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09-13 投稿



emboldening 发音

英:[?m?bo?ld?n??]  美:[?m?b??ld?n??]

英:  美:

emboldening 中文意思翻译



emboldening 词性/词形变化,emboldening变形

动词过去式: emboldened |动词第三人称单数: emboldens |动词现在分词: emboldening |动词过去分词: emboldened |

emboldening 相似词语短语

1、emboldened ─── v.(使)有胆量,更勇敢;鼓励;(使)有信心;将文本变成粗体

2、embordering ─── vt.镶边;加边

3、embolden ─── v.(使)有胆量,更勇敢;鼓励;(使)有信心;将文本变成粗体

4、embolizing ─── v.栓塞,成为栓子;引起(血管)栓塞

5、embodying ─── v.(使思想、品质等)具体化;赋予(精神)以实体;包含;(尤指为军事目的)把(人)组织起来(embody的现在分词)

6、emboldener ─── 壮胆剂

7、embolising ─── 栓塞

8、emboldeners ─── 壮胆剂

9、emboldens ─── v.(使)有胆量,更勇敢;鼓励;(使)有信心;将文本变成粗体

emboldening 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、but even these books he could not revoke, for such a course would embolden the enemies of truth, and they would then take occasion to crush God's people with still greater cruelty. ─── 但是连这些书籍他也不能撤回,如果撤回的话,将会使真理的敌人更为明目张胆,他们将要乘机以更大的残酷来压迫上帝的百姓了。

2、May the Holy Spirit embolden you to go at once, and you shall not believe in vain.When you are saved yourself, publish the good news to others. ─── 当你得蒙救恩,像痲疯病人得到洁净时,务必向人传扬这好消息,切莫闭不作声。

3、“It will embolden nationalists in countries like Australia, who are unhappy with all these resource deals. ─── 它将助长澳大利亚等国的民族主义情绪,这些国家对所有资源交易都很抵触。”

4、Whether the calamities signaled the end of a government or helped embolden their usurpers is open to interpretation. ─── 但事实上,这些灾难,究竟是真的预示天意还是只是让起义者师出有名,仍然不得而知。

5、He rejects a timetable for a troop withdrawal because he says that would embolden the enemy and make America appear weak. ─── 布什布什拒绝了从伊拉克撒军的时间表,他认为这样子只能增长敌人的嚣张气焰,并显得美国懦弱。

6、If we fail to pass this agreement, we will embolden the purveyors of false populism in our hemisphere. ─── 如果我们不能批准这项协定,我们就将使本半球兜售虚假民粹主义的人更加肆无忌惮。

7、And, as Mr Saakashvili has often said, if the Russians think they can escape unpunished for the invasion and occupation of parts of his country, that could embolden further adventurism. ─── 而且,正如他萨卡什维利经常说,如果俄罗斯人认为他们可以逃脱惩罚的入侵和占领的部分他的国家,这可以进一步大胆冒险。

8、And, above all, the rising level of fatalities may tilt sentiment, and embolden politicians, against the war. ─── 最重要的是,死亡水平的上升可能使态度改变,使政治家有胆量反对战争。

9、By and large, police shied away from intervening, emboldening more women to join the movement. ─── 警察基本上没有干预,使得更多妇女壮起胆子参加抗议。

10、Describe look line, want to remember deliberately emboldening the width of eye end, strengthen pull carry eye end. ─── 描绘上眼线时,要记得刻意加粗眼尾的宽度,加强拉提眼尾。

11、The child crime reflected that gives a written guarantee characteristic which the partner may embolden. ─── 小孩犯罪反映出结伙可以壮胆的特点。

12、More political instability would likely embolden Islamic militants to try to expand. ─── 政坛的进一步动荡可能会加剧伊斯兰武装分子扩张的野心。

13、And retreating from Iraq would embolden the terrorists, and make our country, our friends, and our allies more vulnerable to new attacks. ─── 东邦大厨曲希瑞自动自发的应门去--只要异人馆势力范 围内的食物都归他管辖。

14、Gates rejected any suggestion that setting a transition date for withdrawing US forces in Afghanistan will embolden the Taliban. ─── 盖茨否认了有关设定撤军时限将为”塔利班“壮胆的论调。

15、And in America the FTA's death might shatter the long-standing consensus on free trade in Washington by emboldening protectionists. ─── 如果美洲自由贸易区失败的话可能会破坏在自由贸易问题上取长久以来的取得的共识且会鼓舞那些自由保护主义者。

16、but it is clear that the settlements will embolden America's armada of class-action lawyers to redouble their efforts. ─── 不过显而易见的是这样的赔偿方案将会鼓励美国的集体诉讼律师队伍倍加努力。

17、The outcome will further polarise Ecuador's politics, by emboldening both the president and the opposition. ─── 投票结果给总统和反对派都起了鼓励作用,这会进一步使厄瓜多尔的政治走上极端。

18、People behind the scenes are rooting for you, even though they may not outwardly reveal their support of you just yet - let that knowledge embolden you. ─── 人们会在幕后支持你,虽然他们表面上或许还未显露出他们对你的支持,让那个认知帮你壮壮胆吧。

19、the emboldening of every jihadist in the world; ─── 世界上圣战分子更加猖獗;

20、Will America's weakness embolden them to assert China's power or will China continue its cautious policy of 'peaceful rise'? ─── 美国的衰弱会鼓励他们彰显中国权力吗?还是会持续自己谨慎的“和平发展”策略?

21、There is a local profit,Would embolden the capital is up. ─── 恩格斯说:商业的本质是逐利的,一旦有适当的利润,资本就胆大起来。

22、President Bush promises to veto that legislation because he says timetables for a troop withdrawal would embolden the enemy and limit the flexibility of U.S. Commanders on the ground. ─── 布什总统承诺否决此项立法,因为他称为撤军设立时间表会使得敌人更加胆大狂妄,并会限制战场上指挥官的机动性。

23、The electronic beat echoes that of our mother’s heart we heard as a fetus, calming us, emboldening us, giving us the courage to venture forth into an unknown reality. ─── 电子的嗡嗡回响声隐喻母亲的心脏跳动,就像我们还是胎儿时听到的,镇定我们,鼓励我们,给予我们勇气冒险、探索未知的世界。

24、Hitting the magic 60 will change the psychology of life in the upper house, emboldening the Democrats and enfeebling the Republicans. ─── 一旦民主党取得参议院60个席位,上院的生活哲学就会随之改变,壮了民主党的胆子,却让共和党举步维艰。

25、And they will embolden the Taliban into thinking that, after eight years of flea-bites, the American dog is about to roll over. ─── 同时上述这些不良后果会使塔利班变得更加大胆,以至于他们会认为,经过8年的跳蚤般啃咬,美国这只大狗即将要倒下了。

26、In order to embolden your men to annihilate the enemy, you must boost their morale; ─── 所以,明智的将帅务求取粮于敌国。

27、President Bush says opposition demands to pull U. S. troops out of Iraq by October would embolden the enemy. ─── 布什总统说,那些反对并要求在10月将美军撤出伊拉克的要求可能助长敌军士气。

28、President Bush says opposition demands to pull U.S. troops out of Iraq by October would embolden the enemy. ─── 布什总统说反对者在十月份之前美军从伊拉克撤军的要求将会助长敌人的气焰。

29、And in America the FTA's death might shatter the long-standing consensus on free trade in Washington by emboldening protectionists. ─── 如果美洲自由贸易区失败的话可能会破坏在自由贸易问题上取长久以来的取得的共识且会鼓舞那些自由保护主义者。

30、President Bush says opposition demands to pull U.S. Troops out of Iraqby October would embolden the enemy. ─── 布什总统称让美军在十月前撤离伊拉克的反动要求会助长敌人的气焰。

31、The stakes are high: failure would not only bring back the Taliban and al-Qaeda, but embolden jihadists around the world. ─── 这里风险也很高:失败不仅会让塔利班和基地组织卷土重来,同时也会使全世界的伊斯兰圣战主义者深受鼓舞。

32、embolden sb to do sth ─── 鼓励(某人)去做(某事)

33、But at those schools that were having second thoughts about the test, Atkinson's stance will embolden anti- SAT forces. ─── 但在那些已经对SAT 三思的学校中,艾特金森的表态将使反SAT 的力量增强了信心。

34、to be a house builder, that is, construct or (figuratively) confirm: - (be in) build (-er, -ing, up), edify, embolden. ─── 就是没有建造、造不起、或者不能稳固的意思。

35、President Bush promises to veto that legislation because he says timetables for a troop withdrawal would embolden the enemy and limit the flexibility of U. ─── 民主党人表示设定撤军期限能让伊拉克政府为自己的安全负起更大的责任,并迫使总统停止他们所谓的对伊拉克无止尽的承诺。

36、nerve oneself; screw up one's courage; pluck up one's courage; muster up one's courage; embolden; look up ─── 鼓起勇气

37、If we fail to make that case effectively, we will weaken already tenuous democratic forces and embolden those in Iraq who seek to foment chaos and instability. ─── 如果我们不能有效地做到这点,我们将削弱本来就已软弱的民主力量,并给那些企图制造混乱和动荡的伊拉克人壮胆。

38、The apparent public support could embolden the prime minister, convincing him that by visiting Yasukuni he will boost his approval ratings by showing he is unwilling to bow to pressure from China. ─── 如此鲜明的公众支持让他们的首相更加有恃无恐,认为参观靖国神社使他得到更多的认可,也表明他不愿意向来自中国的压力低头。

39、Purple took off in a surprisingly big way in menswear last year, emboldening some designers to get more aggressive about color. ─── 去年紫色曾令人吃惊地在男装中大行其道,鼓舞着一些设计师继续大胆尝试在色彩上做文章。

40、Delays in launching investigations into the school collapses is likely to embolden infuriated parents who are protesting across northern Sichuan Province. ─── 稍后,对学校坍塌的质疑,点燃了父母们心中的怒火。在四川北部演变成了抗议游行。)

41、Starting in 1990, democracy freed the Romanian spirit, but emboldening that spirit and accomplishing true change was not easy. ─── 1990开始,民主意识解放了罗马尼亚人的思维,但要根本的改,其实并不容易。

42、McCain has refused to embrace a timetable for withdrawing US forces from Iraq, saying to do so would embolden Americas enemies. ─── 这种稳定可能为将来减少伊拉克驻军铺平道路。麦凯恩拒绝接受撤军时间表。他说,那样作将鼓励美国的敌人。

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