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09-17 投稿


illuminative 发音


英:  美:

illuminative 中文意思翻译



illuminative 短语词组

1、illuminative evaluation model ─── 启发性评价模型

2、illuminative textbooks ─── 启发性教材

3、illuminative emulsion ─── 照明乳液

4、illuminative essence ─── 照明本质

5、illuminative simile ─── 启发性明喻

6、illuminative concepts ─── 启发性概念

7、illuminative level ─── 照明电平

8、illuminative evaluation ─── 阐释性评价

illuminative 相似词语短语

1、illuminati ─── n.自称睿智的人;上层人士,社会精英;n.(Illuminati)光照派;光照会;n.(Illuminati)(意)伊卢米纳蒂(人名)

2、illuminations ─── n.启发;阐释;灯饰(illumination的复数)

3、culminative ─── 顶点

4、eliminative ─── 删去的;消除的

5、hallucinative ─── 幻觉的

6、illuminable ─── adj.可照明的;可被照明的

7、illuminating ─── adj.照亮的,照明的;启蒙的,有启发性的;v.照明,阐释(illuminate的现在分词形式)

8、illuminate ─── vt.阐明,说明;照亮;使灿烂;用灯装饰;vi.照亮

9、illumination ─── n.照明;[光]照度;启发;灯饰(需用复数);阐明

illuminative 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Material of first selection of illuminative of the wall that is astral class guesthouse, bank, large market and decorous villa, ground, cylinder. ─── 是星级宾馆、银行、大型商场和高雅别墅的墙、地、柱体装饰的首选材料。

2、Be like, regard an illuminative as the foundation the small element such as color of flower and butterfly, crayon, be in harmony takes style go in the space. ─── 如,将花与蝴蝶、蜡笔色等小要素作为装饰的基础,融进时尚空间中去。

3、A good critic, however, does not merely catalogue dishes but assesses them in a way that's illuminative. ─── 然而一个好的评论家不会只单单罗列出菜单而是给予食物具有启发意义的评价。

4、The invention is completed based on the mentioned situation, which aims to provide various constitutions implementing communication utilizing illuminative light and applications thereof. ─── 本发明就是鉴于上述情形而完成的,其目的是提供实现利用了照 明光的通信的各种构成及应用例。

5、This self-charging illuminative module is consisted of a lampshade covered by thin-film solar cells and a fluorescent tube in the middle. ─── 自行充电式照明模组由一个日光灯管及一个灯罩组成,灯罩上布有薄膜太阳能板。

6、Song Shaoli: born in 1962, national coach of foot race, the illuminative coach of Wang Yinhang and Li Mingcai. ─── 宋绍利:1962年出生,竞走国家级教练,李明才、王银行的启蒙教练。

7、illuminative intellectual ─── 启蒙知识分子

8、Research on Dynamic Illuminative Model of Cockpit Display under Day Mode ─── 机载液晶显示器昼模式环境光动态照明模型的研究

9、Plant still room illuminative theme, spread all over the metope at this corner, floor and cloth art on. ─── 植物依然室装饰的主题,遍布于这个角落的墙面、地板与布艺上。

10、In small balcony open up one washs gargle area, the birdbath with delicate choice and make up lens, practical while still can have illuminative effect. ─── 为了充分利用小阳台的空间,通常是将其与居室打通连为一体,再用落地窗与外界隔开,配上飘逸的窗帘。

11、The door between hall, room uses the form that grinds construction of illuminative of arenaceous, color, painterly glass to reach push-pull, enhanced a room between mutual " borrow scene " the effect. ─── 厅、室之间的门采用磨砂、彩色、绘画玻璃装饰的构造及推拉的形式,就增强了房间之间的相互“借景”的效果。

12、Guitar of illuminative of Coke Cola design, no matter be to regard musical instrument or room as the decoration in, appear individual character is dye-in-the-wood. ─── 可口可乐图案装饰的吉他,无论是作为乐器还是房间里的摆设,都显得个性十足。

13、Ark of teak seeing and hearing is concise the design style that Li falls, in indirect lamplight illuminative reflect falls, present artistic concept of stereo administrative levels. ─── 柚木视听柜简洁俐落的设计风格,在间接灯光照明的辉映下,呈现立体层次意境。

14、Of course, I or memory network are illuminative period, who telling each other is is hazy, above that moment a batch of literary youth, antrum of a ruffian is literary perhaps antrum. ─── 当然,我还是回忆网络启蒙期,不知对方是谁的朦胧,那时候上面一拨文艺青年,一口痞子腔或者文艺腔。

15、An Liang Marine Cooperation has found in 1982 and manufactured Signal lights, illuminative lamps, navigation lights, and switches for marine use and other relative products and appliances. ─── 安良船舶电器有限公司于1982年成立,并且从事制造船舶信号灯具、照明灯具、船用航行灯、防水开关,以及相关船舶用具等。

16、With 6V/0.75A krypton lamp for brighter, specific optical treatment in speculum, illuminative distance beyond 750 meters. ─── 带有6V/0.75A的氪气灯,更明亮,镜面运用特殊光学处理,照明距离超过750米。

17、In addition, haloid lamp makes the metal salon and first selection of vogue of exhibition hall illuminative. ─── 此外,金属卤素灯成为沙龙和展厅照明的时尚首选。

18、Be in with the distinguished personages at that time people after negotiation, royalty in May 1876 the portion announces to want small to this emperor to have illuminative education. ─── 在与当时的名流们磋商后,皇室于1876年5月份公布要对这位小皇帝进行启蒙教育。

19、The design that traditional dome light adds desk lamp already was to settle program of indoor illuminative only no longer. ─── 传统的顶灯加台灯的设计已不再是解决室内照明的惟一方案了。

20、Two careless shade were hanged in the entry point of toilet, hold partition and illuminative effect concurrently. ─── 在卫生间的入口处挂了两块草帘,兼作隔断与装饰的效果。

21、The degradative rate of fenvalerate in water was relative with the pH and the illuminative intensity,which degraded rapidly in alkaline solution and slowly in acidity and neutral solution. ─── 氰戊菊脂在水中的降解速度与酸碱度和光照强度有关,在碱性溶液中降解快,酸性及中性溶液中降解较慢,在蒸馏水中的光解速度,直射太阳光比散射光快。

22、Illuminative ideologists ─── 明清启蒙思想家

23、(Garden of 6) balcony type has artificial illuminative, need waterproof lamps and lanterns, install prevent switch of leakage of electricity, lest wet produces leakage of electricity, cause harm. ─── (6)阳台式花园有人工照明的,需要防水的灯具,并安装防漏电开关,以免雨天发生漏电,造成伤害。

24、Absorbing dome light all round, installed 5 to shoot the light, way of such coping illuminative choice are more rich. ─── 在吸顶灯的四周,安装了5盏射灯,这样顶部照明的选择方式更加丰富。

25、With the combination of chair of black scale illuminative and wall of black leaf illuminative. ─── 以黑色鳞片装饰的椅子与黑色花瓣装饰的墙壁的组合。

26、Resemble " the window that the eye is the heart " same, the curtain is household illuminative " the pen that nods eyeball " . ─── 就像“眼睛是心灵的窗户”一样,窗帘是家居装饰的“点睛之笔”。

27、4) illuminative is the brightest change. ─── 4)照明的最亮化。

28、The graph is beautiful vitreous footplate stair and its changeful arc ladder, it basically suffers force to be on Qu Liang, and baluster rises to protect column and illuminative action. ─── 图为漂亮的玻璃踏板楼梯及其多变的弧形梯,它主要受力在曲梁上,而栏杆则起到护栏和装饰的作用。

29、People is in the life more and more advocate natural, lead, contracted, household illuminative style also pays attention to individuation even more subsequently. ─── 人们在生活中越来越崇尚自然、超前、简约,家居装饰的风格也随之越发注重个性化。

30、If be on the floor,illuminative plant basically can show floral stereo feeling, the plant that puts here with bulk largish had better. ─── 如在地板上装饰的植物主要能够表现出植物的立体感,在这里摆放的植物以体积稍大为好。

31、Stair illuminative is created, want the obedience unity at overall style likewise. ─── 楼梯装饰的创作,同样要服从于总体风格的统一。

32、Taking wiring of pin illuminative bull-puncher mark and if have be like the snow that not have to spin apposition, behaving a kind of tough attitude. ─── 带着大头针装饰的牛仔布线迹与若有若无的雪纺并置,表现着一种坚韧的态度。

33、is wonderful unscramble: The lovely design on the T-shirt that do not have sleeve is full of Tong Qu, bowknot of the illuminative on the shoulder added fair maiden temperament of Wen Wan. ─── 出色解读:无袖T恤上的可爱图案布满童趣,肩上装饰的蝴蝶结增添了温婉的淑女气质。

34、Austin?s analyses on how to talk world with language are in detail and interesting, and it is rather illuminative in philosophy. ─── 关于我们如何使用语言谈论世界 ,奥斯汀所作的分析详细并且有趣 ,这种分析在哲学上颇有启发意义

35、The illuminative characteristic is discussed in the angle of introspection and saving themselves. ─── 从知识分子面对城市“文明病”时自省和自救的角度论述了启蒙的叙事形态;

36、Extend, grave with halcyon beauty, be board piece illuminative a few big characteristics. ─── 伸展、庄重与宁静之美,是板块装饰的几大特点。

37、On wall illuminative color, should with not harsh, conduce to Morpheus be a standard. ─── 在墙壁装饰的颜色上,要以不刺目、有助于睡眠为标准。

38、Without the heavy burden as an illuminative art, the secular feature of Wenmingxi was shown thoroughly. ─── 卸去了作为启蒙艺术的过重负担,文明戏本身就具有的世俗性的一面得到了淋漓尽致的发挥。

39、A few experts resided illuminative trend and vogue to make to the home recently forecast, think to 5 kinds of new concepts will arise. ─── 最近一些专家对家居装饰的走向与时尚作了猜测,认为有5种新的理念将会产生。

40、The ground: Compound wood floor distributes a blanket, it is bedroom ground illuminative optimal combination. ─── 地面:复合木地板配块毯,是卧室地面装饰的最佳组合。

41、The pink of cultivate one's morality makes up + act the role ofing has crystal illuminative small waist jeans is melting and clinking. ─── 修身的粉色上装+饰有水晶装饰的低腰牛仔裤甜美无比。

42、Can close the lower part of lavatory rise, catharsis articles for use hides inside, sex of whole of the illuminative between the Wei Yu that finish. ─── 可以将洗脸盆的下方封闭起来,内藏洗涤用品,完成卫浴间装饰的整体性。

43、A unit of illuminative brightness equal to one candle per square meter, measured perpendicular to the rays of the source. ─── 尼特照明亮度单位,相当于每平方米烛光。与光源发出的光垂直来测量

44、It is furniture already made household illuminative principal part. ─── 一是家具已成为家居装饰的主体。

45、Additional, with furniture of natural colophony illuminative also be better choice. ─── 另外,以天然树脂装饰的家具也是较好选择。

46、The metope of the sitting room, general meeting uses photography or paint is adorned. Character of a kind of significant perhaps can become impress new trend of prospective bedroom illuminative. ─── 客厅的墙面,一般会用摄影或绘画作品来点缀。印记一种有含义的文字也许会成为未来居室装饰的新趋势。

47、On wall not empty also lonely, mural and illuminative vase make it graces many, flower and greenery also are very good ornament. ─── 墙壁上也并不空寂,壁画和装饰的花瓶都使它增色不少,鲜花和绿色植物也是很好的点缀。

48、Of false wall above can make shelf, interstitial place still can do some of illuminative little niche inside false wall. ─── 假墙的上面可以做搁板,假墙内空隙处还能做些装饰的小壁橱。

49、Li Shutong is an illuminative music educator in modern China. ─── 李叔同是我国近代著名的启蒙音乐教育家。

50、From the rational monism of illuminative modernity to the plural axiology of postmodernity, the perception monism of aesthetic modernity serves as a bridge. ─── 从现代性的理性一元论到后现代的多元价值观,审美现代性的感性一元充当了桥梁、过渡的作用。

51、The foot on real wood floor steps a carpet, having illuminative effect not only, also use for computer at the same time rose amortization and prevent electrostatic action. ─── 实木地板上脚踏一块地毯,不仅有着装饰的效果,同时也为电脑使用起到了消音和防止静电的作用。

52、Common chimney deserves to go up Victoria type tassel, its illume effect is met with without illuminative chimney far apart alien. ─── 普通的灯罩配上维多利亚式流苏,其照明效果就会与未经装饰的灯罩迥然相异。

53、According to my understanding, an illuminative psychology should not merely be a positivist science but should extend to the domain of original existential comprehension. ─── 事实上,我一向不是在“实证科学”的层面而是在“生存体验”这个意义上来理解心理学的。

54、Play the part of beautiful household with soft illuminative colour opportunely, make old home " suddenly turn hostile " , is fashionable life very simple? ─── 巧用软装饰的色彩扮靓家居,使旧家“变脸”,时尚生活是不是很简单?

55、Indoor stylist people making for how bedroom, the illuminative of the office is more concise and Ming is thought of. ─── 室内设计师们正在为怎样使居室,办公室的装饰的更简洁而瞑思。

56、"On Wednesday " festive lantern and with chair of orange of gules and petaline illuminative. Chair of gules tassel illuminative. ─── “星期三”花灯与以红色花瓣装饰的橙色椅子。红色流苏装饰的椅子。

57、Natural, the adornment method of this kind of local counterfort , OK also amplify arrives bedroom illuminative is other place. ─── 自然,这种局部护墙的装饰方法,也可以引伸到居室装饰的其他部位。

58、His principal contributions for his entire career are initiation of Small music Magaxine, creation of school songs and Buddhism songs, and illuminative music education. ─── 其一生的音乐贡献,主要是首创《音乐小杂志》、学堂乐歌创作、佛教歌曲创作和启蒙音乐教育。

59、With the development of commodity economy and the residential social class, the illuminative thinking had arose.The thoughts had a far-reaching impact on the contemporary countries. ─── 摘要中世纪后期,随着商品经济的发展和市民阶级的壮大,以理性主义为核心的近代启蒙思想蓬勃兴起,深刻影响了资本主义法制文明。

60、i am very grateful to my illuminative teacher. ─── 我很感激我的启蒙老师。

61、The door between hall, room is used grind construction of illuminative of arenaceous, color, painterly glass to reach push-pull form, enhanced a room between mutual " borrow scene " the effect. ─── 厅、室之间的门采用磨砂、彩色、绘画玻璃装饰的构造及推拉形式,增强了房间之间的相互“借景”的效果。

62、An Youjin is hand of lubricious ark doorknob, aureate the bedroom that shoots the light, suit to contain aureate illuminative the lamp. ─── 安有金色柜门把手、金色射灯的卧室,适合带有金色装饰的灯。

63、It also is to be close to solar illuminative most the lamp. ─── 它也是最接近日光照明的灯。

64、Sit on sofa, look up see smallpox, the light that with illuminative of solid batten money lamp division scattering gives very intoxicate. ─── 坐在沙发上,抬头看看天花,用实木条款装饰的灯区散射出的灯光很醉人。

65、Make wall illuminative text opportunely, in wall in decorating, had better not be decorated with horizontal line. ─── 巧做墙壁装饰的文章,在墙壁的装修中,最好不要用横线条来装修。

66、It also attaches much importance to the cultivation of children"s ethic and morality at their illuminative period, and it covers a wide range of homiletic contents from Confucianism. ─── 往来物也十分注重儿童启蒙时期的伦理道德培养,有许多关于儒家道德说教的内容。

67、In the graph, this contemporary to the style desk lamp is offerring illuminative at the same time, still make whole room produced unified visual result. ─── 图中,这对样式现代的台灯在提供照明的同时,还使整个房间产生了统一的视觉效果。

68、Illuminative condition ─── 光照条件

69、Of his requirement study decorate must consider quiet, daylighting enough, stylist of hot line illuminative is achieve this one result, coloring colour, illume, decorations will build. ─── 他要求书房的装修必须考虑安静、采光充足,热线装饰的设计师为达到这一效果,用色彩、照明、饰物来营造。

70、"1 " it is to provide whole room illuminant of the basiccest illuminative. ─── “1”则是提供整个房间最基本照明的光源。

71、For the illuminative beautiful, water supply often embedded wall is medium and conceal, once leakage cannot be aware of, ooze arrives downstair when, had caused loss and undesirable effect. ─── 为了装饰的美观,供水系统经常埋入墙中而隐藏起来,一旦渗漏不能察觉,渗到楼下时,已经造成了损失和不良的影响。

72、3. does not have the mark that sunglasses of any illuminative of big Jin Dayin are him one pair, contracted thing to youth dull insipidity, but the man that can allow maturity however forever young. ─── 3.一副没有任何大金大银装饰的墨镜是他的标志,简约的东西对于年轻人索然无味,但却会让成熟的男人永远年轻。

73、Real wood floor feels comfortable with its foot, the advantage such as natural warmth, high elegance, make material of first selection of people ground illuminative. ─── 实木地板以其脚感舒适、自然温馨、高贵典雅等优点,成为人们地面装饰的首选材料。

74、But different cloth art product, effect of its style, modelling, illuminative will be very different, this is unavoidable give a person dazzling sense. ─── 但是不同的布艺产品,其风格、造型、装饰的效果会大不相同,这不免给人眼花缭乱的感觉。

75、Without any illuminative black or other and brunet desktop, constant regular meeting makes the person has depressing feeling. ─── 没有任何装饰的黑色或其他深色桌面,经常会使人有沉闷的感觉。

76、Although the market is having strong to soft illuminative demand, but the stylist on nowadays market, more just completes the design that decorate. ─── 尽管市场有着对软装饰的强烈需求,但现今市场上的设计师,更多只是完成装修的设计。

77、Indoor stylist people making for how bedroom, the illuminative of the office is more concise and Ming is thought of. ─── 室内设计师们正在为怎样使居室,办公室的装饰的更简洁而瞑思。

78、Litigation law ideas are one section of new law thoughts in repaired law of late Qing Dynasty, the litigation ideas are our valued heritage, they possess the idea illuminative active action. ─── 诉讼法律思想是清末修律时期新法律思潮中的一股,是我们应该借鉴的宝贵遗产,具有思想启蒙的积极作用。


80、Additional, with furniture of natural colophony illuminative also be better choice. ─── 另外,以天然树脂装饰的家具也是较好选择。

81、underwater illuminative light ─── 水下照明灯

82、The advance of scientific knowledge grows rapidly in the illuminative movement, it makes people so assuredness that out of the way. ─── 启蒙运动中科学知识的突飞猛进使人们变得异常自信,人成了单纯的理性动物。

83、To most men, experience is like the stern lights of a ship, which illumin the track it has passed. ----Samuel Coleridge ─── 对多数人而言,经验宛如船的尾灯,只照亮驶过的航班。---塞缪尔。尔雷基

84、What is an illuminative phase of two-step policy? ─── 什么是初学华语“两步走”启蒙教学策略的初级阶段?

85、Use lamplight to distinguish: Illuminative brightness and colour are additionally one kind of method that stylist uses partition of divisional function sex. ─── 利用灯光区分:照明的亮度和色彩是设计师用来区分功能性分区的另外一种手段。

86、The desk lamp of traditional pattern besides have working illuminative effect besides, the light that chimney gives fully also can give a person warm sense. ─── 传统式的台灯除了有工作照明的作用之外,灯罩透出的光线也可以给人暖和的感觉。

87、A method estimating object surface reflection characteristic parameter and illuminative light with color dominical composition ─── 利用颜色主成分估计物体表面反射特性参数及照明光颜色的方法

88、The exemple is some more consistent pure illuminative material, often can let a person be in imperceptible in floriferous on 1000 yuan. ─── 例如一些纯装饰的材料,往往会让人在不知不觉中多花上千元。

89、So, you must understand how to do illuminative design correctly. ─── 所以,你必须了解如何正确地做照明的设计。

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