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09-14 投稿



interrogative 发音

英:[,?nt?'r?g?t?v]  美:[,?nt?'rɑɡ?t?v]

英:  美:

interrogative 中文意思翻译



interrogative 反义词


interrogative 短语词组

1、interrogative sentence ppt ─── 疑问句ppt

2、interrogative mood ─── [网络] 疑问语气;疑问法

3、interrogative word ─── 疑问词

4、interrogative sentence ─── 疑问句

5、interrogative sentence consist ─── 疑问句构成

6、interrogative question ─── 疑问句

7、interrogative skills ─── 疑问技巧

8、interrogative pronoun ─── 疑问代词

9、interrogative suggestibility ─── 疑问句暗示性

10、interrogative sentences ─── 疑问句(interrogativesentence的名词复数)

11、interrogative form ─── 疑问形式

12、interrogative adjective ─── 疑问形容词

13、interrogative adverb ─── 疑问副词

interrogative 同义词

curious | interrogative sentence | inquiring | interrogatory | inquisitive | interrogation |questioning | probing | question

interrogative 词性/词形变化,interrogative变形

副词: interrogatively |

interrogative 相似词语短语

1、interrogatee ─── 访谈

2、interrogating ─── v.[计]询问(interrogate的ing形式);质问

3、interpolative ─── adj.撺改的;添入的

4、interrogatives ─── n.疑问词(interrogative的复数形式)

5、interrogatively ─── 疑问地

6、interpretative ─── adj.解释的;作为说明的

7、interrogation ─── n.讯问;审问;[语]疑问句

8、internegative ─── [感光]中间底片

9、interrogate ─── vt.审问;质问;[计]询问;vi.审问;质问

interrogative 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In information communication model interrogative mood must follow the pragmatic principle of "from the speaker to the listener". ─── 摘要疑问语气在信息交流模式上必须遵循“听者>说者”的语用原则,因此,主语“我”是有标记的。

2、It also uses the comparison method for the interrogative pronouns in the standard Chinese language and the dialects. ─── 此外,我们对普通话和汉语方言疑问代词的形式进行了比较。

3、interrogative sentence ─── n. 疑问句

4、Criminal Prison Official, Interrogative Court and Imperial Surveying Official ─── 提点刑狱公事与审刑院、御史台推勘官

5、An Analysis of the Non- Interrogative Usage of "Who" ─── "谁"非疑问用法分析

6、Positive/negative interrogative sentences ─── 反复问句

7、“Well, Jennie,” he said, studying her face in a quizzical, interrogative way, “what do you think of me, anyhow? ─── “我说,珍妮,”他用一种叫人猜谜似的询问神气细看她的脸儿说,“你到底觉得我这个人怎么样?”

8、3.Two same interrogative pronouns used in a sentence refer to the same person or subject, with the second one decided by the first. ─── 两个相同的疑问代词出现在同一句子中,指代相同的人或事物,表示前者决定后者。

9、He says: "To consumer of interrogative of existence of Europe allusion brand, can communicate with me at any time. ─── 他说:“对欧典品牌存在疑问的消费者,可以随时与我交流。”

10、Third, if the object subordinate clause is the special interrogative sentence originally, only needs the original interrogative guidance. For example:... ─── 三、如果宾语从句原来是特殊疑问句,只需用原来的疑问词引导。如:...

11、The Topic- in Question and Proposition- in Question in the Interrogative System of Shanghai Dialect ─── 上海方言的话题疑问句与命题疑问句

12、There are three forms of the sentences affirmative, interrogative, and negative. ─── 句子有三种形式:肯定句、否定句和疑问句。

13、Mr. Mason was quite alive now, interrogative, dynamic and a bit dictatorial in his manner, even to his old friend. ─── 梅森先生精神抖擞,象在盘问似的,精力很充沛,那神情,仿佛对他的老朋友也有些专断。

14、The indicative,interrogative and imperative modal verbs have the hierarchy of degree of politeness and different modal verbs have different degrees of politeness. ─── 其中,陈述语气词、疑问语气词和祈使语气词具有客气程度的层级性,不同的语气词具有不同的客气程度。

15、How, just be joy. . . I am very interrogative ─── 怎么样,才算是快乐...我很疑惑

16、The interrogative pronoun is placed at the syntactical position which the question is asked about,e.g. ─── 句中疑问焦点在哪个句法位置上,就把疑问代词放在哪个句法位置上。

17、Through the perspective of stylistic, we can find that three skills such as repetition, interrogative sentences, and variations in style play a very important role. ─── 从重复,疑问句、风格改变等“前景化”手段的使用入手,说明文学形式与内容的密切联系,强化了小说主题,产生了特殊的文体效果。

18、polar interrogative clause ─── 中心疑问子句

19、On the whole, the main carriers are the interrogative markers or the syllables before and after them. ─── 也就是说,疑问标记或标记前后音节一般是承载语调的主要音节。

20、45 Make these sentences negative then interrogative. ─── 把这些句子变成否定句,再变成一般疑问句。

21、"Nada" mean nothing and anything. The word can be used in affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences. ─── 指什么也没有,可用于肯定句、否定句和疑问句。

22、Taking the transformation of question purpose of interrogative sentence as an example, the questions of geometric transformation in united linguistics were discussed. ─── 以疑问句的疑问目的变换为例讨论了统一语言学中的类几何变换问题。

23、parallel interrogative sentence ─── 排比问

24、And the use of the selective interrogative pattern without conjunctions and particle words is at a high proportion too. ─── “无”作为句末语气词的地位不稳固,语气词“也”起着帮助表达选择语气、加强疑问语气的作用。

25、Taking the interrogative sentences for exemples, this paper explores the grammatical functions of words and their roles in constructing sentences. ─── 文中以疑问句为例,对法语的语法词类功能及在构建句子中所体现的核心作用作了探讨。

26、Mr Mason was quite alive now, interrogative, dynamic and a bit dictatorial in his manner, even to his old friend. ─── 梅森先生精神抖擞,象在盘问似的,精力很充沛,那神情,仿佛对他的老朋友也有些专断。

27、!9 cities dropped last night 24.6% , how is Netease moved hardly however, this makes clear, having this interrogative is us not just these spectator, still have wall street. ─── 昨晚九城跌了24.6%,网易却几乎没怎么动,这表明,有这个疑问的不仅仅是我们这些旁观者,还有华尔街。

28、Inquiry functions of interrogative pronouns overlapped between each other partly. ─── 同时疑问代词也呈现出很强的双音化趋势。

29、The children can raise questions and tell longer stories based on the pictures. They are quite skillful in using interrogative sentences. ─── 一,要求学生能够就图片提出各种问题,对各种疑问句形式比较熟悉。能就图片讲述故事,适当地发挥、增加故事内容。

30、This paper was detailed to describe the distribution and function of those interrogative words and phrases. ─── 本文详细描述了该书疑问词语的句法分布及功能。

31、This part of the thesis deeply researches into the semantic function and the syntactic function of the interrogative pronouns. ─── 本文的语里意义包含了疑问代词的语义功能和句法功能。

32、I am interrogative about Eclipse, which is if the Eclipse's accurate time and running path can be predict? ─── 关于日食我总有一个疑问,日食的时间和所走的路线是不是能够被精确预测的?

33、By so doing,the author aims to find out their similarities and differences and to find out whether the derivation of French interrogative sentences also satisfies UG(universal grammar). ─── 旨在通过比较,说明两种特殊疑问句的生成是否符合普遍语法(UG)。文章阐述了相关的理论,通过分组对比比较了英语和法语中的部分特殊疑问句。

34、interrogative skills ─── 审讯技能

35、The Focus Problem of Japanese Interrogative Sentences ─── 日语疑问句的疑问焦点

36、Restricted interrogative sentences are pragmatically presented as various untrue interrogative sentences. ─── 受限制疑问句在语用上表现为各种非真性问句。

37、interrogative suggestibility ─── 审讯暗示感受性

38、Change the affirmative sentence into a negative sentence or an interrogative sentence. ─── 将这个肯定句改为否定句或疑问句。

39、The form "ruowei" in Dunhuang Bianwen serves mainly as an interrogative pronoun, so it is inappropriate for literature interpreters to define it as a meaningless conventional pattern in a sentence. ─── 变文里的“若为”则绝大多数用于设问,校注者一律看作套语用词是不妥当的。

40、Most of this sort of sentences are declarative sentence, some of them interrogative sentence, but no exclamatory and imperative sentences, to be sure. ─── 形宾句绝大多数是陈述句,有的是疑问句和感叹句,但不能构成祈使句。

41、What is the interrogative function? ─── 什么是疑问功能?

42、general interrogative sentence ─── 一般疑问句

43、The children can raise questions and tell longer stories based on the pictures . They are quite skillful in using interrogative sentences . ─── 能听懂上文所说的疑问句,能在看图说话时向同学们提问。

44、Personal Pronouns, Indicative Pronouns and Relevant Interrogative Pronouns. ─── 人称代词、指示代词及有关的疑问代词。

45、On Weakness of Negative Word at the End of VP-neg Interrogative Sentence in the Chinese Language of the Middle Ancient Times ─── 中古汉语VP-neg式疑问句句末否定词的虚化问题

46、The children can understand the various interrogative sentences, and can raise questions upon a picture. ─── 四,能听懂上文所说的疑问句,能在看图说话时向同学们提问。

47、As a result, sentences using “可” for emphasis are often negative or interrogative in nature. ─── 所以用“可”强调的句子常常是否定句或疑问句。

48、At the same time through some, drilling in the declarative sentence and interrogative sentence of few comparative grade, improves the overall qualities ability of student's hearing, speaking, reading and writing further. ─── 比较等级在陈述句与疑问句中的操练,进一步提高学生听、说、读、写综合素质能力。

49、This thesis investigates the intonation of the interrogative sentence in Mandarin Chinese from acoustic and perceptive perspectives. ─── 本文从声学特征和感知特征两个不同的角度研究了汉语普通话疑问语句的语调。

50、A yes/no question is made by adding the interrogative particle “吗” at the end of a declarative sentence. The sentence pattern is : Declarative sentence + “吗”? ─── 在陈述句的末尾加上表示疑问语气的助词“吗”,就构成了是非问句。句型是:陈述句+吗?

51、unjust complicated interrogative languages ─── 不正当的复杂问语

52、From sentence style points of view, closed to specific context, interrogative sentence, negative sentence and ellipsis sentence, as well as the subaudition of the three kinds of sentence. ─── 本文从句式角度,紧密结合具体的语境,探讨了日语的间接言语行为与疑问句、否定句、省略句的关系及三种句式能够间接表达的言外之意。

53、The fourth device is by syntax such as partial negation, conditional sentence, transferred negation, ellipsis, interrogative sentences, tactful implication and periphrases. ─── 可以使用半否定、条件句、否定转移、省略、疑问句、婉转暗示和迂回等手段。

54、Therefore,there are only six true auxiliary words of interrogative mood baring the interrogative function in Cantonese; ─── 因此,广州话中真正负载疑问功能,能称得上疑问语气助词的只有6个;

55、There are three forms of the sentence:affirmative, interrogative and negative. ─── 句子有三种基本形式:肯定句、疑问句和否定句。

56、The woman looks very interrogative, she asked again: "Grandmother, do you decide this is you really? ─── 妇女看起来很迷惑,她又问了一句:“祖母,您真的确定这是您吗?”

57、A Study on Negative Function of Interrogative Modal Adverbs ─── 反诘类语气副词的否定功能分析

58、Make these sentences negative and interrogative. ─── 将这些句子改成否定句和疑问句。

59、Use interrogative pronouns to ask questions about the underlined parts. ─── 根据颜色部分提问,在下面的可写区回答问题。

60、We get on that bottle to experimental stage " saliva " origin is very interrogative. ─── 我们对实验台上那瓶“唾液”的来源非常迷惑。

61、The outside form manifests itself through the visible exterior form of the interrogative pronouns. ─── 所谓语表形式是指疑问代词显露外在的可见形式。

62、Turn these sentences into interrogative sentences and then answer them. ─── 把下列句子改成疑问句并回答。

63、Mr. Mason was quite alive now, interrogative, dynamic and a bit dictatorial in his manner, even to his old friend. ─── 梅森先生精神抖擞,象在盘问似的,精力很充沛,那神情,仿佛对他的老朋友也有些专断。

64、Objective:To evaluate diagnostic values of CT fluoroscopy (CTF) guided fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) combining with toluidine blue O(T.B.O)quick staining bedside in the pectoral interrogative illness. ─── O快速染色对胸部疑难疾病的诊断价值。 方法 :回顾分析胸部疑难疾病 4 8例 ,所有病例均运用CT透视引导细针抽吸 ,常规进行床边T .

65、The peach blossom hydraulic modulus gold is also in March expensive. Turns the interrogative sentence and the sigh sentence. ─── 您的位置:我也知道>文化/艺术>三月桃花水比金子还贵。变成疑问句和感叹句。

66、The inside meaning consists in the invisible interior relations and contents of the interrogative pronouns. ─── 所谓语里意义是指疑问代词隐含的不可见的关系和内容。

67、This paper discusses the possibility of semantic combinations between every two types of mood patterns: declarative, imperative, interrogative and exclamative. ─── 摘要本文考察了陈述、祈使、疑问、感叹四种语气类型的十六种组合可以有哪些语义关系,不能有哪些语义关系。

68、The communicative functions are as follows: some modal adverbs can mark interrogative, imperative and exclamatory mood, while others emphasize declarative and interrogative mood. ─── 信息功能是,在语用层面上复制预设、标记焦点和充当焦点等。

69、The syntactic comparison of interrogative sentences between English and French in this dissertation is carried out within the framework of TG Theory. ─── 本文在转换生成语法的理论框架下比较了英语和法语疑问句在逻辑形式、句法结构方面的异同。

70、interrogative speech act ─── 提问言语行为

71、The main oeuvre of Sun Xun’s works is consisted of a series of highly interrogative and impressive animated films in black and white, in which he explores how history is constructed and narrated. ─── 孙逊主要作品由一系列带有疑惑且令人印象深刻的动画短片组成,几乎总是在黑白中呈现,探索着历史是如何被构建和叙述的。

72、Everybody sees he is priggish, interrogative oneself are embryo of naked eye every, invisible Buddha is smooth. ─── 众人见他一本正经,便都迷惑自己是肉眼凡胎,看不见佛光。

73、Declarative, Imperative, Interrogative, or Exclamatory. ─── 一个句子仅有一种功能。

74、Keywords interrogative sentences with ne(呢),mood,ellipsis,linking,clausal government; ─── 呢字疑问句;语气;简省;联结;句管控;

75、Indicates the continuation of an action or a state. It often occurs in an interrogative sentence or a sentence with an auxiliary verb. ─── 表示动作行为的继续进行或状态的继续存在。常用于疑问句或有能愿动词的句中。

76、He made a further interrogative noise. ─── 他发出了进一步疑问的声音。

77、Distributive Differences of Interrogative Sentences in Journalistic Style and Literary Style ─── 报道语体与文艺语体疑问句的分布差异

78、The Contrastive Analysis of Chinese Kazak Interrogative Expressive Form ─── 汉哈疑问表达形式对比分析

79、2) it shows a tendency of post-position in the interrogative sentence although it still follows the rule of pre-position; ─── (2)疑问句代词宾语虽遵循前置的规则,但已出现了后置的趋势;

80、Make these sentences negative,then interrogative. ─── 把下列句子改成否定句和疑问句。

81、Poor Lord Warburton stared, an interrogative point in either eye . ─── 可怜的沃伯顿勋爵给弄得目瞪口呆,两只眼睛中都打上了问号。

82、There are three forms of the sentences affirmative, interrogative, and negative. ─── 句子有三种形式:肯定句、否定句和疑问句。

83、interrogative review ─── “疑问式”审稿

84、Japanese interrogative sentence ─── 日语疑问句

85、Therefore, there are only six true auxiliary words of interrogative mood baring the interrogative function in Cantonese; ─── 因此,广州话中真正负载疑问功能,能称得上疑问语气助词的只有6个;

86、Placed in an interrogative sentence. ─── 放在疑问句中。

87、The Part of Speech and Origination of "wei" in the Mediaeval Chinese Interrogative Sentences ─── 中古汉语疑问句中"为"字的词性及来源

88、Inverting subject and verB to form an interrogative ─── 倒置主语和动词以形成疑问语气。

89、The question raised by “Ke” an interrogative adverb is an innate characteristic of questions in Yushan dialect. ─── 以疑问副词“可”为发问词,构成疑问句,是玉山话疑问体系的固有特色。

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