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09-14 投稿



isomorphic 发音

英:[?a?so??m??rf?k; ?a?s??m??rf?k]  美:[?a?s???m??f?k]

英:  美:

isomorphic 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 同构的


isomorphic 短语词组

1、isomorphic tree ─── 同构树

2、locally isomorphic ─── [计] 局部同构的

3、isomorphic graph ─── [计] 同构图

4、isomorphic labs ─── 同构实验室

5、isomorphic copy ─── 同构副本

6、order isomorphic ─── [计] 次序同构的

7、isomorphic image ─── [计] 同构图形

8、isomorphic mixture ─── 类质同象混合物

9、isomorphic mapping ─── [计] 同构映射

10、isomorphic replacement ─── 同构替换

11、isomorphic model ─── [化] 同构模型

12、isomorphic game ─── 同构博弈

13、isomorphic generation ─── 等形世代交替

14、isomorphic groups ─── 同构群

15、isomorphic set ─── 同构集

16、isomorphic equivalent ─── 同构等价

17、isomorphic substitution ─── 同构替换

18、isomorphic group ─── [计] 同构群

19、isomorphic space ─── 同构空间

isomorphic 相似词语短语

1、isomorph ─── n.同构,同形;同晶体

2、idiomorphic ─── adj.自发的;整形的;自形的

3、isomorphism ─── n.类质同像,[物化]类质同晶;同形

4、mesomorphic ─── adj.具有由中胚叶发达之筋骨的;(具有)体育型体质

5、biomorphic ─── adj.生物形态的

6、isomorphs ─── n.同构,同形;同晶体

7、isodimorphic ─── 等二形

8、geomorphic ─── adj.地球形状的,地貌的

9、anisomorphic ─── adj.语义范畴不等的

isomorphic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Corporate Accounting Governance and Corporate Governance: Isomorphic, Imbedding, or Intersected? ─── 公司会计治理与公司治理:同构、嵌入还是交叉?

2、Artistic Isomorph of Garden and Qun Opera ─── 园林与昆剧的艺术同构

3、ACD is isomorphic in the space. ─── 三角洲顶点城市具有空间同构性,处于不同等级、规模和地位的三角洲,顶点城市的区域意义也不相同。

4、For a set of connected graphs, a spanning subgraph of a graph is called an -factor if every component of is isomorphic to a member of . ─── 给定连通图集合,对图的生成子图,如果的每个分支都同构于集合的一个元素,则被称为的-因子。

5、isomorphic map ─── 同构象

6、On the model with reasonable isomorph suppose, a model-based diagnosis is used in program debbuging for logic errors, and compare this model to the other classical models on its advantages. ─── 在此模型上,使用合理的同构假定,运用基于模型的诊断方法对程序进行逻辑错误的诊断,并与经典的诊断模型作了比较。

7、Poisson isomorphic ─── Poisson同构

8、isomorphic source ─── 同构源

9、Isomorphic fundamental theorem of the convex hull ─── 同构化凸壳构造基本定理



12、isomorphic complexes ─── 同构复形

13、isomorphic reaction ─── 同形反应

14、isomorphic objects ─── 同构对象

15、Therefore ,we can get the following result : G/C_G(F*(G)) is isomorphic to a subgroup of Aut(F*(G)). ─── 因此,下列同态包含关系成立:G/C_G(F~*(G))同态于Aut(F~*(G))的一个子群。

16、"Dysmorphic erythrocytes are found in the urine of patients with glomerular bleeding, whereas isomorphic erythrocytes characterize nonglomerular or urological hematuria." ─── 利用尿中的红细胞是畸形的(也就是多形型)还是比较正常的(也就是均一型)来判断炎症的起源。

17、On the jumble "Generation Compositor" for meaning expression of isomorphic phonogram ─── 同形声符表意"代次"混杂问题探讨

18、isomorphic field ─── 同构域

19、isomorphic beowulf ─── 同构集群

20、isomorphic group ─── 同构群

21、isomorphic alternation of generations ─── 同源器官

22、isomorphic cooperative game ─── 同构合作对策

23、isomorphic coloring species ─── 同构着色类

24、May be different for two isomorphic graphs. ─── 可能是不同的两个同构的图。

25、isomorphic replacement ─── 同晶置换

26、isomorphic image ─── 同构象同构图形

27、isomorphic game ─── 同构对策

28、New fuzzy set theory is isomorphic to the fundamental part of probability theory. ─── 新模糊集合理论与概率论的基本部分是同构的。

29、isomorphic digraph ─── 同构有向图

30、isomorphic sets ─── 同构集

31、The isomorphic conditions of some lattices generated by transitive sets of subspaces under finite pseudo-symplectic groups ─── 伪辛群作用下子空间轨道生成的格的同构条件

32、isomorphic graph ─── 同构图

33、isomorphic mode ─── 同形模态

34、An elementary sentence is a combination of names and if it is true it will be a picture of the isomorphic fact formed by the combination of the named objects. ─── 一个原子命题就是名称的组合,如果它是真的,那么这个原子命题就将是由被命名的对象的组合而成的同构事实的一副图画。

35、isomorphic relation ─── 同构关系

36、A preliminary discussion has been put forward Qn the isomorphic model together with the cooperative functioning theory and its application. ─── 针对共同作用理论本构模型类型和应用进行了初步探讨。

37、isomorphic model ─── 同构模型

38、The Isomorphic Character for Direct Product of a Family of Boolean Algebra Reduced by Mod a Prime and Strong Filter ─── Boolean代数族模素强滤子约化直积的同构特征

39、The isomorphic attribute is an effective way to transmit and accept design information, and then make innovative activity of design go on wheels. ─── 事物的同构性质是设计信息能够实现传播和接受的有效条件,并能够确保设计创新路途通畅。

40、Fluctuation, left and right sides is symmetrical, isomorphic, be called with color, coessential semmetry absolutely semmetry; ─── 上下、左右对称,同形、同色、同质对称被称为绝对对称;

41、On the other hand, risk distribution is isomorphic with class and stratus differentiation to some extent, with the former to intensify the latter. ─── 另一方面,具体风险的分布又在一定程度上同阶级、阶层的分化同构,强化后者的分化。

42、isomorphic matrices ─── 同构的阵

43、inverse isomorphic ─── 反同构的

44、isomorphic substitutions ─── 同晶型取代

45、isomorphic equivalent ─── 同构等价

46、Under the prerequisite of iso-or near isoformula, space group discrim-ination is of crucial importance in deciding whether the crystals are isomorphic or polymorphic. ─── 在形式化学式相同或相似的前提下,关键在于正确判断晶体的空间群。

47、locally isomorphic ─── [计] 局部同构的

48、isomorphic response ─── 克布纳现象, 同形异质反应[现象]

49、Necessary and sufficient conditions of isomorph for two classes of graphs ─── 两类图同构的充分必要条件

50、Relation grid is isomorphic to the actual social network, so it satisfies the small-world model with members short chain connected. ─── 关系网格与现实的社会关系网络是同构的,因此满足小世界模型并具有内部成员短链连接的性质。

51、The human communist movement and the cosmic communist movement are homogeneous, isomorphic and synchronous, and are both returning to the primitive Daoist nature of the universe. ─── 人类共产运动与宇宙共产运动是同质、同构、同步的,都是在回归宇宙原始道性。

52、isomorphic transformation ─── 同态变换

53、If N(A ) denotes the number of positive elements in A , then N(A) = min N(B) if and only if B is isomorphic to B in theorem 3. ─── 又设N(A)是A中含正元的个效,则B是含最小个效正元的n阶本原矩阵的充要条件是B同构于定理3中的B。

54、The theoretical rationale and operational rules are given.The judgment principles and reduction rules about redundant nodes and isomorphic graphs are presented. ─── 同时阐述了算法的理论原理及计算步骤,并给出了冗余节点、子图同构的判断方法和简化规则;

55、We may thereby compute the number of graphs which are isomorphic to their complements ─── 因此我们可以计算同构于其补的图的数目。

56、isomorphic partially ordered set ─── 同构半序集

57、They are "homologous" or isomorphic. ─── 他们是“同源的”或者是“同构的”。

58、isomorphic lattices ─── 同构格

59、anti isomorphic lattice ─── 反同构格

60、isomorphic representation ─── 同构表示

61、Quite often, it appears there are two or more distinct geometries with isomorphic automorphism groups. ─── 经常,两个或者更多的不同的几何有同构的自同构群。

62、isomorphic interpretations ─── 同构解释

63、According to algebraic property that a direct sum of Galois fields is isomorphic to a finite ring,the linear block code for multiplexing systems is proposed. ─── 依据有限域直和与有限环同构的代数性质,对多路复用系统构造线性分组码。

64、isomorphic phenomenon ─── 同形反应, 乔伯纳现象

65、isomorphic statement ─── 同构语句

66、From the viewpoint of homomorphism idea of gestalt psychology, the vocal technique is a kind of practice and operational method with isomorphic of feeling and substance. ─── 从完型心理学“同形论”角度看,声乐技术是一种“心物同形同构”性操作方法和技能;

67、isomorphic line ─── 同形线

68、On the model with reasonable isomorph suppose,a model-based diagnosis is used in program debbuging for logic errors,and compare this model to the other classical models on its advantages. ─── 在此模型上,使用合理的同构假定,运用基于模型的诊断方法对程序进行逻辑错误的诊断,并与经典的诊断模型作了比较。

69、isomorphic substitution ─── 同晶取代

70、isomorphic mapping ─── 同构映射

71、Determining whether two graphs are isomorphic is referred to as the graph isomorphism problem. ─── 确定是否是同构的两个图形称为图同构问题。

72、Isomorphic information temperature ─── 同构化信息温度

73、isomorphic root system ─── 同构根系

74、To take another example, elliptic geometries with different radii of curvature have isomorphic automorphism groups. ─── 在举一例,不同曲率半径的椭圆几何有同构的自同构群。

75、If a matrix game is isomorphic to a matrix game with zero game value, then the latter is called annihilation of the former. ─── 如果矩阵对策同构于一个对策值为零的矩阵对策,那么后者称为前者的零化。

76、Isomorphic Mapping Hypothesis(IMH) ─── 同构映射假想

77、isomorphic gliosis ─── 同形性胶质增生

78、Isomorphic Factorizations and Hamiltonian Decompositions of a Class of Vertex-Transitive Digraphs ─── 一类顶点可迁有向图的同构因子分解与Hamilton分解

79、isomorphic ring ─── 同构环

80、isomorphic complex ─── 同构复合形同相复形

81、isomorphic theory ─── 同构论

82、algebraically isomorphic ─── 代数同构的

83、isomorph of same morpheme ─── 同素同构

84、The dynamic isomorphic relations between instant center velocity chart and instant center chart are indicated as well. ─── 指出了瞬心速度图与瞬心图的动态同构关系。

85、isomorphic factorisation ─── 同构分解

86、isomorphic space ─── 同构空间

87、isomorphic effect ─── 同型异质效应, Koebner现象, 同形反应

88、The logical structure of the picture, whether in thought or in language, is isomorphic with the logical structure of the state of affairs which it pictures. ─── 图画的逻辑结构,不管是在思想还是在语言中,都和它所摹画的事件状态的逻辑结构是同构的。

89、anti isomorphic ─── adj. 反同构的

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