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09-11 投稿



enzootic 发音

英:[?enzo??ɑ?t?k]  美:[?enz????t?k]

英:  美:

enzootic 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 地方性动物病的



enzootic 短语词组

1、enzootic bovine leukosis ─── 嗜锌牛白血病

2、enzootic ataxia ─── [医] 羊羔蹒跚病, 羊缺铜病

3、enzootic encephalitis of horses ─── [医] 地方性马脑炎, 博纳病

4、enzootic disease ─── [医] 地方性动物病

5、enzootic marasmus ─── [医] 地方性牛羊消瘦病, 丛林病

6、enzootic bovine abortion ─── 有毒牛流产

7、enzootic bovine hematuria ─── [医]地方性牛血尿病:以血尿、贫血及衰弱为特征

8、enzootic hepatitis ─── [医] 动物地方性传染性肝炎, 裂谷热

enzootic 相似词语短语

1、entotic ─── adj.耳中的

2、endobiotic ─── [生态]组织内寄生的,[生态]生物内生的

3、epizootics ─── adj.动物流行病的;n.家畜流行病

4、epizootic ─── adj.动物流行病的;n.家畜流行病

5、endosmotic ─── adj.透膜渗入的;内渗的

6、enzygotic ─── adj.同胚的;同一受胎卵发生的

7、panzootics ─── n.[动]动物共患病

8、panzootic ─── n.[动]动物共患病

9、enzootics ─── adj.[兽医]地方性动物病的;n.地方性动物病

enzootic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Horse enzootic encephalomyelitis virus ─── 马波尔纳病病毒

2、swine enzootic pneumonia ─── 猪气喘病

3、The local presence of WNV enzootic activity or other human cases should further raise suspicion. ─── 了解病人近期外出史也十分重要。

4、porcine enzootic pneumonia ─── 猪地方性肺炎

5、enzootic abortion of ewe ─── 地方流行性绵羊流产

6、Immunization and control technique for swine enzootic pneumonia ─── 猪气喘病的免疫与防治技术

7、Immunization and control technique for swine enzootic pneumonia ─── 猪气喘病的免疫与防治技术

8、enzootic bovine abortion ─── 牛地方流行性流产

9、Enzootic type C oncovirus ─── 牛C型肿瘤病毒

10、Swine enzootic pneumonia and the technology of integrated control of it ─── 猪气喘病及其综合防制技术

11、Enzootic abortion of ewes virus ─── 地方性流行性母羊流产病毒

12、indicate that progression of enzootic bovine leucosis is closely related to expression of P53 protein in tumorous tissues. ─── 提示,流行性牛白血病的发生与肿瘤组织中P 53蛋白表达有重要关系。

13、An enzootic system between mosquitoes and birds maintains and amplifies West Nile virus; ─── 蚊与鸟之间的地方疫源性保持并孕育着西尼罗河病毒。

14、Observation of the efficiency of inactivated swine enzootic pneumonia vaccine in the field ─── 猪气喘病灭活疫苗的田间免疫效果观察

15、enzootic marasmus ─── [医] 地方性牛羊消瘦病, 丛林病

16、enzootic pneumonia of pig ─── 猪列性肺炎

17、Enzootic encephalomyelitis virus ─── 波尔那病病毒

18、7.Emerging and enzootic infectious diseases of amphibians (contributed by D.E.Green, U.S. ─── 听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听 Table 2.

19、enzootic brochiectasis of rats ─── 地方流行性大鼠支气管扩张

20、Prevention and Treatment of Bovine Enzootic Fever ─── 注意防治牛流行热

21、Seen world wide but enzootic in tropical areas where vectors exist ─── 世界普遍存在此病,但在媒介存在的热带地区呈地方性流行

22、The observation on cure effect of three drugs in control Swine enzootic pneumonia ─── 三种药物防治猪喘气病的效果观察

23、enzootic ataxia ─── 地方性运动失调症

24、Enzootic bovine leukosis virus ─── 地方流行性牛造白细胞组织增生病病毒, 牛C型肿瘤病毒

25、Keywords enzootic bovine leucosis;cell apoptosis;immune agent;flow cytometry;diagnosis;immunochemistry; ─── 牛流行性白血病;细胞凋亡;免疫因子;诊断;免疫组化;流式细胞术;

26、An enzootic disease. ─── 地方性动物病

27、Observation of the efficiency of inactivated swine enzootic pneumonia vaccine in the field ─── 猪气喘病灭活疫苗的田间免疫效果观察

28、enzootic calcinosis ─── 地方性动物病钙质沉着

29、Objective To observe the response of the treatment of combined enzootic -periodontal Lesions. ─── 目的观察牙周牙髓联合病变的治疗效果。

30、enzootic encephalitis of horses ─── [医] 地方性马脑炎, 博纳病

31、enzootic abortion of cattle ─── 牛地方性流产

32、enzootic abortion of ewes ─── 羊地方性流产

33、enzootic bovine hematuria ─── 地方性牛血尿病

34、Research on pathogen of swine enzootic pneumonia ─── 猪喘气病病原的研究

35、Animal health analysis methods - Detection of antibodies against Bovine Enzootic Leukosis by the Agar Gel Immunodiffusion Test. ─── 动物健康分析方法.用病毒中性试验方法检测抗牛传染的鼻气管炎抗体

36、enzootic disease ─── [医] 地方性动物病

37、Research on the Mixture Infection of Swine Fever, Piglet Dysentery and Swine Enzootic Pneumonia ─── 猪瘟、仔猪黄痢和猪气喘病混合感染研究

38、benign enzootic paresis affects young, unweaned piglets for the most part ─── 良性地方性轻瘫大部分侵害未断乳小猪。

39、Methods 180 patients with combined-periodontal lesions were trusted with the combination of enzootic treatment and periodontal treatment. ─── 方法180例牙周牙髓联合病变患者,对其进行临床对症治疗。

40、Diagnosis and Control of Equine Enzootic Lymphangitis ─── 马流行性淋巴管炎疫情的诊断和防治

41、Keywords Leptospirosis;Average incidence;Fatality rate;Enzootic area; ─── 钩端螺旋体病;年均发病率;病死率;位次;自然疫源地;

42、Methods 180 patients with combined-periodontal lesions were trusted with the combination of enzootic treatment and periodontal treatment. ─── 方法180例牙周牙髓联合病变患者,对其进行临床对症治疗。

43、enzootic bovine leukosis ─── 牛地方流行性白血病

44、Swine enzootic pneumonia and the technology of integrated control of it ─── 猪气喘病及其综合防制技术

45、Cattle enzootic encephalomylitis virus ─── 波尔纳病病毒

46、Research on the Mixture Infection of Swine Fever, Piglet Dysentery and Swine Enzootic Pneumonia ─── 猪瘟、仔猪黄痢和猪气喘病混合感染研究

47、enzootic hepatitis ─── 地方动物传染性肝炎

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