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09-14 投稿



intangible 发音

英:[?n't?n(d)??b(?)l]  美:[?n't?nd??bl]

英:  美:

intangible 中文意思翻译



intangible 同义词

insubstantial | imperceptible | incorporeal |elusive | unsubstantial | aerial | intangible asset | impalpable | invisible | subtle | indescribable | untouchable | immaterial | ethereal | vague | nonphysical | unquantifiable | indefinable

intangible 短语词组

1、UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage ─── 联合国教科文组织非物质文化遗产

2、intangible victim ─── 无形的受害者

3、more intangible ─── 难以捉摸的( intangible的比较级 ); ─── 难以理解的;无法确定的;(指企业资产)无形的

4、intangible standard ─── 无形的标准

5、intangible investment ─── 无形投资

6、intangible right ─── [法] 无形权利

7、intangible drilling cost ─── [经] 无形钻探费用(成本)

8、intangible asset n. ─── 无形资产

9、intangible damage ─── [法]无形损害

10、intangible fixed assets ─── [经] 无形固定资产

11、most intangible ─── 难以捉摸的( intangible的最高级 ); ─── 难以理解的;无法确定的;(指企业资产)无形的

12、intangible benefit ─── 无形效益

13、intangible property ─── [法] 无形财产

14、intangible tax ─── 无形税收

15、intangible goods ─── [经] 无形商品

16、fixed intangible assets ─── [经] 固定无形资产

17、cost of intangible ─── [经] 无形(资产)的成本

18、intangible personal property ─── [经] 无形个人财产

19、intangible assets ─── [经] 无形资产

intangible 反义词


intangible 词性/词形变化,intangible变形

副词: intangibly |名词: intangibility |

intangible 相似词语短语

1、intangibles ─── n.无形资产(intangible的复数形式)

2、intangibly ─── adv.模糊地;不明白地;触摸不到地

3、frangible ─── adj.脆弱的;易碎的

4、infrangible ─── adj.不可侵犯的;无法破坏的;坚固的

5、intenible ─── 强烈的

6、untangible ─── 无形的

7、tangible ─── adj.有形的;切实的;可触摸的;n.有形资产

8、infrangibly ─── 不可理喻地

9、intangibleness ─── 无形

intangible 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、For intangible assets with an impairment provision, the accumulative amount of impairment provision shall be deducted from the cost as well. ─── 已计提减值准备的无形资产,还应扣除已计提的无形资产减值准备累计金额。

2、service is intangible and hard to measure . this difficulty is often compounded by the existence of multiple service objectives. ─── 服务是无形的且难以衡量.这个难题常常跟多重的服务目标的存在混杂在一起。熵

3、Generally eaking, the busine tax is levied on the taxable service, the tra fer of intangible a et and sale of the immovable property within china. ─── 一般地说,提供应税业务、让无形资产和出卖不动产都要交纳营业税。

4、Generally eaking ,the busine tax is levied on the taxable service ,the tra fer of intangible a et and sale of the immovable property within china . ─── 一般地说,提供应税业务、转让无形资产和出卖不动产都要交纳营业税。

5、All-embracing power proceeds only through the Way. What is called the Way is elusive and intangible. ─── 孔德之容,惟道是从。 道之为物,惟恍惟惚。

6、I am involved with the UNESCO bid to have falconry recognised as part of our Intangible Cultural Heritage. ─── 我参与了向联合国教科文组织提交“将鹰猎活动作为一部分而列入全世界非物质文化遗产”的活动。

7、As a special intangible asset,corporate reputation can help firms integrating inside and outside resource effectively. ─── 作为一种特殊的无形资产,公司声誉能够帮助企业有效整合企业内外的资源,但是由于认知的不同,公司声誉在不同的文化体系下有很大的差异。

8、The trade mark is an intangible asset of every enterprise. ─── 商标是企业的一项无形资产。

9、When something so intangible becomes tactile and easily transferrable. ─── 如果无定形态的物质变得可以储知,并可以很轻易的转移,又意味着什么呢?

10、Our valuation and advisory expertise extends beyond real estate to embrace complex business and intangible asset valuation and advice. ─── 我们的估值及咨询经验不止于物业及有形资产,更伸展至业务及无形资产之评估及估值意见。

11、Good will is an intangible asset. ─── 善意为无形之宝。

12、The whole of mankind has not the power to cope with, nor to control the intangible force wrapped up in the rolling waves of the oceans. ─── 全人类都无力抵挡和控制汹涌波涛中所包藏的无形力量;

13、For intangible assets with an impairment provision, the accumulative amount of impairment provision shall be deducted from the cost as well. ─── 已计提减值准备的无形资产,还应扣除已计提的无形资产减值准备累计金额。

14、For intangible assets used as investment, the original value shall be such reasonable price as is stipulated in the agreement or contract. ─── 作为投资的无形资产,以协议、合同规定的合理价格为原价。

15、Primarily, skeptics find it unnatural that Ray can re-create such an intangible and natural process as he claims. ─── 怀疑论者主要认为雷声称他能再造这样一个无形的自然过程是违反自然的。

16、This factor, intangible as it seems, is written into the formal standards for promotion at my own institution, Harvard Business School. ─── 这个因素,就好像无形资产在哈佛商学院被写入了晋升的正式标准中。

17、Intangible assets are classified in the balance sheet as a subgroup of plant assets . ─── 在资产负债表中无形资产被划分为长期资产下的一个类别。

18、We felt an intangible presence in the room. ─── 我们感到房子里有一种难以捉摸的东西。

19、Conceptually, organization costs are an intangible asset that will benefit the corporation over its entire life. ─── 从概念上讲,开办费是一项无形资产,它将使公司在其整个存续期受益。

20、Sound is intangible and the same is true of light. ─── 声音是无形的,而光也同样如此。

21、During the past year, I have given you many gifts, mostly intangible ones. ─── 在过去的一年,我给你很多礼物,其中大部分是无形的。

22、The benefits are intangible. ─── 好处是难以计算的。

23、The systematic write-off to expense of the cost of an intangible asset over its useful life is termed as amortization. ─── 将无形资产的成本在其存续期内系统化地结转到费用叫做摊销。

24、The cheap copy becomes the "discovery tool" that markets these other intangible valuables. ─── 廉价的拷贝变成了“探索性”的工具,使其他无形的价值市场化。

25、C. Strengthen the research, identification, preservation and dissemination of intangible cultural heritage. ─── 三是加强非物质文化遗产的研究、定、存和传播。

26、How many mooncakes one gets measures his intangible value. ─── 一个人所得到的月饼数是衡量其‘无形价值’的标准。

27、For alienated intangible assets, the original value shall be the actual amount paid based on a reasonable price. ─── 受让的无形资产,以按照合理的价格实际支付的金额为原价。

28、In May 2006, Quyang stone included in the first national list of intangible cultural heritage protection projects. ─── 2006年5月,曲阳石雕列入第一批国家级非物质文化遗产保护项目名录。

29、Going Concern Value The value of a company's ability to generate earnings from tangible and intangible assets. ─── 持续经营价值公司通过有形资产及无形资产产生盈利的能力。

30、It is easy to understand the immovable property,but what do you mean by the intangible asset? ─── 不动产好理解,无形资产指什么?

31、Fiesta of Macau has been listed into the first list of national intangible cultural heritages. ─── 妈祖祭典现已列入首批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。

32、The emblems and images of past World Expos have turned into the unique intangible legacy. ─── 历届世博会标志和形象已经成为独特的无形资产,成为世界公认的遗产之一。

33、However, the purpose of this analysis is to try and quantify some of the more intangible aspects of defense. ─── 但是,这个分析的目的就是想要尝试这量化更多的对防守有所帮助的无形的因素。

34、A business valuation covers all-inclusive of tangible and intangible assets and has a scope well beyond the appraisal of machinery and equipment. ─── 企业整体包括它全部的有形资产和无形资产,并远远超出了机器设备评估的范围。

35、Generally, intellectual property is intangible and is created by intellectual effort as opposed to physical effort. ─── 一般来说,知识产权是无形的并且是由相对于体力劳动的智力劳动创造的。

36、"Services" are general described as being distinct from physical commodities, being intangible economic goods. ─── “服务”通常被描述为明显不同于物质商品的无形的经济产品。

37、Merchandising right bears the attributes of intangible property,even personality merchandising is not an exception. ─── 商品化权具有无形财产权的品性,即使是人格因素商品化权也不例外。

38、He theorizes that it is the emotional component of these intangible prizes that make them effective. ─── 他推测正是这些无形的奖励中的情感成分使它们变得有效。

39、Of China's Intangible Cultural Heritage. ─── 中国的非物质文化遗产。

40、So, we have to be dead to the intangible costs, access to the mysteries of nature. ─── 于是,我们以死亡为代价获得了无形,获得了大自然的奥秘。

41、As intellectual property is intangible but legal,it is more difficult to be regulated than corporeal property. ─── 它的无形性和“合法性”使传统反垄断法无法规制。

42、When an adopted suggestion results in intangible benefits, a non-monetary award is granted. ─── 如果被采纳的建议案其成果是有无形的益处,适用非奖金方式的奖赏.

43、At that moment I felt within me and around me something invisible and intangible pullulating. ─── 从那一刻开始,我觉得周围和我身体深处有一种看不见的、不可触摸的躁动。

44、As the word intangible suggests, assets in this classification have no physical substance. ─── 就像"无形"一词所示,这类资产没有实物形态。

45、Nor is this by any means the end of man's ignorance in connection with things unseen and intangible. ─── 人类对于无形无色、肉眼不可见的力量的无知,绝不仅止于此。

46、During the past year,I have given you many small gifts,mostly intangible ones. ─── 在过去的一年里,我已经送给您许多小礼物,其中大部分是无形的。

47、For an expenditure to qualify as an intangible asset, there must be reasonable evidence of future benefits. ─── 一项支出要成为无形资产,必须有合理的能让将来受益的证据。

48、Part of the maker of fixed assets or intangible assets, corresponding accounting depreciation or stop amortized. ─── 对转销部分的固定资产或无形资产,相应停止计提折旧或摊销。

49、Extensive protection is granted to property rights, including those in intangible property. ─── 广泛的财产权保护,包括那些无体资产。

50、She notes that many of the early results are intangible: for example, a new optimism bubbling up in churches and volunteer groups. ─── 她注意到,大多数的早期效果是无形的:例如,在宗教和志愿者组织中出现了一种新的乐观主义。

51、Yes, it does in the case of transfer of the intangible assets or immovable property. ─── 对于无形资产和不动产是这样。

52、Therefore, the spread of the brand also given a lot of intangible value enterprises. ─── 所以品牌的传播性也赋予了企业很多无形的价值。

53、Tax official: if the intangible asset is used in china, the leasing operation is taxable, no matter whether the company. ─── 对无形资产,只要它的使用地在中国,不管有没有在中国设有机构,都要纳营业税。不动产也一样,只要它的坐落地在中国。

54、Uncountable thousands around the world came to him asking for gifts tangible and intangible. ─── 全世界成千上万数不清的人求他赐予看得见或看不见的礼物。

55、The trade secrets are intangible resources,it gives play to inportant role in enterprise compete. ─── 商业秘密作为企业的无形财富,在现代竞争中发挥着越来越重要的作用。

56、FASB,2001,Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No.142:Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets. ─── 中华人民共和国财政部.企业会计准则[S].经济科学出版社,2006.

57、This way the jobseeker can get the sort of intangible information that cannot be conveyed in a recruitment brochure. ─── 通过这种方式,求职者可以得到那些招聘手册上没有的,难以弄清的信息。

58、What is imagination? Perhaps it is a shadow of the intangible truth, perhaps it is the soul's thought! ─── 何谓幻想?可能就是那不可捉摸的真理的影子,也可能就是心灵的思维能力。

59、It is an intangible asset, and so be not show as an asset in a company's account, unless it figured as part of the purchase price paid when acquiring another company. ─── 商誉是一种无形资产,因为它不作为资产显示在公司的帐目中,除非收购另一公司时将它作为所付购买价格的一部分用数字来表示。

60、The island was intangible, inviolate. ─── 我们这个岛令人莫测高深,是不可侵犯的。

61、Their tangible resources are managed on apanage principle, but their intangible resources are mutual and have communal property rights. ─── 它们的有形资源可以按照属地原则进行管理,无形资源却是共有的,具有社团产权的特征。

62、Goodwill is booked as an intangible asset. ─── 商誉作为一项无形资产入账。

63、States apply different concepts in classifying certain property interests as tangible or intangible property. ─── 各州在确定有形资产和无形资产的财产利益时采取不同的概念。

64、As valuable intangible property, GLS have been protected for more than one hundred years in many foreign countries. ─── 地理标志是无形财产,在国外很多国家,对其进行法律保护已有上百年历史。

65、Patent and other intangible assets are initially recorded at actual cost, and amortised using the straight-line method less than 10 years generally. ─── 专利权及其他无形资产按实际支付的价款入账,一般采用直线法按小于10年平均摊销。

66、Being the particular icons of Chinese culture, traditional festivals are also precious intangible cultural heritage that we have carried down from our ancestors. ─── 作为中国文化的特有标志,传统节日也是我们从祖先那里继承下来的宝贵的非物质文化遗产。

67、Also the time he spent dating his wife before marrying her is still under consideration for valuation. . . valuation of intangible assets. ─── 并且,他和他太太在结婚前约会的时间仍然在估值中……作为无形资产估值。

68、But in a very short time, many arrows, tangible and intangible, began flying in his direction. Some he was able to dodge, but several struck home. ─── 可是短短的时期一过,许多有形和无形的箭便开始向他射来,他躲开了一些,但也有一些射到了他的身上。

69、Only a small group of people who really repent and want to get liberation can break through this intangible barrier. ─── 只有那些很稀有的,真正忏悔,真正的要了脱生死,才脱得了这个无形的关卡。

70、To compete effectively in international markets, a nation's businesses must sustain investment in intangible as well as physical assets. ─── 为了在国际市场上有效地竞争,一个国家的企业必须维持对无形资产和有形资产的投资。

71、We felt an intangible presence in the conference room. ─── 我们感到会议室里有一种难以捉摸的东西。

72、Intangible costs such as time spent sifting through CVs needtobe taken into account on top of the more obvious expenses. ─── “除了那些能看得见的成本外,花在筛选简历上的时间等无形成本也需要考虑在内。

73、The act or an instance of believing or trusting in something intangible or incapable of being proved. ─── 信仰不可捉摸信仰或相信不可捉摸或无法证明之事物的行为或例子

74、He thinks dealership is a kind of intangible assets. ─── 他认为经销权是一种无形资产。

75、Not perceptible to the touch;intangible. ─── 声和光是触摸不到的。

76、Increments in equity from revaluation of property, plant and equipment, depletable assets and intangible assets. ─── 凡固定资产、递耗资产及无形资产办理重估增值之数皆属之。

77、Other factors that affect a placement's value are more intangible, such as if the product was used in a way that could carry negative connotations. ─── 其它影响置入价值的因素就更难以明了,比如是否该产品的使用方式传递了负面的内涵。

78、Other intangible assets for which no amortized expense may be calculated for deduction. ─── 其他不得计算摊销费用扣除的无形资产。

79、Like tangible long-lived assets, the value of the intangible assets is declining during the life of the assets. ─── 与有形长期资产一样,无形资产的价值在资产生命期中不断递减。

80、Unlike specific labor, abstract labor is intangible and can't be measured. ─── 抽象劳动不同于具体劳动那样可视可量。

81、He says, "The premise is that copy protection is exactly the wrong idea for intangible, easily copied goods such as software. ─── 他说:“前提就是版权保护对于像软件这种无形的、容易复制的商品来说是完全错误的想法。

82、To produce an effect on by imperceptible or intangible means; sway. ─── 感化,影响用不可见的或不知不觉的方式来产生影响;感化影响

83、Unidentifiable intangible assets refer to the commercial credit standing. ─── 不可辨认无形资产是指商誉。

84、Lets not mention the intangible benefits; just talking about the tangible benefits is enough. ─── 不用说那种无形的利益,我们说有形的方面就够了。

85、Eighthly , strengthen the management of human resources , push the continuous creation of Collcges and Universities Sports Intangible Assets . ─── 八、加强人力资源管理,推动高等学校体育无形资产不断创新。

86、It is easy to understand the immovable property, but what do you mean by the intangible asset? ─── 不动产好理解,无形资产指什么?

87、Compared with tangible assets, the Olympic brands are intangible and easy to be violated. They must be protected through legal measures. ─── 奥林匹克品牌由于存在上的无形性,相对于有形资产来说,构成侵犯的可能性较多,必须通过一定的法律来保护。

88、Enterprise morality is the foundation and core of intangible property of the emprise. ─── 企业道德是企业无形资产的基础和核心。

89、Commodities not only contain tangible physical commodities,but also contain intangible commodities like banking, freight and insurance services. ─── 商品不仅包括有形的实物商品,也包括像银行、货运和保险服务等无形商品。

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