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09-14 投稿



hegemony 发音

英:[h??d?em?ni]  美:[h?'d??moni]

英:  美:

hegemony 中文意思翻译



hegemony 词性/词形变化,hegemony变形

形容词: hegemonic |名词: hegemonism |名词复数: hegemonies |

hegemony 短语词组

1、legal hegemony ─── [法] 法律优势

hegemony 相似词语短语

1、haemony ─── 血友病

2、ceremony ─── n.典礼,仪式;礼节,礼仪;客套,虚礼

3、hegemonies ─── n.霸权;领导权;盟主权

4、hegemons ─── 霸主

5、hegemonial ─── 霸权的

6、hegemonic ─── adj.霸权的;支配的

7、hegemonism ─── n.霸权主义

8、hegemon ─── n.霸王;霸权国

9、hegumeny ─── 海古门特

hegemony 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Title: Autonomy of Greek Polis and Hegemony:A Case of Spartan and Athenian Hegemony, 386-371B.C. ─── 关键词:城邦自治;霸权;大王和约;亚里士多德盟约;帝国

2、It was always going to be easier for a US president to climb into the pulpit when Washington felt secure in its hegemony. ─── 当美国政府感到自己的霸权地位很牢靠时,美国总统总是更容易站到布道坛上。

3、The critical of Neoconservatism's foreign idea is to maintain American's hegemony in the world.Thus,although it can be popular at some special time,due to American's special ... ─── 因此,虽然在特殊的历史时期可以盛及一时,但由于美国独特的外交决策文化以及其自身理论的偏狭和狂热,注定其不可能长期左右美国的外交政策。

4、Luneng on, even today's hegemony has ceased to exist Lu, Luneng Taishan has been replaced by top rivals to occupy. ─── 对鲁能泰山来说,如今的连鲁争霸已经不复存在,鲁能泰山已取代对手占据上位。

5、Indeed, Rohde's book, which is assigned for this class, was written at the end of the long-running Democratic hegemony in the House. ─── 事实上,我们班上会指定的罗德的书正是写与民主党长期在国会的霸权的结束时期。

6、The"China-threat - ening"is voiced in the terms of the logic of hegemony politics,reflecting the ignorance of the Chinese tradi - tional culture. ─── “中国威胁论”是霸权政治的逻辑和对中国传统文化的无知与无视。

7、Its unreasonableness lies in a weak international monetary system, the parochial financial hegemony, and unrestricted flows of international financial capital. ─── 其不合理性主要表现在脆弱的国际货币制度、狭隘的国际金融霸权和国际金融资本无序流动等三个方面。

8、Future global hegemony is at stake. ─── 未来的全球霸权在面临关键时刻。

9、China will always side with the Third World countries, but we shall never seek hegemony over them or serve as their leader. ─── 中国永远站在第三世界一边,中国永远不称霸,中国也永远不当头。

10、Under the trend of globalization, culture hegemony and ultraism become an impediment of threatening human civilization development and challenge of culture diversity. ─── 在当前全球化趋势不断强化的形势下,文化霸权主义和文化极端主义已经成为威胁人类文明健康和谐发展的严重障碍,也是对文化多样性的严峻挑战。

11、The US-led military campaigns in yugoslavia during the 1990s heralded the beginning of a new age of hegemony. ─── 20世纪90年代,美国指挥的在南斯拉夫的军事行动预示着新霸权主义时代的开始。

12、The final key to Europe's world hegemony was her military superiority. ─── 决定欧洲的世界霸权的地位的最终关键是其军事优势。

13、The Beijing model in this context seems like a natural counterweight to America's ideological hegemony. ─── 在此语境下的北京模式似乎成了一种对美国意识形态霸权的自然而然的平衡力量。

14、The rise and prevalence of polysystem theory is the inner introspection and adjustment in western academia so as to set up the hegemony of saying. ─── 多元系统论的兴起是西方学术界内部的反思和调整,以求在更高的学术制高点上建立话语霸权。

15、Be urgent! Demon animal contend for hegemony lades game is slow! ! ! ─── 急!魔兽争霸装载游戏慢!!!

16、Can foreknow, the good fun of vassal contend for hegemony still is in domain of electronic business affairs from the back. ─── 可以预见,电子商务领域诸侯争霸的好戏还在后面。

17、The Enlightenment has brought us hints: be against cultural hegemony and stresses the jointly development of both national literature and world literature. ─── 启蒙主义带来的启示:反对文化霸权主义,注重民族文学与世界文学协同发展。

18、At the same time, the ideas such as “shadow exhibitions” look like hollow propaganda more than the real resistance to the “hegemony” of Venice and Kassel exhibition. ─── 与此同时,类似于“影子展览”的想法与其说是在“对抗”,还不如说是在敲边鼓。

19、The hegemony of the dominating ideology exercised on the culture of Disco is both conceptual and practical. ─── 主流意识形态对于迪斯科文化施加的影响,有一些是属于观念性的,有一些则是属于实践性的。

20、The Chinese people know well the significance of peace and stability,and China opposes hegemony and will never seek hegemony. ─── 中国人民深知和平与稳定的可贵,中国反对霸权主义,中国自己也决不称霸。

21、China once seemed to take the EU as an institution more seriously, largely because of its apparent potential as a counter-balance to US global hegemony. ─── 中国以前似乎更愿意把欧盟看做一个机构,这最大的可能原因是,中国现在是潜在的作为美国全球霸权的平衡力量。

22、There is still considerable space for China's development under the framework of America's global hegemony system. ─── 在美国构筑的全球霸权体系下,中国也还有相当大的崛起空间。

23、Is not only for the colony. but also to establish its hegemony in the world. and enslaves the people of every nations of the world . ─── 不仅在于争夺殖民地.而且在于确立自己的世界霸权.奴役世界各国人民.

24、Chapter 1 examines the theory of cultural hegemony of Gramsci, which includes two respects,one is his cultural view, one is his hegemony theory. ─── 具体来说,本文第1章阐述了葛兰西的文化领导权理论。这包括两个方面,一是他的文化观,二是他的领导权理论。

25、After the Battle of Zhuolu, conflicts arose between the tribes of Huangdi and Yandi for hegemony of all the tribes. ─── 两个部落进一步结合在一起,其它部落也纷纷加入黄帝部落的联盟,共同开发中原地区。

26、But what should be clear is what the couples get is the right of cohabitation request but not the hegemony of sex on the couple. ─── 妇女性权利是妇女的一项基本人身权利,不能以任何形式转由他人支配和行使,包括其丈夫。

27、Chapter 2 analyses the acceptance of Gramsci's hegemony of culturalism tradition. ─── 在第2章中,我们分析了文化研究的文化主义传统对葛兰西领导权的接受。

28、Then the Soviet Union for hegemony, their teeth. ─── 当年美苏争霸,咬牙切齿。

29、But Beijing clearly feels free now to criticize Washington whenever it believes that the US is guilty of seeking "hegemony". ─── 但是,北京现在显然觉得:只要它认为华盛顿犯了谋求“霸权”的罪,它就可以毫无顾忌地随时加以批评。

30、Mencius and Shang Yang are representative of Confucianism and Legalism, so, "Wang" and "hegemony" to be regarded as Confucianism, the two advocates of the country. ─── 孟子和商鞅分别是儒家和法家的代表人物,因此,“王道”和“霸道”就被视为儒、法两家的治国主张。

31、When a reporter asked whether the sub-loan crisis will shake the hegemony of the dollar, said Mundell, a professor, not have a significant impact. ─── 当记者问到次贷危机是否会动摇美元的霸主地位时,蒙代尔教授表示,不会有重大的影响。

32、It is the proletariat party that realizes culture hegemony after failure to struggling for bourgeois in the lead of workshop committee. ─── 他认为在工厂委员会领导工人阶级对资产阶级进行斗争受到了严重的挫折后,只有“现代君主”即无产阶级政党才能实现文化领导权;

33、Enter a trio of open source contenders, designed deliberately to offer an alternative to the Exchange hegemony. ─── 下面介绍该类别软件中的开源竞争者三重唱组,这三个软件都是故意设计成能替代霸权的Exchange的。

34、The two contended with each other for hegemony. ─── 他俩互相争霸。

35、While the United States aimed mainly at establishing its hegemony in the League of Nations, Britain was basically concerned with its power at sea and in the colonies. ─── 出于各自的外交目标,英国关注殖民地与海上霸权问题,而美国则将建立一个由美国起主导作用的国际联盟作为主要目标。

36、This article calls for immediate policies to counter the hegemony of English and to preserve linguistic diversity. ─── 因此,应及时采取措施对策,反对英语的霸权,保护世界语言多样性。

37、Germany's finance minister, Peer Steinbruck, has said the crisis will reduce US financial hegemony and create a more multipolar world. ─── 德国财政部长施泰因布吕克曾表示,危机将减少美国的金融支配力,并创造一个更为多极化的世界。

38、In the long nm "bi-way mechanism" will result in a competitive and coordinative mechanism between Yen, RMB and USD.The USD's position of "hegemony" may be challenged. ─── 从长远看,“双轨机制”引入了日元与人民币之间以及这两种货币与美元之间的双重“竞争与协调”机制,有可能对美元的“霸主”地位构成逐渐强化的挑战。

39、China will never seek expansion and hegemony. ─── 中国永远不搞扩张,永远不称霸。

40、Nevertheless, its authors were convinced that the "unipolar moment" of unchallenged US hegemony after the Berlin Wall came down was already drawing to an end. ─── 不过,其作者当时已经确信,柏林墙倒塌后美国霸权不受挑战的“单极时刻”行将终结。

41、In the postmodern context, the ethics of medical language should be a conversation of interpretation, free from the modern "cultural hegemony", a... ─── 在后现代语境下,医学语言的伦理应该是摆脱现代性“文化霸权”的一种诠释学的谈话,是一种境遇伦理。

42、Since the downfall of the Gang of Four, we too have made it a state policy to oppose superpower hegemony and keep world peace. ─── 粉碎“四人帮”以后,我们制定中国的国策,同样也是反对霸权主义,维护世界和平。

43、China will never seek hegemony or bully others, but will always side with the Third World. ─── 中国永远不会称霸,永远不会欺负别人,永远站在第三世界一边。

44、Germany is currently in the old game hegemony and the rise of the emerging power of alternating phase, two forces work together to promote the German game industry brilliance. ─── 德国目前处于老游戏霸主与新兴力量崛起的交替阶段,两股力量共同促进了德国游戏产业的辉煌。

45、But modernism has achieved such cultural hegemony that most educated people accept its tenets as a matter of course. ─── 但是现代主义已经占据了文化霸主的地位,以致于大部分受过教育的人视之为天经地义。

46、Flagrant challenge the global hegemony of Nike sporting goods. ─── 公然挑战的全球霸权的耐克体育用品。

47、While protecting its own rights, developing economy and fighting for regional hegemony, economic nationalism in the Middle East shows parochiality and obturation. ─── 中东经济民族主义在维护自身权益、展经济以及争夺地区霸主地位的同时,也体现了某种狭隘性和自我封闭性。

48、Germany's finance minister, Peer Steinbruck, has said the crisis will reduce US financial hegemony and create a more multipolar world. ─── 德国财政部长施泰因布吕克曾表示,危机将减少美国的金融支配力,并创造一个更为多极化的世界。

49、China would never seek hegemony or expansionism, nor an arms race. ─── 中国决不称霸或扩张,也不搞军备竞赛。

50、Power politics and hegemony still exist in international political, economic and security realms and have further asserted themselves. ─── 强权政治和霸权主义在国际政治、经济和安全领域中依然存在并有新的发展

51、Uruk played a very important part in the political history of the country from an early time, exercising hegemony in Sumer before the time of Sargon of Akkad. ─── 在早期的历史上,乌鲁克在国家政治上扮演着重要的角色,早于阿卡得的萨尔贡时期,就在美索不达米亚担当霸权的角色。

52、He with Comintern pose as, supercilious, be a law onto oneself, order people by gesture, the purpose captures central highest hegemony. ─── 他以共产国际自居,目空一切,独断专行,颐指气使,企图夺取中央最高领导权。

53、The US and Europe, after all, have between them have enjoyed the best part of two centuries of effortless political and economic hegemony. ─── 毕竟,美国和欧洲已经享受了近两个世纪轻松的政治及经济霸权。

54、Regardless of U.S. hegemony's determent, some big powers actively compete for the oil in Middle East after Cold War. ─── 冷战后,一些大国不顾美国霸权的威慑,竞相加入到争夺中东石油的行列。

55、Two years on, resentment of American hegemony is alive and well, along with a sense that it may be on the wane anyway. ─── 两年来,两国对美国霸权的不满继续强烈地存在,并感觉到无论如何这种霸权都处于逐渐衰落之中。

56、China will never be a superpower and it opposes hegemony and power politics of any kind. ─── 中国决不做超级大国,并且反对任何霸权主权和强权政治。

57、At the same time, John J.Mearsheimer points out that if the country pursues power and realizes hegemony, it must has huge wealth and numerous population. ─── 同时,米尔斯海默又指出国家追求权力最大化、实现霸权必须具备两个条件,即巨大规模的人口数量和大量财富。

58、In some respects, the classes subordinated in the period of industrial hegemony provide the key to understanding the principle characteristics of the hegemony of immaterial labor. ─── 从某些方面来说,在工业霸权时代处于从属地位的阶级为理解非物质性劳动霸权的主要特性提供了钥匙。

59、In 1866, Puao the outbreak of war, the defeat of Austria, Germany, from the confederation, for hegemony Puao the end of the situation. ─── 1866年,普奥战争爆发,奥地利战败,退出德意志邦联,普奥争雄局面结束。

60、First, to safeguard world peace we oppose hegemony. ─── 一句话是反对霸权主义,维护世界和平,

61、Must see, in the international law development, US"s hegemony will be able to have the significant influence. ─── 应当看到,在国际法的发展中,美国的霸权将会产生重大影响。

62、The hegemony of Hollywood’s traditional cinematic paradigms are being increasingly challenged by the radical new potentialities of the digital media technologies. ─── 好莱坞传统电影范例的霸权一直以来日益逐渐地被激进有深具新潜力的数位媒体科技所挑战。

63、The world's most populous aspirants toregional hegemony, China and India, are in Eurasia, as are all thepotential political or economic challengers to American primacy. ─── 世界上人口最多的寻求地区霸权的中国和印度也在欧亚大陆上,那里还有所有可能对美国政治经济优势产生挑战的势力。

64、If colonisation assisted Western hegemony, the end of the colonial era after the second world war set the stage for the rise of China. ─── 如果殖民协助西方的霸权,在第二次世界大战后,殖民时代的结束,为中国的崛起提供了舞台。

65、China will never seek hegemony even if it grows rich and strong in the future. ─── 将来中国富起来了,也永远不称霸。

66、This shows that the people have to admit UMNO the hegemony of the nation's injuries but MCA utterly shameless continue to be accomplices to harm the interests of the people. ─── 可见在人民面前马华不得不承认巫统的霸权是对国家人民的伤害但是却毫无廉耻的继续成为伤害人民利益的帮凶。

67、China will never seek hegemony even if it is developed in the future. ─── 将来中国富强起来了,也永远不称霸。

68、Any country will not impose/ force/ press its will on others, or seek hegemony. ─── 各国内部事务由各国自己处理,世界的共同事务由各国协商处理。

69、"Chu Shen new hegemony" since the start, the candidates have been guests are all deeply concerned about the media continue to have burst out candidates for guests. ─── “新厨神争霸”启动以来,嘉宾的人选也一直都深受大家的关注,各大媒体曾不断爆出嘉宾人选。

70、Will the two magnates in the microprocessors,Intel and AMD,exchange their hegemony positions? ─── 微处理器行业两大巨头 intel和 AMD的霸主地位要调换位置吗 ?

71、Two years on, resentment of American hegemony is alive and well, along with a sense that it may be on the wane anyway. ─── 两年来,两国对美国霸权的不满继续强烈地存在,并感觉到无论如何这种霸权都处于逐渐衰落之中。

72、Freedom and sharing of Internet, not copy and hegemony. ─── 以网络自由与分享为荣,以抄袭与霸权为耻。

73、So the ultimate goal of great powers is try to achieve regional or global hegemony. ─── 因此,大国的最终目标是获得地区或全球霸权。

74、To many people around the world, America's rhetoric about democracy sounds a lot like an excuse for furthering U.S. hegemony. ─── 对于世界各地的许多人来讲,美国关于民主的言论听上去更像美国进一步实施霸权的托词。

75、We will never seek hegemony. ─── 我们永远不称霸。

76、Interiorly,all kinds of reputed brands are contending for hegemony in China's tobacco market.Yunnan tobacco industr... ─── 从内部看来,中国烟草市场也已经形成了众多名优卷烟品牌群雄争霸的格局。

77、For all of them a united Germany evoke old nightmares of German hegemony. ─── 对所有其他欧洲政府来说,一个统一的德国使人回想起过去德国称霸的恶梦。

78、On no account shall China seek hegemony of any form, nor shall she take over anyone as the new dominator of the world. ─── 中国疆域存在了二千年,至今没有大的变化,将来也没有向外扩张的可能。

79、China will never seek hegemony and never go in for expansion. ─── 中国永远不称霸,永远不搞扩张。

80、Handy for world hegemony, shops and heliport. ─── 世界大亨的便利,商店和直升机停机坪。

81、The Iraqi War has not changed and will further weaken the US Dollar's international status, but the decline of the hegemony of US Dollar will he a long and tortuous process. ─── 伊拉克战争没有改变而且将削弱美元的国际地位,但美元霸权的衰落是一个长期和曲折的过程。

82、Global civil society plays an active role in participating globalgovernance,assisting weak groups,fighting against global hegemony,and solving democracy deficit. ─── 全球公民社会在参与全球治理、扶持弱势群体、抑制全球强权、弥补“民主赤字”等方面扮演着积极的角色。

83、The only way to the coast in China with Shanghai's port only for hegemony in Hong Kong, which benefited from the strategic location of Hong Kong and the radiating broad trade. ─── 在中国沿海唯一能与上海争雄的口岸只有香港,这得益于香港优越的地理位置及宽泛的贸易辐射面。

84、The shift from Soviet-American hegemony to a polycentric world. ─── 从美苏霸权向多中心世界的转变

85、The French were defeated at the battle of Blenheim, which led to an end of French hegemony over Europe. ─── 布莱尼姆一役,法军败北,法国的欧洲霸权从此结束。

86、In response, Russian President Vladimir Putin issued a scathing denunciation of US hegemony, fearing the shield would stoke an "inevitable arms race". ─── 作为回应,俄国总统普京对美国霸权行为发表了措辞严厉的谴责。他担心这将引发“不可避免的军备竞赛。”

87、Efforts should be made to eliminate war, violence, hegemony, terrorism, hypocrisy, fraud and other conducts that go against contemporary civilization. ─── 坚决消除与当代文明不协调的行为:战争、力、权、怖、善、诈!

88、Oral history rejects linguistic hegemony and can be performed in various languages with its audience coming from either the noblemen or the "untouchables". ─── 口述史能够拒绝语言强势,可以用各种语言操演,其听众既可以是权贵,也可以是“贱民”。

89、Future Hegemony Rivalry Between China and? ─── 中国和西方的未来争霸?

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