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heterosis 发音

英:[[?het?'r?s?s]]  美:[[?het?'r?s?s]]

英:  美:

heterosis 中文意思翻译



heterosis 词性/词形变化,heterosis变形

形容词: heterotic |

heterosis 同义词


heterosis 反义词

bisexual | homosexual

heterosis 相似词语短语

1、heterosexism ─── n.(蔑视同性恋者的)异性恋主义;异性恋者对同性恋者的歧视

2、heteros ─── 异性恋的(hetero的复数)

3、heterolysis ─── n.异种溶解;[有化]异裂

4、heterocysts ─── n.异形胞;[植]异形细胞,异形(囊)胞

5、heterotic ─── 杂种优势的

6、heteroscians ─── 异教徒

7、heterosex ─── n.异性性欲,异性恋;异性性行为

8、heterosexist ─── 蔑视同性恋者的异性恋主义者

9、heteroecism ─── n.转主寄生现象

heterosis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In China, Hunan is the first province to commercially exploit heterosis in rice. ─── 中国湖南是大规模开发水稻杂交优势的第一个省份。

2、A feasible approach to enhance the yield level of hybrid rice is to broaden the genetic diversity between the parents for the further improvement of heterosis level. ─── 提高单产的可靠途径在于扩大双亲的遗传差异,进一步提高杂种优势水平。


4、A new way may be found to excavate more visible heterosis and to study apomixes in rice. ─── 利用离子束注入技术对同源四倍体水稻进行遗传改良,有可能为进一步利用水稻强大的杂种优势效应和深入研究水稻无融合生殖现象寻找到新的突破口.

5、Studies on the Molecular Genetic Theory of the Animal Heterosis ─── 动物杂种优势分子机制的探讨

6、Utilization of Heterosis of Cross Cotton Resistant to Insects ─── 抗虫杂交棉杂种优势利用研究

7、Title: Analysis on the Heterosis and Combining Ability among Some Cotton Germplasms ( Gossypium hirsutum L. ─── 关键词:转基因抗虫棉;有色棉;柱头外露种质系;杂种优势;配合力

8、Combination between ideal plant type and heterosis is one of the important approaches to increase yield of rice in unit area. ─── 理想株型与杂种优势利用相结合是实现水稻单产突破的重要途径之一。

9、Study of the Combining Ability and Heterosis of the Main Flour Quality Traits in Winter Wheat ─── 冬小麦面粉品质性状配合力和杂种优势研究

10、Preliminary report of study on the heterosis in F1 hybrid Viola tricolor ─── 三色堇杂交1代优势研究初报

11、Acorrding to choosing better parents and raising the heterosis of all the yield charater, it is suggested that it is feasible to use the F2 generation for exploitation. ─── 因此,若选择优良亲本,注重提高双亲产量性状的平均水平,小麦的杂种优势可以利用F2代。

12、Studies on Heterosis of Hubei White Pigs by DNA Fingerprint Technique ─── 应用DNA指纹技术研究湖北白猪的杂种优势

13、In addition, how to use molecular markers to research heterosis in the next step was also viewed. ─── 并对分子标记在杂种优势研究中的进一步利用进行了展望。

14、Keywords Wheat;expansin genes;Gene expression;Gene cloning;Heterosis; ─── 小麦;膨胀素基因;基因克隆;基因表达;杂种优势;

15、heterosis model group's construction ─── 优势群构建

16、Keywords soybean;heterosis;DDRT;molecular mechanism; ─── 大豆;杂种优势;DDRT;分子机理;

17、Study on Heterosis and Yield- inherited Character of Different Eggplants ─── 不同茄子品种杂种优势与产量性状遗传研究

18、Research Summary of the Maize Heterosis in China ─── 中国玉米杂种优势研究综述

19、Primary Study on Gene Differential Expression of Pest-Resistant Cotton Hybrids between Different Heterosis Crosses ─── 不同优势抗虫棉杂交组合不同生育期基因表达差异初探

20、The Study on Mechanism and Forecast of Crop Heterosis ─── 作物杂种优势机理和优势预测的研究

21、In conclusion, more work has to be done if we would like to directly predict heterosis using molecular markers genetic distances according to our research. ─── 因此,利用分子标记的遗传距离直接预测杂种优势是尚需进一步探索。

22、Analysis of heterosis and genetic correlation of growth traits in three variants of red common carp ─── 三种红鲤生长性状的杂种优势与遗传相关分析

23、When certain indica-japonica differentiation between parents exists, the percentage of combinations with positive heterosis and the mean heterosis of hybrids was high. ─── 利用籼粳分化存在一定差异的亲本杂交,易得到正向优势组合,平均杂种优势较强;

24、The technology of molecular markers can be used for the distinction of rape varieties,location of genes,construction of genetic atlas and prediction of heterosis. ─── 利用分子标记进行油菜品种鉴别、基因定位、遗传图谱的构建及杂种优势预测等。

25、Current Status in the Use of Hybrid Rice Heterosis in China ─── 中国水稻杂种优势利用现状

26、As a general, boll number usually has high midparent or competitive heterosis, the boll weight has middle heterosis, but there is have no midparent heterosis in lint percentage. ─── 一般而言,单株铃数具有较高的杂种优势,铃重具有中等的杂种优势,衣分率则偏向双亲一方或居于中间,没有杂种优势。

27、(4)Analysis of F1 heterosis; ─── (4)F1杂种优势分析;

28、It has been used to developed several crossbreed with obvious heterosis. ─── 它用于配了几个杂种优势明显的杂交新组合。

29、It was suggested the theoretic basis of heterosis results from best-optimum gene expression and regulation formed by hybrid auto-organization. ─── 并提出杂种通过自组织理论而形成的最优基因表达调控是杂种优势形成的理论基础。

30、Relationship between Heterosis and Genetic Distance Based on RAPD Marker in Hybrid Wheat ─── RAPD分子标记与小麦杂种优势相关性研究

31、Research progress on crop heterosis ─── 作物杂种优势预测研究进展

32、Tropical and subtropical hybrid maize breeding and its utilization of heterosis ─── 亚热带杂交玉米选育及其杂种优势利用

33、Crosses were made by using the new varieties (lines) of Hebe i province and Nucotn 33B, to analyze heterosis in the hybrids of transgenic Bt cotton. ─── 利用河北省审定的棉花品种或新品系与美国抗虫棉新棉 3 3 B及我国自育的 2个抗虫棉品系配制杂交组合 ,分析了转 Bt基因杂交抗虫棉的优势表现。

34、Growth of Muscle Fibre and Realated Heterosis in Different Broilers ─── 不同品种鸡肌纤维的发育规律及杂种优势研究

35、summer squash; heterosis; dominant effect; additive effect; epistasis effect. ─── 20西葫芦;杂种优势;显性效应;加性效应;上位性效应

36、Out of the 109 combinations, 82 showed mid-parent heterosis, and 43 heterobeltiosis. ─── 109个组合中,82个组合超过中亲值,43个组合超过高亲值,具有明显的中亲优势。

37、Relationships between the genetic divergence and the heterosis in three Chicken Lines ─── 三个鸡品系的遗传差异与杂种优势关系的研究

38、Information on the combining ability and heterosis of those maize germplasm is of great value to maize breeders. ─── 四川农业大学玉米研究所四川雅安;

39、Study Progress of the Relationship between Heterosis and Genetic Differentiation of Crossing Parents in Crop ─── 作物亲本间遗传差异与杂种优势研究进展

40、Research on the Development of cross course in the view of "heterosis" ─── 从"杂交优势"看学科交叉与交叉学科发展

41、Analysis of Heterosis of 18 Biochemical Characters in Haemolymph Metabolism of Silkworm ─── 家蚕18项血液生理生化性状的杂种优势分析

42、The above findings should be useful for the kenaf breeding and its heterosis utilization. ─── 上述结果将为红麻新品种选育和杂种优势利用提供理论依据。

43、The results clearly indicated that epistasis was one of important genetic factors in heterosis of the superb hybrid Shanyou63. ─── 此结果表明,上位性是该组合杂种优势的重要遗传基础之一。

44、Study on Utilization of Maize Inbred-lines'Heterosis in Different Ecological Areas ─── 不同生态类型区玉米自交系杂种优势利用研究

45、Approach to the Mechanism of Heterosis from Phenotypic Diversity of Isozyme and Protein in Brassica Crops ─── 从芸薹属作物同工酶和蛋白质表型差异探讨杂种优势机理

46、Study on the Use of Heterosis of New Plant Type Rice Bred in IRRI ─── IRRI新株型稻杂种优势利用研究

47、In this paper, the advances in genetics and breeding for quality characteristics, mi-crospore culture and doubled haploid breeding, gene engineering, and heterosis use of heritable traits of rape are summarized. ─── 介绍油菜品质育种,油菜小孢子培养和双单倍体育种,油菜基因工程,油菜杂种优势利用等研究进展情况。

48、Analysis of heterosis relationship of the CHA wheat yield components and breading evaluation ─── CHA小麦产量因子优势关系分析及育种学评价

49、Analysis of the resistance of heterosis in Fenneropenaeus chinensis to natural infection with white spot syndrome virus ─── 中国对虾杂交优势对自然感染白斑综合征病毒的抗病力分析

50、Heterosis of Several Hybrid Wheat Combinations From Five Stripe Rust-Resistant Wheat Parents ─── 几个抗条锈病小麦品种杂交组合的杂种优势研究

51、The heterosis mainly showed higher kernels per head, the application of Multi-ovary wheat should strengthen the improving of other agronomic characteristics. ─── 多子房小麦杂种优势的主要表现是穗粒数增多,其生产应用还应注意加强对多子房小麦其它农艺性状的改良。

52、Selection of High-superiority Cross Combination for Soybean Heterosis and Its Stability Analysis ─── 大豆杂种优势高优势组合筛选及稳定性分析

53、The result of cross test showed that restorer was easily to be obtained and F1 presented heterosis. ─── 测恢试验的结果表明,恢复系较易找到,并有杂种优势。

54、The correlation between the genetic distance of the aromatic rice parents selected and the yield heterosis was not significant. ─── 结论所选用的杂交水稻亲本间的遗传距离大小并不能反映杂种优势;

55、Joint analysis of SSR and SRAP markers revealed a correlation coefficient of 0.642 (significant at 0.05 level) between genetic distance and yield heterosis. ─── 基于SSR和SRAP混合数据计算的遗传距离与产量杂种优势的相关系数为0.642(达到0.05显著水平),决定系数为0.412。

56、Application of Male Sterility of Cruciferous Vegetables in Heterosis ─── 十字花科蔬菜雄性不育在杂交育种上的利用

57、Analysis of Heterosis and Genetic Effects on the Ratio of Grain Weight to Flag Leaf Area in Winter Wheat ─── 冬小麦粒叶比杂种优势及遗传效应分析

58、An Analysis of the Heterosis and Yield Component Factors of Middle-short-stalked Sorghum Hybrids ─── 中矮秆高粱杂交种杂种优势及其产量构成因素分析

59、Studies on relations of RAPD markers and heterosis in Brassica napus L. ─── 恢复系和保持系RAPD分子标记与甘蓝型油菜杂种优势关系的研究。

60、Study on Correlation Between Genetic Distance and Heterosis Percentage of Pig with RAPD Marker ─── RAPD标记遗传距离与猪杂种优势相关性的研究

61、These results showed that there were closely relationship between differential expression genes and heterosis at seedling stageof cotton. ─── 上述结果表明,苗期基因表达差异与杂种优势的形成存在着密切关系。

62、Title: The Relationship between Genetic Distance and Heterosis in Bitter Gourd(Momordica charantica L. ─── 关键词:苦瓜;数量性状;遗传距离;杂种优势

63、The result showed that strains with low yield were clustered to one group, indicating that ISSR can be used to forcast the heterosis. ─── 结果显示产量较低的菌株聚为一组,表明可以用ISSR分子标记预测杂种优势。

64、Title: The Analysis of Heterosis and Stability of Net Photosynthetic Rate of Pepper (Capsicum annuum L. ─── 关键词:辣椒;净光合速率;杂种优;稳定性

65、Advances in heterosis breeding and heredity law of pumpkin ─── 南瓜优势育种及遗传规律的研究进展

66、Heterosis of intergeneric hybrid between Sinocalycanthus chinensis and Calycanthus floridus ─── 夏蜡梅和美国蜡梅属间杂种的优势表现

67、Hybrids with strong heterosis were identified in 1974 and seed production techniques were primarily established in 1975. ─── 具有强杂交优势的品种于1974年鉴定,1975年初步建立了种子生产技术。

68、However, We think that heterosis is caused by the complex effects of dominance, over-dominance and epistasis. ─── 作者认为,杂种优势的产生是显性效应,超显性效应和上位性效应共同作用的结果,不可能只是一种基因效应在起作用。

69、Heterosis is a common phenomenon and has been used to increase yield and to improve quality in crops. ─── 杂种优势是生物界普遍存在的一种现象,利用杂种优势是提高作物产量,改良作物品质最为有效的一种途径。

70、It belongs to the standard type (N-type) sugarbeet variety with stronger heterosis, better resistance to the leaf spot disease (Cercospora) and wider adaptability. ─── 双丰14号品种属于标准型(N)抗病品种,有较强的杂种优势,抗褐斑病性强,适应性广泛。

71、Application of the systematic selection of parents in the wheat hybrid heterosis breeding ─── 亲本系统选择在小麦杂种优势上的应用

72、Studies of the Combining Ability and the Heterosis on Rabbit Meat Quality ─── 兔肉品质配合力与杂种优势的研究

73、This heterosis could be predicted by the resistance of their parents. ─── 这种优势可依亲本的抗性进行预测。

74、Classify on Heterosis Classification of the Major Germplasm in Early Maturity Spring Maize Area of Northeast ─── 东北早熟春玉米主要种质优势类群的划分

75、The heterosis analysis showed that ADPG-PPase had over-parent heterosis; ─── (2)杂种优势分析:ADPG-PPase表现为超高亲优势;

76、All kinds of cotton heterosis utilization methods and techniques employed in China were reviewed in this paper.Reflections on heterosis utilization in cotton were also proposed in the paper. ─── 就当前我国棉花杂种优势利用的途径、技术进行了述评,并且对我国今后棉花杂种优势利用的发展思路进行了探讨。

77、Strong heterosis cross also had high genotype value. ─── 强的组合,其基因型值较高;

78、There are two ways in utilization of heterosis in rapeseed. ─── 杂种优势利用途径主要有三系法和两系法。

79、Heterosis over mean of parents ─── 平均优势

80、Keywords Chemical Hybridizing Agents;Male sterility;Hybrid Wheat;Heterosis; ─── 化学杂交剂;雄性不育;小麦;杂种优势;

81、The positive mid-parent heterosis of soluble solid content was present in 10 crosses, accounting for 71.43% with a mean value of 0.08. ─── 可溶性固形物的中亲优势为正值的杂交组合共10个,占整个杂交组合的71.43%,平均值为0.08。

82、Partner Hybrid Breeding for Heterosis Utilization of Inter-hybrid in Maize ─── 培育伴侣品种实现玉米杂交种间优势利用

83、The combining ability and heterosis analysis of main economic properties in Apis mellifera L. ─── 主要经济性状的配合力与杂种优势分析。

84、Analysis of Heterosis, Combining Ability and Genetic Distance in Hybrid Wheat with Dual-Purpose Genic Male Sterility ─── 两系杂交小麦杂种优势、配合力及遗传距离分析

85、Approaches for predicting heterosis of quantitative seed traits based on multiple-cross mating designs ─── 复交组合种子性状杂种优势的预测方法

86、The results indicated that genetic background was vulnerable among rice male sterile lines in large scale.It suggested that the heterosis were limited for these CMSs in hybrid breeding. ─── 24份细胞质雄性不育系聚类分析结果表明,目前在生产中应用的细胞质雄性不育系遗传背景比较单一,杂种优势利用潜力有限。

87、The effect of restorers on the heterosis in brown rice rate, milled rice rate, chalky grain and chalkiness was significant. ─── 亲本的杂种优势的表现与双亲亲和力高低、配合力高低有明显的相关性。

88、As to amylose content, heterosis over their MP almost appeared to be in positive direction, however, heterosis over their HP were almost in negative direction. ─── 就米粒直链淀粉含量言,与中间亲本比较的杂种优势多为正值,但与高亲本比较的杂种优势概成负值。

89、Heterosis for Tissue Nitrogen and Fructan Accumulation and Content in Wheat ─── 小麦组织氮和果糖积累及含量的杂种优势

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