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09-13 投稿



Septuagint 发音

['septju?d?int; -t?u-]

英:  美:

Septuagint 中文意思翻译



Septuagint 相似词语短语

1、sepaline ─── adj.萼片的

2、septupling ─── n.七倍;v.乘以七倍;增加七倍;adj.七倍的;由七部分组成的;(音乐节拍)七拍的

3、septuagenary ─── adj.七十几岁的;n.七十几岁的人

4、separating ─── adj.分离的;分隔的;v.分离;分隔;断绝关系(separate的ing形式)

5、Septuagint ─── n.《旧约圣经》的希腊文译本

6、septavalent ─── adj.七价的

7、septivalent ─── adj.七价的

8、separatist ─── n.分离主义者;独立派;adj.分离主义者的

9、Septuagintal ─── 隔膜

Septuagint 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、the 14 books of the Septuagint included in the Vulgate but considered uncanonical by Protestants because they are not part of the Hebrew Scriptures. The Roman Catholic canon accepts11 of these books and includes them in the Douay Bible ─── 次经,伪经七十人翻译的拉丁语圣经中的十四卷,由于不是希伯来圣经的一部分而没被新教接受为经典。罗马天主教经典接受了其中的十一卷并将其收入杜埃版圣经

2、Hebrews 11 (inspired by Holy Spirit) used the Septuagint's translation/interpretation. ─── 希伯来书11章,由圣灵默示:用了七十士本的繙译(解释)。

3、There was the universal Greek language into which the Bible had been translated (the Septuagint), and this Old Testament Scripture, full of prophecy, prepared hearts for the coming of the Messiah. ─── 充满了预言的旧约圣经也被翻译成世界通行的希腊语,预备人心迎接弥赛亚的来临。

4、only on Amos 7:1 Septuagint Bible & Ezekiel 38 &39. ─── 只有旧约七十士译本的阿摩司7:1和以西结38和39章提到。

5、Septuagint (`LXX') ─── 七十士译本

6、There are references to Her in the book of Proverbs, and in the apocryphal books of Sirach and the Wisdom of Solomon (accepted by Catholics and Orthodox, found in the Greek Septuagint of the early Church). ─── 箴言提到她,还有次经《西拉书》和《所罗门的智慧》也提到(为天主教和东正教会所接受,是基于早期教会的《旧约圣经》的希腊文译本)。

7、The name Septuagint was derived from a legend that 72 translators worked on the project. ─── 据传有七十二人参与翻译工作,因此得名七十子本。

8、He told her about all the bibles-the Vulgate and the Septuagint, as well as the Vatican, the Sinaiticus, the Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, and Latin Bibles. ─── 他跟她讲了所有《圣经》里的故事——拉丁文《圣经》,希腊文本的《旧约圣经》,以及梵蒂冈,新约圣经,希伯来语,亚拉姆语,希腊语和拉丁语的《圣经》。

9、Torrey Seland: New English Translation of the Septuagint. ─── 七十士译本又有新的英译本。

10、Interestingly, the name Joshua or Yeshua is rendered in the the Greek Old Testament, the Septuagint, as JESUS. ─── 有趣的是,约书亚或耶斯华的名字在希腊语的旧约,七十士译本给出,是耶稣。

11、Either of two books of the Septuagint corresponding to the Hebrew books of Ezra and Nehemiah. ─── 以斯拉第一书或以斯拉第二书与犹太人的“以斯拉记”和“尼西米记”两本书相吻合

12、Book of Wisdom, or simply Wisdom, is one of the seven sapiential or wisdom books of the Septuagint Old Testament. ─── 《所罗门智慧》,或简称《智慧》,是《旧约圣经》的七大智慧书之一。

13、The Hebrew Old Testament was later translated into Greek called the Septuagint. ─── 希伯来文圣经后来被翻译成希腊文,被称为七十士译本。

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