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09-16 投稿



ignobly 发音

英:[[?ɡ'n??bl?]]  美:[[?ɡ'no?bl?]]

英:  美:

ignobly 中文意思翻译



ignobly 同义词

immoral | dastardly | graceful | disgraceful | dishonorable | dishonourable | honor | mean | contemptible | reprehensible | black | elegant | ungentle | despicable | untitled | without |shameful | base | abject | noble | degraded | low

ignobly 反义词


ignobly 词性/词形变化,ignobly变形

副词: ignobly |名词: ignobility |

ignobly 相似词语短语

1、ignorantly ─── adv.无知地;不学无术地

2、ennoble ─── vt.使…成为贵族;使…高贵;授予爵位

3、assignably ─── 可转让的

4、Vignola ─── n.(Vignola)人名;(意)维尼奥拉

5、ignoble ─── adj.不光彩的;卑鄙的;卑贱的

6、ignominy ─── n.耻辱;不体面;丑行

7、nobly ─── adv.崇高地;高贵地;华丽地;豪爽地

8、ignorable ─── adj.可忽略的,可忽视的

9、ignobility ─── n.卑贱;下流;不体面

ignobly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A not mature man always dedicates a body bravely for a certain great business, a mature of the man is a certain great of the business is ignobly on the hoof. ─── 一个不成熟的男人总是为某种伟大的事业英勇地献身,一个成熟的男人是为某种伟大的事业卑贱地活着。

2、He rolled off his horse so ignobly and funnily, that even the ambassador was fain to burst out ─── 他狼狈而可笑地从马上滚翻下来,甚至使得大使也不由得放声大笑。

3、But however that may be, I shall find satisfaction in contributing, not, I hope, ignobly, to the labor of putting on record the story of the greatest nation in the world. ─── 但是无论如何,只要能有所贡献,把世界上最伟大的国家的故事记入史册,即使默默无闻,我都会感到满足。

4、Deep would have been the blot upon his escutcheon if his chocolate had been ignobly waited on by only three men; ─── 若只用三个人就服侍他吃下巧克力将是他家族盾徽上的奇耻大辱。

5、and he lets men live on ignobly amid these, to keep this quasi-human world going.When will such a state of affairs come to an end? ─── 有认为文章有些过时了,因为可能让人想起1989年的类似事件。

6、He rolled off his horse so ignobly and funnily, that even the ambassador was fain to burst out. ─── 他狼狈而可笑地从马上滚翻下来,甚至使得大使也不由得放声大笑。

7、lacking courage; ignobly timid and faint-hearted. ─── 缺少勇气;可耻的胆小、胆怯。

8、lacking courage; ignobly timid and faint-hearted. ─── 缺少勇气;可耻的胆小、胆怯。

9、The Labour government was ignobly reluctant to meet the costs of its lengthy military engagements. ─── 工党政府不愿满足其长期的军事投入的费用。

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