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imbedding 发音

英:[?m?bed??]  美:[?m?bed??]

英:  美:

imbedding 中文意思翻译



imbedding 词性/词形变化,imbedding变形

名词复数: imbecilities |

imbedding 短语词组

1、full imbedding ─── 满嵌入

2、imbedding class ─── 示嵌类

3、imbedding operator ─── 嵌入算子

4、imbedding function ─── [计]嵌入函数

5、invariance imbedding ─── [电] 不变蕴藏

6、imbedding principle ─── 嵌入原理

imbedding 相似词语短语

1、bedding ─── n.寝具;(建筑)[建]基床;(家畜)草垫;adj.适于花坛种植的;vt.把…栽入苗床(bed的ing形式);vi.睡(bed的ing形式)

2、-shedding ─── v.去除;(使)落下;掉落;蜕(皮);脱(毛);脱(衣);具有防水特性;散发出光;造成伤亡;把车停在库棚内;(意外地)散落;切断(电力载荷)(shed的现在分词)

3、disbudding ─── n.打芽;疏芽;打尖;[兽医]断角术;v.摘去嫩芽;去蕾(disbud的ing形式)

4、-bedding ─── n.寝具;(建筑)[建]基床;(家畜)草垫;adj.适于花坛种植的;vt.把…栽入苗床(bed的ing形式);vi.睡(bed的ing形式)

5、surbedding ─── 覆盖

6、embedding ─── n.记者随军;v.把(物体)嵌入;派遣(战地记者等);使(观点)深深植入;嵌进(短语);插入(代码)(embed的现在分词)

7、-bidding ─── n.投标;出价;命令

8、-sledding ─── n.乘雪橇;适用雪橇的地面状况;进行情况;v.乘雪橇;用雪橇运(sled的ing形式)

9、unbedding ─── vi.不复是;不存在;vt.使不复是

imbedding 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、immunomagnetic beads(IMB) ─── 磁标记

2、Objective:To sum up the efficacy and safety of suturing appendectomy without imbedding. ─── 目的:总结不做荷包埋入缝合法阑尾切除术的治疗效果及安全性。

3、First, digestive gland was observed, measured and taken a photograph. Then, tissue pieces were taken to paraffin imbedding, and cut, H. ─── 试验方法为大体解剖观察与拍照,切取组织块经石蜡包埋、切片、H。

4、There were already five ships being held by pirates before the De Xin Hai attack, according to the IMB. ─── 国际海事局表示,在“德新海”号遭袭之前,已经有五艘船舶被扣留在海盗手中。

5、In chapter two, we first introduce Eugenio Calabi's excellent work on the isometric, analytic imbedding of complex manifolds. ─── 在第二章中, 先介绍了Eugenio Calabi 关于复流形的复解析等距嵌入的出色工作。

6、Effect of Mesentery Imbedding Chemotherapy on The Healing of Colonic Stoma in Dog ─── 局部植入化疗对结肠吻合口愈合的影响

7、invariance imbedding ─── [电] 不变蕴藏

8、They all were paraform-fixed,paraffin imbedding. ─── 所有数据均经spss10.0软件处理。

9、The IMB says last year with was the most successful ever for the pirates: 111 vessels were attacked in the region, 42 more hijacks of them were hijacked and 815 cruel crew members held hostage. ─── IMB说去年有许多成功的海盗事件,111艘船被攻击,其中42个被劫持,815名船员做了人质。

10、The IMB says last year was the most successful ever for the pirates, : 111 vessels were attacked in the region, 42 of them were jailed hijacked and 815 cool crew members wereheld hostage. ─── 国际海事局称,去年是有史以来海盗们最为猖獗的一年:111艘船只在该地区遭遇袭击,其中,42艘被劫持,815名船员被扣为人质。

11、The IMB report issued every half-year said that the dangerous sea areas were in sea areas of Indonesia, Bangladesh's outer sea, southern Red Sea and the Strait of Malacca between Indonesia's Sumatra and the western coast of Malaysia. ─── 国际航运理事会每半年一次的报告说,全球最危险的海域在印尼海域,印度海域,孟加拉外海,红海南部海域,以及麻六甲海峡--介于印尼的苏门达腊与马来西亚西岸之间。

12、For the IMB facility the investment is lower than and the operation expense is similar to the traditional advanced treatment. ─── 基建费用低,运行费用和传统污水深度处理工艺相差不多。

13、imbedding problem ─── 嵌入问题

14、Encryption with position double secrete key is used,and the method of non?plane,imbedding and relevant recovering which based on the character of VHS is adopted in the algorithm. ─── 引入了加密、位置双重密钥; 采用了非位平面及基于vhs特性的嵌入和相关恢复等方法。

15、Supports imbedding of graphics and other files right in the CARDS. ─── 支持嵌入的图形和其他文件的权利,在该卡。

16、Beginning from injection molding, some challenges faced in the experiments, like bubbles arisen from the imbedding of FBGs, were overcame until the result of imbedding process was good enough. ─── 本实验从射出成型开始,克服异质埋入所导致的产品缺陷(如气泡),直到足够的良率进行光纤光栅的埋入。随后,对于有/无埋入光纤的产品,比较其拉伸强度与疲劳寿命的差异。

17、Keywords Immunomolecular magnetic beads(IMB);aldehyde-dextran;Staphylococcus aureus;Group G Streptococcus;Detection; ─── 免疫分子化磁性微球;乙醛-右旋糖苷;金黄色葡萄球;G群链球菌菌;检测;

18、For more information about imbedding a select statement, see SELECT FROM PREDICTION JOIN (DMX). ─── 有关嵌入Select语句的详细信息,请参阅SELECT FROM PREDICTION JOIN(DMX)。

19、The IMB revolutionizes how mail integrates into the postal system and is processed. ─── 国际航运理事会革命性技术的邮件集成到邮政系统和处理。

20、IMB is Composed of the core of magnetic powder,a layer of high molecular polymer material and functional groups. ─── 磁珠由超细磁粉核心、高分子材料层、化学功能基团层组成,具有超顺磁性和强的蛋白吸附能力。

21、In section 2, we firstly give the relationship between the involutionary automorphism of Lie algebra and standard imbedding Lie algebra of Lie triple system. ─── 其中包括李三系的子系、理想、单李三系、可解、半单、标准嵌入李代数以及李三系的同态等。

22、Meanwhile, the differences in bleeding time and volume on traumatic surface of liver between IMB and CG were determined. ─── 建立实验性肝脏创伤的方法,应用自制碘仿混合物绷带进行填塞止血,观察其对创面的止血效果。

23、Keywords imbedding phase;vitamin AD;mouse;teratogenesis; ─── 着床期;维生素AD滴剂;小鼠;畸胎;

24、On these grounds, the wavelet domain optimal watermark imbedding algorithm is put forward based on the genetic algorithm. ─── 据此,提出了一种基于遗传算法的小波域优化水印嵌入算法。

25、standard imbedding Lie algebra ─── 标准嵌入李代数

26、strict imbedding ─── 严格嵌入

27、This map shows all the piracy and armed robbery incidents reported to the IMB Piracy Reporting Centre during 2008. ─── 此图描述了2008年国际海事组织海盗报案中心收到的海盗和武装抢劫事件的分布。

28、After imbedding microchips, officials can detect whether there are stolen cacti in a car by waving a special wand. ─── 这样管理人员就可利用扫描棒,检查车上是否有从公园中偷运出来的仙人掌。

29、Keywords Imbedding chemotherapy Sustained release 5-fluorouracil Pathology Drug concentration Dog; ─── 关键词植入化疗;缓释5-氟尿嘧啶;病理学;药物浓度;犬;

30、gland was observed, measured and taken a photograph. Then, tissue pieces were taken to paraffin imbedding, and cut, H. ─── 方法为大体解剖观察与拍照,切取组织块经石蜡包埋、切片、H。

31、Corporate Accounting Governance and Corporate Governance: Isomorphic, Imbedding, or Intersected? ─── 公司会计治理与公司治理:同构、嵌入还是交叉?

32、lower imbedding and unsymmetrical pressure ─── 浅埋偏压

33、The alternative changes of paleoenvironment favored the formation and imbedding of brine, which is the source of salt-water intrusion; and the paleochannel that formed during regressive of sea level is the path of salt-water intrusion. ─── 海进时期,大面积的滨海平原被淹没,在近海平原洼地滞留的海水经过蒸发、浓缩变为卤水,成为咸水入侵的物源;海退后陆源碎屑在滨海地区沉积形成了巨厚的古河道砂层。

34、invariant imbedding ─── 不变量嵌入法

35、Methods To experiment with formalin fixation,paraffin imbedding,testing in immunohistochemistry PAP and SP method. ─── 方法福尔马林固定,石蜡包埋,免疫组化PAP法和SP法检测。

36、On Imbedding of Semimartingale Stochastic Differential Equations on Compact Smooth Manifolds into Euclidean Spaces ─── 关于紧光滑流形上半鞅随机微分方程在欧氏空间的嵌入

37、inequality imbedding ─── 嵌入不等式

38、contextual imbedding ─── 情境嵌入

39、intellectual magnetic bearing ( IMB ) ─── 智能磁力轴承


41、paraffin imbedding oven ─── 石蜡包埋箱

42、In this paper the parameter imbedding algorithm is introduced. ─── 本文介绍了一种参数插入算法。

43、In this paper the parameter imbedding algorithm is introduced. ─── 本文介绍了一种参数插入算法。

44、At the mention of business, people always like to trim wearing a suit and Shoulin imb, business magnates who are sitting Conference Room peak dialogue with the image of the scene; ─── 一提到商务,人们总是喜欢到身穿笔挺西装,手拎imb,商务巨头们身坐会议室巅峰对话的形象与场景;

45、A Method of High-speed Imbedding Plaintext into Divisor of a Hyperelliptic Curve ─── 一种快速的明文信息嵌入超椭圆曲线除子的方法

46、paraffin imbedding samples ─── 包埋标本

47、B IMB says last year was the most successful ever for the patriots. pirates: 111 vessels were attacked in the region, 42 of them were hijacked , and 815 crew members held hostageshostage. ─── 他们还说,去年对与海盗们来说获得了前所未有的丰收,在上述区域,总共有111艘船被攻击, 其中42艘被绑架,另外还有815人被当做了认识。

48、gradual imbedding ─── 渐次插入

49、The alternative changes of paleoenvironment favored the formation and imbedding of brine, which is the source of salt-water intrusion; ─── 海进时期,大面积的滨海平原被淹没,在近海平原洼地滞留的海水经过蒸发、浓缩变为卤水,成为咸水入侵的物源;

50、The conformation, particle size distribution, imbedding ratio and the sustained release behavior were investigated. ─── 并对所得微球的外形、粒度分布、包封率及释放度等进行了研究。

51、The Acceleration of Chinese Industrial Clusters Imbedding MNCs'Value Chain ─── 嵌入跨国公司价值链的我国产业集群升级路径

52、The researches suggest that relationship imbedding influences the transmission of specialized information, mutual benefit, ex post facto support, and the adaptation among organizations; ─── 研究表明:关系性嵌入影响组织间专业性信息的传递、组织间的互利、事后支持以及组织间的适应;

53、thread imbedding therapy ─── 埋线疗法

54、For more information about imbedding a select statement, see SELECT FROM PREDICTION JOIN (DMX). ─── 有关嵌入Select语句的详细信息,请参阅SELECTFROMPREDICTIONJOIN(DMX)。

55、The research is to apply FBGs to the injection molding by imbedding it right into the injection process. ─── 本实验将光纤光栅于塑胶射出成型的浇注制程时,直接将光纤光栅埋到产品中。

56、Taking high chromium casting and carbon steel as material, using imbedding casting technology, the hammer with high chromium casting and carbon steel was made. ─── 摘要以高铬铸铁、碳钢为原材料,采用镶铸工艺制造高铬铸铁/碳钢双金属复合锤。

57、The magnetic susceptibility of the three soil profiles changes largely in whale, and the magnetic susceptibility becomes lower with the depth increasing, it may be by the effect of imbedding. ─── 剖面的总体磁化率变化幅度较大,且从表层向下有降低的趋势,可能是由于沉积物磁化率的埋藏效应所致。

58、At the IMB Forum, Pascal Denizart, Lectra's PLM Director, explained how companies can use product lifecycle management to boost performance and profitability. ─── 在IMB论坛上,力克的PLM总裁Pascal Denizart阐释了公司应如何运用产品生命周期管理来提高绩效和收益。

59、imbedding class ─── 示嵌类

60、canonical imbedding ─── 典范嵌入

61、A new spatial domain digital image watermark imbedding algorithm is presented in this paper by analyzing some spatial watermark algorithm. ─── 该文通过对多种空域水印算法优缺点的分析,提出了一种新的空域数字图像水印加入算法。

62、In this paper, a conceptive kind of intelligent AMB (active magnetic bearing) is introduced, this is the idea of IMB (intelligent magnetic bearing). ─── 摘要介绍了磁悬浮轴承(AMB)智能化的构思,即IMB设计思想。

63、imbedding principle ─── 嵌入原理

64、We encourage all detainees who encounter unacceptable behaviour or treatment to bring this to the attention of any G4S Manager UKBA Managers or members of the Independent Monitoring Board (IMB). ─── 我们鼓励遭碰到不可接受行为或待遇的所有被拘留人员向G4S的任何一位干事、英国国家边境署委员,以及独立监督委员会成员进行反映。

65、paraffin imbedding ─── 石蜡包埋法

66、imbedding tool ─── 埋线器

67、full imbedding ─── 满嵌入

68、A series of bentonite nanocomposites IMB-HDTMA-CA have been synthesized by modifying bentonite (IMB) with organic chelating agents (CA) and hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (HDTMAB). ─── 用有机螯合剂(CA)和十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(HDTMAB)共同改性膨润土(IMB),制得一系列膨润土纳米复合材料IMB-HDTMA-CA。

69、imbedding theorem ─── 嵌入定理

70、No revolution in artificial intelligence is needed--just the proper imbedding of computers into the everday world. ─── 人工智能领域不需要任何变革——只需要合理的将计算机嵌入日常世界。

71、The IMB says this brings to 95, the number of ships hijacked by pirates this year in the Gulf of Aden and the waters off Somalia. ─── 国际海洋局表示截至目前,今年在亚丁湾和索马里海域附近共有95只船被海盗打劫。

72、Objective To investigate the hemostatic effects of iodoform mixture bandage (IMB) on liver trauma. ─── 目的探讨碘仿混合物绷带在肝脏外伤中对创面的止血作用。

73、drug imbedding therapy ─── 埋药疗法

74、A Note on an Imbedding Theorem and its Applications ─── 一个嵌入定理及其应用

75、imbedding, embedding ─── 包埋

76、The aim of the review is to support some idea of the molecule mechanism in the embryo implantation by expatiating the role of embryonic trophocytes in imbedding. ─── 本文通过对滋养层细胞在胚胎植入中的作用的阐述,为进一步阐明胚胎植入的分子机制提供思路。

77、imb Radiance Infrared Radiometer (LRIR) ─── 临边辐射红外辐射仪

78、The IMB says last year was the most successful ever for the pirates, : 111 vessels were attacted attacked in the region, 42 of them were high ject hijacked and 815 crew members held hostageshostage. ─── 国际海事局称,去年是海盗最为猖獗的一年。共有111艘船只在该区域受到攻击,42艘遭到劫持并有815名船员成为人质。

79、imbedding function ─── 嵌入函数

80、The standard imbedding Lie superalgebra ─── 标准嵌入李超代数

81、IMB Jena Image Library of Biological Macromolecules ─── 生物大分子三维结构图片库

82、The experiment results show that the new method can slove the imb... ─── 实验结果表明该方法能有效解决文档摘要分布不平衡问题,减少了文摘内容的冗余。

83、graph imbedding ─── 图的嵌入

84、Methods The coagulation time and congregating rate were compared between IMB and common gauze (CG) in vitro. ─── 方法对比碘仿混合物和普通纱布在体外对全血凝固时间和血小板聚集性的影响;

85、On these grounds, the wavelet domain optimal watermark imbedding algorithm is put forward based on the genetic algorithm. ─── 据此,提出了一种基于遗传算法的小波域优化水印嵌入算法。

86、imbedding method ─── 嵌入法

87、imbedding operator ─── 嵌入算子

88、The IMB says last year was the most successful ever for the pirates. ─── IMB声称,去年是海盗活动最猖獗的一年。

89、intradermal imbedding needle ─── 皮内针

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