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09-06 投稿



discommodity 发音

英:[?d?sk??mɑ?d?ti]  美:[?d?sk??m?d?ti]

英:  美:

discommodity 中文意思翻译



discommodity 词性/词形变化,discommodity变形


discommodity 相似词语短语

1、discommodities ─── n.不便;无用之物

2、discommodious ─── adj.不方便的;麻烦的

3、discommoding ─── v.使不方便,给……添麻烦

4、discommodes ─── v.使不方便,给……添麻烦

5、discommode ─── v.使不方便,给……添麻烦

6、discommoded ─── v.使不方便;打扰;使为难;使不自由(discommode的过去式和过去分词)

7、incommodity ─── n.不便利之处;不舒适

8、discommunity ─── 不和

9、commodity ─── n.商品,货物;日用品

discommodity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A tiresome thing; discommodity ─── 累赘之物

2、He lives alone with out much discommodity. ─── 他孑然一身,却未感到太大的不便。

3、the website is in maintenance. sorry for your discommodity, and thank you for your support. ─── 网站维护中,不便之处,请多多原谅。谢谢支持。

4、This flight will be cancelled for heavy fog weather,i'm sorry for the discommodity,please excuse. ─── 由于大雾天气,本次航班将取消。由此给您带来的不便,敬请原谅。

5、To solve the problems such as angle of view, not flexible of LCD and high voltage, discommodity of CRT, it is necessary to develop electronic paper. ─── CRT(阴极射线管)LCD液晶显示)等显示器,不同程度地存在亮度、视角和携带不便、高电压等问题,只能通过研制电子纸显示器解决。

6、Simultaneously, the evaluation systems of the three standards of appraisal diverge from each other's, which may bring discommodity to the appraisal work. ─── 同时由于三个鉴定标准构建体系不一致,给实际检测工作带来不便。

7、solve the problems such as Angle of view, not flexible of LCD and high voltage, discommodity of CRT, it is necessary to develop electronic paper. ─── CRT阴极射线管LCD液晶显示等显示器,不同程度地存在亮度、视角和携带不便、高电压等问题,只能通过研制电子纸显示器解决。

8、The article introduces a measurement method of little pore in mechanical parts based on image process,for solving diversified of discommodity by using stop-pass Gauge traditionally. ─── 提出一种基于图像处理技术的机械零件小孔径尺寸测量方法,解决传统上用止通规人工进行检测的各种不便;

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