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09-19 投稿


innocuity 发音


英:  美:

innocuity 中文意思翻译



innocuity 相似词语短语

1、innocent ─── adj.无辜的;无罪的;无知的;n.天真的人;笨蛋;n.(Innocent)人名;(英、西)因诺森特;(法)伊诺桑

2、inequity ─── n.不公平,不公正

3、innocuous ─── adj.无害的;无伤大雅的

4、innocently ─── adv.纯洁地;无罪地

5、annuity ─── n.年金,养老金;年金保险;年金享受权

6、ingenuity ─── n.心灵手巧,独创性,足智多谋;精巧的装置

7、innocency ─── n.天真行为;无罪

8、iniquity ─── n.邪恶;不公正

9、innocents ─── n.无辜人士(innocent的复数)

innocuity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The convying belt is made of innocuity rubber ( passed FDA ) .The shelves of machine adopt 304 stainless steel material . ─── 输送带采用食品级无毒橡胶材料制作,机架等部位全部采用304不锈钢制造,输送速度分固定转速与无级调速两种,可供客户选用。

2、Innocuity, safe and convenient, the use of low cost. ─── 无毒无害,安全方便,使用成本低。

3、The advantages of the invention lie in innocuity, good effect on mouse fly killing, low production cost. ─── 本发明的优点在于无毒无害、环保卫生,灭鼠灭蝇效果好,用途广泛,生产成本低,使用方便简单,利于推广。

4、Those that cannot undergo innocuity treatment shall be destroyed. ─── 无法作无害化处理的,予以销毁。

5、Innocuity and Type is unknown ─── 无毒、种类不详

6、Owing to its excellent optic-electronic properties, low cost and innocuity, flexible transparent conducting film ZAO has become a focus of research. ─── 柔性透明导电薄膜ZAO具有优异的光电性能且资源丰富、成本低、对环境无污染,成为当前的研究热点。

7、As an advanced way, the integrative treatment is apt to actualize the principles of reutilization, minimization and innocuity of MSW. ─── 提出了城镇生活垃圾"三位一体"综合处置的工艺路线;

8、Agriculture SAP is the fruit of 863 of the country's important scientific and technological achievements, the product innocuity, with strong absorbent, water capacity, Features long period. ─── 保水剂是国家863计划的重要科技成果,该产品无毒无害,具有吸水性强、保水能力大、有效期长的特点。

9、Taizhu pigment is made of nature mica.It is high temperature-resistant, innocuity. ─── 泰珠珠光颜料采用天然云母制成,耐高温,不含毒素。

10、Objective:To study the choice principle of innocuity and nutrition shampoo material dosage and the collocate way. ─── 目的:研究无毒营养洗发液原料的选择以及配制方法。

11、There are artificial leather refinement packing,canvas refinement packing,ABS innocuity plastic packing,canvas common packing,artificial leather common packing. ─── 产品的包装主要分为:人造皮革精包装、人造皮革普通包装、帆布精包装、帆布普通包装及abs无毒塑料包装等。

12、The product features high strength, tiny difference of vertical and horizontal strength without any adhesive as well as innocuity and corrosion resistant. ─── 产品强力高,纵横向强力差异小,不含粘合剂,无毒,耐腐蚀。

13、5/Body is made of pabular medicine silicon gel, safety,and innocuity,Nice absorbability,can attaching anywhere to therapy on our body. ─── 5、罐体使用食品级硅胶,对人体无毒、安全。吸附性极强,可吸附身体任何部位进行治疗。

14、the principle of innocuity ─── 无害性原则

15、The SO2 absorbant taken by this new technology has some characteristics such as absorbing SO2 selectively, recycling, and innocuity. ─── 其采用的二氧化硫吸收剂具有选择性吸收电厂烟气中的二氧化硫、能够循环使用、无毒无害等优良特性。

16、Amino-acid amphoteric surfactant,a kind of green surfactant,has been used in leather industry more and more because of its innocuity,biodegradation and blending ability. ─── 氨基酸型两性表面活性剂是一种以氨基酸为基础的环保表面活性剂,其良好的无毒、生物可降解和配伍性能,越来越多地被应用到皮革工业中。

17、Because of oneself properties,the food machinery need it's cleaning agent which is innocuity,non-combustiable and less residuum. ─── 食品机械由于其自身的特殊性,对清洗剂要求无毒、不燃、残留物少。

18、It will be a practical way for the sludge of a city to combine the sludge disposal with sludge stabilization, decrease decrement, innocuity and resource. ─── 然后指出使污泥处置与污泥稳定化、减量化、无害化及资源化相结合将成为解决城市污泥问题的最终出路。

19、This paper introduces a new technology that makes the waste residue of the Zr-production innocuity by taking place of some material in common cement-production assemble line. ─── 摘要研究了锆化工废渣用在水泥生产中替代部分混合材料,经正常水泥生产各道工序后,生产水泥的无害化处理与利用技术。

20、It can also be used to produce airproof, explosion-proof and arc-resistant electric apparatus as well as various plastic products with innocuity requirements. ─── 还可生产防火、防暴、耐电弧电器及其他各种无毒要求的塑料制品。

21、At present, 68.4 percent of urban residents in China use gas; the centralized disposal rate of urban sewage is 20 percent; the innocuity rate of urban garbage and fecal disposal is 45.4 percent; and the afforestation rate is 23.8 percent. ─── 目前,全国城市居民用气普及率68.4%,城市污水集中处理率20%,城市垃圾粪便无害化率45.4%,绿化率23.8%。

22、Comparing with traditional flocculant,the secondary pollution was not caused and the bioflocculant is safe or innocuity. ─── 与传统的混凝剂相比,生物絮凝剂具有无二次污染、安全无害等优点。

23、It’s of vital significance to develop and study the yellow pigment from pumpkin, just because of its bright luster, rich source and innocuity, with nutritional therapy and certain medicinal value. ─── 本试验分别采用溶剂提取法、微波助提法和超声波助提法对南瓜黄色素的提取条件进行优化,并对其稳定性进行研究;

24、The comprehensive disposal method is presented as an optimal way of MSW treatment.This method is apt to actualize the minimization,resource recovery and innocuity of MSW. ─── 该技术综合了填埋、堆肥和焚烧三种处理方法优点,可以实现生活垃圾的减量化、资源化和无害化,具有很好的社会、环境和经济效益。

25、Innocuity, "Saite"ceilings with the best gesso and abio-additive are called "environmentally friendly building materials. ─── 无毒无害。“赛特”天花采用优质、纯白的天然石膏加无机添加剂组合而成,人称“绿色建材”

26、innocuity test method ─── 安全试验法

27、Flexographic printing ink has characteristics of innocuity, not burning, not contaminating environment, and fast drying, it is extensively used in the package printing. ─── 摘要柔性版水性油墨具有无毒、不燃、不污染环境、干燥快的特点,广泛应用在印刷包装中。

28、It must be innocuity, and has no stimulation, no side-effect and noninteracting with medicine. ─── 医药中表面活性剂必须无毒、无刺激、无副作用且不影响药性。

29、The latest progress of weathering paints is introduced, and the developing trends of paints which are high weatheraility, innocuity and no pollution are pointed out. ─── 介绍了耐候性涂料的最新进展,指出了涂料抗老化技术的发展趋势是向著高耐候性、无毒、环保的方向发展。

30、Study on Innocuity Disposal of Household Garbage in the Construction Area for the Three Gorges Project ─── 三峡工程施工区生活垃圾无害化处理研究

31、It is a perfect evaporative cooling medium which possess good chemical inertia, thermodynamic stability, electrical performance, innocuity and noncombustion. ─── 全氟三乙胺是一种具备良好的化学惰性、热稳定性、电气性能以及无毒、不燃的理想相变降温介质。

32、Sludge stabilization is a crucial step for the innocuity treatment and resource utilization of sludge. ─── 污泥的稳定化是污泥无害化、资源化利用的一个关键步骤。

33、In this paper, abroad status of mechanical recycling of PCB and some advices on resource utilization and innocuity treatment of PCB are presented. ─── 针对国外废弃电路板的机械回收利用现状,提出了在国内开展废弃电路板资源化、无害化处理研究的一些建议。

34、medicine silicon gel, safety, and innocuity, Nice absorbability, can attaching anywhere to therapy on our body. ─── 罐体使用食品级硅胶,对人体无毒、安全。吸附性极强,可吸附身体任何部位进行治疗。

35、BM microorganism composite is a sort of high efficiency, innocuity and no pollution microorganism composite. ─── BM微生物制剂是一种高效、新型、无毒、无害、无二次污染的复合型微生物制剂。

36、Night soil is a resource as well as contamination and infectant.It is important to dispose night soil with the principles of decreasing, innocuity and resourcing. ─── 摘要粪便既是农业资源,又是污染体和疾病传染源,对粪便进行减量化、无害化和资源化处置具有重要的现实意义。

37、The sludge thermal drying process is an efficient technology for achieving reduction,innocuity and stabilization,which has been an important way of sludge treatment. ─── 污泥热干化是能够实现减量化、无害化、稳定化的处理工艺,已是处理污泥的主流手段。

38、innocuity test ─── 安全试验

39、The heat stabilizer has convenient sources, low price, good biocompatibility, innocuity and no pollution to environment. ─── 该热稳定剂来源方便,价格低廉,而且具有良好的生物相容性,无毒,不会对环境造成污染。

40、PP-R equipment is advanced device in the world which has cheap price, innocuity, rustless and anti high temperature, easy installation character. ─── 在国际管材发展史上,PP-R是最新的推广产品,具有价廉、无毒、无锈蚀、耐高温、安装方便等特点。

41、Because of oneself properties,the food machinery need it's cleaning agent which is innocuity,non-combustiable and less residuum.This artical expound the problem. ─── 食品机械由于其自身的特殊性,对清洗剂要求无毒、不燃、残留物少。本文就此进行了阐述。

42、The pollution control of breeding aquatics village should be in term of reducing quantity、innocuity、recycling waste and realize commodity of dejection of domestic an... ─── 养殖小区污染的控制应按照减量化、无害化、变废为宝再利用,逐步实现畜粪商品化。

43、It is innocuity and no dust ,it also propitious to laber insurance and surround,it has good felt and no powder ,no stmulation to skin no harm to the person of installation and repariation. ─── 产品有利于劳保和环保,具较强的附着力,不产生粉尘,不刺激皮肤,不危害安装、检修人员健康。挥发性气体释放量满足国家军用标准。

44、Simultaneity, We have passed the Chinese Environment Sign Product Certification Council, and devoted to developing 、producing distribution of the innocuity、sanative environment green products. ─── 同时,通过了中国环境标志产品认证委员会的认证,致力于无毒无害、环保健康的绿色产品的研发、生产和销售。

45、Conclusion This health food has the functions of preventing radiation and alleviating eye fatigue,and it is safe and innocuity for ... ─── 结论此产品具有抗辐射危害和缓解视疲劳的作用,安全无毒,可长期服用。

46、Snake venom activated albumen is a kind of innocuity activated albumen extracted from the snake venom.It can act on the nerves, and also the cells. ─── 蛇毒活性蛋白是从蛇毒中提取的既作用神经,又作用于细胞的无毒性活性蛋白。

47、Application of mildewproof architectural coating and its innocuity way ─── 防霉建筑涂料的应用及其无毒化途径

48、Best disposed methods of municipal sludge aud sewage is innocuity , resourced andindustrialization. ─── 城市管沟污泥的最佳出路是无害化处理、资源化利用、产业化发展。

49、This product of our company is safe and innocuity,good for hypoglycose,and also can accelerate the regenesis of the liver and kidney cells.In a word,it is a first-choice for the diabetes mellitus to choice a assistant remedy. ─── 本公司出品的南瓜多糖,安全无毒,能促进胰岛素分泌有效降血糖,促进肝细胞再生,是糖尿病患者辅助治疗的首选保健品。

50、Keywords Three Gorges Project;construction area;household garbage;innocuity disposal; ─── 关键词三峡工程;施工区;生活垃圾;无害化处理;

51、It was proved that the bacteria solution was actually innocuity by acute toxicity test. ─── 该菌的活菌液对小白鼠的急性毒性试验证明其属于实际无毒。

52、It is innocuity and can be used safely, and belongs to green pro-environment product. ─── 产品无毒,使用安全,属于绿色环保产品;

53、The natural polyphenol pigments have been paid more attention to because of innocuity, bright color and important functions in physiology and pharmacology. ─── 天然酚类色素因无毒无害、着色鲜艳,且有重要的生理药理作用而受到重视。

54、Through the aerobic composting treatment,the further reduction,stabilization and innocuity of the sludge can be obtained. ─── 再经过好氧堆肥处理可使污泥进一步减量化、稳定化和无害化,并有利于进行资源化利用。

55、The heat stabilizer has convenient sources, low price, good biocompatibility, innocuity and no pollution to environment. ─── 该热稳定剂来源方便,价格低廉,而且具有良好的生物相容性,无毒,不会对环境造成污染。

56、It must be innocuity, and has no stimulation, no side-effect and noninteracting with medicine. ─── 医药中表面活性剂必须无毒、无刺激、无副作用且不影响药性。

57、Scientific trash-burning treatment has the advantages of Jess land occupied, easy choice of location, less time consumption, obvious decrement, complete innocuity and the remaining heat to be recycled for heating. ─── 摘要科学焚烧处理垃圾法具有占地少,场地易选择,时间短,减量化显著,无害化彻底以及回收余热供发电供热等优点。

58、Polylactide(PLA) is a kind of important biomedical material for its biodegradability in vivo, innocuity and safe, which has obtained great application in clinic. ─── 聚丙交酯(PLA)是一种非常重要的生物医用材料,由于它在体内可降解、无毒、安全,在临床上得到了广泛的应用。

59、innocuity strategy ─── 绿色化

60、It proves that “Jinguihuishengyi” and “Jinguijihuodang” are innocuity, and it is safe to take it for a long term. ─── 证明金匮回生液和金匮激活丹属无毒类,长期服用安全可靠。

61、Best disposed methods of municipal ludge aud sewage is innocuity,resourced andindustrialization. ─── 城市管沟污泥的最佳出路是无害化处理、资源化利用、产业化发展。

62、Our serial products such as pipes,pipe fittings ,vales,,plates ,filling materials and welding rods are of high-intensity, resistance to high-temperature, acid and flame, and innocuity. ─── 公司生产的管道、管件、阀门、板材、填料、焊条等系列产品,高强度、耐高温、耐酸、耐碱、阻燃、无毒。

63、The polyester plasticizers are basically innocuity. ─── 聚酯增塑剂基本无毒。

64、Keywords Jianghan oilfield;saliferous sludge;innocuity;disposal technique; ─── 江汉油田;含盐废弃泥浆;无害化;处理技术;

65、Discussing the disposal of decrement resource and innocuity about domestic refuse,the paper puts forward the countermeasures to preventing domestic refuse pollution. ─── 该文对生活垃圾如何减量化、资源化、无害化处理进行探讨,并提出生活垃圾污染防治对策。

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