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09-17 投稿


lavatory 发音

英:['l?v?t(?)r?]  美:['l?v?t?ri]

英:  美:

lavatory 中文意思翻译



lavatory 词性/词形变化,lavatory变形

名词复数: lavatories |

lavatory 短语词组

1、lavatory toilet ─── 卫生间

2、lavatory service ─── 盥洗室服务

3、public lavatory n. ─── 公共厕所

4、folding lavatory ─── 折叠厕所

5、barrier free lavatory ─── 无障碍厕所

6、lavatory slave ─── 盥洗室奴隶

lavatory 相似词语短语

1、lavaform ─── 洗发水

2、natatory ─── adj.[生物]游泳的;用于游泳的

3、amatory ─── adj.恋爱的,情人的

4、laudatory ─── adj.赞美的;赞赏的;称赞的

5、placatory ─── adj.抚慰的;怀柔的;调解的

6、elevatory ─── adj.升高的;向上举的

7、libatory ─── 烈酒

8、lavatera ─── n.花葵属

9、salvatory ─── 救世主

lavatory 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The lavatory and shower facilities are shared -- the hotel is only opened to men. It has also set aside an area for snoring guests. ─── 卫生间和淋浴室是公用的,旅馆只对男士开放。另有单独为打鼾住客准备的房间。

2、New regulation: From now on, the minimum time for lavatory's been limited to30 seconds. ─── 公司新规定,从现在起每次上厕所不得超过三十秒!

3、He made a few more jerky movements up and down, several times, casting a longing glance at the lavatory pan. ─── 他又来回做了几个神经质的动作,好几次眼巴巴地看着便盆。

4、At some point during the boarding process, he left the cockpit, went into the front lavatory, locked the door and continued his conversation. ─── 在乘客登机时,他离开驾驶舱,走到前面的盥洗室,锁上门接着讲电话。

5、Arrived over there, my phut ground lock up small, unlock trousers, go to the lavatory with respect to preparation. ─── 到了那里,我砰地一声把小间锁上,解开裤子,就预备方便。

6、In British English the toilet in private houses is called the lavatory, toilet, WC (dated), or loo (informal). ─── 在英式英语中, 私人住宅中的厕所称为the lavatory、 toilet、 WC(已陈旧)或loo(用於口语).

7、The lavatory cistern overflowed. ─── 厕所水箱的水溢出来了。

8、Later, she locked herself in a lavatory which had a phone and rang a former lover. ─── 后来,她把自己反锁在卫生间里,而在那时来自昔日情人的电话响起了。

9、The use of the lavatory has been suspended during take-off. ─── 在飞机起飞期间,盥洗室暂停使用。

10、Do you want to use the lavatory (or wash your hands)? ─── 你要不要方便一下?

11、Tommy's been to the lavatory three times this morning, but I haven't had any change yet! ─── 今天上午汤米上了三次厕所, 但是我还没有找到小硬币。

12、There's an alcove with a small sink and mirror, and a door to the tiny, but private lavatory. ─── 壁龛里有一个小洗脸盆和一面镜子,还有一扇门通往一个微型但私用的盥洗室。

13、If sit lavatory opposite independence, bath is relatively independent, these spaces around or surround adding up to change clothes, make up space, in order to satisfy personalized requirement. ─── 如坐厕相对独立一间,沐浴相对独立一间,这些空间围绕或围合着更衣、化妆空间,以满足个性化要求。

14、Additional, if go to the lavatory, had better be to consult the data of respect of a few closestool. ─── 另外,假如方便的话,最好是查阅一些马桶方面的资料。

15、The “None/Occupied” placard in forward lavatory is loosening. ─── 前洗手间“有人、无人”标牌松动。

16、Be in same inside toilet, the function that average household place should realize includes to go to the lavatory normally, wash gargle, shower, wash to wash mop, wash the dress to wait even. ─── 在同一个卫生间内,普通家庭所要实现的功能通常包括方便、洗漱、淋浴、浣洗拖把,甚至洗衣服等。

17、Because every time shampoo and employ bath device more troublesome can be on lavatory jacket shower nozzle. ─── 因为每次洗头而动用沐浴设备较麻烦可在洗脸盆上装上莲蓬头。

18、Original, the Bohai Sea is a sea basin, resemble lavatory same, all around tall, among low. ─── 原来,渤海是个大海盆,就像洗脸盆一样,四面高,中间低。

19、Lavatory; Lay. ─── 厕所

20、There be a gentleman 's lavatory on the grind floor . ─── 一层有男厕所。

21、The nearest public lavatory is at the station. ─── 最近的公共厕所在车站。

22、A public waiting room, as in a hotel or an air terminal, often having smoking or lavatory facilities. ─── 休息室一间公共的等候室,比如在宾馆里或飞机终点,经常有吸烟或卫生设备

23、The lavatory won't flush; I've tried flushing it several times, but it won't work. ─── 厕所还是塞住了,我已经试过用水冲了好几次,但没有效果。

24、Public conveniences. In US English it is calledBthe lavatory, toiletborBbathroombin private houses andBthe washroomborBrest-roombin public buildings. ─── 在美式英语中私人住宅中的厕所称为。

25、It was the middle of the morning, and Winston had left the cubicle to go to the lavatory. ─── 一天上午,温斯顿离开办公间,到厕所里去。

26、Shanghai Vivi Electronic Lavatory Ware Co., Ltd. ─── 上海维卫电子洁具有限公司

27、IFOAM uses the special skill or knowledge of each member, the need that lives daily for people opens the door that goes to the lavatory together. ─── IFOAM利用各会员的专长,为人们日常生活的需要打开一道方便之门。

28、In US English it is called...e lavatory,toilet or bathroom in private houses and the washroom or rest-room in public buildings. ─── 在美式英语中私人住宅中的厕所称为the lavatory,toilet或bathroom,在公共建筑物中的称为the washroom或rest-room

29、The dimensional memory that if need to use a station,plays is sundry, can stay on the floor have lift board, access article in order to go to the lavatory. ─── 如需要利用台下的空间存储杂物,可在地板上留有掀板,以方便存取物品。

30、If need to use the space below the stage,store article, still can stay on the floor have lift board, can go to the lavatory so access article. ─── 假如需要利用台下的空间存储物品,还可以在地板上留有掀板,这样就可以方便存取物品了。

31、In US English it is called the lavatory,toilet or bathroom in private houses and the washroom or rest-room in public buildings. ─── 在美式英语中私人住宅中的厕所称为 the lavatory,toilet或 bathroom,在公共建筑物中的称为 the washroom 或 rest-room

32、Online transcribe went to the lavatory the user releases his a few daily action quickly to the net. ─── 在线录制方便了用户将自己的一些日常行为迅速发布到网上。

33、The lavatory is in use. ─── 厕所正在有人使用。

34、But anyhow, compare with full-time copartner, executive president wants a few more evasive the discussion likelihood that produces conflict easily should go to the lavatory a few. ─── 但无论如何,与全职合伙人相比,执行总裁要回避一些轻易产生冲突的讨论可能要方便一些。

35、He got up, left the compartment, and went along the corridor, picking his way over suitcases and kitbags and bodies, to the lavatory . ─── 他起身走出卧厢,沿着过道小心翼翼地跨过箱子,帆布袋,躲过横七竖八的人体,朝厕所走去。

36、In British English the toilet in private houses is called the lavatory, toilet,WC(dated),or loo(informal). ─── 在英式英语中,私人住宅中的厕所称为the lavatory,toilet,WC(已陈旧)或loo(用于口语).

37、He plumped his large posterior into the lavatory pan. ─── 他的大屁股坐到了便盆上。

38、The rebels labeled the labor laboring in the laborafter effect 大纲atory and lavatory. ─── 反叛者给在实验室和舆洗室劳动的劳工贴上标签。

39、He put thumbtacks on the teacher's chair.He threw spitballs across the classroom.He set off firecrackers in the lavatory and spread glue on the doorknobs. ─── 他在老师的椅子上放图钉,在教室里扔纸团,在厕所里放鞭炮,还在门把上沫胶水。

40、No woman was admitted to this back room, except Louison, the dish-washer of the cafe, who passed through it from time to time, to go to her washing in the "lavatory. ─── 任何女人都是不许进入那后厅的,除了那个洗杯盘的女工路易松,她不时从洗碗间穿过厅堂走向“实验室”。

41、Where is the lavatory? ─── 厕所在哪里?

42、Going to the toilet or is it the lavatory or the loo? ─── 可以用下洗手间吗?我要去厕所方便一下!我要尿尿!

43、During the bidding process for public lavatory cleaning services, the company did not achieve the highest performance marks among many bidders, but still won the tender. ─── 公清洁服务合约:在竞投过程中,尽管该公司跟众多投标者比较,得分不是最高,却仍中标。

44、The issues of independence and gender identity will be weighed against the prospect that a child molester may be lurking in the lavatory. ─── 她将在两个选择之间权衡一番:尊重孩子的独立和性别意识,还是让他进男厕所冒险被潜在的儿童性骚扰者侵害?

45、You mean that is the only lavatory in your store? ─── 你是说你们公司里只有1个洗手间吗?

46、Go out of the room and turn right, you will find the lavatory. ─── 出门向右直走您就可以看见卫生间了。

47、In the part of sufficiency of activity facilities, it has a higher attention in lavatory and pavement system for the all activities except tennis sport. ─── 在休閒运动设施充足性部分,对厕所及无障碍步道系统项目,除网球运动重视度偏低外,其他活动皆呈现高度重视;

48、We told him that it was all right, and asked a male guard to take him to the lavatory. ─── 我们告诉他没关系的,并叫一个男空保带他去了厕所。

49、His body was flung across the cell and fetched up against the base of the lavatory seat. ─── 他的身体倒到牢房另一头去,掉在便盆的底座前。

50、An unemployed man goes to try for a job with Microsoft as a Lavatory cleaner. ─── 一名失业的人到微软去应徵一份实验室清洁员的工作。

51、His mute and illiterate mother, and her extended family, raised her two sons in a small flat in Algiers with neither a lavatory nor running water. ─── 原译:加缪的母亲沉默寡言、目不识丁,她和家人共同抚养两个儿子,住在阿尔及利亚的一套小公寓里,没有厕所也没有自来水。

52、The lavatory windows are made of translucent glass. ─── 厕所窗户是用半透明玻璃做的。

53、The lavatory is vacant. ─── 厕所现在无人使用。

54、Only passengers seated in window seats ever have to get up to go to the lavatory. ─── 只有坐在窗口的旅客才会起来上洗手间。

55、A visitor to London's National Gallery hid when the museum closed for the night and made off, through a lavatory window, with Goya's painting “The Duke of Wellington”. ─── 一游客白天进入伦敦国立美术馆,趁闭馆之时藏匿下来,轻而易举得手西班牙画家戈雅(1746-1828)的名画“威灵顿的公爵”,然后从一厕所窗户携画而逃。

56、Public conveniences,In US English it is called the lavatory,toilet or bathroom be in private houses and the washroom or rest-room be in public buildings. ─── 公共厕所在美式英语中称为“lavatory”,在私人住宅中的厕所称为“toilet”或者“bathroom”,在公共建筑中称为“washroom”或者“rest-room”。

57、The Emilio Carranza School's freshly painted walls, new lavatory doors and flower-beds show a way forward. ─── 埃米利奥·卡兰萨学校新粉刷的墙壁、新的厕所门和花床为我们指明了前进的道路。

58、There is a lavatory at the station. ─── 列车员: 车站上有公共厕所。

59、I got an antique tub with a faucet trickling down in the small lavatory. ─── 我的卧室紧挨着楼下的客厅,小卫生间里老式澡盆的水龙头滴滴答答地漏水。

60、Gush out the surface in the lavatory basin, does not need shampooing hard , can remove the rust of spots to steep , leave the fresh and disinfecting smell . ─── 喷在厕盆内表面,不需要用力洗擦,便能清除污渍锈渍,留下清新消毒的气味。

61、Tommy's been to the lavatory three times this morning,but I haven't had any change yet! ─── 今天上午汤米上了三次厕所,但是我还没有找到小硬币。

62、But at the same time, this kind goes to the lavatory make we have more and more time to lap our in small comfortable scope of operation, do not agree to move, do not agree to walk. ─── 可同时,这种方便使我们有越来越多的时间把自己包裹在小小的舒适天地里,不肯动,不肯走路。

63、In archaic Egypt, farmer people plow to go to the lavatory to walk on loose land, add heelpiece then tall. ─── 在古代埃及,农民们为了方便在疏松的土地上行走耕作,于是将鞋后跟加高。

64、Generally speaking, of straight strong pattern sit lavatory somes the noise of strong water is big and turn over flavour easily. ─── 一般来说,直冲式的坐厕冲水的噪音大些而且易反味。

65、Lavatory smoke detection indication is an optional feature that is available. ─── 厕所烟雾探测指示是一个可选装配件。

66、Easily accessible, completely the luminosity is good, there are district gardens. The large balcony of lavatory of independent kitchen, build the bridal chamber hard-coverly. ─── 交通便利,透光度好,有小区花园。独立厨厕大阳台,精装修新房。

67、Mother!@ he said, @I want to go to the lavatory. ─── “妈妈

68、He described America's system of government, themodest living of the president and how New Englanders were so industrious thatthey used their time on the lavatory to read. ─── 他向人们描述了美国的政治体系,总统制下的优越生活以及新英格兰人民的社会如何的工业化以至于连上厕所的时间都被利用起来读书读报。

69、Can close the lower part of lavatory rise, catharsis articles for use hides inside, sex of whole of the illuminative between the Wei Yu that finish. ─── 可以将洗脸盆的下方封闭起来,内藏洗涤用品,完成卫浴间装饰的整体性。

70、Is the lavatory vacant? ─── 厕所里没有人吧?

71、For a couple of minutes he had the feeling that he would die if he did not reach a lavatory soon. ─── 他好几分钟都觉得,如果不赶紧找个厕所他就憋不住了。

72、Hospital lavatory shall have independent exhaust. ─── 医务室卫生间应当有独立的排气管。

73、Lena: In Tokyo! In their toilets, the lavatory pans has heating. ─── 东京,他们的马桶、盥洗盆有热水。

74、See you put where home to go to the lavatory quite to you only. ─── 只看你存哪家对你来说比较方便了。

75、When the cart was not moved after a few minutes, Correa said he ran for the business class lavatory. ─── 几分钟过后,餐车还是没被移开,于是寇瑞亚就跑去商务舱的厕所。

76、Outer packing uses the translucent pitcher of double interlining, accessary a delicate and practical powdery bottom small spoon with going to the lavatory you master dosage. ─── 外包装采用双夹层的半透明罐子,并附带一个精致实用的粉底小勺以方便你掌握用量。

77、It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying Beware of the Leopard. ─── 在一间门上写着小心豹子的废弃厕所里某个上锁的文件柜的柜底上。

78、A universal bidet fitting option also is available to complete the Kenzo collection’s full line of lavatory products. ─── 另外,一种通用的坐浴装置将会使高田贤三的盥洗产品系列更加完善。

79、If have a requirement, making dining room with a space alone is optimal, not only go to the lavatory quite when fete friend, decorating go up to also be gotten neatly much. ─── 假如具备条件,单独用一个空间做餐厅是最理想的,不但宴请朋友时比较方便,在布置上也灵活得多。

80、This year, everybody has keep in mind together it is the broaden of line draw a frame round lavatory, thickening, OK to let a person feel strong simple sense. ─── 今年,大家都有志一同的将洗脸盆的线条框加宽、变厚、让人可以感受到扎实的质感。

81、But width sits thinly slightly lavatory, can assure already healthful use the toilet a standard, OK and managing space. ─── 但宽度略瘦的坐厕,既可以保证卫生的如厕标准,又可以节约空间。

82、He got up, left the compartment, and went along the corridor, picking his way over suitcases and kitbags and bodies, to the lavatory. ─── 他起身走出卧厢,沿着过道小心翼翼地跨过箱子,帆布袋,躲过横七竖八的人体,朝厕所走去。

83、It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying Beware of the Leopard. ─── 在一间门上写着小心豹子的废弃厕所里某个上锁的文件柜的柜底上。”

84、The slipcover of sofa of C, cloth art, must whether does microscope disassemble easily, in order to go to the lavatory henceforth the cleanness of in use. ─── C、布艺沙发的沙发套,一定要仔细检查是否易于拆卸,以方便今后在使用中的清洁。

85、Private lavatory and hospital lavatory to be prefabricated type. ─── 个人卫生间和医务室卫生间为预制式。

86、Waiting room, as in a hotel or an air terminal, often having smoking or lavatory facilities. ─── 休息室一间公共的等候室,比如在宾馆里或飞机终点,经常有吸烟或卫生设备。

87、She saw his son , pointing to the Closestool in the lavatory , said: “the room is prepared for you , this is a stool . ─── 她看看儿子,指指洗手间里的马桶:“这是单独给你准备的房间,这是一个凳子。”

88、In British English the toilet in private houses is called the lavatory, toilet, WC, or loo . ─── 在英式英语中, 私人住宅中的厕所称为the lavatory、 toilet、 WC或loo.

89、Tell from medical angle, go to the lavatory already with what method ability, and effective remedial rhinitis? Want specific place! ─── 从医学的角度上讲,用什么方法才能既方便,而又有效的治疗鼻炎?要具体点哦!































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