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spermatozoon 发音

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spermatozoon 中文意思翻译



spermatozoon 短语词组

1、flagellate spermatozoon ─── [医] 鞭毛精子

spermatozoon 词性/词形变化,spermatozoon变形

形容词: spermatozoal |名词复数: spermatozoa |

spermatozoon 相似词语短语

1、dermatozoon ─── n.[基医]皮肤寄生虫

2、spermatozoal ─── 精子的

3、spermatozoa ─── n.精子

4、spermatotoxin ─── n.精子毒素

5、spermatozoids ─── n.游动精子

6、spermatozoic ─── 生精细胞

7、spermatozoid ─── n.游动精子

8、spermatozoan ─── 精子的

9、haematozoon ─── n.血寄生虫

spermatozoon 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In fact, major man has leakage spirit appearance, and the amount of spermatozoon and mobile capacity are sufficient cause be pregnant. ─── 事实上,大部分男人都有漏精现象,而且精子的数量和活动能力足够造成怀孕。

2、Prostate fluid is alkalescent, but the acidity secretion in amortize vagina, with getting used to spermatozoon live, be helpful for the activity of spermatozoon. ─── 前列腺液为碱性,可缓冲阴道中的酸性分泌物,以适应精子的生存,有利于精子的活动。

3、A pore in the membrane covering the ovum of some animals through which a spermatozoon can enter. ─── 卵膜孔一些动物卵细胞覆盖膜上的小孔,精子可由此进入

4、eupyrene spermatozoon ─── 正常精子有核精子

5、flagellate spermatozoon ─── [医] 鞭毛精子

6、Fine structure of spotted halibut Verasper variegates spermatozoon with particular reference to the anterior vesicle and pit of the nucleus ─── 圆斑星鲽精子的超微结构及核前区特殊结构

7、Chromatin hetropycnote partly in spermatogonium, then become highly coacervate to form chromosome at the stage of spermatid and at last decondense at the stage of spermatozoon. ─── 染色质在精原细胞中为部分异固缩,在精母细胞中高度凝聚为染色体,在精细胞及精子中为均匀非致密态。

8、Some pathogen are returned but adsorptive at spermatozoon surface, disturb its to metabolize, make its function is lost; ─── 有些病原体还可吸附于精子表面,干扰其代谢,使其功能丧失;


10、A caplike structure AT the anterior end of a spermATozoon thAT produces enzymes aiding in egg penetrATion. ─── 精子头粒蛋白一种在精子内前端的帽状结构,可产生帮助穿透卵子的酶

11、fibrous sheath of spermatozoon ─── 精子纤维鞘

12、How does masturbation ability give spermatozoon? ─── 怎么样手淫才能出精子呢?

13、Prickle as to the abdomen below the feeling when height of the sexual life after art, not be leftover spermatozoon in do mischief. ─── 至于术后性生活高峰时感觉下腹部刺痛,并不是残余精子在作怪。

14、spermatozoon, spermatozoa ─── 精子

15、Abnormal spermatozoon test ─── 精子畸形试验

16、The contaminative rate of deep-sea fish shrimp is lower, be beneficial to function of harmonious male endocrine, and the amount that increases spermatozoon and quality. ─── 深海鱼虾的污染程度比较低,有益于协调男性内分泌机能,以及提高精子的数量和质量。

17、Additional, scrotum is a man " small freezer " , it needs to maintain a constant temperature, just be helpful for spermatozoon generate. ─── 另外,阴囊是男人的“小冰箱”,它需要保持一个恒定的温度,才有利于精子的生成。

18、Sex spermatozoon shoots female uterus, the female crouchs to perhaps go up a toilet, can you still be pregnant? ─── 做爱精子射入女性子宫,女性蹲下一会或者上回厕所,还会怀孕吗?

19、a caplike structure at the anterior end of a spermatozoon that produces enzymes aiding in egg penetration ─── 精子头粒蛋白一种在精子内前端的帽状结构,可产生帮助穿透卵子的酶

20、Active spermatozoon may enter the vagina and continue to move to the uterus. ─── 活跃的精子可能进入阴道并继续向子宫运动。

21、Contain the spermatozoon of Y chromosome to be gotten the better of with vigor extortion among them, the spermatozoon vigor that contains X lost a lot of. ─── 其中含y染色体的精子以活力强取胜,含x的精子活力弱了许多。

22、The positive rate of AsAb may relate to the deficiency of active spermatozoon. ─── 抗精子抗体阳性igg亚型可能与活性精子匮乏有关。

23、In the process of the spermiogenesis, the antigens were assembled in the cytoplasm other than the acrosomal cap region, which was destined to form the postacrosomal region of the spermatozoon. ─── 在精子形成过程中,此抗原由胞质内均匀分布变为聚集于顶体帽旁侧的区域,这一区域将形成顶体后区。

24、Shoot a spermatozoon is conception opportunity great? ─── 射入一粒精子受孕机会大吗?

25、Soja is spermatozoon " killer "----Newest science considers to show, the certain part in soja can cause spermatozoon amount to drop, affect reproductive function of the male thereby. ─── 大豆是精子“杀手”----项最新的科学研究显示,大豆中的某些成分能造成精子数量下降,从而影响男性的生殖功能。

26、Is spermatozoon spermary more build? ─── 精子多是睾丸造的吗?

27、Seminal vesicle is the gland bursa of inflectional shape, its exudate basically is refining fluid, occupy seminal 70 % left and right sides, to spermatozoon survive have main effect. ─── 精囊为屈曲状的腺囊,其分泌液主要为精浆液,占精液的 70 %左右,对精子的存活有重要作用。

28、" Li Hongjun says, "Additional, insalubrious lifestyle also is one of murderers that bring about male spermatozoon amount to drop, for example long-term smoking, excessive drinking. ─── 李宏军说,“另外,不健康的生活方式也是导致男性精子数量下降的凶手之一,例如长期吸烟、酗酒等。”

29、Study on the ultrastructure of spermatozoon of Crassostrea gigas ─── 太平洋牡蛎精子的超微形态研究

30、A week has the woman of beef 7 times at least, the spermatozoon number of their son compares normal person on average low 24.3% . ─── 一周至少吃7次牛肉的女人,她们儿子的精子数平均比正常人低24.3%。

31、Dead spermatozoon sickness ─── 死精子症

32、In corpus luteum period, palace neck mucus is sticky stiff, and the quantity is little, spermatozoon is passed very hard. ─── 在黄体期,宫颈黏液黏稠,而且量少,精子就很难通过。

33、giant spermatozoon ─── 巨精子

34、"Clinic of barren of cure of countrywide each district is increasing, the number that see a doctor also is increasing, these give spermatozoon problem to tending from report of a flank serious. ─── “全国各地治疗不育的诊所都在增加,就诊的人数也在增加,这些都从一个侧面反映出精子问题正在趋于严重。”

35、The par that the male ejaculates is 300 million spermatozoon about, these spermatozoon can live 7 days or so inside female body, if carry egg of in front of plus the female, be pregnant very likely. ─── 男性一次射精的平均数量约为3亿个精子,这些精子可以在女性体内生存7天左右,如果再加上女性提前排卵,就十分有可能怀孕。

36、Ultrastructure of rosy barb Puntius conchonius spermatozoon ─── 玫瑰无须鲃精子的超微结构

37、Is spermatozoon insalubrious bring about not can Yo cure? ─── 精子不健康导致的不育能治好么?

38、annulus of spermatozoon ─── 精子环

39、spermatozoon monstrosity ─── 精子畸形

40、Studies on the Ultrastructure of the Spermatozoon of Andrias Davidianus ─── 大鲵精子的超微结构研究

41、dwarf spermatozoon ─── 短小精子

42、the nucleated cell of a spermatozoon. ─── 精子的有核的细胞

43、New life may begin to develop when a male sex cell (spermatozoon) unites with and thus fertilizes a female sex cell (ovum). ─── 当一个雄性性细胞(精子)与一个雌性性细胞(卵子)相遇并因而受精的时候,新生命便开始发育。

44、Abstract:Ask: How is the man does not have spermatozoon caused? ─── 正文:问:男人无精虫是怎样引起的?

45、Scanning structure of spermatozoon of Moniezia expansa (Cyclophyllidea: Anoplocephalidae ) ─── 扩张莫尼茨绦虫(圆叶目:裸头科)精子的扫描结构

46、Keywords function of testis s producing spermatozoon;percentage of misshapen spermatozoon;metamorphosis; ─── 睾丸生精机能;畸形精子百分率;变态;

47、Why do I see lubricious net you can pour out of spermatozoon ? I also did not masturbate! ─── 为什么我看色网就会流出精子?我也没自慰!

48、Although the problem is done not have so serious, but male spermatozoon amount drops to also can bring a lot of society issues, can affect prepotent actor Yo for instance. ─── 即使问题没有那么严重,但男性精子数量下降也会带来许多社会问题,比如会影响到优生优育。

49、How is the man does not have spermatozoon caused? ─── 男人无精虫是怎样引起的?

50、Most scholar thinks, the varicocele is one of main pathogenies of sterility, the amount that can affect spermatozoon is caused with quality not Yo. ─── 多数学者认为,精索静脉曲张是不育症的主要病因之一,可以影响精子的数量和质量而造成不育。

51、Biopsy on both sides of the testes for evaluation and testicular incision for extracting spermatozoon might be necessary in the patients who intend to breed by intracytoplasmic sperm injection. ─── 单点、单侧睾丸活检可以对无精症进行诊断,但不能反映双侧睾丸的不同生精状态,对欲行卵浆内单精子注射的患者应行双侧睾丸活检,切开获取精子可能是最好的办法。

52、Why does spermatozoon add egg meeting whelp cub? ─── 为什么精子加卵子会下崽崽?

53、Metrological study of spermatozoon in seminiferous tubule of rats after artificial cryptorchism ─── 实验性隐睾术后大鼠生精小管内精子的计量学研究

54、Why are spermatozoon and ovum united in wedlock to you can have new life? ? ─── 为什么精子和卵子一结合就会有新的生命了??

55、Below condition of blame sexual intercourse, the section law sex of flowing flesh is contractive can mix the epididymis liquid of epididymis rear spermatozoon drive enters seminiferous duct; ─── 在非性交状态下,平滑肌的节律性收缩可将附睾尾部的附睾液体和精子驱入输精管;

56、Brief discussion how to increase fecundation rate of buffalo by freezing spermatozoon hybridization in rural ─── 浅谈如何在农村提高水牛冻配受胎率

57、Is spermatozoon very ropy how be to return a responsibility? ─── 有可能,是精子不化,能够到诊所作一个精虫阐发.

58、When sexual intercourse, sympathetic releases a large number of going to armour adrenalin, quicken epididymis rear to be carried to the spermatozoon of seminiferous duct. ─── 当性交时,交感神经释放大量去甲肾上腺素,加速附睾尾部向输精管的精子输送。

59、The spermatozoon of Hucho taimen consisted of a head, a midpiece and a tail. ─── 哲罗鱼的精子由头部、中段和尾部组成。

60、Keywords Fenvalerate;Phoxim;micronucleus;spermatozoon monstrosity;male mice; ─── 氰戊菊酯;辛硫磷;微核;精子畸形;雄性小鼠;

61、The spermatozoon of Hucho taimen consisted of a head, a midpiece and a tail. ─── 哲罗鱼的精子由头部、中段和尾部组成。

62、Studies on the Ultrastructure of the Spermatozoon of Andrias Davidianus[J]. ─── 引用该论文 周海燕,肖亚梅,罗凯坤,杨楚彬,刘筠.

63、The results indicates that the spermatogenic process was like other teleosts, both included following stages spermatogonium, primary spermatocyte, secondary spermatocyte, spermatid and spermatozoon. ─── 结果表明:黄颡鱼精子发生的过程与其他硬骨鱼类相似,均经历精原细胞、初级精母细胞、次级精母细胞、精子细胞和成熟精子几个时期。

64、By what is spermatozoon comprised? ─── 精子是由什么组成的?

65、The mankindThe maleSpermary is had generate spermatozoon and secrete male (male) sex hormone two kinds of functions. ─── 人类男性睾丸具有生成精子和分泌男(雄)性激素两种功能。

66、Keywords Ten sub-fortifies;Dead spermatozoon sickness;Clinical observation; ─── 十子壮阳丹;死精子症;临床观察;

67、an organic cell or organized body that has independent movement within a living organism,especially a motile gamete such as a spermatozoon ─── 在有机体内可以独立运动的生物细胞或有组织结构的肢体,特别指能动的配子,例如精子

68、The method that has a kind of strange man so is, use when ML reach a position greatly, had better be the body underlay in wife pillow, make spermatozoon direct enter an uterus. ─── 所以有一种生男子的方法是,ML时采用深交体位,最好是在老婆的身下垫个枕头,让精子直接进入子宫。

69、P34H, a member of the short chain dehydrogenase/reductase(SDR) superfamily, is acquired on the acrosomal cap of human spermatozoon during its maturation arising within epididymis. ─── P34H是由人附睾上皮细胞分泌并定位于精子顶体的精子膜蛋白,属于短链脱氢酶还原酶(SDR)超家族成员。

70、neck of spermatozoon ─── 精子颈

71、apyrene sperm(apyrene spermatozoon) ─── 无核精子

72、Cure the vitality of spermatozoon to differ from the damp heat discussion of realize ─── 从湿热论治精子活力差的体会

73、The reproductive cell joint performance of spermary becomes spermatozoon. ─── 睾丸的生殖细胞会演变成精子。

74、An organic cell or organized body that has independent movement within a living organism, especially a motile gamete such as a spermatozoon. ─── 游动孢子在有机体内可以独立运动的生物细胞或有组织结构的肢体,特别指能动的配子,例如精子

75、In addition, muscularity of drug taking, excessive drinking, smoking, fat, society pressing is the main reason that male spermatozoon amount drops. ─── 此外,吸毒、酗酒、吸烟、肥胖、社会压力大等都是男性精子数量下降的重要原因。

76、Either of two conjugating gametes that differ in structure or behavior, such as the small, motile male spermatozoon and the larger, nonmotile female ovum. ─── 异形配子在结构或行为上不同的两个配合配子之一,如小的能动的雄性精子与大的不能动的雌性卵子

77、Sperm (spermatozoon:)Male reproductive cell. ─── 精子:雄性生殖细胞。

78、We should prohibit the establishment of the spermatozoon storeroom for the commercial purposes. ─── 必须严格规范精子库的建立,禁止其商业炒作。

79、Results: Vasal reconstruction using microsurgery was performed in 8 cases, 4 of them have normal spermatozoon and get fertile. ─── 结果采用显微外科手术直接行端端吻合或改变输精管行程行端端吻合术,8例成功复通,其中4例精液正常者均获生育。

80、The vigor of spermatozoon by computer radiate abate, so the vigor of Y, X is very weak, y does not take an advantage, even if be being handed in greatly also is not Y certainly first get victory. ─── 精子的活力被电脑辐射减弱了,那么y、x的活力都很弱,y占不到优势,即使是深交也不一定就是y优先取胜。

81、Vasoligation : Cut off the seminiferous duct that carries conduit as spermatozoon, prevented undoubtedly be pregnant. ─── 输精管结扎术:截断作为精子运输管道的输精管,无疑就阻止了怀孕。

82、Either of two conjugating gametes that differ in structure or behavior,such as the small,motile male spermatozoon and the larger,nonmotile female ovum. ─── 异形配子在结构或行为上不同的两个配合配子之一,如小的能动的雄性精子与大的不能动的雌性卵子。

83、Additional, scrotum is a man " small freezer " , it needs to maintain a constant temperature, just be helpful for spermatozoon generate. ─── 另外,阴囊是男人的“小冰箱”,它需要保持一个恒定的温度,才有利于精子的生成。

84、tail of spermatozoon ─── 精子尾

85、Keywords Artificial Insemination Celebrities Spermatozoon Storeroom Ethics; ─── 人工授精;名人精子库;伦理学;

86、Spermatozoon ovum combination distant hybridization ─── 精卵结合型远缘杂交

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