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09-17 投稿


indecisively 发音

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indecisively 中文意思翻译



indecisively 词性/词形变化,indecisively变形

副词: indecisively |名词: indecisiveness |

indecisively 反义词


indecisively 同义词

uncertainly | waveringly | hesitantly |irresolutely

indecisively 相似词语短语

1、indicatively ─── 指示地,表示地;象征地;陈述地(indicative的副词形式)

2、swing decisively ─── 果断地摇摆

3、incisively ─── adv.敏锐地;激烈地

4、indefinitely ─── adv.不确定地,无限期地;模糊地,不明确地

5、decisively ─── adv.果断地;决然地

6、intensively ─── adv.强烈地;集中地

7、derisively ─── adv.嘲弄地;嘲笑地

8、inductively ─── adv.归纳地,诱导地

9、indecisive ─── adj.犹豫不决的;非决定性的

indecisively 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、paces back and forth in front of the guesthouse luxurious magnificent great hall gate, always indecisively hesitates actually, even if braces oneself also is helpless. ─── 徘徊在宾馆豪华瑰丽的大堂门前,却总是犹豫不决踌躇不前,即便硬着头皮进去也是手足无措。

2、the battle ended indecisively; neither side had clearly won but neither side admitted defeat. ─── 战争结束了,没有结局;双方都没有获胜但都不承认失败了。

3、He looked at nike sb, who stood indecisively two steps behind rsula, gucci shoes nike dunks he smiled as he asked her, What happened to your handnike sb raised the hand with the black bandage. ─── 如一间四五平方米的卫生间,在设计师的镜头下可以显得宽敞无比、气派非凡,其奥秘就在于设计师在拍摄样图时选用了广角镜头,而这种视觉效果是人的正常视角根本无法达到的。

4、Now I wander through my garden indecisively, trying to hold on to the last days of lat summer. ─── 此刻的我,忧心忡忡,徜徉在花园中,多想留住这夏末里的最后时日。

5、the battle ended indecisively; neither side had clearly won but neither side admitted defeat. ─── 战争结束了,没有结局;双方都没有获胜但都不承认失败了。

6、'I don't know,' he said indecisively. ─── ‘我不知道。’他优柔寡断地说。

7、he's not decide yet. he's swinging indecisively from quiting to staying. his present company pays well but the new company is also good . ─── 小米:还有确定呢.他在去和留之间犹豫不决。现在的公司待遇不错的,新的公司也很不错.

8、The acrimonious debate on the agenda ended indecisively. ─── 对这项议程的激烈辩论无果而终。

9、he's not decide yet. he's swinging indecisively from quitting to staying. his present company pays well but the new company is also good . ─── 还有确定呢。他在去和留之间犹豫不决。现在的公司待遇不错的,新的公司也很不错。

10、maneuverability indecis ─── 操纵性指数

11、Now I wander through my garden indecisively, trying to hold on to the last days of late summer. ─── 现在我在花园中不停地徘徊,想要留住仲夏最后的日子。

12、to swing indecisively from one course of action or opinion to another ─── 犹豫不决在某一行动(或某一观点)和另一观点(行动)之间犹豫

13、We hadn't reached West Egg village before Gatsby began leaving his elegant sentences unfinished and slapping himself indecisively on the knee of his caramel-colored suit. ─── 我们还没到西卵镇,盖茨比就开始把他文雅的句子说到一半就打住,同时犹疑不决地用手拍着他酱色西装的膝盖。

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