymal style ─── 泪管冲洗针

27、short taper lachrymal dilator ─── 短锥泪管扩张器

28、forceps for extirpation of the lachrymal glands ─── 泪腺摘出钳

29、lachrymal probe ─── 泪腺探针

30、Application of frequency-mixed YAG/KTP laser in the treatment of lachrymal canal passage[J]. ─── 引用该论文 李迎春,李正佳,朱长虹,王勇.

31、lachrymal glands, ducts, etc ─── 泪腺, 泪管.

32、Williams' lachrymal dilator ─── 威廉斯(氏)泪点扩张器

33、I abandoned me to wait several years' friend, also abandonning to wait me several years' friend, even abandonning to flow through a lachrymal friend for me ever, I didn't choose. ─── 我放弃了我等了几年的朋友,也放弃了等我几年的朋友,更放弃了曾经为我流过很多次泪的朋友,我没有选择。

34、Ziegler's lachrymal dilator ─── 济格勒(氏)泪点扩张器

35、The Improvement of Lachrymal Probe and Its Clinical Effects in Treating Babies with Dacryocystisis ─── 改良泪道探针治疗婴儿泪囊炎的临床研究

36、Meller's lachrymal sac retractor ─── 梅勒(氏)泪囊牵开器

37、Rollet's chisel for extirpation of the lachrymal sac ─── 罗累特(氏)泪囊凿

38、lachrymal gland ─── 泪腺

39、The difference between the pouch and lachrymal channel is viewed from the side with a protruding pouch but only in the lacrimal groove. ─── 眼袋和泪沟的区别从侧面观察,眼袋有凸出感,而泪沟只右陷。

40、Galezowsky's lachrymal dilator ─── 盖尔佐夫斯基(氏)泪头扩张器

41、At this point, the lachrymal floodgates really opened.On his own, far from home, he was bullied for his regional accent and highly strung temperament. ─── 从这一刻开始,泪腺的阀门被实实在在的打开了,独自一人,远离自己的家,他被恐吓只因为他的乡下口音和神经过敏的性情。

42、"His poor mother," murmured the major, trying to get the lachrymal gland in operation, so as to moisten the corner of his eye with a false tear. ─── “他那可怜的母亲

43、chisel for extirpation of the lachrymal sac ─── 泪囊凿

44、The mountain brook isn't a spring eyeThe spring eye isn't a rain waterWho let us associate:Lachrymal of? ─── 溪涧不是泉眼泉眼不是雨水谁让我们联想:泪的?

45、raspatory for extirpation of the lachrymal sac ─── 泪囊摘除用剥离器(泪囊摘出爬子)

46、Bergen's lachrymal probe ─── 伯根(氏)泪管探针

47、What does the mole with each long position on the face represent respectively? Should the mole on nose go with lachrymal mole? ─── 脸上各个部位长的痣分别代表什么?鼻子上的痣跟泪痣该不该去了?。

48、Can be the lachrymal naevus on the face nodded? ─── 脸上的泪痔可以点掉吗?

49、Also used by some authors for the supramaxilla, and the lachrymal. ─── 也被一些作家用在上颌骨与泪骨。

50、Narrow or 2. tear dot is out-of-the-way.Because eyelid predestined relationship is phlogistic, burn, other and traumatic or eyelash enters lachrymal canaliculus to cause.Also have congenital symptom. ─── 2.泪点窄小或者落后.因睑缘炎,烫伤,另外皮表伤或者顽强步入泪小管引发.同样有天生性的症侯.

51、lachrymal dilator ─── 泪腺扩张器

52、Objective To uderstand the effect of positive nursing measures on the anastomosis of broken lachrymal canalicu-lus. ─── 目的:了解积极的护理措施在泪小管吻合术中的作用。

53、lachrymal sac enucleation instruments set ─── 泪囊摘除手术器械包

54、Eyelids which are too deeply pendant and show conspicuously the lachrymal glands, or a very red, thick haw, and eyes that are too light, are objectionable. ─── 眼睑过度下垂、太红、瞬膜太厚、眼睛颜色太浅都属于缺陷。

55、lachrymal canal ─── 泪管

56、The artifical lachrymal eye drops was prepared from the modified chitin derivative and a satisfactory result was achieved in the clinical observation. ─── 将改性后的产物制成人工泪液,在临床观察中得到了满意的结果。

57、Followed by lachrymal, quasi-pious invocations of the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, the meaning of democracy. . . ─── 其次泪,半虔诚调用的权利,宪法法案,民主的含义…

58、The Lachrymal bone, supraoccipital crest, postcleithrum and Pelvic girdle are well-developed. ─── 上枕嵴特别发达。前上颌骨无齿,上颌骨较大,厚实,腭骨有齿,角舌骨有长裂孔。

59、dissector for the lachrymal sac ─── 泪囊剥离器

60、Knapp's lachrymal sac retractor ─── 纳普(氏)泪囊拉钩

61、needle for lachrymal canal, suture ─── 泪囊鼻腔造口术缝针, 鼻泪道缝合针

62、lachrymal A dermal, lateral-line bone situated directly in front of the orbit. Also called preorbital, lachrimal, lacrimal. ─── 泪骨在眼窝之前的表皮侧线硬骨。也被称为眶前骨,泪骨,泪骨。

63、Stephenson's lachrymal sac retractor ─── 斯蒂芬森(氏)泪囊牵开器

64、Trousseau's lachrymal dilator ─── 特鲁索(氏)泪点扩张器

65、Is there lachrymal mole to mean on man face manage? ? ─── 男人脸上有泪痣意味着么司啊??

66、Galezowsky's lachrymal probe ─── 盖尔佐夫斯基(氏)泪管探针

67、Does darling lachrymal gland jam how to do? ─── 宝宝泪腺堵塞怎么办?

68、Can be the lachrymal naevus on the face nodded? I hear of, if the dot is dropped, leave scar gently, weigh a meeting change to become skin cancer? Be true? ─── 脸上的泪痔可以点掉吗?我听说,点掉的话,轻则留疤,重则会转变成皮肤癌?是真的吗?

69、lachrymal cannula needle ─── 泪道冲洗针, 眼科冲洗针

70、forceps for grasping lachrymal sac ─── 泪囊抓取钳

71、sweat [lachrymal; salivary] gland ─── 汗[泪; 唾液]腺

72、10.The tumor that eye ministry often produces is the commonnest former hair inside palpebral cancer, lachrymal cancer and eye malignant tumor, malign melanin tumour. ─── 眼部常发生的肿瘤为眼睑癌、泪腺癌以及眼内最常见的原发恶性肿瘤、恶性黑色素瘤。

73、sweat (lachrymal, salivary) gland ─── 汗(泪、唾液)腺

74、elevator for pushing back the lachrymal sac ─── 泪囊回纳剥离器

75、Seeming more and more what is up didn't can make me sad to arrive to immediately shed tears and seem legendary threw to lose the camel of lachrymal gland, could not seek any further, release sad exit. ─── 好像越来越没有什么事情,可以让我伤心到立刻落泪,像是传说中丢失了泪腺的骆驼,再也找不出,释放伤感的出口。

76、eye speculum for lachrymal canal ─── 泪管用开睑器

77、scissors for dividing the lachrymal canal ─── 泪管分离剪

78、lachrymal syringe ─── 泪道(冲洗)注射器

79、What does the mole near chin nose call? Is lachrymal mole long in that? ─── 下巴鼻子附近的痣叫什么?泪痣长在那?

80、knife for dissecting out the lachrymal sac ─── 泪囊剥离刀

81、lachrymal needle ─── 泪囊针头

82、Stevenson's lachrymal sac retractor ─── 史蒂文森(氏)泪囊牵开器, 史蒂文森(氏)泪囊拉钩

83、At this point, the lachrymal floodgates reallyopened. ─── 从那时起,他就没有停止过。

84、What does the mole near chin nose call? Is lachrymal mole long in that? ─── 下巴鼻子附近的痣叫什么?泪痣长在那?。

85、lachrymal bone ─── 泪骨

86、What does the mole with each long position on the face represent respectively? Should the mole on nose go with lachrymal mole? ─── 脸上各个部位长的痣分别代表什么?鼻子上的痣跟泪痣该不该去了?

87、lachrymal sound ─── 泪管探子

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