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Islam 发音


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Islam 网络释义

n. 伊斯兰教n. (Islam)人名;(阿拉伯、巴基、孟)伊斯兰

Islam 短语词组

1、Nation of Islam ─── [网络] 伊斯兰国;伊斯兰国度;伊斯兰民族

2、Islam in Burma ─── 缅甸的伊斯兰教

3、Ishmael in Islam ─── 伊斯兰教中的以实玛利

4、Islam in Hong Kong ─── 香港的伊斯兰教

5、Ansar al Islam ─── [网络] 伊斯兰辅助者组织

6、Islam Nation ─── [网络] 伊斯兰教国家

7、Shia Islam ─── 什叶派伊斯兰教

8、Jund-ul-Islam ─── [网络] J ul伊斯兰教

9、Polygyny in Islam ─── 伊斯兰教中的同性恋

10、Shiah Islam ─── [网络] 什叶派

11、pillar of Islam ─── [网络] 伊斯兰教的支柱

12、Islam in Brunei ─── 文莱的伊斯兰教

13、Dar al-Islam ─── [网络] 伊斯兰区域;伊斯兰国度;伊斯兰境域

14、Sunni Islam ─── [网络] 逊尼派;逊尼派伊斯兰教;伊斯兰教的逊尼派

15、Ansar (Islam) ─── 安萨尔(伊斯兰教)

16、Ansar al-Islam ─── [网络] 伊斯兰辅助者组织;伊斯兰虔信者;伊斯兰辅士组织

17、Islam in Finland ─── 芬兰的伊斯兰教

18、House of Islam ─── [网络] 伊斯兰教族;伊斯兰世界;伊斯兰屋宇

19、Supporters of Islam ─── [网络] 伊斯兰教支持者

Islam 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They carried with them the idea and the traditions that laid the foundation for the major religions of the western world: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. ─── 他们传承下来的的思想和传统为西方世界的主要宗教——犹太教、基督教和伊斯兰教——奠定了基础。

2、Whatever its importance to other faiths, Cologne is a sensitive spot for German Islam. ─── 不管科隆对其它宗教信仰而言重要性如何,它对德国穆斯林来说都是一个敏感的地方。

3、The Temple Mount: the most holy site in Judaism and also the third most holy site in Islam. ─── 圣殿山,位于耶路撒冷中心地带,伊斯兰教和犹太教的圣地。

4、Islam Observed: Religion Development in Morocco and Indonesia. ─── 伊斯兰观察:摩洛哥与印度尼西亚的宗教发展。

5、He believes in Islam, and is very pious. ─── 他在教,而且非常虔诚。

6、Ever since the days of the Prophet Muhammad, Islam has provided a vivid example of how racism can be ended. ─── 从先知穆罕默德的年代开始,伊斯兰教即已清晰地证明如何终结种族主义。

7、The Koran is the sacred book of Islam. ─── 《可兰经》是回教的圣典。

8、The Prophet of Islam said:" I was ordered to fight the people until they believe in Allah and His Messenger. ─── 伊斯兰的先知说过:“我是奉命与人战斗,直至他们信奉真主及其先知。

9、How Did the Spread of Islam Affect the Development of Science? ─── 伊斯兰教的传播如何影响科学的进展?

10、The world's great religions originated from Asia: Buddhism from India, Christianity from Palestine, Islam from Arabia. ─── 世界上的几大宗教起源于亚洲:佛教源于印度,基督教源于巴勒斯坦,伊斯兰教源于阿拉伯。

11、Friendly international exchanges are also increasing in the areas of China's Buddhism, Taoism and Islam. ─── 中国佛教、道教和伊斯兰教的国际友好交往也日益扩大。

12、Islam was “a pool that never purifies”. ─── 伊斯兰教是“永远无法被净化的落后宗教”。

13、Islam and Buddhism are two of the great religions of the world. ─── 伊斯兰教和佛教是世界上两大宗教。

14、"Hijab is one of the most misunderstood symbols of Islam," he Jafry. ─── “盖头是最被误解的伊斯兰的标志之一,”加法尔说。

15、Egypt on the eve of Islam Hellenism. ─── 伊斯兰教希腊文化前夕的埃及。

16、Islam has enjoyed a long and rich intellectual tradition. ─── 伊斯兰教拥有历史悠久而丰富的理性传统。

17、There are many religions in China, such as Buddhism, Daoism, Islam, Catholicism and Protestantism. ─── 在中国,有佛教、道教、伊斯兰、天主教、基督教等多种宗教。

18、For centuries before 1500 the world of Islam had been culturally and technologically ahead of Europe. ─── 1500年以前的几个世纪中,伊斯兰世界在文化和技术上都领先于欧洲。

19、The religious faith, principles, or cause of Islam. ─── 伊斯兰教伊斯兰教的宗教信仰,原则,或事业

20、Ethics and principles are very important components in Islam. ─── 伦理道德是伊斯兰教的重要组成部分。

21、"Islam was whatever they said it was, " he said. "They did not respect the holy book. They respected nothing but their own desires. " ─── “他们说伊斯兰是什么,它就是什么,”他说。“他们并不尊重古兰经。除了他们自己的欲望,他们什么都不尊重。”

22、It's as though some Europeans are confused about their identity and are now trying to construct one in opposition to Islam. ─── 这就仿佛是一些欧洲人对自身身份感到茫然,而试图现在通过反对伊斯兰教来加以构建。

23、Islam is the national religion and all Maldivians are Sunni Muslims. ─── 伊斯兰教是国教,所有马尔代夫人都是逊尼派穆斯林。

24、Islam's most sacred shrine is at Mecca in Saudi Arabia. ─── 伊斯兰教最神圣的圣地在沙特阿拉伯的麦加。

25、He converted from Christianity to Islam. ─── 他由基督教改信伊斯兰教。

26、Islam was introduced into China in the seventh century. ─── 伊斯兰教于公元七世纪传入中国。

27、Islam also rejects the attribution of any human form to God. ─── 伊斯兰教也不主张任何人类化身为真主。

28、The established religion of Egypt is Islam. ─── 埃及的国教是伊斯兰教。

29、They impress on thee as a favour that they have embraced Islam. ─── 他们以自己信奉伊斯兰,示惠于你,你说:“你们不要以你们的信奉伊斯兰示惠于我;

30、The study of Islam and the Far East was well on its way. ─── 伊斯兰教和远东的研究也在进行。

31、They are merely pawns in a geostrategic chess match between Islam and the west. ─── 他们不过是伊斯兰与西方的对弈的地缘政治棋局中的小卒而已。

32、Not long ago, someone was translating a news story on Islam and Muslims from English to Chinese. ─── 不久前,有人把一则以回教和回教徒为主的英文新闻报道翻译成华文。

33、The Egyptian poor are deeply imbued with teachings of Islam . ─── 埃及贫民深受伊斯兰教教义的影响。

34、The conversion to Islam, in 1153 AD, is a watershed in Maldivian history. ─── 公元1153年对于伊斯兰教的皈依是马尔代夫历史上的一个分水岭。

35、He believe's in Islam, so he has different living habits than the rest of us. ─── 他是一名回教徒,在生活习惯上和我们不太一样。

36、The sacred text of Islam, considered by Moslems to contain the revelations of God to Mohammed. ─── 古兰经伊斯兰教的圣经,穆斯林认为其中包含着真主对穆罕默德的启示

37、Mothers in Islam are highly honored. Islam recommends treating them in the best way. ─── 伊斯兰教的母亲均受到高度尊重。伊斯兰教建议以最好的方式来对待她们。

38、Buddhism, Christianity and Islam are the three major religions in the world. ─── 佛教、基督教和伊斯兰教是世界三大宗教。

39、Is Islam a peace-loving Religion? ─── 伊斯兰是爱好和平的宗教吗?

40、The word "Islam" itself literally means "peace" and "submission". ─── 回教的直译意思是“和平”和“服从”。

41、Islam gives no certainty, and keeps us distant from Allah. ─── 回教不给任何把握,也维持我们与阿拉的距离。

42、Its people are quick to anger when they feel Islam is under attack. ─── 因此当那里的人民觉得自己的伊斯兰信仰受到威胁时,他们比别的穆斯林更容易被激怒。

43、Between Allah and the believer there is no mediator. Islam has no priests, no sacraments, no formal ritual. ─── 在安拉与信徒之间没有中介的存在,伊斯兰教没有牧师、没有圣典、没有正式仪式。

44、The civilization based on Islam. ─── 伊斯兰文明以伊斯兰教为基础的文明

45、Democratic reforms of the religious systems of Islam and Tibetan Buddhism were carried out. ─── 伊斯兰教、藏传佛教进行宗教制度的民主改革。

46、The strength of Islam was its simplicity. ─── 伊斯兰教的力量源自它的简单性。

47、This new video tape from Al-Quida invites Americans to convert to Islam. ─── 基地组织的这盘新录像带怂恿美国人改信伊斯兰教。

48、You cannot accept Islam and be homosexual. ─── 你不能接受伊斯兰教人成为同性恋者。

49、Islam is world's great monotheistic religions. ─── 伊斯兰教是世界上伟大的信仰一个神的教。

50、PM Goh has said he is not concerned with Muslims becoming more religious, but rather, with them becoming more rigid in interpreting Islam. ─── 吴总理说他关注的不是我们的回教徒越来越虔诚,而是他们是否越来越倾向于狭隘地诠释回教教义。

51、In Islam, Muslims are asked to assess their daily realities and environment before making certain religious decisions. ─── 回教教义要求回教徒在作出和宗教有关的决定前,先评估实际情况和环境。

52、Jihad in Islam: Is Islam Peaceful or Militant? ─── 伊斯兰是和平的还是好战的?

53、They called for a socialist republic based in Islam. ─── 他们号召在伊斯兰建立社会主义共和国。

54、Moses, Jesus and Muhammad are the descendents of Abraham, making the followers of Judaism, Christianity and Islam "cousins, " he said. ─── 他说,摩西、耶稣和穆罕默德都是亚伯拉罕的子孙,因此犹太教、基督教和伊斯兰教信徒都是“表兄弟”。

55、Green, for example, is the holy colour of Islam. ─── 例如,伊斯兰教视绿色为神圣的颜色。

56、Islam sees hijab as an obligatory code of dress. ─── 伊斯兰将盖头视为一个服饰义务。

57、As caliph he spread Islam to Egypt, Syria, and Persia. ─── 作为哈里发,将伊斯兰教推行到埃及、叙利亚和波斯。

58、Buddhism from India, Christianity from Palestine, and Islam from Arabia. ─── 佛教源于印度,基督教源于巴基斯坦,伊斯兰教源于阿拉伯。

59、Islam: If shit happens, it is the will of Allah. ─── 伊斯兰教:如果屙狗屎了,这是阿拉的旨意。

60、The Koran is the sacred book of the Islam. ─── 《古兰经》是伊斯兰教的圣典。

61、Hands that reach Islam must be broken," a group of Mu-slims chanted outside of an Istanbul mosque, AP reported. ─── 伸向伊斯兰的手必须被斩断,"一群穆-斯-林高呼着在伊斯坦布尔清真寺外面。

62、spiritual leader charged that the book blasphemed against Islam. ─── 精神领袖指责这本书亵渎了伊斯兰教。

63、Buddhism from India, Christianity from Palestine, Islam from Arabia. ─── 佛教源于印度,基督教源于巴勒斯坦,伊斯兰教源于阿拉伯。

64、The jury has not been able to adjudge the role of Umar Islam among the gang members, but he has been charged with convictions for conspiracy to murder. ─── 陪审团还无法裁定 Umar Islam 在团伙成员中担任的角色,不过他被控犯有阴谋谋杀的交替控罪。

65、In Europe's own history Islam has often been a more tolerant, civilising force than, say, the Roman Catholic church. ─── 即使在欧洲的历史中,相对于罗马天主教势力,伊斯兰民族则更显顺从和文明。

66、A brave son of Islam should not be used for lower and useless targets. The utmost effort should be made to avoid civilian casualties. ─── 勇敢的伊斯兰子民不能为无价值和无用的目标而亡,应该尽可能避免平民的伤亡。

67、By the time I finished this class, my deen had been destroyed, but I was still not ready to accept Islam. ─── 这门课程结束的时候,我的原有的信念彻底被摧垮了,但是我仍然不打算接受伊斯兰信仰。

68、Islam is one of the great world religions. ─── 伊斯兰教是世界上几大宗教之一。

69、Cf.Encyclopaedia of Islam (Leiden), new edition, s.v. ─── 其第一,二,三代门徒的Sunnah.

70、They want to take the "middle path" of Islam - they want to adapt to the times and embrace modernity while keeping the essentials of their faith. ─── 他们希望走"中间路线"--既能够与时并进跟上现代化,也能够保留回教的基本教义。

71、He added that Jordan does not endorse extremist interpretations of Islam. ─── 他还说,约旦不支持对伊斯兰教的极端主义解释。

72、The established religion of Egypt and other Arabic countries is Islam. ─── 埃及和其它阿拉伯国家的国教是伊斯兰教。

73、What Does Islam Say about the Day of Judgment? ─── 伊斯兰教如何描述审判日?

74、Does Yuan dynasty establish the administering authority ran Islam? ─── 元代设有管理伊斯兰教的官署吗?

75、Islam is a system of religious beliefs and an all-encompassing way of life. ─── 回教是宗教信仰和all-encompassing生活方式系统。

76、A case can indeed be made that Islam complicates democracy. ─── 但是一个事实现在确实在发生,伊斯兰正在将民主复杂化。

77、Ahmed, Leila. Women and Gender in Islam: Historical Roots of a Modern Debate. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1992. ─── 《在伊斯兰教里的女性和性别:一场现代辩论的历史根源》。纽哈芬:耶鲁大学出版社,1992。

78、At the same time, they realise that they have to play a bigger role in showing other Singaporeans what true Islam is. ─── 他们也意识到必须扮演更大的角色,让非回教徒国人认识回教的真谛。

79、China is home to many religions,mainly Buddhism,Taoism,Islam and Christianity. ─── 中国是一个有着多种宗教的国家,主要有佛教、道教、伊斯兰教、基督教。

80、The population of the ten ethnic minorities believing in Islam totals 18 million. ─── 信仰伊斯兰教的10个少数民族人口1800万。

81、The main religions are Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism and Protestantism. ─── 中国宗教徒信奉的主要有佛教、道教、伊斯兰教、天主教和基督教。

82、Islam is mostly practised among some of the minorities. ─── 信仰伊斯兰教的多半是一些少数民族。

83、Among them Buddhism, Daoism and Islam are more widely accepted. ─── 佛教、道教、伊斯兰教在中国的传播比较广泛。

84、Into this void came the new, major force of Islam, which was to exert an enormous influence on Europe for centuries. ─── 伊斯兰教这股新的主要势力趁虚而人,几个世纪以来对欧洲产生了巨大影响。

85、So, the real challenge for Muslims today is to be true to Islam. ─── 回教徒今日面对的真正挑战是忠于回教教义。

86、During the Crusades, Western Europe tried to contain the spread of Islam. ─── 十字军东征期间,西欧各国设法遏制伊斯兰势力的扩张。

87、The number of Christians declined due to conversion to Islam. ─── 基督徒数目的下降是由于改信了伊斯兰教。

88、Today Buddhism and Islam are the principal religions of much of Aisa. ─── 今天,佛教和伊斯兰教是亚洲许多国家和地区的主要宗教。

89、Islam also takes this position, which is stated explicitly in the Quran (3:47). ─── 伊斯兰也采用这个立场,在古兰经明确地表明(3:47)。











这本书的主编Cyril Mango是牛津大学的拜占庭与希腊语言文学的教授,参与者包括了牛津大学、剑桥大学、哈佛大学等多所世界一流大学的教授。这本书详细介绍了拜占庭帝国1100多年的历史,并且是专门写东罗马帝国的历史,不是一般的世界历史的东罗马帝国部分。这部书是由一群在拜占庭帝国研究最前沿的知名专家集体合作完成的,除了文字以外,还附带超过150张美丽的插图,告诉世人东罗马帝国的文明生活,通过文字和图像连接东欧的古代和现代世界,连接东方和西方的文明,时间跨度超过1100年,包括从古代的罗马帝国到中世纪的皇帝和主教,士兵和圣人,艺术家和贸易商,以及伊斯兰教和基督教世界的各种故事。


1. The Eastern Empire from Constantine to Heraclius (306 - 641), 早期帝国时代

2. Life in City and Country,城市与乡村的生活

3. New Religion, Old Culture, 新宗教

4. The Rise of Islam,伊斯兰教的崛起

5. The Struggle for Survival, 为生存而奋斗

6. Iconoclasm,偶像破坏主义

7. The Medieval Empire (780-1204),中世纪帝国

8. The Revival of Learning, 学术的复兴

9. Spreading the Word: Byzantine Missions, 拜占庭传教团

10. Fragmentation (1204-1453), 破碎的帝国

11. Palaiologan Learning, 最后一个王朝

12. Towards a Franco-Greek Culture, 拜占庭的希腊化



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