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09-14 投稿


unessential 发音

英:[??n??sen??l]  美:[??n??sen??l]

英:  美:

unessential 中文意思翻译




unessential 词性/词形变化,unessential变形


unessential 短语词组

1、unessential travel ─── 不必要的旅行

2、unessential synonym ─── 非本质同义词

3、unessential items ─── 不重要的项目

4、unessential consumer ─── 非必要消费者

5、inessential unessential ─── 不重要的 ─── 不重要的

6、unessential work ─── 不必要的工作

7、unessential meaning ─── 非本质意义

8、unessential define ─── 不必要的定义

9、unessential def ─── 不必要的定义

unessential 相似词语短语

1、inessential ─── adj.无关紧要的;n.无关紧要的东西

2、inessentials ─── adj.无关紧要的;n.无关紧要的东西

3、nonessential ─── adj.非本质的;n.不重要的人

4、essential ─── adj.基本的;必要的;本质的;精华的;n.本质;要素;要点;必需品

5、unessentially ─── 不必要的

6、unessentials ─── adj.非本质的,不重要的;n.非本质的事物,不重要的事物

7、non-essential ─── adj.非本质的;n.不重要的人

8、coessential ─── adj.同质的;同素的(名词coessentiality,副词coessentially);同体的

9、quintessential ─── adj.典型的,完美的;精髓的

unessential 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、unessential element ─── 非必要元素

2、Those who know the essential to be essential and the unessential to be unessential, dwelling in right thoughts, do arrive at the essential. ─── 视真实为真实,视不真实的为不真实。持此正思惟的人,得以觉悟真实法。

3、With my business, I am going through and eliminating unessential expenses as much as possible. ─── 在生意中,我会尽可能的斟酌并减少不必要的开销。

4、but this does not make the human agency unessential. ─── 但这并不是说人力是不必要的了。

5、The content of essential metals such as Zn and Cu are higher than unessential metals as Hg,Cd,Pb,Cr,Ni,etc. ─── 蔬菜必需元素锌、铜含量比汞、镉、铅、铬、镍等非必需元素含量高。

6、All this part of it seemed remote and unessential. ─── 事情的这个方面似乎整个都是不痛不痒,无关紧要的。

7、Studies on the Unessential Trace Elements in Skeletons of Plateau Zokor and Plateau Pika ─── 高原鼢鼠和高原鼠兔骨骼中非必需微量元素的测定

8、In what manner has such a belief swept away all the unessential things of life? ─── 这种信仰怎样扫除了生命中所有不重要的东西?

9、B. Important: unessential features that may affect the viability of the product. ─── 重要的不是基本的特性,但这些特性会影响产品的生存能力。

10、There are many ways to achieve ease of use, and simplicity—the reduction of the unessential—is just one of them. ─── 有很多种方法可以实现易用性,但简约(也就是剔除不必要功能)只是其中的一种方式。

11、i find myself being able to shove all the depressing or unessential stuff aside. ─── 我发现自己能够推所有压抑或非本质的东西搁置一边。

12、In what manner has such a belief swept away all unessential things of life? ─── 那样的信念以何种方式,把所有生命中不重要的事物都扫除掉?

13、That is the only way to judge: in what way are you freer, greater, more dangerous to every society which is based on the false and the unessential? ─── 那是唯一用来判断的方法:你们以何种方式更自由了?更伟大了?对每一个以虚假和不重要之物做基础的社会你们变得更具伤害力了?

14、So it is stable in genetics.But endophyte has some genetic variations, perhaps including playamorphism of chromosomes, structure change of chromosome and lost of unessential chromosomes. ─── 内生真菌无有性繁殖阶段,实验室培养仅产生营养体,所以认为它们在遗传上是稳定的。

15、You may earn thousands of dollars monthly and spend the same amount easily on unessential things or luxuries or earn a couple hundreds and save a few hundreds monthly. ─── 你可能每个月赚几千美元,却轻易地在非必需品或奢侈品上花个精光,或者你可能每月赚几百美元存几百美元。

16、Keep meetings small by making it safe for unessential people not to attend. A published agenda, rigorously followed, is the easiest way to make nonattendance safe. ─── 让不必与会的人可以放心离开,从而保持会议的精简。有一份公开的议程,并严格执行,这是最简单的办法。

17、All this part of it seemed remote and unessential. ─── 事情的这个方面似乎整个都是不痛不痒,无关紧要的。

18、It is unessential to see who have ever cursed you.If a crazy dog nip you.do you want to fall your face down to nip the crazy dog? ─── 四一、根本不必回头去看咒骂你的人是谁?如果有一条疯狗咬你一口,难道你也要趴下去反咬他一口吗?

19、New photographers often include too many elements in their images and can often improve their composition by removing unessential elements. ─── 构图在取景器的画面中将不同的要素组织起来创造令人印象深刻的布局,看上去容易,实际不简单。

20、in fact, we already remove the unessential things at the start we engrave the statue. ─── 实际上,在雕塑的时候,一开始就把非本质的东西凿掉了。

21、i find myself being able to shove all the depressing or unessential stuff aside. ─── 我发现自己能够推所有压抑或非本质的东西搁置一边。

22、However, the great spread of viruses and junk mails effects the quality of e-mail and increases the amount of unessential e-mails。 ─── 电子邮件在便利之馀,其质与量却受到大量病毒和广告邮件所影响,造成阅览新资讯的困扰。

23、Article third unessential therefore ready accede to owner. ─── 第三条款无关紧要,可答应船主的要求。

24、Dawn farming and dusk fucking this was the wanted life of Lady Chatterley and her lover in that industrializing age in that unessential time. ─── Food and sex the human’s greatest inclination which our orient Confucius called 饮食男女 are ancient and immortal strength of human’s multiplication ...

25、Not essential; unessential. ─── 非必要的没有必要的; 无关紧要的

26、Simplicity is the reduction or elimination of an attribute of a design that target users are aware of and consider unessential. ─── 简约就是减少或者消除那些目标用户认为不重要的(非本质的)设计属性。

27、Article third unessential therefore ready accede to owner ─── 第三条款无关紧要,可答应船主的要求

28、unessential singularity ─── 非本质奇异点

29、With my business, I am going through and eliminating unessential expenses as much as possible. ─── 在生意中,我会尽可能的斟酌并减少不必要的开销。

30、Those who mistake the unessential to be essential and the essential to be unessential, dwelling in wrong thoughts, never arrive at the essential. ─── 把不真实的视为真实,把真实的视为不真实。持此邪思惟的人,不可能觉悟真实法。

31、But all this part of it seemed remote and unessential. ─── 但是事情的这个方面似乎整个都是不痛不痒、无关紧要的。

32、And so to live simply is to rid your life of as many of the unnecessary and unessential things as you can, to make room for the essential. ─── 过简单的生活,就是让你尽可能多的丢弃那些你生活中不重要、也没有必要的东西,给重要的东西腾出空间。

33、New photographers often include too many elements in their images and can often improve their composition by removing unessential elements. ─── 新手摄影师通常在他们的照片中加入太多的要素,要把不必要的要素去掉才能提高他们的构图水平。

34、So religion is a mental anaesthetic and religious alienation is a drug taking behavior: their positive value is unessential, partial and temporary, while their negative value is essential, overall and ever - lasting. ─── 所以宗教实际上是一种麻醉精神的毒药,而宗教异化则是一种吸毒行为。 它们的正价值显然是非根本、局部的、暂时的,而负价值则是根本的、全局的、长远的。

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