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09-16 投稿



infusibility 发音

英:[?n?fj?z??b?l?ti]  美:[?n?fju?z??b?l?t?]

英:  美:

infusibility 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 不熔性


infusibility 相似词语短语

1、inducibility ─── n.可诱导性(指酶分子在存有适当的去阻遏物的情况下可以诱导产生)

2、invisibility ─── n.看不见;看不见的东西;难看见

3、diffusibility ─── n.扩散性;扩散率;可传播性

4、ineludibility ─── 听不见的

5、inaudibility ─── n.听不见;不可闻

6、confusability ─── 混乱;混淆

7、infallibility ─── n.无误;教皇永无谬误论

8、fusibility ─── n.[物]熔度;[物]熔性

9、infeasibility ─── n.不可行性,不可能实行

infusibility 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Objective It is to discuss the action of insulin infus ed with insulin pump unremittingly and subcutaneouly on blood sugar, serum lipid and delay compl ication. ─── 目的探讨胰岛素泵持续皮下输注胰岛素对血糖、脂控制及延缓并发症的作用。

2、Keywords boron nitride fiber;polyborazinylamine;precursor;infusibility processing; ─── 关键词聚硼氮烷;氮化硼纤维;有机先驱体;不熔化处理;

3、Royer T. Nurse-ddriven interventional technology.A cost and bencfit perspective.J Infus Nurs.2001 Sep-Oct;24(5);326-31. ─── 张贺林,张敏.护理经济研究与护理管理对策.实用护理杂志,2003,19(4):70.

4、The influence of the pitch additive on the infusibility and carbonization is investigated in this paper.The results show that the pitch crack and the reaction between pitch and oxygen are enhanced. ─── 研究了添加对甲苯磺酸对沥青不熔化处理的影响,试验发现对甲苯磺酸的加入促进了沥青的分解以及沥青与氧的结合,加速了沥青不熔化的过程。

5、ft. infus. ─── (=fiat infusum) (拉)制成浸剂

6、Keywords silk fibroin;infusibility;biocompability;cell cultivation; ─── 丝素蛋白;不溶性;生物相容性;细胞培养;

7、Keywords brown rice;fatty acid;infusibility amylose; ─── 糙米;脂肪酸值;不溶性直链淀粉;

8、However their infusibility and lack of functional groups have strongly limited the application of CNTs in many fields. ─── 但由于其在很多溶剂中分散性不好且表面缺少官能团限制了其在很多领域的应用。

9、Influence of the Additive on Pitch Infusibility and Carbonization ─── 添加对甲苯磺酸促进沥青的不熔化研究

10、The results of research show that the impurity of infusibility and metal ion has been removed after the leaching of calcium carbide residue, and the transform rate of hydrated lime up to about 88%. ─── 研究表明,电石渣经浸取后不溶性杂质与金属离子杂质都被除去,氢氧化钙转化率为88%左右。

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