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09-17 投稿


sporangia 发音


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sporangia 中文意思翻译



sporangia 短语词组

1、sporangia mycelium ─── 孢子囊菌丝体

sporangia 相似词语短语

1、porangi ─── adj.发疯的

2、sporangial ─── 孢子囊的

3、zoosporangial ─── 游动孢子囊

4、sporangium ─── n.[植]孢子囊;芽孢囊

5、megasporangia ─── n.大孢子囊(megasporangium的变形)

6、eusporangiate ─── adj.有真正孢子囊的;厚囊蕨的

7、sporangiole ─── [植]小孢子囊

8、zoosporangia ─── 游动孢子囊

9、sporangiola ─── 孢子管菌

sporangia 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、f. The dichotomous branching and sporangia of this plant were characteristics of the first terrestrial tracheophytes, which left some of the earliest land plant macrofossils at this time in history. ─── 此植物具二叉分枝及孢子囊,被认为是最早出现的陆生维管束植物,此也是目前巨大植物化石出现的时期。

2、Zoosporangium (pl. zoosporangia) A sporangium that produces ZOOSPORES. ─── 游动孢子囊:产生游动孢子的孢子囊。

3、A support for a fern sporangium or mosscapsule. ─── 蕨类孢囊或藓蕨果荚的支撑物。

4、Molds can be identified as to spore type and shape, type of sporangia , and type of mycelium, as shown in Figure 3 and Table 2. ─── 黴菌的鑑定可归因于孢子的类型与外型、孢子囊与菌丝体的类型等,如于图三与表二所示。

5、1. Sporangiophore, sporangium and columella; 2. Sporangiospores; 3. Mature zygospore;4.Rhizoids ─── 孢囊梗、孢子囊及囊轴2.孢囊孢子;3.成熟的接合孢子;4.假根

6、germ sporangium ─── 萌芽孢子囊

7、exannulate sporangium ─── 无环带孢子囊

8、stout tropical swamp fern (especially tropical America) having large fronds with golden yellow sporangia covering the undersides. ─── 长有下侧带有金黄色孢子囊的宽大复叶的低矮热带沼泽蕨(特别是分布在美洲热带)。

9、The inhibition activity of COS and L-C on some phytopathogens fungi was studied by means of the mycelium growth rate in vitro and sporangia germination method. ─── 通过室内生长速率法和孢子萌发法测定了壳低聚糖和L-C对几种植物病原真菌的抑制效果;

10、In some ferns sporangia develop on the normal foliage leaves but in higher plants, the sporophylls are highly modified leaves. ─── 在一些蕨类中孢子叶由植物体距地面较高处的叶片发育而成。

11、type genus of the Rhyniaceae; small leafless dichotomously branching fossil plants with terminal sporangia and smooth branching rhizomes. ─── 鹿角蕨科的模式属;小而无叶的二叉分枝的化石植物,孢子囊顶生,根状茎光滑,有分枝。

12、cauline sporangium ─── 茎生孢子囊

13、type genus of Gleicheniaceae: leptosporangiate ferns with sessile sporangia; South Africa to Maylasia and New Zealand ─── 里白科的模式属;薄囊蕨,具无柄的孢子囊群;产于南非至马来西亚和新西兰

14、,clusters of sporangia) on the dorsal side of the frond. ─── 孢子囊群聚成线状,大约是从中肋至叶缘的1/2长.

15、The pathogen overwintered as sporangium on infected leaves. The control effects of 1% Bordeaux mixture,50% Topsin and 50% Carbendazim were 66.2%,45.9% and 33.8% respectively. ─── 在病原侵染初期分别用 1%波尔多液、5 0%托布津和5 0%多菌灵做防治试验 ,防治效果分别为 6 6 2%、4 5 9%和 33 8%。

16、There was no correlation between zoospore and sporangium yeild in different medium. ─── 游动孢子的浓度与孢子囊的浓度没有正相关性。

17、Medium had relation to biological characters including colony morphology, growth rate, sporangium production and pathogenicity of Phytophthora capsici Leonian. ─── 辣椒疫霉的菌落形态、生长速率、产生孢子囊的能力、致病力的强弱与培养基种类有很大关系。

18、(of ferns) having sporangia that arise from a group of epidermal cells ─── (关于蕨类植物)具有由一组表皮细胞形成的孢子囊的

19、(of ferns) having each sporangium formed from a single epidermal cell. ─── (关于蕨类植物)具有由单个表皮细胞形成的孢子囊的。

20、type genus of Gleicheniaceae: leptosporangiate ferns with sessile sporangia; South Africa to Maylasia and New Zealand. ─── 里白科的模式属;薄囊蕨,具无柄的孢子囊群;产于南非至马来西亚和新西兰。

21、Suppression of several fungicides on sporangia germination of Peronospora parasitica and their field efficiency ─── 几种杀菌剂对白菜霜霉病菌孢子萌发的抑制及田间药效

22、The treatment of darkness with florescent or alternative florescent light did not have significant effect on the mycelial growth, sporulation or sporangium germination. ─── 游动孢子的萌发对湿度要求高,在有水膜的条件下才能萌发。菌丝在pH值为3-10范围内均可生长和产孢。

23、sporangia induction ─── 孢子囊诱导

24、The presence of 16- and 64-spored sporangia suggests two evolutionary events within Alsophila. ─── 此外,孢子囊内具16或64颗孢子之特徵也反应桫椤属植物在演化上的两个事件。

25、oat meal agar and corn meal agar were suitable for the growth of the pathogen and the formation of sporangia. ─── ℃;病原菌在燕麦、玉米粉培养基上生长最好,孢子囊形成多;

26、There are a lot of sporule mother cells in every sporangium, they are respective via meiosis hind, produce the sporule of 4 monoploid. ─── 每个孢子囊中有许多小孢子母细胞,它们各自经减数分裂后,产生四个单倍体的小孢子。

27、3. type genus of the Marattiaceae: ferns having the sporangia fused together in two rows. ─── 马蹄蕨科的模式属;孢子囊排成两列的蕨类植物。

28、Germination of the sporangium ─── 孢子萌发

29、sporangium bearing leaf ─── 孢子叶

30、3) With the distinct dehiscing mechanism, the sporangia have the variation in shape, i.e. reniform, rounded or vertically elongate; ─── 3) 孢子囊性状存在变异, 为肾形、圆形或纵向伸长, 具明显的开裂机制;

31、The results showed that the peak of sporangia dispersal was from August to early or middle September during whole growing season; ─── 结果表明:8月至9月上中旬为整个生长季中孢子囊飞散的高峰;

32、On new liquid media for inducing sporangia of Phytophthora spp. ─── 诱导疫霉菌产生游动孢子囊液体培养基的研制。

33、sporangia on margins of finger-like lobes (look like gecko's fingers). ─── 孢子囊长在孢子叶末端的指状裂片。因孢膜袋状,使整个孢子叶看似壁虎的脚趾。

34、resting sporangium ─── 休眠孢子囊

35、In some ferns sporangia develop on the normal foliage leaves but in higher plants, the sporophylls are highly modified leaves. ─── 在一些蕨类中孢子叶由植物体距地面较高处的叶片发育而成。

36、Sporangiophore A structure bearing sporangia (see sporangium). ─── 孢囊梗:着生孢子囊的结构(参见sporangium)。

37、Purifing air, removes in the unusual smell and the fetid odor, absorb and clean air dust, the pollen, tiny bacterium sporangium, the germ and so on. ─── 净化空气、去除余味及臭味、吸收、清洁空气中的尘埃、花粉、微菌芽孢、病菌等。

38、Slide 1-14 This organism is Syncephalastrum, another fungus which produces asexual spores in a sporangia. ─── 幻灯1-14这是共头霉,另一种以孢子囊产孢的真菌。

39、2) Sporangia terminate the lateral branches or long stalks; ─── 2) 孢子囊顶生于侧枝上或侧生的长柄上;

40、small leafless dichotomously branching fossil plants with terminal sporangia and smooth branching rhizomes. ─── 小而无叶的二叉分枝的化石植物,孢子囊顶生,根状茎光滑,有分枝。

41、The spores are liberated by rupture of the sporangium wall. ─── 当孢子囊壁破裂时可以将其内的孢子释放出来。

42、Sori oblong, attached along a vein about 0.5-1 mm from the edge, usually of about 8-10 sporangia. ─── 孢子囊群长圆形,长约1毫米,著生于距叶缘0.5-1毫米处,通常由8-10个孢子囊组成,棕色。

43、X-ray microanalysis of the element of the leaf, spore and sporangium annulus Cyatheaceae plant in China ─── 中国桫椤科植物叶、孢子和孢子囊环带元素的X-射线微区成分分析

44、a support for a fern sporangium or moss capsule ─── 蕨类孢囊或藓蕨果荚的支撑物

45、2. The central column of sterile tissue in the sporangium of liverworts and mosses. ─── 2蒴轴:苔藓的孢子囊中由不育组织构成的中央柱。

46、type genus of the Marattiaceae: ferns having the sporangia fused together in two rows ─── 马蹄蕨科的模式属;孢子囊排成两列的蕨类植物

47、Sporangium (pl.sporangia) A reproductive body in which asexual spores are formed. ─── 孢子囊:无性孢子产生的场所。

48、type genus of Gleicheniaceae: leptosporangiate ferns with sessile sporangia; ─── 里白科的模式属;薄囊蕨,具无柄的孢子囊群;

49、It is before mature and antheral craze, the space between medical room is likely already burst, of 4 sporangium antheral turn two pollen into bursa namely. ─── 在成熟花药开裂以前,药室之间的分隔可能已破裂,四个孢子囊的花药即变成两个花粉囊。

50、type genus of Gleicheniaceae: leptosporangiate ferns with sessile sporangia; South Africa to Maylasia and New Zealand. ─── 里白科的模式属;薄囊蕨,具无柄的孢子囊群;产于南非至马来西亚和新西兰。

51、Normally every antheral comprise by two medicine valve, every medicine valve has two pollen bag, the medical room that has antheral wall and generation sporule among them (sporangium) . ─── 通常每个花药由两个药瓣组成,每个药瓣有两个花粉囊,其中有花药壁和产生小孢子的药室。

52、Studies on the Methods for Stimulating Large Amounts of Sporangia of Phytophthora Sojae ─── 诱导大豆疫霉菌大量产生游动孢子囊的最佳方法研究

53、Oomycetes and chytrids (sometimes called water molds) produce motile flagellated spores in sporangia. ─── 卵菌纲和壶菌在孢子囊中产生能动的带鞭毛的孢子。

54、plurilocular sporangium ─── 复子囊

55、A special arc or ring of cells in the sporangia of ferns that constitutes the mechanism for spore dispersal. ─── 某些蕨类植物所具有的一种与孢子萌发机制有关的,孢子囊细胞壁上的一种特化的环状或弧状结构。

56、It is an asexual spore formed in a sporangium and is usually thick walled. ─── 静孢子是由孢子囊产生的无性孢子,通常具有厚的细胞壁。

57、swarm sporangium ─── 游动孢子囊

58、Indusium The flap of tissue, derived from the placenta, that encloses the developing sporangia in the sorus of a fern. ─── 囊群盖:是一种起源于胎座(应为叶表皮译者注)的瓣片状组织,覆盖在蕨类植物孢子囊群中正在发育的孢子囊上。

59、Stomium (pl. stomia) The site at which a sporangium or pollen sac ruptures to release the spores or pollen. ─── 裂口:孢子囊或花粉囊的开裂位置,小孢子或花粉粒从中散出。

60、The family is characterized by the ovoid and nearly sessile sporangia, which have apical annula. ─── 本科植物外型差异非常大,主要共同特徵是具有卵形,近无柄,环带顶生的孢子囊。

61、Isolation methods of the single sporangium of Phytophthora sojae ─── 大豆疫霉菌单游动孢子囊的分离方法

62、The comprehensive factors including variety, topography, air temperature, rainfall and number of sporangia dispersal could affect outbreak and epidemic of wine grape downy mildew. ─── 品种、地势、空气温度、降雨量和菌量等综合因素共同影响葡萄霜霉病的发生与流行。

63、type genus of the Psilophytaceae: genus of small wiry herbaceous Paleozoic plants with underground rhizomes and apical sporangia. ─── 裸蕨科的模式属;古生代植物,为小而坚韧的草木,具地下根状茎和顶生的孢子囊群。

64、The sporangium dehisces longitudinally.Centrarch xylem consists of G-type conducting tracheids bearing annular secondary thickenings, between which are irregular simple perforations. ─── 心始式木质部由G-型输水管胞组成, 环纹次生加厚带之间分布不规则的简单穿孔。

65、monosporous sporangium ─── 单孢孢子囊

66、sporangium bacilliform bacteria ─── 芽孢杆菌

67、In spite that many cells were necrotic during the culture, all the 8 strains regenerated their seedling in different ways:(1)marginal cells formed sporangia containing several spores; ─── 一些报道表明,由紫菜叶状体营养细胞直接成苗在不少种类中存在。

68、However, for this organism sporangium formation is different. ─── 然而它的孢子囊形成方式不同。

69、(of ferns) having sporangia that arise from a group of epidermal cells. ─── (关于蕨类植物)具有由一组表皮细胞形成的孢子囊的。

70、sporangium phase ─── 孢子囊时期

71、a sterile simple or branched filament or hair borne among sporangia;may be pointed or clubbed. ─── 孢子囊单一的或分叉的不育花丝,尖角状或棒状。

72、type genus of the Marattiaceae: ferns having the sporangia fused together in two rows. ─── 马蹄蕨科的模式属;孢子囊排成两列的蕨类植物。

73、A ring or group of thick - walled cells around the sporangia of many ferns that functions in spore release. ─── 环带蕨类植物孢子囊周围具有释放孢子功能的环或一组细胞壁很厚的细胞

74、fertile lamina similar to sterile ones, but somewhat reduced, about 8 cm long and 0.4 cm wide, lower surface almost entirely covered with sporangia. ─── 能育叶与不育叶相似,但较小,长约8厘米,宽约0.4厘米,下部满布孢子囊。

75、a sterile simple or branched filament or hair borne among sporangia; may be pointed or clubbed. ─── 孢子囊单一的或分叉的不育花丝,尖角状或棒状。

76、resistant sporangium ─── 厚垣孢子囊, 减数分裂孢子囊(meiosporangium)

77、Columella 1. The structure present in sporangia of many zygomycete fungi (e.g. Mucor) produced by formation of a domeshaped septum cutting off the sporangium from the sporangiohore. ─── 1囊轴:许多接合菌的孢子囊中的结构(毛霉属)。在孢子囊的中央形成一个中空的腔,其外一层薄壁就叫做囊轴。

78、This photomicrograph shown a lavge(dark colour) sporangium which contains asexual spores called sporangiospores. ─── 此照片显示一个暗色的大孢子囊,其中含有无性孢子,称为孢子囊孢子。

79、Molds can be identified as to spore type and shape, type of sporangia, and type of mycelium, as shown in Figure 3 and Table 2. ─── 黴菌的鑑定可归因于孢子的类型与外型、孢子囊与菌丝体的类型等,如于图三与表二所示。

80、Each dot is called a sorus and consists of many sporangia mounted on stalks. ─── 每个圆点称为一个囊群,由许多长在柄上的孢子囊组成。

81、compare with Zygomycetes which produce sporangiospores inside a sporangium. ─── 而接合菌的无性孢子是在孢子囊内产生孢囊孢子.

82、Sporangium was born in stem top, long in shape, no stalk, a small pointed. ─── 孢子囊生于茎顶,长圆形,无柄,具小尖头。

83、stout tropical swamp fern (especially tropical America) having large fronds with golden yellow sporangia covering the undersides. ─── 长有下侧带有金黄色孢子囊的宽大复叶的低矮热带沼泽蕨(特别是分布在美洲热带)。

84、A female gametophyte of the female gametophyte in the sporangium ovule is the heart of the beads. ─── 产生雌配子的雌配子体在大孢子囊即胚珠的珠心处发育。

85、fertile lamina taller than the sterile ones;pinnae much reduced, about 2.5 cm long and 2-3 mm wide, densely covered with sporangia on lower surface. ─── 能育叶比不育叶高,羽片遥小,长约2.5厘米,宽2-3毫米,下面密生孢子囊。

86、unilocular sporangium ─── 单室囊

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