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09-14 投稿



willfulness 发音


英:  美:

willfulness 中文意思翻译



willfulness 词性/词形变化,willfulness变形

名词: willfulness |副词: willfully |

willfulness 短语词组

1、willfulness and willingness ─── 任性和意愿

willfulness 相似词语短语

1、dolefulness ─── n.悲哀;寂寞;阴沉,忧郁

2、direfulness ─── 肮脏

3、wistfulness ─── n.渴望;愿望;伤感

4、wilfulness ─── n.任性;倔强

5、fitfulness ─── 断断续续

6、balefulness ─── n.灾难,有害

7、wishfulness ─── 愿望

8、guilefulness ─── 内疚

9、skillfulness ─── n.灵巧;有技巧

willfulness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It will doubtless rain on sports day. ─── 开运动会那天多半会下雨。

2、The big fish will be on the take in the water. ─── 大鱼在水中会伺机捕捉小鱼。

3、A dash of water in his face will revive him. ─── 向他脸上泼水能使他苏醒。

4、A little of it will not do you any harm. ─── 一点点对你不会有什么坏处。

5、Will you partake of a drink with us? ─── 和我们一同喝一杯好吗?

6、Hard training will fit them to run long distances. ─── 严格的训练将使他们能跑长距离。

7、He will come to see you on the third of April. ─── 他将于四月三日来看你。

8、A week by the sea will soon set you right again. ─── 在海边呆上1个星期,就可以使你的身体迅速复原。

9、A year in America will cost you no end of money. ─── 在美国住一年要花很多的钱。

10、So you love me, never willing to let me by a little bit aggrieved, inclusive in my stubborn willfulness. ─── 你那么的疼爱着我,从来不舍得让我受一点点的委屈,包容着我的固执于任性。

11、It will be hard on her when the children leave. ─── 孩子们离去时,她会感到难受的。

12、On receipt of your instructions he will send the goods. ─── 一经收到你的指令他就发货。

13、From now on I will try to do better. ─── 从现在起我要尽量做得好些。

14、Nobody will believe he is in trouble because he has cried wolf so many times. ─── 因为他多次谎发警报,现在谁也不会相信他遭难了。

15、It will go hard with you if I catch you smoking. ─── 如果我抓到你抽烟,你就麻烦了。

16、Do you think a cure will be found for cancer? ─── 你觉得能找到治疗癌症的方法吗?

17、A country must have the will to repel any invader. ─── 一个国家得有决心击退任何入侵者。

18、Her evil ways will certainly catch up with her. ─── 她的恶劣行为必将使她自食其果。

19、I will go, provided that you go too. ─── 你也去的话我就去。

20、Don't give away to the public when we will start. ─── 不要向公众泄露我们出发的日期。

21、The alterations to your coat will take a week. ─── 你的外衣改一改要花一个星期。

22、He will sell his house at a sacrifice because he needs money. ─── 因为他缺钱,他将亏本出售他的房子。

23、It will be to his cost if he bets on that horse. ─── 如果他赌在那匹马上,他可就要吃亏了。

24、Even an experienced cumber will get into trouble. ─── 哪怕是个有经验的登山者也会陷入困境。

25、Will they go on a picnic next week? ─── 他们下星期将去野餐吗?

26、He will of course say yes to my proposal. ─── 他一定会同意我的建议的。

27、His gentleness is a desperately needed antidote to the harsh and cruel willfulness that leaves so many wounded in its wake. ─── 世人专横任性,既粗暴又残酷,以致伤害了无数的人,基督的温柔是世人极需要的良方。

28、The sideshows will fetch in the people as well. ─── 幕间穿插的表演同样可以招徕看客。

29、I will adhere to this opinion until contrary facts appear. ─── 如果没有相反的事实,我将坚持我的意见。

30、He will throw open his door to any of your friends. ─── 凡是你的朋友他无不竭诚欢迎。

31、The mayor is confident the war against crime will be won. ─── 市长确信反犯罪活动之战争必定胜利。

32、Ann will be a very useful addition to our team. ─── 安来到我们队给我们增加了一员干将。

33、One example will suffice for this phrase. ─── 举一个例子说明这个词组就够了。

34、Pupils who pass the test will be promoted to the next higher grade. ─── 小学生只要考试及格就会升到高年级。

35、A few jokes will add a final fillip to your speech. ─── 几句笑话会给你的演说添些生气。

36、The doctor will be here presently. ─── 医生一会儿就到。

37、She will not shove the heavy load onto others. ─── 她不愿意把重担推给别人。

38、The numbness in your foot will soon pass off. ─── 你脚上的麻木感一会儿就会消失。

39、A good cigarette will smoke at least ten minutes. ─── 一支好烟至少可以抽10分钟。

40、As to the author of the book, I will hazard a guess. ─── 关於这本书的作者,我来试猜一下。

41、A good video camera will cost you a pretty penny. ─── 一台好的摄像机要花掉你很多钱。

42、She has her heart in the right place and will help anyone in trouble. ─── 她有副好心肠,会帮助任何有困难的人。

43、The governor will keynote the convention. ─── 州长将发表施政方针的演说。

44、A whiff of ether will put you out in a few seconds. ─── 一剂乙醚几秒钟后就会使你失去知觉。

45、He will never fall away even in time of danger. ─── 他即使在危急时刻也绝不会放弃原则。

46、It will be to our mutual advantage to work closely. ─── 密切合作将为我们业务的顺利开展提供保证。

47、He will have a drink in the bar after work. ─── 下班之后他总去酒吧喝一杯。

48、I will pay nothing under compulsion. ─── 在强迫之下我分文也不愿付。

49、Mother, forgive my mistake and willfulness, please! ─── 母亲,请原谅我犯错,任性。

50、It will send you standard form for you to fill out. ─── 它(商标局)会寄给你标准表格要你填写。

51、Previously only the time and again that he is willfulness envy. ─── 从前只是一次又一次任性的说自己是羡慕。

52、Your request will be dealt with in due course. ─── 你的要求将在适当时机予以处理。

53、Her sublimate future husband will be tall, dark, and handsome. ─── 她理想化的未来丈夫将是身材高大,皮肤浅黑,相貌英俊。

54、The game will lose its relish when you grow old. ─── 你年纪大了以后,就会发现这种游戏的趣味大打折扣了。

55、He will report back here as soon as he arrives. ─── 他一到就会来这里汇报的。

56、In the interim meetings will be held at my house. ─── 在此之前,会议在我家举行。

57、Willfulness, fine, stubborn, selfish, love dress up, the blazers genetic predecessors masculinity. ─── 任性、娇纵、固执、自私、爱打扮,骨子里遗传了先辈开拓者的男子气概。

58、In his will he created trusts for his children. ─── 他在遗嘱里为子女安排好了信托财产。

59、He hopes that prices will even out next year. ─── 他希望明年价格稳定下来。

60、How long will it take to go there by ship? ─── 乘船到那里去要花多长时间?

61、The jewels will be held in trust for the girl till she is twenty. ─── 女孩的那些首饰将被托管到她二十岁为止。

62、A nice cup of tea will soothe your nerves. ─── 一杯好茶可以使你的心绪平静下来。

63、I will go to visit my grandmother next week. ─── 下星期我要去看我的外婆。

64、I hope I can come back when I said, "I came back, " because I hope that this place can still allow me to stay willfulness. ─── 我希望我回来的时候我可以说“我回来了”,因为我希望这个地方仍可以允许我任性的停留。

65、She will never let slip a chance to study abroad. ─── 她绝不会错过出国学习的机会。

66、He will come on time even though it rains. ─── 即使下雨,他还是会准时来的。

67、It's highly probable that they will win the match. ─── 他们很可能会赢这场比赛。

68、If everyone does his part, the project will surely be a success. ─── 如果大家都尽责,这个项目肯定会成功。

69、Only the laziness and willfulness will make people have no ambition at all with the mask of the doctrine of interest. ─── 只有懒惰与任性,才能使一个人自甘暴弃的在“趣味”的掩护之下败退。

70、He will go to help them at all risks. ─── 他要冒一切危险去帮助他们。

71、I just don't understand why they didn't hold for willfulness. ─── 我就是搞不懂他们为什么坚持不下去。

72、A man of great ability like him will eventually reach the top. ─── 像他这样才能出众的人终究会升到最上层的。

73、They will go to the zoo or play volleyball. ─── 他们要去动物园或打排球。

74、A man with will may rise superior to temptation. ─── 意志坚强的人可以不为诱惑所动。

75、Still, it's an ill wind; you will have an unexpected holiday. ─── 不过,这也并非完全的不幸,你会享受到一次意外的休假。

76、If today is Tuesday, the day after tomorrow will be Thursday. ─── 假如今天是星期二,後天就是星期四。

77、The delegation will arrive on Monday morning. ─── 代表团将于星期一上午到达。

78、She will buy him a cardigan if her son asks her to. ─── 如果她儿子要求的话,她就给他买一件羊毛衫。

79、Come up to the fire, and you will thaw out. ─── 到火炉边来,你就会觉得暖和。

80、Just press the button and the machine will start. ─── 只要一按电钮,机器就会开动。

81、She will not veer from her brave new intentions. ─── 她不会改变她的大胆的新计划。

82、Despite the bad weather the fete will go ahead. ─── 尽管天气不好,游乐会照常举行。

83、How much do you think this radio will sell for? ─── 你认为这台收音机会卖多少钱?

84、Dear, forgive me if I sometimes deliberately provocative , forgive me willfulness. ─── 亲爱的,原谅我有时的无理取闹,原谅我的任性。

85、There will be rain in all parts of the country. ─── 全国各地将有雨。

86、If we can pull through this recession, we will be in good shape. ─── 如果我们能渡过这段经济不景气的时间,我们就会好多了。

87、His name will go down in the annals. ─── 他的名字将载入编年史。

88、Even the best quality rubber will perish with age. ─── 就是最佳质量的橡胶也会因老化而腐烂。

89、A new railway will be built there next year. ─── 一条新的铁路将于明年在那里兴建。



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