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09-13 投稿



generant 发音

英:[?d?en?r?nt]  美:[?d?en?r?nt]

英:  美:

generant 中文意思翻译




generant 相似词语短语

1、generalate ─── 总则

2、penetrant ─── adj.(基因)外显的;锋利的,渗透的;n.渗透剂,穿透剂;n.(Penetrante)(美、加、意)比内唐特(人名)

3、genera ─── n.[生物]属(genus的复数形式);种;类

4、generalist ─── n.(有多方面知识和经验的)通才;多面手

5、generals ─── n.将军;上将(general的复数);v.指挥(general的单三形式);统率

6、generate ─── vt.使形成;发生;生殖;产生物理反应

7、generants ─── n.(非正式)母线;adj.(非正式)生殖的;生产的

8、general ─── adj.一般的,普通的;综合的;大体的;n.一般;将军,上将;常规;n.(General)(英)杰纳勒尔(人名)

9、entrant ─── n.进入者;新会员;参加竞赛者;新工作者

generant 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、An experiment on a submunition dispenser with airbag and nitrogen generant was presented. ─── 对以氮气发生剂为抛撒药的子弹药气囊抛撒装置进行实验。

2、In order to seek the factors leading to lost energy of the power gener ating unit, the lost energy factor, local lost energy and relative lost energy ratio are utilized. ─── 同时为了进一步诊断出机组能损的真正原因,为运行提供指导,提出了“能损因子”、“相对能损率”等概念。

3、Design and Study on a Kind of Non-azide Gas Generant ─── 非叠氮化物气体发生剂的设计与研究

4、The results indicate: The development of children's ability to gener... ─── 每个年龄组概括的广度也是不同的。

5、Shi ZY,Chen FZ,Yang J,et al.Diagnosis and treatment of visceral artery aneurysm[J].Zhongguo Putong Waike Zazhi(Chin J Gener Surg),1999,8(6):406-409. ─── [1]史振宇,陈福真,杨珏,等.内脏动脉瘤的诊断与治疗[J].中国普通外科杂志,1999,8(6):406-409.

6、There are mainly the systemic generant risks in China, we have to improve the fundamental construction to avoid financial risk. ─── 存款保险制度有其价值和意义,这是勿庸置疑的,但是否就一定适合我国现阶段的发展情况,值得思考。

7、Responsibilities:-To support and coach the Teams learning aspects of their activities in order to maximize gener...... ... ─── 公司名称:北京创想空间商务通信服务有限公司工作地点:北京市发布时间:2009-5-10

8、Generant cause and counter measure of weld defects in water supply pipe ─── 供水管道焊接缺陷产生的原因及防止措施

9、When electrical current flows through the igniter, it produces heat, which ignites the generant material within the inflator. ─── 当电流通过点火器时,产生的热量会点燃气体发生器中的某种物质。

10、Study on the mensuration of tetramethylpyrazine in zhenjiang vinegar and its generant mechanism ─── 镇江香醋中川芎嗪的测定及生成机理的研究

11、Through the statistics and analysis of research result about housing project quality near years, this paper marks off sorts of housing problems and generant degree of different sort. ─── 通过分析目前家用空调的类型和特点,认为家用中央空调适合于现代化高档次大面积的住宅,并且拥有广阔的发展前景。

12、The result shows that students from physical education department hav e higher level of cardiac contractility reserve than that of students from gener al department. ─── 结果表明,体育系学生比普通系学生具有较高水平的心力储备。

13、The Generant Logic of the Rupture of City-village Society and the Policies to Harmonious Society ─── 城乡社会断裂的发生逻辑及其和谐政策选择

14、Keywords pyrotechnics;gas generant;non-azide;fuel;energetic material; ─── 烟火技术;气体发生剂;非叠氮化物;可燃剂;含能材料;

15、Generant reason and prophylactico-therapeutic measures about drooping disease in seedling stage ─── 水稻苗期立枯病发生原因及防治措施

16、Gener Hosp Shenyang Mil Distr; ─── 作者单位: Dept Cardiovasc Surg;

17、generant law ─── 发生规律

18、Generant reason and prophylactico-therapeutic countermeasure on stripe virus of rice ─── 水稻条纹叶枯病大发生原因及防治方法

19、Keywords tetramethylpyrazine;Zhenjiang Vinegar;generant mechanism;stock and aging; ─── 川芎嗪;镇江香醋;产生机制;陈放;

20、The generant course,inherence mechanism,and cause of efflorescence of adhesive and grout for tile and stone after construction,and control measures were introduced. ─── 介绍瓷砖、石材粘结剂和填缝剂等材料在施工后泛碱的产生过程、内在机理、泛碱的原因及防治措施。

21、nitrogen gas generant ─── 氮气发生剂


23、Henry F.Chambers. , : Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, San Francisco Gener ─── 首页----期刊主要分类----期刊细介绍----期刊题录与文摘----期刊详细文摘内容

24、Trade in gener x is improving. ─── 贸易情况正在好转.

25、When electrical current flows through the igniter, it produces heat, which ignites the generant material within the inflator. ─── 当电流通过点火器时,产生的热量会点燃气体发生器中的某种物质。

26、generant of the toroid ─── 超环面母圆超环面的母圆

27、The S wave velocity decrease slightly,and gener ally,first,its amplitude and energy decrease,then increase,and its center freque ncy remains the same. ─── 在接近注满水时,出现特殊的高频初至小波,而S波速度略有减小,波幅和波谱能量则一般是先降后升,主频基本没有变化。

28、Manage logistics, 1 year related work experience is better2.Assist sales person for sales record3.Support office gener...... ... ─── 公司名称:深圳市捷坤实业发展有限公司工作地点:其他发布时间:2009-8-2

29、The Gener of the American Academy of Child and Adolescen Psychaitry publish the study. ─── 通用美国儿童青春期心理学杂志发布了该研究。

30、A fond deam,a kind of A realfate,a gener at ions perest I will miss you for a gentle and soft mood. ─── `````` 天使之恋 一个梦想,一种追求。一份真缘,一世挚。我将用一种温柔悳心情想你。

31、Heat-sensitive layer usually consists of a prefilming, cross-linker, infrared absorption dyes and generant of photothermic acid. ─── 冷敏层凡是包含成膜树脂、交联剂、红外汲取染料和平冷酸爆发剂。

32、half charge gener ator ─── 半电荷发生器

33、Research on Build Forestry Science Gener Alize System in Xi-nin City ─── 西宁市林业科技推广体系建设调查报告

34、Methods:To analyze the relationship between type of pathology,generant position,area and excision area of operation and prognosis by reviewing11cases with adenoid cystic carcinoma of ethmoidal sinus. ─── 方法:回顾性分析11例筛窦腺样囊性癌患者的临床资料,筛窦腺样囊性癌病理类型,发生部位、范围与手术切除范围及预后的关联性。

35、In this paper, several key techniques existing in virtual surgery system were well studied, including finite element method(FEM) mesh gener. ─── 现代科学技术的飞速发展使得计算机应用技术渗透到社会生活的各个领域,对虚拟现实系统的研究结合现代医学便产生了虚拟手术系统。

36、A man is particularly vulnerable to this incorrect belief.It gener? ates within him the fear of failing. ─── 男人特别容易受到他错误信念的伤害,这信念使他害怕失败。

37、The frequency of patients in maternal members of five LHON pedigrees decreased with the addition of gener... ─── 结论LHON男性发病率高于女性,其遗传规律符合线粒体遗传的基本特点并存在遗传早现现象。

38、The corrosive principles of corrosions and the stainless steel`s inoxidizability in the chemical medium are introduced respectively in the paper.The generant reasons of the intercrys... ─── 结合工程实际,分别介绍以上各种腐蚀产生的机理及不锈钢在化学介质中的抗腐蚀性,并重点介绍晶间腐蚀产生的原因和防腐措施。

39、Generant reason, agrochemical damage and remark measures about weedicide in paddy field ─── 水田除草剂药害产生原因、症状及补救措施

40、However, foreign composers working in the Italian tradition were increasingly looking towards Rameau as a way of reforming their own leading operatic gener. ─── 然而,工作在意大利传统的外国作曲家越来越看往Rameau作为改革他们自己主导的歌剧的风格方式.

41、The application of high nitrogen energetic compounds in solid propellant, gas generant, explosive and smoke agent are reviewed. ─── 综述了四嗪、四唑和呋咱等高氮含能化合物在固体推进剂、气体发生剂、炸药、烟火药等中的应用。

42、This solid generant buns in an enclosed chamber to produce harmless nitrogen gas. ─── 这种物质燃烧时会产生无害的氮气。

43、generant origin ─── 生发根源

44、Gas generant ─── 燃气发生剂

45、In order to achieve the aim we put forward a suggestion that,on the promise that there has been a "three in one" curriculum,the function of gener... ─── 这一培养目标及策略可以概括为一点:就是以“博雅”为手段塑造“审美的人”。

46、air sac can also be internally filled with a certain amount of gas generant which includes carbonate and pharmaceutically acceptable organic acid. ─── 气囊内还可以装有一定量的气体发生剂,包括碳酸盐以及药学上可接受的有机酸。

47、It is gener all yaccepted that smoking is harmful to ourhealth. ─── 吸烟有害健康,这是大家公认的。

48、If we went under, our workers could have found positions with Ford and Gener al Motors. ─── 如果我们倒闭了,我们的工人可以在福特汽车公司和通用汽车公司找到工作。

49、And especially to gener use port ,it is a kind of hoisting machine with small investment and swiftness benefit for loading and unloading front apron container, sundries and bulk cargo. ─── 特别适用于通用性码头,是码头前沿集装箱、杂件及 散料装卸作业的一种投资少、见效快的起重设备。

50、The trouble and eliminate means which is likely to be generant. ─── 五、可能发生的故障及消除办法。

51、The results of 60L pressure tank show that the burning time and pressure of the gas generant can meet the requirements of safety airbag for vehicle. ─── 经60L压力舱试验表明:该气体发生剂具有合适的燃烧时间和燃烧压力,可以满足汽车安全气囊的要求。

52、It can issue shares, or units of its capital, to institutional investors or the gener al public. ─── 它可以面向金融机构投资者或者广大公众发行股票或单位股权资本。

53、Generant Condition and Prevention Measure of Mildew in Feed ─── 饲料中霉菌的发生条件和防治措施

54、The development of non-azide gas generant is introduced. ─── 介绍了国内外非叠氮燃气发生剂的研制进展。

55、Authors: Agricultural Mechanization Department of the Gener, ─── 作者:黑龙江省农垦总局农机局

56、The amount of nutrients in various organs was gener ally ranked in turn N>K>Ca>P>Mg. The amount of nutrients in three seedlings was also ranked in turn N>K>Ca>P>Mg. ─── 3种树种各器官中的养分贮量多为N >K >Ca >P >Mg ,其养分总贮量也为N >K >Ca >P >Mg。

57、Talk about the generant cause and countermeasure for curing about rice blast ─── 浅谈稻瘟病的发生原因及防治对策

58、The meeting is presided by general manager of the company, participants are general manager, deputy gener ... ─── 会议由公司总经理主持,参加人为总经理、副总经理、财务总监,各部经理、副经理及有关人员列席。

59、This generant process can't do wiithout all kinds of exoteric influences. ─── 这个发生的过程,少不了各式各样外界的影响。

60、This generant process can't do without all kinds of exoteric influences. ─── 这个发生的过程,少不了各式各样外界的影响。

61、An optima l synthesis method of adjustable crank-rocker linkages for continuous path gener ation is put forward, which is based on the orientational structural error of th e fixed link. ─── 在确定了可调节型曲柄摇杆机构的轨迹柔性的基础上,基于机架杆方向结构误差建立机构的优化综合模型,采用改进遗传算法获取综合结果。

62、Primarily on Qualification Education in Gener al Biology Teaching ─── 浅谈普通生物学教学中的素质教育

63、The authors have described the tasks and geochemical significance of different stages(reconnaissance,gener... ─── 应用典型探例说明油气化探方法的有效性。

64、This method was used to mensurate the quantitative changes of tetramethylpyrazine to analyse the generant mechanism. ─── 应用这一方法针对镇江香醋的生产工艺定点采样,分析川芎嗪的产生机制。

65、On the Connotation, Generant Conditions and Limitation Ways of Corruption ─── 腐败的内涵、生成条件与遏制思路新探

66、generant mechanism ─── 发生机制

67、The Generant and Precautionary of Rice Vaginal Decay disease ─── 浅谈水稻叶鞘腐败病的发生及防治

68、On the Structure of Generant Mechanism of Social Attitude ─── 论社会态度的发生机制架构

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