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09-15 投稿



hollyhock 发音

英:['h?l?h?k]  美:['hɑl?hɑk]

英:  美:

hollyhock 中文意思翻译



hollyhock 网络释义

n. 蜀葵

hollyhock 词性/词形变化,hollyhock变形

名词复数: hollies |

hollyhock 同义词

insincerity | cavity | empty space | futility | worthlessness | falseness | vainness | emptiness | openness | concavity | void |vanity

hollyhock 反义词


hollyhock 短语词组

1、wild hollyhock ─── [网络] 野蜀葵

2、mountain hollyhock ─── [网络] 山蜀葵

3、hollyhock-seed oil ─── [化] 蜀葵子油

hollyhock 相似词语短语

1、holly oaks ─── 冬青栎

2、holluschick ─── n.雄性小海狗

3、hollyhocks ─── n.蜀葵

4、shellshock ─── n.弹震症(一种精神疾病,是由士兵参加战争引起的)

5、sea hollyhocks ─── 海蜀葵

6、mollyhawk ─── n.一种信天翁;n.(Mollyhawk)莫利莫克

7、holly oak ─── 冬青栎

8、wild hollyhock ─── 野蜀葵

9、sea hollyhock ─── 海蜀葵

hollyhock 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Perennial of northwestern United States and western Canada resembling a hollyhock and having white or pink flowers. ─── 美国西北和加拿大西部的多年生的植物,类似蜀葵,有白色或粉色的花。

2、a rare mallow found only in Illinois resembling the common hollyhock and having pale rose-mauve flowers; sometimes placed in genus Sphaeralcea ─── 珍贵的锦葵属植物,仅在伊利诺斯州发现,类似一般的葵属,有淡玫瑰紫色的花;有时被归在球葵属

3、Pink hollyhock sweet pea allium pansy ─── 粉红,蜀葵,香豌豆,三色紫罗兰

4、Plant with terminal racemes of showy white to pink or purple flowers,the English cottage garden hollyhock. ─── 末端的总状花序为艳丽的白色到粉色到紫色的花的植物,英国别墅花园里的蜀葵。

5、Key words: landscape plants; hollyhock; flower culture; traditional flower resources; national characteristics ─── 关键词:园林植物;蜀葵;花卉文化;传统花卉资源;民族特色

6、Hollyhock essence can be soft change skin and offer protect wet power; ─── 蜀葵菁华能柔化肌肤并提供保湿力;

7、flower of hollyhock ─── 蜀葵花

8、a rare mallow found only in Illinois resembling the common hollyhock and having pale rose-mauve flowers; sometimes placed in genus Sphaeralcea. ─── 珍贵的锦葵属植物,仅在伊利诺斯州发现,类似一般的葵属,有淡玫瑰紫色的花;有时被归在球葵属。

9、1. a rare mallow found only in Illinois resembling the common hollyhock and having pale rose-mauve flowers; sometimes placed in genus Sphaeralcea. ─── 珍贵的锦葵属植物,仅在伊利诺斯州发现,类似一般的葵属,有淡玫瑰紫色的花;有时被归在球葵属。收藏指正

10、hollyhock seed ─── 蜀葵子

11、Hollyhock Dried petals provide emollient action; moistens dry skin ─── 干的蜀葵花瓣柔滑润湿皮肤

12、Product ingredients: nail containing molecule 3, chamomile, hollyhock, such as five kinds of medicine essence. ─── 产品成份:含分子钉3、甘菊、药蜀葵等5种精华。

13、Hollyhock yellow vein mosaic virus ─── 蜀葵黄脉花叶病毒

14、The three daughters of a workshop leader at British Columbia's Hollyhock retreat take a break from beachcombing for crabs. ─── 图为英国哥伦比亚蜀葵淡季时期,商铺商人的三个女儿在海边抓蟹休息时间的间隙。

15、The Change of Photosynthetic Pigment Contents and Antioxidase Activity of Hollyhock Seedling Leaves After Space Flight ─── 空间搭载后的蜀葵幼苗叶中光合色素含量及抗氧化酶活性变化

16、plant with terminal racemes of showy white to pink or purple flowers; the English cottage garden hollyhock. ─── 末端的总状花序为艳丽的白色到粉色到紫色的花的植物;英国别墅花园里的蜀葵。

17、Pollen from a variety of common plants: sunflower, morning glory, hollyhock, lily, primrose and caster bean. ─── 花粉从各种常见植物:向日葵,牵牛花,蜀葵,百合,樱草和连铸机的bean 。The largest one at center is nearly 100 microns wide.最大的一次在中心几乎是100微米宽。

18、The horizontal stroke is cracked, along antheral and mid transverse fission, wait like Mu Jin, hollyhock; ─── 横裂,沿花药中部横向裂开,如木槿.蜀葵等;

19、1. a rare mallow found only in Illinois resembling the common hollyhock and having pale rose-mauve flowers; ─── 珍贵的锦葵属植物,仅在伊利诺斯州发现,类似一般的葵属,有淡玫瑰紫色的花;

20、The Change of Photosynthetic Pigment Contents and Antioxidase Activity of Hollyhock Seedling Leaves After Space Flight ─── 空间搭载后的蜀葵幼苗叶中光合色素含量及抗氧化酶活性变化

21、Hollyhock Dried petals provide emollient action; moistens dry skin ─── 干的蜀葵花瓣柔滑润湿皮肤

22、Hollyhock mosaic virus ─── 蜀葵花叶病毒

23、hollyhock root ─── 蜀葵根

24、hollyhock stem and leaf ─── 蜀葵苗

25、Studies on the Flower Type Classification of Hollyhock (Althaea rosea Cav.) Cultivars ─── 蜀葵园艺品种花型分类初探

26、the English cottage garden hollyhock. ─── 英国别墅花园里的蜀葵。

27、"The three daughters of a workshop leader at British Columbia's Hollyhock retreat take a break from beachcombing for crabs. ─── 图为英国哥伦比亚蜀葵淡季时期,商铺商人的三个女儿在海边抓蟹休息时间的间隙。

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