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09-17 投稿


lustre 发音

英:['l?st?]  美:['l?st?]

英:  美:

lustre 中文意思翻译




lustre 词性/词形变化,lustre变形

动词过去分词: lustrated |形容词: lustrative |动词第三人称单数: lustrates |动词现在分词: lustrating |名词: lustration |动词过去式: lustrated |

lustre 短语词组

1、chalcanthite lustre ─── 铜矾石光泽

2、lustre lipstick ─── 光泽唇膏

3、add lustre to ─── 给...增光

4、lustre naturae ─── [医] 先天畸形(造化的游戏)

5、grease lustre ─── 油脂光泽

6、adamantine lustre ─── 金刚光泽

7、vitreous lustre ─── 玻璃光泽

8、metallic lustre ─── 金属光泽; ─── 金属膜

9、shed lustre on ─── 给...增光

10、degree of lustre ─── 光泽度

11、greasy lustre ( ─── 煤)脂状光辉

12、lustre day ─── 光泽日

lustre 相似词语短语

1、lustra ─── lustrum的复数

2、lustres ─── n.光泽,光彩;vi.有光泽,发亮;vt.使有光泽

3、lustered ─── n.[光]光泽;光彩;vi.有光泽;发亮;vt.使有光泽;n.(Luster)人名;(德)卢斯特尔

4、lustred ─── adj.(尤指陶瓷器皿)虹彩表面的,光亮的;v.有光泽,发亮(lustre的过去式和过去分词)

5、lusterer ─── 加速器

6、aplustre ─── 无光泽的

7、rustre ─── 生锈的

8、delustre ─── v.消去织物的光泽

9、lustrate ─── vt.驱除;举行宗教仪式驱除

lustre 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If be remained only a few when, color thicken, feculence , can add on a bit alcohol diluent, restore original colour and lustre. ─── 假如只剩下少量时,颜色变浓、变浊,可以加上一点乙醇冲淡,恢复原有色泽。

2、Lustre of jewelry reflects the radiance of blue sky. Beautiful dark green reflects the holy sun. Hot wind make me feel the strength of your teachings. Thank you, teacher! ─── 7、宝石的云彩,反向出蓝天的光芒;美丽的碧绿,反射出神圣的太阳;炽热的风啊,是我感受到您的教诲的力量。感谢您啊,教师!

3、His plans were bold and fiery, and his conceptions glowed with barbaric lustre. ─── 他的设计豪放不羁,他的主意如同迸射出的犷悍的火花。

4、Use a tyre dressing to apply a deep black lustre to vehicle tyres and a wheel cleaner to remove brake dust from wheels and rims. ─── 在轮胎上涂抹一层涂料使其呈现深黑色光泽,并用车轮清洗器清除尘埃。

5、The bedroom of children room or furniture are tonal, best with bright, relaxed, cheerful to choose way, might as well on colour and lustre many bits of contrast is lubricious. ─── 儿童房的居室或家具色调,最好以明亮、轻松、愉悦为选择方向,色泽上不妨多点对比色。

6、With quality products featuring good colour and lustre,high precision and strong toughness,as well as good credit,the company is deeply welcomed by foreign customers. ─── 公司以其色泽好、精度高、韧性强的优质产品及良好的商业信誉,深受外商青睐。

7、The brilliant lustre of the shell carving attracted many visitors. ─── 光彩绚丽的贝雕吸引了许多观众。

8、In the song creation, if the extra words are properly used, it will greatly add lustre to the works. ─── 在歌曲创作中,恰当地运用衬词,会使作品的色彩大增。

9、The downside is brand dilution, where a premium brand loses lustre because a larger number of consumers are using it. ─── 不利之处是会造成品牌稀释,即高档品牌会因更多消费者使用而失去光彩。

10、Toilet spreads copy mosaic brick, simple sense does not slip again like crystal person, integral colour and lustre is very harmonious. ─── 卫生间铺仿马赛克砖,水晶般质感又不滑倒人,整体色泽十分和谐。

11、But the cultured pearls have equal lustre and are just as beautiful. ─── 但养珠也跟真珠一样光彩美丽。

12、Floor appropriate uses quietly elegant the colour and lustre of a bit. ─── 地板宜采用淡雅一点的色泽。

13、Appeatance : Shine with grey or dark grey metallic lustre. ─── 外观:表面呈灰色或暗灰色金属光泽。

14、Her hair had lost its lustre. ─── 她的头发失去了光泽。

15、A good name keeps its lustre in the dark. ─── 一个好的名誉在黑暗中也保持它的光辉。

16、If be remained only a few when, color thicken, feculence, can add on a bit alcohol diluent, restore original colour and lustre. ─── 假如只剩下少量时,颜色变浓、变浊,可以加上一点乙醇冲淡,恢复原有色泽。

17、The Personal and the Impersonal are the same thing, like milk and its whiteness, the diamond and its lustre, the snake and its wriggling motion. ─── 人格与非人格是同一回事,就像牛奶和它的洁白,钻石和它的光彩,蛇和它的扭动一样。

18、Accordingly although He lustre city is located in Campagna, having favorable geology to develop a scene however. ─── 因此菏泽市虽地处平原,却有着良好的地质开发情景。

19、Her soft eyes contained in their liquid lustre no suggestion of the knowledge of disappointment. ─── 她的水灵灵的大眼睛里满含着温柔,而没有一丝失意的痕迹。

20、The products are noted for their soft and feeling , fine lustre , good elasticity and strong performance of keeping warm . ─── 主要品种有羊绒大衣呢、兔绒大衣呢、羊驼毛大衣呢、双面呢、顺毛呢、立绒呢、新型粗花呢等。

21、But on the Toronto Stock Exchange, Golden China has lost its lustre. ─── 但是在多伦多证券交易所,金华已失去其原有的光彩。

22、Linen is a hardwearing natural material that gives the fabric a special structure and lustre. ─── 亚麻是一种经久耐用的天然材质,赋予织物特殊的结构和光泽。

23、Truths, on which depends our main concerns...Shine by the side of every path we tread. With such a lustre, he that runs may read. ─── 咱们看到老S对人头一次的温柔就是体现在他们的对话当中,说他们两个没关系?杀了我吧。。。

24、You’ll also find a range of post-firing decoration techniques such as glazing, enamelling and adding lustre. ─── 其核心的技术部分是通过讲故事的方式来介绍的,应用在不同的媒体,添加内容,创造出金属质地的效果,定下尺度,并将你所创造的令人惊奇的艺术品描绘出动感的形态。

25、A good name keeps lustre in the dark. ─── 好的名声在黑暗中。

26、When people is choosing lamps and lanterns, often be done dazzlingly by their colourful colour and lustre and the model that provide distinguishing feature each, be at a loss. ─── 人们在选择灯具时,经常被它们五彩缤纷的色泽和各具特色的造型弄得眼花缭乱、不知所措。

27、Marble has a variety of decorative pattern and colour and lustre, the exterior is showily, but use in the kitchen to do mesa to be met by exterior pore in oiled, clear not easily. ─── 大理石具有多种花纹和色泽,外观华贵,但用在厨房做台面则会由表面的毛孔中浸油,不易清理。

28、Clinic anatomise showed that whole viscus colour and lustre gray, ceroid, liver surface lucency, dropsy, but no extravasate appeared in carp fed diet lack of VE. ─── 临床剖检发现内脏器官整体色泽暗淡,颜色蜡黄,肝脏表面透明,水肿,但没有出现渗出液。

29、Coordinate from bedroom whole say on angle, the colour and lustre that should consider to wait with wall body, furniture, floor is harmonious. ─── 从居室整体协调角度上说,应考虑与墙体、家具、地板等的色泽是否协调。

30、The color and lustre is one of the major quality guideline of pork luncheon meat, its control is directly related to the influx amount of chromogenic reagent (nitrite) . ─── 午餐肉的色泽是一项重要的质量指标,色泽的控制与发色剂(亚硝酸盐)的添加量有直接的关系。

31、Not only the assiduous learning displays oneself physical ability the superiority, obtains the excellent result on each big situation, adds lustre to for the alma mater. ─── 不仅勤奋学习更发挥自己体能的优势,在各大赛势上都取得优异成绩,为母校增光。

32、Close predestined relationship concerns: Think lustre purge order, forgbit eye and Ci alga eye are close predestined relationship commonly. ─── 亲缘关系: 一般认为泽泻目.水鳖目及茨藻目为近缘。

33、Process of making lustre glaze by metal oxide as colouring agent was narrated. ─── 叙述了以金属氧化物为着色剂的虹彩釉的制作过程。

34、If we have been partakers with Jesus in his shame, we shall be sharers with him in the lustre which shall surround him when he appears again in glory. ─── 倘若我们曾经在耶稣所受的羞辱中有份,当祂再来的时候,我们就可以分享祂的荣耀。

35、As the day advanced ,the sun came out with a brighter lustre. ─── 天渐渐放亮,太阳出来,放射着加灿烂的光芒。

36、Inferior lumber or yellow heart wood not only yellow brown of colour and lustre, woodiness is very loose also. ─── 劣质木材或黄心木等不仅色泽黄褐,木质也十分松软。

37、They the means with oneself is plump picture, character, building, calm tamp and colour and lustre is full. ─── 它们以自己的方式丰满着画面、人物、房屋,沉静夯实而色泽饱满。

38、Is lascivious online content, traditionally on top, losing its lustre? ─── 在线淫秽内容历来风行,但如今渐入颓势?

39、Her eyes lost their lustre. ─── 她的眼睛失去了光泽。

40、The lustre of some of New Star's managers faded, notably that of Stephen Whittaker, the former joint chief investment officer. ─── 一些新星的基金经理头上的光环已经褪去,特别是前任联合首席投资官史蒂芬?维托克。

41、The Meihua Brand 20/22D white steam filature produced by our company is pure white with pearly lustre, even stripe, small deviation and good cleanliness. ─── 公司生产的梅花牌20/22D白厂丝,其丝色洁白、呈珠光状,条份均匀、偏差小、洁净度好。

42、Linen is a hardwearing natural material with structure and lustre. ─── 亚麻是一种结构和光泽俱佳的天然材料。

43、Ultramarine is the most common blue inorganic pigment. It is compound with sulfur of aluminum silicate, having vivid lustre and pure colour. ─── 凯乐福群青的出现,把中国群青提升了一大步,结束了中国群青质量几十年停止不前的局面,并将中国群青颜料推向一个崭新的阶段。

44、The eye shadow of feeling of 1. bead light or metallic colour and lustre, it is to make double eye more aglimmer choice. ─── 1.珠光感或金属色泽的眼影,是令双眸更闪烁的选择。

45、Gloss: The superficial lustre or brightness of a substance. ─── 光泽:物体表面的光度。

46、Whereas contrariwise, persons of worth and merit are most envied, when their fortune continueth long. For by that time, though their virtue is the same, yet it hath not the same lustre; for fresh men grow up that darken it. ─── 但与此相反,品质优秀者则是在他们的好运赓续不断时遭妒最甚,因此时他们的优点虽依然如故,但已不如当初那样耀眼,后起之秀已使其黯然失色。

47、You'll also find a range of post-firing decoration techniques such as glazing, enamelling and adding lustre. ─── 你还会学到很多过火后的装饰工艺,诸如上釉、瓷釉和上光。

48、To provide enterprise wide monitoring, Lustre exports status and configuration information into the SNMP agent, offering a Lustre MIB to the management stations. ─── 为了提供企业级的监控,到管理站。

49、As the day advanced, the sun came out with a brighter lustre. ─── 天渐渐放亮,太阳出来,放射着加灿烂的光芒。

50、The characteristic of emulsioni paint is covering power strong, colour and lustre is downy and abiding, easy construction, can clean etc. ─── 乳胶漆的特点是遮盖力强,色泽柔和持久,轻易施工,可以清洗等。

51、In the spring of coruscate of everythings on earth, the woman that loves the United States how can concessional does oneself color of skin lose the colour and lustre of sample? ─── 在万物焕发的春天,爱美的女子怎能容许自己的肤色失去水样的色泽呢?

52、Poly (propargyl alcohol) obtained is a brown sticky-solid with lustre, and shows semi-conductivity and paramagnetism. ─── 制得带有光泽的褐色粘性固体产物,聚丙炔醇显示半导体及顺磁特性。

53、From July 1996 to Aug 2000, Xiangfan organic chemical co.,ltd, Hubei province,undertaking in the R&D and the production of the Mica pearl lustre pigment. ─── 1996年7月至2000年8月,湖北省襄樊市无机化工总厂(国营),车间技术主任(从事珠光颜料的研发与生产);

54、A good fame keeps its lustre in the dark. ─── 好名声在黑暗中也会光彩照人。

55、The common quality blemish that carpet shop installs has a beat, corrugate, colour and lustre abhorrent become loose with carpet etc. ─── 地毯铺装的常见质量缺陷有起鼓、起皱、色泽不一致和地毯松动等。

56、The pattern contrasts matt effects with the lustre of metallics and gloss accents. ─── “格雷斯”从头到尾都用中性和艳丽的色彩进行印刷,使得无光效果和金属质感与光泽交相辉映。

57、His son's success added lustre to his name. ─── 儿子的成功使他的名声大增。

58、Protects the wood, both on the surface and in depth; gives the surface a fine lustre and prolongs the product's life. ─── 保护木头的表面和内部;保持表面光泽,延长产品使用寿命。

59、Opaque with metallic lustre. ─── 不透明。

60、The general overall appearance of upper should be viewed for naturalness eye-appealing lustre. ─── 鞋面之整体外观必须看起来自然以及吸引人眼光的亮丽和光彩。

61、His deeds add much lustre to his reputation. ─── 他的行为使他声誉大增。

62、The developing process of 83dtex/36F lustre trilobal profiled drafting fibre were introduced firstly and the related technological parameter were also mentioned in this paper. ─── 介绍了有光三叶异形全牵伸丝的研制过程,以及相关的工艺技术参数。

63、As the day advanced, the sun came out with a brighter lustre. ─── 天渐渐放亮,太阳出来,放射着加灿烂的光芒。

64、Actually, want to absorb proper nutrition only, prevent excessive insolation and give or have a permanent wave, catch hair, hair colour and lustre still ameliorable. ─── 其实,只要摄取适当营养,避免过度日晒及烫发、染发,头发色泽仍可改善。

65、Protects the wood, both on the surface and in depth; gives the surface a fine lustre and prolongs the product's life. ─── 保护木头的表面和内部;保持表面光泽,延长产品使用寿命。

66、These pearls had a fine lustre. ─── 这些珍珠有一种细柔的光泽。

67、Benefit Hollywood Glo Body Lustre. ─── 好莱坞闪亮身体膏的详细资料。

68、A man should learn to detect and watch the gleam of light which flashes across his mind from within, more than the lustre of the firmament of bards and sages. ─── 一个人应该学会把更多的精力放在窥视从自己心灵深处发出的,从心头一闪而过的微光上,而不是放在关注诗人与圣哲已造就的天空中那有目共睹的光辉上。

69、Its hardness suggest: firmness and loyalty, and its lustre projects purity and beauty. ─── 其坚硬性表示坚强和忠诚,其光泽表现纯洁和美丽。

70、We can make all kinds of products which have good quality, steady performance, nice colorand lustre, long service lifetime. ─── 可以按客户需求做各种规格,产品质量上乘,性能稳定、光色好、寿命长.

71、They gave a lack lustre performance. ─── 他们的演出死气沉沉.

72、But I console myself with the lustre it's already bringing to our practice. ─── 不过,能安慰我的是,我们的事业因之灿然生辉。

73、Accordingly, colour and lustre is gentle nature, anti-fouling prevent slippery archaize brick. ─── 因此,色泽柔和自然、防污防滑的仿古砖。

74、Her Na Jinzong's lubricious grace double lip, be like the Shui Runliang like bud lustre, send out implicative classic beauty, expression gives high and rich heart. ─── 她那金棕色的优雅双唇,有如蓓蕾般水润亮泽,散发含蓄的古典之美,表达出高贵而丰富的内心。

75、The latter two rock types have a slaty to schistose structure, they are green in fresh state and show a silvery lustre on foliation planes. ─── 后两种岩类有着从板状构造向片状构造的发展趋势,在清新状态下呈绿色,并在叶理面上显示一种银色光泽。

76、presence of the prince added lustre to the occasion. ─── 王子的出现给那场面增添了光彩。

77、Her hair had lost its lustre. ─── 她的头发失去了光泽。

78、Well, natural pearls are of higher value, but the cultured pearls have equal lustre and are just as beautiful. ─── 嗯,珍珠的价值更高。不过实际上,养珠也跟真珠一样光彩美丽。

79、By Feburary 2005 before, will Jinan comes bound of look forward to, power sea reachs He lustre, big Gao Zhilu the construction of 8 freeways start working such as lacteal hill. ─── 2005年2月底前,将有济南至菏泽、大高至鲁冀界、威海至乳山等8条高速公路开工建设。

80、Besides these glories, he shone in the lustre of a new pair of boots and an extremely stiff and shiny hat. ─── 除了这些华丽壮观以外,他还体面地穿着一双新皮鞋,戴着一顶又硬又亮的礼帽。

81、Her reputation as an effective conciliator and a determined negotiator has gained in lustre. ─── 她赢得了有效调解者和坚定谈判者的名声。

82、Since the late nineteenth century, a glittering galaxy of artists and men of letters have made their homes in Shanghai and theirwork has added lustre to the city as a centre of modern and contemporary Chinese art and literature. ─── 中国近、现代文化名人在上海的活动,使得上海为中国近、现代文化平添了无限的光彩。

83、Well,natural pearls are of higher value,but the cultured pearls have equal lustre and are just as beautiful. ─── 嗯,真珠的价值更高。不过实际上,养珠也跟真珠一样光彩美丽。

84、Lustre authentication will support Kerberos 5 and PKI mechanisms as a backend for authentication. ─── 一个提供安全会话通信的开放的标准支持身份验证,数据一致性和数据机密行。

85、Man-made stone colour and lustre is much, the exterior is luxuriant, won't suck again smeary, color is rich, become mesa of high-grade kitchen first selection. ─── 人造石色泽多,外观华丽,又不会吸油污,颜色丰富,成为高档的厨房首选台面。

86、The fame of Washington stands apart from every other in history shining with a truer lustre and a more benignant glory. ─── 华盛顿在历史人物中独树一帜。他的声望放射出更为纯正的异彩和更为慈祥的光辉。

87、The sun was shining with uncommon lustre. ─── 太阳放射出异常的光彩。

88、They are mixed with animal glue and ox bile to make the lustre stay. ─── 它们与动物胶和牛胆汁混合可以保持光泽。

89、Overlong fermentation period resulted in the pit mud dry, pale colour and lustre, coarse, and bad strength of the fermenting grains which could influence the liquor quality. ─── 发酵周期过长可引起窖泥发干,糟醅的色泽暗、发黄、显糙、不柔熟、骨力差等现象,影响酒的产质。





◎ 水积聚的地方:大泽。湖泽。润泽(潮湿)。沼泽。

◎ 金属或其他物体发出的光亮:光泽。色泽。

◎ 恩惠:恩泽。

◎ 洗濯。

◎ 汗衣,内衣。


◎ 泽

damp lustre pond pool。






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